All The King’s Men.

Humpty Dumpty’s great fall since his NSA spying revelation,Cheney’s direct involvement in disclosing Plame’s name to reporters, Rumsfeld’s direct participation in torture interrogations and, now,the active consideration of bunker buster nuclear weapons in Iran, have shattered what little credibility he had even with his own rabid true believers.

As each one of the Decider King’s men departs for safe harbors,the WH is beginning to resemble the bunker in Berlin.The old docile crowd in newspapaers and TV now turns against the men who wielded so much power.The generals are sniping at Rumsfeld.Cheney is already hiding out in plain sight.Karl Rove is on a tight leash held by Patrick Fitzgerald. Condi has started playing the piano,pumping out elegies.

Three more years of this is not going to put back together what has come apart.If he cooks up an invasion of Iran to salvage his crumbling administration, even the Republican swine who held up his illegal regime for so long will be in open revolt.

The silence of all his usual admireres in the mainstream media is deafening.

May be Hu Jin Tao will drill some sense into him.