My mind is full of fuzzy wuzzy half-thought out thoughts, a sort of hangover occasioned not by alcohol but from monitoring two very active and full of life 11 year olds on too little sleep. I know there’s interesting and relevant stories out there to hear and to tell, but I lack the concentration to focus my energies upon them.
So help me out, please. What’s happening out there in the big wide-awake world that I should be made aware of?
lots o’ good stuff in the Bucket O’News.
Always a good source.
Gas at $4.50 gallon, if by cash $4.14, if by plastic $4.26.
This is simply crazy! In Florida, we are closing in on $3 at a rapid pace ($2.81 for regular). As this continues, other things (food, clothing, etc.) will increase as well. Jay Leno was still talking about Exxon retiring CEO Lee Raymond’s $400 million retirement package.
Exxon Chairman’s $400 Million Parachute
I guess we know why gas at Exxon will be higher for some time to come!
Hi Steven,
just writing to suggest that you may want to prepare and send out a copy of your petition to Gen. Pace as it seems to have saturated at near 300 signatures.
I’ll check back here for your response.
Where were you on this day in 1775?
Didn’t William Sloane Coffin, Jr. say that a true patriot sometimes has a lover’s quarrel with country?