Editor & Publisher reports:

Will Valerie Plame be the talk of this year’s White House Correspondents Dinner? E&P has confirmed that she is slated to attend this year’s gala, along with her husband Joseph Wilson and several other notable non-journalist guests, such as Alex Treback and Ben Rothlisberger, according to organizers.

As in the past, attendees at the annual black-tie affair, to be held on April 29 this year, often look for a controversial visitor who might spark extended gossip around the open bar. When outsiders such as Donna Rice, Michael Moore, Fawn Hall or Ozzie Osborne were escorted to the gathering, they sometimes drew nearly as much attention as the president during his remarks.

This is a very clever decision. The President will have to deliver stupid irreverent jokes [“Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere. Nope. No weapons over there. Maybe under here”] to an audience that includes the woman whose career Bush destroyed.

Somehow, I doubt he’ll repeat any jokes about being unable to find weapons of mass destruction at this year’s correspondents dinner. But who knows? Maybe he’ll point at Valerie and rip off a couple of one liners about how hard it is to raise twin babies when you’re unemployed. It could happen. The Prez is a mensch.