Okay, to assuage the grief of the Lost Mourners, here’s a bit of inside info from Entertainment Weekly.
How does Hurley go from clean-shaven in flashbacks to stubbly on the island? Oscar-winning make-up artist LaPorte and his electrostatic flocking tool.
“I apply glue to his face, then hair flies out and sticks. I can trim it so it looks like a quarter-inch beard,” says LaPorte, who’s also used the device on Dominic Monaghan and Terry O’Quinn. “Matthew [Fox] has somehow escaped the bullet.”
I’m playing a mean trick on Mr. Nature. He stayed up until 4:30 last night watching the Sci-Fi channel so he’s exhausted and went to bed a little while ago. That’s my cue to get into bed and get real chatty. Teach that TV addict a lesson.
Wait, even in New York it’s only 10:30! It’s not late at all!! All this time I’ve been cutting everyone slack because I’m on the west coast, but it just occurred to me — you guys aren’t in Europe, for goodness sake!
out of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It’s a rental w/ an out of state owner and a 1st. class ass of a prop mgr. Been a continuing prob. the 10 yrs I’ve been here.
Yes heat and shedding. If he doesn’t get a haircut in summer, you’ll be sitting and all of a sudden a little turf of hair will float by. He sheds horribly.
I’m starting to lag hard, too, so I’m going to revert into lurk mode and probably lie down before too long, myself. Nighty-night, {{{Cafe}}}. And I’m glad you’re still alive, dada! 🙂
Okay, kids. I’ve got a 2-hour Alias episode to watch, so I’ll see you later. Be good and play nice while I’m gone! And don’t hurt anyone with that electrostatic flocking machine!
Anyone here (and up) from DC? I was wondering if there was anywhere to listen to bluegrass in the DC area. My spousal unit and I are in town for a bit of “unpleasantness”, (other than delivering a blossom to a certain congressperson’s office) and, well, it helps to think of something positive.
pot meet kettle…got it covered…check the calendar Kidspeak, also 88.5 FM radio in DC…community sponsored public radio, used to be very good…should help make your stay more, or as, enjoyable as possible.
20 comments, I go write a reply on my diary and come back and by the time I’ve read from 21-85 it’s 110.
Did ya get your camera yet?
I’ve been reading the manual… OMG these things are like miniature computers or something. I think I’d better focus on getting a grip on the one I’ve got before I move up to the next level.
Not yet — possibly this w/e. The only thing that’s holding me back right now is absolute fear. The reality over the idea is taking a bit to get used to.
I can’t believe you’re reading the manual! You have to try out every feature at least once. And show us. Okay, that last bit was not serious (well, maybe a little.) I bet you could take some great panorama shots — do you have that feature (stitching pix)?
Well, the manual I got with it has been AWOL for quite a while. Only the Spanish one remains. No doubt I’ll find the orig under a pile somewhere here in the office.
Yeah the old cafe, seems I’ve been running behind all day. And looks like more of the same for tomorrow. Suppose to meet up with 3 diff people tomorrow, so I’m tring to schedule that and keep track of my diary too.
I admire your ability to juggle so many things at once, and so well! Forgive me that I’ve not been able to read your most recent diary yet, but I did run quick and recommend this morning while I was sneaking BT and coffee at work. I’m most assured that it will be very good, as yours always are (even if I don’t comment much there, usually due to time restraints). Looking forward to it!
Hey, did you get all that snow ND got today? Or were you far enough east that you missed it all? I hoping for the latter, for your sake!
snow was all out in west. Just intermittent light rain here in Fargo today.
“ability to juggle”, ha lol, tell that to my old friend who I was suppose to meet at the Fargo Theatre a week ago, Monday, and didn’t remember until Tuesday night, ha! Good that we’ve know each other for a few decades… he said I could buy the beer next time we met…
I’m impressed with anyone who has the patience to wade through one of my nonviolent struggle diaries. Telling people to go buy a book doesn’t work very well either though, so what to do.
Sometimes there just ain’t no way to do a Reader Digest condensed version… some issues just don’t lend themselves to simultaneous dumbing down and condensing.
So I’ve tried to preserve as much as possible and still make it palatable. Somewhat of a challenge, obviously.
All the FBC people have been great at giving it the initial push start, which I very much appreciate. And I try to reciprocate whenever possible.
I keep checking for comments days after they drop the rec list, so no one should hesitate to post on account of diary age.
Good to hear that, NDD… both about the weather, and the fact you spare nothing in your diaries, and do check for comments later. It may take me a day or two, given the insane workload this week, but I do try to catch up at night, even if it does mean I stay up way too late (as you know!).
Hear you on the prodding… I’ve got to get going on my gardening diaries before the season gets away from me, and I lose the opportunity to “chronicle” what I’m doing, as well as put my political spin on it. I do intend to get started real soon though, maybe even this coming weekend, once I get more clean up done in the garden…
I do a little gardening in about a 12 x 18 plot at my country location. It ain’t any bigger than that due to deer and having chickenwire fence about 6′ high all around it. Otherwise nothing is left for the human to eat.
We used landscaping cloth inbetween the rows, so if a week of two goes by we don’t have knee high weeds to pull. Works really well, other than the intial costs. With intermittenent care there’s no other way we could do it.
Nighty, Night, OLIVIA! I will do my best to pop in sometime during the day if I can to say hello. Otherwise, I will see you in the evening cafe/lounge!
Rest well and banish the funk… I’m doing my best to do that myself 🙂
Plant lots of daffodils next fall… deer hate em! There are a lot of other deer repellent bulbs and plants you can use as well… I’ll keep you in mind when I find more that are hardy to your zone and pass them along to you.
That’s the sort of thing I also want to do in these planned diaries… maybe devote a few hours every weekend to being “live” to answer questions or have people post them and I’ll address them later. The ultimate goal is to get some chapters together for a book I’ve been planning for a couple of years. And the BT crowd is so smart and kind, I’d like to pass on what I know while I perfect what I want to write. Anyhoo… 🙂
It seem we have such a tremendous challenge ahead of us. I just hope people will see the need to make some sort of contribution to the effort which fits their temperament and personal circumstances. Every little bit helps, regardless of what one is able to do.
Just dropped by to 4-bomb and recommend. What a long day just soaking soaking up the total total beauty of the planet we live on. I did my best to be a walking beauty sponge. Have digital camera will be waking-beauty-sponge to the best of my ability.
All this and no nap! I feel one coming on suddenly.
If you’re still there … have to put my 2 biscuits’ worth here and post a pup pic or two… Here’s Queen Pepa from March, 2005 ready to stir up a ball game…
It was a slightly better, but very busy day report writing <gag>. I did manage to sneak a couple of comments in the Happy Hour lounge before I left work, but have been busy since I got home. I spent an hour and a half vacuuming up spruce needles under the tree in the back and bagging them up, but I’m maybe only half way through it all! That tree is so messy… but at least my heavy duty shop vac does a great job. The pups spent the whole time out there with me, and oddly enough it was the nicest part of the day… the clouds finally blew away and it was sunny and breezy the whole time. Then in for KO and a couple of my favorite shows tonight… South Park was a riot tonight. The lawsuit from Oprah should be coming any time now… hehe.
How are YOU? Is your funk lifting any? Sounds like you’re excited about that new toy you’re getting! When (if) I ever get everything figured out about my Fuji, maybe I’ll be in the market for a new one, but I think it’s done a great job so far for this amateur flower pic taker. 🙂
We had about 12 large (like 5ft tall) yard waste bags this morning for p/up. And that’s just the back yard, which we still haven’t finished, not the front at all. 🙂 Ahhh spring … 🙂
I am funk-free for the rest of the week, I’ve decided. Yes — I hope to have the new camera soon. I may not produce anything w/ it for some time, but we’ll see how steep that learning curve is… 🙂
Good to hear that! Think tulips… oh, and I found some crocus from last year tonight that I think you’ll like … these bloomed so quick this year that I didn’t get any pics of them, but this one from last year is lovely, I think… they should banish the rest of your funk, I hope. 🙂
Oh, and those bags… we put out 7 last week and we will have at least 6 more to put out tomorrow night and we’re about 1/2 done with the back yard… and we only bag the stuff we can’t use in the compost (such as sticks and spruce needles and stuff). We’ll be there in about a week though I think!
He is slightly miffed that Pepa gets most of the attention, so here he is, putting on his charming best…
Is he handsome or what? My sister has always said he has “such an honest face.” And not a mean bone in his body…unless you’re a squirrel or rabbit!
I’m sure he appreciates it! Not bad for an old guy of 13 (in this pic… he’s 14 now), huh? He’s the sweetest, kindest pup you’d ever want to meet, though unfortunately he’s slowing down a bit now, but he’s still got a lot of life left in him we think. Pepa is very sweet too, but a pure terrier… pushy, impatient, willful and way too smart for her own good. They make a very good yin/yang pair, and they love each other dearly, it’s clear. They were best buddies from the first time they met almost 9 years ago.
As to how they do with the gardens? They are, for the most part, very respectful of things. They know their boundaries, and when they do overstep and are called on it, they back off immediately. They innately understand that all the work we put into the flowers means a lot to us, so they are nearly perfect in their behavior. We are so fortunate to have them, and they mean the world to us… best kids in the world!
You guys sure make me lonesome for a new dogfriend. I’ve had combo rat terrier and chihuahua and then a border collie that both lived to 12-14. Couple of the best friends I ever had.
I’m hoping we can get a fence up here in the city, then we’ll get one.
the perfect dog will find you. I truly believe this. Let me digress a bit about dogs, if I may… in Jan. 1991, on the eve of Gulf War I (literally.. it was 1/21), some of my students decided I needed a dog, and dragged me to the Humane Society. (I was living, single and miserable, in FL at the time.) I found Coco, a Cardigan Corgi-Dalmatian mix there and fell in love immediately, adopted her and took her home.
I dubbed her my “war dog” and vowed she’d help me get through it all, and she did. And then some. Little did I know she was 8 at the time, but the 5 years I had her were some of the most rewarding in my life … she knew what I thought before I did … what we were going to do before I did… she was truly psychic, and the sweetest, best friend I’d had in years. She literally saved my life from depression and a few suicide attempts. I still believe I owe my life to her, and cherish her memory.
She became very ill with mast cell cancer in 1995, and towards the end of some tough times, several surgeries and battles, and when it looked like she would pull through, I decided to get another dog to keep her company. That’s where Pepa entered the picture… at the time I questioned the wisdom of this decision, because Coco died 2 months later, but I am convinced, to this day, that she passed on wisdom to Pepa, and that in some small way she still lives on in her.
Pepa was far from the perfect dog at first, in fact she was a pure demon for a year or so. But in 1997, something “clicked” in her, and she has been wonderful ever since … and sometimes I can almost see Coco shining through her eyes, even though they are both very very different dogs. Regardless of that, I think what I’m trying to say is that when the right dog finds you, you will know. And the bond, as you well know, is one of the most rewarding things we humans can ever know, in my not so humble opinion.
I have been around and had dogs my entire life. In fact, many of my earliest memories are of the dogs in the family.
The human-dog connection goes back millennia and, frankly, I think dogs keep us around because we, some of us anyway, are easy to train and pretty low maintenance on their part.
And you’re right, every dog I’ve shared my life with it was like they chose me…kind of like naming…they have always let me know whta their names are…I’ve never had a choice in the matter.
I’m one of those people who believe that dogs are innately better than people, and when they (as wolves) cast their lot with us, they made a deal with the devil. We have failed them countless more times than they ever have failed us. We have a lot to live up to, and that’s why, for as I long as I live, there will be a place in my life for dogs.
Funny you should say that about the names… I chose Pepa’s name because I saw her strong, willful spirit at the Rescue League when I was visiting her there for a week or so before I adopted her … I had just been watching Almodovar’s Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown a lot, and the main character’s name was Pepa … a strong, willful woman who was uncompromising, yet ultimately loving. Little did I know I had picked the perfect name for her … or HAD I? Hmm, you make me wonder about that!
You probably know this old, silly joke about the insomniac agnostic? He lies awake all night, wondering if there really is a DOG.
Cheers, my friend, time for me to go to bed and dislodge the bed warmers who prepare my space, then grumble at me when I try to claim it… LOL.
Thanks for comments. Both your comments and dada’s ring true according to my experience also.
I just burnt up the last of my energy replying to dada over at my diary, so now since I’m nearing a catatonic state I do have to hang it up for the night.
I’ve got some great dog stories too, but they’ll have to wait till that song comes around again on the guitar.
Thanks, NDD. We all have those stories, I am sure. Rest well, my friend, and thanks for all you do. Will catch you tomorrow, no doubt! May the green of spring grace your space so very soon!
Just depressed enough about the State Of The Nation to write a diary…
And just realized I forgot the frickin’ beef broth for tomorrow’s dinner — doing a Tuscan Rubbed Beef roast in the slow cooker tomorrow, to be served with baked potatoes and steamed carrots AND asparagus. The asparagus was a total impulse buy; it was sitting right inside the front door of the supermarket. Guess it’s better impulse than the candy bars at the checkout stand. 😉 But now I’ve got to drag the spouse out to the store so I can get the broth…hmmmm, unless I have some beef bouillion in the cupboard…(crosses fingers)
Okay, to assuage the grief of the Lost Mourners, here’s a bit of inside info from Entertainment Weekly.
Thanks Izzy. But the void is still there.
Here, you can re-live the magic at TVgasm.
Where would I be without you Izzy?
Helloooooooo? I guess this empty lounge is my signal that it’s time for bed. Night all.
Sweet dreams, SN!
You better get back here. If I’m up this late, then don’t ever mention geezerhood to me again.
I’m playing a mean trick on Mr. Nature. He stayed up until 4:30 last night watching the Sci-Fi channel so he’s exhausted and went to bed a little while ago. That’s my cue to get into bed and get real chatty. Teach that TV addict a lesson.
Just go to sleep and start snoring. 😉
Wait, even in New York it’s only 10:30! It’s not late at all!! All this time I’ve been cutting everyone slack because I’m on the west coast, but it just occurred to me — you guys aren’t in Europe, for goodness sake!
the ultimate quickie.
is in da house
wuzup dada. How was the day of chain saws?
The day of chainsaws?!? How did I miss this? I’ve been here all day and I have no idea what’s going on.
They were in and out in a couple hours…did a really bad job on the tree.
Only thing I can figure is they’re planning on taking it out…if not, they’re butchers.
I think most of the people who do that around here are still down on the coast cleaning up.
out of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It’s a rental w/ an out of state owner and a 1st. class ass of a prop mgr. Been a continuing prob. the 10 yrs I’ve been here.
I just don’t understand how those guys get away with it.
Well actually I do, but it ain’t right!
w/ a pick-up, a rented trrailer, chainsaws and chipper…no lisc, no skill, no trace…prob. a cash deal, and gone like a bad breeze.
It really ain’t right, because w/ just a modicum of reg maint. that tree probably would have lived another 50 + years…no respect for nature.
Greedy bastards!
I couldn’t agree with ya more.
I just finished the China diary and here it is for the curious
Sorry for the shameless shilling.
No! Don’t be sorry. I’m glad you linked — I’ve been looking forward to this! Okay, now I’ll go read it.
Read and rec’ed.
No, thank you.
consider the cafe officially Love Buddied up 🙂
Definitely just what the cafe needed.
Perfect! What a cute poocher!!
Bud is giving that Sweet Home Alabama look Manny.
Better watch out. 😉
that this was the Sweet Home Alabama look
No that’s the I’m so pissed off at you that I’m going to leave some George apples on you head tonight look.
Is this the famous George?
After a bath and towelling.
Be still my heart … :*
And handsome George!
Now we just need Beautiful Bu — dada!?
Wait until I get his hair cut. Remember the ugliest dog picture I posted. George will make him look handsome.
…that was pretty bad FM. Do you cut him b/c of heat?
Yes heat and shedding. If he doesn’t get a haircut in summer, you’ll be sitting and all of a sudden a little turf of hair will float by. He sheds horribly.
What a cute puppy. Is he (she) a beagle?
Bud loves his beagle cousins but he’s a proud basset hound 🙂
Bud looks so cool. I was telling my brother yesterday that if I ever have another dog after George, it’ll be a Basset Hound.
companions. Very lovable yet have enough fiestiness to be good watchdogs too.
That sounds good to me. Although I love George, never another yapper.
I’ve never seen an ill tempered one. The Basset’s I’ve known have all been Zen Masters…
Perfect for FM.
Great pup pic! Is that a Wipe Your Paws mat there? We have one of those too… slightly different design. But you know, they never use it!
Can’t get any better so I might as well go to bed.
Night everybody.
Almost happy birthday, Olivia!
‘Night, Andi! Sleep well.
Night Andi.
I’m starting to lag hard, too, so I’m going to revert into lurk mode and probably lie down before too long, myself. Nighty-night, {{{Cafe}}}. And I’m glad you’re still alive, dada! 🙂
Night Indy.
Night Andi.
Okay, kids. I’ve got a 2-hour Alias episode to watch, so I’ll see you later. Be good and play nice while I’m gone! And don’t hurt anyone with that electrostatic flocking machine!
As part of my strict vacation schedule, I am off to bed, so that I may sleep in. Good night all.
Night Toni. Thanks for the diary.
Well I’m calling it a night too. It’s starting to cool down somewhat.
Everybody have a good night.
Big day for she who shall not be named tomorrow…<chortle>
Anyone here (and up) from DC? I was wondering if there was anywhere to listen to bluegrass in the DC area. My spousal unit and I are in town for a bit of “unpleasantness”, (other than delivering a blossom to a certain congressperson’s office) and, well, it helps to think of something positive.
DC Bluegrass Union
if dada’s still lurking I’m sure he’ll know though …
pot meet kettle…got it covered…check the calendar Kidspeak, also 88.5 FM radio in DC…community sponsored public radio, used to be very good…should help make your stay more, or as, enjoyable as possible.
…and when I clicked back the chairs were all empty — things get busy fast and taper off the same way it seems.
back into Alias. I forgot how intense this show was!!
same thing’s been happening to me.
20 comments, I go write a reply on my diary and come back and by the time I’ve read from 21-85 it’s 110.
Did ya get your camera yet?
I’ve been reading the manual… OMG these things are like miniature computers or something. I think I’d better focus on getting a grip on the one I’ve got before I move up to the next level.
Not yet — possibly this w/e. The only thing that’s holding me back right now is absolute fear. The reality over the idea is taking a bit to get used to.
I can’t believe you’re reading the manual! You have to try out every feature at least once. And show us. Okay, that last bit was not serious (well, maybe a little.) I bet you could take some great panorama shots — do you have that feature (stitching pix)?
yeah, got it but haven’t tried that yet either.
Well, the manual I got with it has been AWOL for quite a while. Only the Spanish one remains. No doubt I’ll find the orig under a pile somewhere here in the office.
Yeah the old cafe, seems I’ve been running behind all day. And looks like more of the same for tomorrow. Suppose to meet up with 3 diff people tomorrow, so I’m tring to schedule that and keep track of my diary too.
I admire your ability to juggle so many things at once, and so well! Forgive me that I’ve not been able to read your most recent diary yet, but I did run quick and recommend this morning while I was sneaking BT and coffee at work. I’m most assured that it will be very good, as yours always are (even if I don’t comment much there, usually due to time restraints). Looking forward to it!
Hey, did you get all that snow ND got today? Or were you far enough east that you missed it all? I hoping for the latter, for your sake!
snow was all out in west. Just intermittent light rain here in Fargo today.
“ability to juggle”, ha lol, tell that to my old friend who I was suppose to meet at the Fargo Theatre a week ago, Monday, and didn’t remember until Tuesday night, ha! Good that we’ve know each other for a few decades… he said I could buy the beer next time we met…
I’m impressed with anyone who has the patience to wade through one of my nonviolent struggle diaries. Telling people to go buy a book doesn’t work very well either though, so what to do.
Sometimes there just ain’t no way to do a Reader Digest condensed version… some issues just don’t lend themselves to simultaneous dumbing down and condensing.
So I’ve tried to preserve as much as possible and still make it palatable. Somewhat of a challenge, obviously.
All the FBC people have been great at giving it the initial push start, which I very much appreciate. And I try to reciprocate whenever possible.
I keep checking for comments days after they drop the rec list, so no one should hesitate to post on account of diary age.
Good to hear that, NDD… both about the weather, and the fact you spare nothing in your diaries, and do check for comments later. It may take me a day or two, given the insane workload this week, but I do try to catch up at night, even if it does mean I stay up way too late (as you know!).
Hear you on the prodding… I’ve got to get going on my gardening diaries before the season gets away from me, and I lose the opportunity to “chronicle” what I’m doing, as well as put my political spin on it. I do intend to get started real soon though, maybe even this coming weekend, once I get more clean up done in the garden…
I do a little gardening in about a 12 x 18 plot at my country location. It ain’t any bigger than that due to deer and having chickenwire fence about 6′ high all around it. Otherwise nothing is left for the human to eat.
We used landscaping cloth inbetween the rows, so if a week of two goes by we don’t have knee high weeds to pull. Works really well, other than the intial costs. With intermittenent care there’s no other way we could do it.
I’m off to bed. See you both tomorrow.
Nighty, Night, OLIVIA! I will do my best to pop in sometime during the day if I can to say hello. Otherwise, I will see you in the evening cafe/lounge!
Rest well and banish the funk… I’m doing my best to do that myself 🙂
Plant lots of daffodils next fall… deer hate em! There are a lot of other deer repellent bulbs and plants you can use as well… I’ll keep you in mind when I find more that are hardy to your zone and pass them along to you.
That’s the sort of thing I also want to do in these planned diaries… maybe devote a few hours every weekend to being “live” to answer questions or have people post them and I’ll address them later. The ultimate goal is to get some chapters together for a book I’ve been planning for a couple of years. And the BT crowd is so smart and kind, I’d like to pass on what I know while I perfect what I want to write. Anyhoo… 🙂
You’ve given us a lot to think about.
It seem we have such a tremendous challenge ahead of us. I just hope people will see the need to make some sort of contribution to the effort which fits their temperament and personal circumstances. Every little bit helps, regardless of what one is able to do.
Hey, Olivia — you inspired me to read the manual on mine, too! And it evidently does have a macro setting, but I haven’t tried it yet.
You’ll have to try it out and let us know/see how it goes.
Wow, perfect, Dada. Just what I wanted! Thanks a lot.
I am much happier already.
Just dropped by to 4-bomb and recommend. What a long day just soaking soaking up the total total beauty of the planet we live on. I did my best to be a walking beauty sponge. Have digital camera will be waking-beauty-sponge to the best of my ability.
All this and no nap! I feel one coming on suddenly.
All the angst of quitting seems have have been neutralized…Good on you!
How much longer ’till you go down to LA?
You sound so happy — it’s wonderful! Yes, please share! 🙂
If you’re still there … have to put my 2 biscuits’ worth here and post a pup pic or two… Here’s Queen Pepa from March, 2005 ready to stir up a ball game…

How y’all durrin?
Did you have a better day? I didn’t see you pop in so I’m thinking it must have been busy…
I’ve been wondering how Pepa mixes w/ your gardens. Any problems?
It was a slightly better, but very busy day report writing <gag>. I did manage to sneak a couple of comments in the Happy Hour lounge before I left work, but have been busy since I got home. I spent an hour and a half vacuuming up spruce needles under the tree in the back and bagging them up, but I’m maybe only half way through it all! That tree is so messy… but at least my heavy duty shop vac does a great job. The pups spent the whole time out there with me, and oddly enough it was the nicest part of the day… the clouds finally blew away and it was sunny and breezy the whole time. Then in for KO and a couple of my favorite shows tonight… South Park was a riot tonight. The lawsuit from Oprah should be coming any time now… hehe.
How are YOU? Is your funk lifting any? Sounds like you’re excited about that new toy you’re getting! When (if) I ever get everything figured out about my Fuji, maybe I’ll be in the market for a new one, but I think it’s done a great job so far for this amateur flower pic taker. 🙂
We had about 12 large (like 5ft tall) yard waste bags this morning for p/up. And that’s just the back yard, which we still haven’t finished, not the front at all. 🙂 Ahhh spring … 🙂
I am funk-free for the rest of the week, I’ve decided. Yes — I hope to have the new camera soon. I may not produce anything w/ it for some time, but we’ll see how steep that learning curve is… 🙂
Good to hear that! Think tulips… oh, and I found some crocus from last year tonight that I think you’ll like … these bloomed so quick this year that I didn’t get any pics of them, but this one from last year is lovely, I think… they should banish the rest of your funk, I hope. 🙂

Oh, and those bags… we put out 7 last week and we will have at least 6 more to put out tomorrow night and we’re about 1/2 done with the back yard… and we only bag the stuff we can’t use in the compost (such as sticks and spruce needles and stuff). We’ll be there in about a week though I think!
I can’t wait to be done w/ the bagging too!
He is slightly miffed that Pepa gets most of the attention, so here he is, putting on his charming best…

Is he handsome or what? My sister has always said he has “such an honest face.” And not a mean bone in his body…unless you’re a squirrel or rabbit!
His face is so gentle looking! I noticed that right away IVG. You BTers all have such wonderful doggies.
I’m sure he appreciates it! Not bad for an old guy of 13 (in this pic… he’s 14 now), huh? He’s the sweetest, kindest pup you’d ever want to meet, though unfortunately he’s slowing down a bit now, but he’s still got a lot of life left in him we think. Pepa is very sweet too, but a pure terrier… pushy, impatient, willful and way too smart for her own good. They make a very good yin/yang pair, and they love each other dearly, it’s clear. They were best buddies from the first time they met almost 9 years ago.
As to how they do with the gardens? They are, for the most part, very respectful of things. They know their boundaries, and when they do overstep and are called on it, they back off immediately. They innately understand that all the work we put into the flowers means a lot to us, so they are nearly perfect in their behavior. We are so fortunate to have them, and they mean the world to us… best kids in the world!
You guys sure make me lonesome for a new dogfriend. I’ve had combo rat terrier and chihuahua and then a border collie that both lived to 12-14. Couple of the best friends I ever had.
I’m hoping we can get a fence up here in the city, then we’ll get one.
Makes me want a couple myself… 🙂
the perfect dog will find you. I truly believe this. Let me digress a bit about dogs, if I may… in Jan. 1991, on the eve of Gulf War I (literally.. it was 1/21), some of my students decided I needed a dog, and dragged me to the Humane Society. (I was living, single and miserable, in FL at the time.) I found Coco, a Cardigan Corgi-Dalmatian mix there and fell in love immediately, adopted her and took her home.
I dubbed her my “war dog” and vowed she’d help me get through it all, and she did. And then some. Little did I know she was 8 at the time, but the 5 years I had her were some of the most rewarding in my life … she knew what I thought before I did … what we were going to do before I did… she was truly psychic, and the sweetest, best friend I’d had in years. She literally saved my life from depression and a few suicide attempts. I still believe I owe my life to her, and cherish her memory.
She became very ill with mast cell cancer in 1995, and towards the end of some tough times, several surgeries and battles, and when it looked like she would pull through, I decided to get another dog to keep her company. That’s where Pepa entered the picture… at the time I questioned the wisdom of this decision, because Coco died 2 months later, but I am convinced, to this day, that she passed on wisdom to Pepa, and that in some small way she still lives on in her.
Pepa was far from the perfect dog at first, in fact she was a pure demon for a year or so. But in 1997, something “clicked” in her, and she has been wonderful ever since … and sometimes I can almost see Coco shining through her eyes, even though they are both very very different dogs. Regardless of that, I think what I’m trying to say is that when the right dog finds you, you will know. And the bond, as you well know, is one of the most rewarding things we humans can ever know, in my not so humble opinion.
I have been around and had dogs my entire life. In fact, many of my earliest memories are of the dogs in the family.
The human-dog connection goes back millennia and, frankly, I think dogs keep us around because we, some of us anyway, are easy to train and pretty low maintenance on their part.
And you’re right, every dog I’ve shared my life with it was like they chose me…kind of like naming…they have always let me know whta their names are…I’ve never had a choice in the matter.
I’m one of those people who believe that dogs are innately better than people, and when they (as wolves) cast their lot with us, they made a deal with the devil. We have failed them countless more times than they ever have failed us. We have a lot to live up to, and that’s why, for as I long as I live, there will be a place in my life for dogs.
Funny you should say that about the names… I chose Pepa’s name because I saw her strong, willful spirit at the Rescue League when I was visiting her there for a week or so before I adopted her … I had just been watching Almodovar’s Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown a lot, and the main character’s name was Pepa … a strong, willful woman who was uncompromising, yet ultimately loving. Little did I know I had picked the perfect name for her … or HAD I? Hmm, you make me wonder about that!
You probably know this old, silly joke about the insomniac agnostic? He lies awake all night, wondering if there really is a DOG.
Cheers, my friend, time for me to go to bed and dislodge the bed warmers who prepare my space, then grumble at me when I try to claim it… LOL.
Lord, help me be the person my DOG thinks I am
Night IVG, sweet dreams
Thanks for comments. Both your comments and dada’s ring true according to my experience also.
I just burnt up the last of my energy replying to dada over at my diary, so now since I’m nearing a catatonic state I do have to hang it up for the night.
I’ve got some great dog stories too, but they’ll have to wait till that song comes around again on the guitar.
Hasta man(y)ana
Thanks, NDD. We all have those stories, I am sure. Rest well, my friend, and thanks for all you do. Will catch you tomorrow, no doubt! May the green of spring grace your space so very soon!
Just depressed enough about the State Of The Nation to write a diary…
And just realized I forgot the frickin’ beef broth for tomorrow’s dinner — doing a Tuscan Rubbed Beef roast in the slow cooker tomorrow, to be served with baked potatoes and steamed carrots AND asparagus. The asparagus was a total impulse buy; it was sitting right inside the front door of the supermarket. Guess it’s better impulse than the candy bars at the checkout stand. 😉 But now I’ve got to drag the spouse out to the store so I can get the broth…hmmmm, unless I have some beef bouillion in the cupboard…(crosses fingers)