I have been pushing my own campaign to not only fight the Republicans nationwide, but also to scare the shit out of them. This started from a pacnicked post on a NYC Republican site where their fearful leader expressed desperate concern that the Republicans could be swept aside completely in NY State. Unlikely? Maybe. But if they are scared, I am more than willing to feed their fears and strengthen the Democrats as I go along.

My original aim was NY State. Now I am expanding. I am expanding to Iowa, where Democrats could make major gains, and South Dakota, in an effort to fight the anti-American attack on women’s rights in South Dakota. Read more below.
My Sweep NY State effort got off to a great start, with nearly $600 donated in one day. But that is all so far. We have a shot at taking every single Congressional seat in NY State. Some are long shots some are more certain, but if we ignore the opportinty they all will be missed. People assume NY is solidly blue. It isn’t. It is purple as can be, but the Democrats have the potential to make great inroads upstate, which the Republicans once had sewn up. The NY State Republicans are in disarray and desperate. This is one case where I say let’s hit them while they are down. Let’s make the Republicans panic like they haven’t panicked since Nixon’s downfall. SWEEP NEW YORK STATE!

My second effort aims at Sweeping Iowa. This has gotten about $100 in donations so far. Iowa is America’s heartland and I firmly believe that the progressive and populist message of the traditional Democratic Party is PERFECT for Iowa. It won us Montana in 2004 seemingly against all odds. It is time to bring that message home to the Heartland. Furthermore, Iowa is the home of one of my “Katrina 11” targets, one of the Republicans who voted against aid to Katrina victims. I also list on my Sweep Iowa Page a link to the DFA A-list candidate Elesha Gayman, a great young progressive supported by Democracy for America. Finally, one of Iowa’s Congressional districts is an open seat this year, giving us a perfect pickup opportunity. All of these opportunities are too perfect to ignore. Punishing one of the Katrina 11, helping a DFA Progressive, and picking up an open seat. Help us Sweep Iowa and retake America’s heartland.

Finally, we all know that as soon as Bush got his Supreme Court nominees through that we’d get an attack on women’s freedoms. Well, the first attack came in South Dakota. Well, to help in this battle for American freedoms, I have started a Blue South Dakota Page. The goal of this page is to help the pro-Choice efforts of the South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families (President Cecelia Fire Thunder’s organization) as well as strengthening the Democratic Party of South Dakota as part of Howard Dean’s 50 State Strategy. So, help fight for women’s rights NATIONWIDE by helping South Dakota’s women win this critical battle in the war against Choice.

More will come. But never forget that our ability to win big in 2006 depends on how much we put into it. If we don’t try hard we will miss this opportunity. So, start the fight in NY State, Iowa and South Dakota. Please visit these Act Blue sites and give what you can…even if it’s just $10.