I’m going to write this post to my liberal friends, and for the first time in 329 posts I’m going to type the word I’ve seen many of you use to describe what Shrub is doing in Iraq, and what he is certainly intending to do to Iran. I edited to graphic to what you see instead of “No Iran War.”

Iraq is not now, and has never been a war. Saddam had no connection to 9/11, or Al CIAda. Bush invaded the country, after continuing the campaign to decimate the infrastructure, and in the ensuing occupation, sealed the country’s doom after failing to guard anything but the Oil Ministry, allowing the wholesale theft or removal of a culture and its treasures, along with tons of high explosives. What is happening there now is certainly a civil war, yet Bush and his minions can’t call it what it is. We can certainly do what he refuses to do. And when Bush orders a disgusting sneak attack with nuclear weapons on Iran, it will not be a war, either.

I offer you a polite opinion on this word and its connotations after the jump.
Neither action is war. By using the word war, liberals are subconsciously making Bush’s case for him. Every time a liberal writes the words “Iraq war” or “Iran War”, you make him a “War Preznit.” Calling him what he is by what he does would be “Invasion and Bloody Occupation” Preznit. Sometime soon, he will become an “Unprovoked Nuclear Attack” Preznit.

Please, think about these words. Think about how you want to frame what Bush has done and what he intends to do. Don’t unintentionally help him spread a meme I am morally certain you don’t want spread. The Wingnutosphere does that enough.

His words are a killing field, creating a dead zone of horror and close-up gore, featuring massacres and chemical weapons spewing death and destruction. He has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq, and may kill millions more in Iran. That’s not war; it’s genocide.

We are not at war. Liberals should confront this asshole at the get… stop playing to his vocabulary, and start the swing away from this word. Start calling it what it is, and will be: Invasion, bloody occupation, and unprovoked nuclear attack.

I went 329 posts without using Bush’s word. I’ll never use it again.

(Cross-posted to: The Psychotic Patriot)

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