This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Beautiful flowers always found at parvum opus
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s flower for you
I’m not going to go get the cake after all. 🙂
By the way, you have the same birthday as my wife. I’m still trying to figure out what we’re going to do to celebrate, but I suspect cake and ice cream are going to be very high on the list.
And the cafe thanks you too! 🙂
Happy birthday to Mrs. Storyteller! Cake and ice cream are musts, but don’t forget the flowers! 😉
Note to self: Buy flowers after work
I love the colours. Thank you! :*
You’ll note I haven’t put any candles on it and, so far, I’m refraining from singing and dancing. This low-key stuff is hard!
Am I supposed to sneak you the present?
I can’t imagine what a true celebration would look like. I like the pink wrapping. 😉
Any new photos?
buff young men show up at your desk at work and sing Happy Birthday to you while throwing you into a mud wrestling pit? No, they did not.
Exactly, Andi! Not to mention the subdued, classy gray of the lettering, the clean, some might say minimalist, photo of the ungaudy leaves, the simple strains of the pipe and drums playing discreetly in the background. Honestly, your restraint has been nothing short of heroic!
(btw, Olivia, no photos yet — I haven’t even been outside today!)
hmmm maybe I shouldn’t have said low key… I mean err, you have an amazing talent to weave that into everything, you know that right? 🙂
when it comes to teasing I have the attention span of a five-year old.
Whether that’s true for FM is whole ‘nother matter.
The cards says Best wishes on this special day and its signed “The Woods”
4/20/2006 12:32 p.m. EDT
I definitely want a wallpaper size of that one. I can then actually picture myself in your woods when I start my visual imagery! Thank you The Woods! 🙂
has been emailed.
I’m going to put it up right now. Back in a bit. :*
Hope your day is absolutely awesome!
It’s a good day so far — hope yours is as well! :*
Life is pretty hectic…I’m changing my entire lifestyle and more changes will happen.
Big hugs to Diane, Shirl, and Alohaleezy You all have helped me see this new path…! Currently it’s a steep climb…but more is changing and the view from the summit will be spectacular!
You going to tell us all about it (including where that is) or are you going to diary it later?
Still working through the jumble of words in my head…
(hint hint Andi!)
That sounds like a big story — I’m looking forward to reading your diary SallyCat!
I love those dancing letters! :*
How’s things?
Here’s a little gift from Joan Miro, one who shares your birthday.
That is lovely — I’ve just gone to read more about Miro. Thanks!
Card says Happy Birthday!!!, signed by “The ND Prairie”
Love that beautiful blue.
Did Hafner hit any homers last night?
I can’t remember. They ended up losing like 18 to 9 so as you can imagine I didn’t listen to the whole thing. 🙁
That is gorgeous! Thank you! :* I’d like to use it for my wallpaper if you don’t mind…
They have finally gotten through and I AM BACK!
Miss me?
Of course! glad you’re back!! Did you miss us?
Izzy!!! I missed ya’ll all day.
But we’ve to AC and I’ve got an almost completed ceiling.
I guess not. 🙁
Of course we missed you. I even used your name in vain upthread.
My name in vain?
I thought you were number 26 in line for that.
I saw something about mud, but I’m not even going near it.
Ya skeered of olivia?
Does this look like I’m skeered!
I think that was me after Olivia severly mudded me. 🙂
Mmm. looks like milk chocolate.
Nope. Down and dirty, muddy, mud, mud.
Hah. I knew if I brought out the mud picture Olivia wouldn’t show.
Purty? That’s a manly man that got knocked on his butt by Olivia.
Wasn’t that the day you, SN and Olivia ganged up on me?
we just provide you emphatic guidance on good behavior.
Yes your right.
I’ll remember that next time ya’ll are filling my ears, nose and mouth with mud.
It’s looks like Olivia had a fairly low key birthday in the cafe.
so you can open a happy hour one?
Give me a minute and let me check to make sure my code is right.
I’ll be back in a minute and let ya know.
Yes Andi. I’ve got everything ready. When you close this one, I put up Happy Hour. Thanks
Of course I missed you! But then, I’ve not been here all day, except to post Olivia’s photo greeting this morning, but I’m sure I felt your absence somewhere in the depths of my … well, in some depth somewhere.
Glad to hear you have AC and an almost repaired ceiling though! I’m sure that’s a relief.
Hi IVG. I could write an ode to AC, and I thank your depths somewhere for missing me. I think? 😛
How’s your day been going?
Later on when I open a cafe, I’m having a very low key, mundane little party for Olivia.
Have you slacked today?
This, I’m afraid, is my only slacking for the day, and only because there are just 2 of us left in the office. I’ve been slaving away in PowerPoint hell all day working on that *$@&! report I’m writing. Then my project manager had to drop a bomb in my lap, having me call around to get recruiting bids to be used in a project proposal… eeeek! Anyway, now I’m all alone in the office, so I can slack for maybe a half hour.
I didn’t realize you were such an accomplished mud, uh, mud, uh… whatever that is you do in the mud.
Well you slack as much as possible.
I’m not really into mud, but Olivia seem to love it so.
I’m going to open the happy hour party. Check over there in just a minute.
I’m in such an Eric Clapton kind of mood.
Which would be?
Happy birthday to Olivia, Mrs. Omir, and any other birthday froggies today!
Oh, and Olivia — belated “Thank yous” to the Senators for shutting down the stRangers on Tuesday so my Sharks could get some individual trophies! Though the hearts of hundreds of female Sharks fans sunk 10 miles when it was reported that Joe Thornton was at the beach “with his girlfriend” when he heard the news that he won the Ross Trophy. 😉
Got to run off and get some work done…toodles!
Hi Cali, bye Cali.
I’m so glad that the Sens were able to help you out in that way! 😉 See you later… 🙂