Froggy Bottom Happy Hour Birthday Bash.
It Ain’t Going to be Low Key.
It Ain’t Going to be Low Key.
George & FM Celebrating.
Open Bar
Open Bar
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
All drink are on us!
All drink are on us!
Exquisite flowers, Uhmmmm Flowers at parvum opus
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
I Tried to Keep It Low Key
In keeping with Olivia’s wishes, I tried to keep it low key, but the whole world knows.
Felicitations from around the world are pouring in.
Keeping in mind some of these people don’t know how to speak their language and used an internet translator.
Joyeux Anniversaire Olivia – French
– Chinese
Feliz Cumpleaños Olivia – Spanish
Gelukkige Verjaardag Olivia – Dutch
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Olivia – German
Ευτυχή γενέθλια Ολίβια – Greek
Buon Compleanno Olivia – Itialian
Feliz aniversario Olivia – Portuguese
С днем рождения Olivia – Russian
Since the whole world knows now, would anybody that isn’t language impaired like me like to add your Happy Birthday greeting to Olivia, go ahead.
Now ya’ll just have a Happy Birthday there, Olivia. – Me.
Gratulerer med dagen, Olivia!
(just continuing FMs language lesson)
Sorry I cannot parttake in the festivities, stuck in cubicle hell for a couple more hours. Just lurking.
Ask you were one of the people I was counting since I’m so language impaired.
However, I can only vouch for the French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian, but they were a-ok!
Feliĉan naskiĝtagon Olivia (feh-LEE-chan nas-keej-TAH-gon oh-lee-VEE-ah)
I’ve also seen it written as “Feliĉan datrevenon” (feh-LEE-chan dat-reh-VEH-non) but that’s more properly translated as “Happy anniversary.” “naskiĝtagon” literally means “the day (the person) was born,” “datrevenon” is “re-occurance of a particular day”
And now you probably know more about Esperanto than you cared to. But if this is a worldwide celebration, we need a worldwide language, right?
Oh yeah: You may be wondering why I said Olivia was pronounced “oh-lee-VEE-ah.” Well, that’s because Esperanto is based upon sixteen unchanging rules, one of which is “the ACcent must ALways come in the next to the last sylLABle.” You occasionally get allowances for names, but most Esperantists try to make their names conform to the rules when they’re using la lingvo internacia.
Dear, dear, Omir…
Why does it not surprise me that you would know Esperanto? Oh wise one, keeper of the arcana, gotta love ya!
lol, that’s exactly what I was thinking. I hit the word “esperanto” and thought “gotta be Omir”.
You have touched upon my life’s secret ambition: to be the Old Man Who Remembers Mediocrities from Ray Bradbury’s To The Chicago Abyss. It’s a story/play about a police state where everything is rationed and genericized, and the Old Man goes around reminding people about little things like how candy bar wrappers and cans of peaches on the shelf used to look. Kind of a metaphor for individuality in the face of mass conformity.
Some people just love DisneyWorld, but Omir, someday I’d like to take a vacation in your mind. (Does that sound creepy? I hope not, lol. I mean it as a compliment.)
I would be afraid there’s so much information in there I’d get lost.
There’s the name of a book.
Lost in the mind of Omir.
There are some sections that are off limits, even to me.
But I hope I’m not being immodest when I saw that there is some fascinating stuff up there. Occasionally some song or random snippet of conversation will bring back something I hadn’t thought about in 30 years. The bit yesterday about the girl I took to Farrell’s, for instance.
Oh, and Disneyland is there too. You can get the 1965 version, the 1966 version, the 1986 version, the 2000 version, the 2001 version, or the 2003 version. It’s your chance to ride rides that don’t exist any more, except maybe at Yesterland.
It’s the same with me. I’ll be riding down the road and all of a sudden a song from the 60’s will come on the radio and I’m back in high school.
The funny thing about that is, I’m back home, so some of the places I rode around in high school are still there and sometimes the song and place interconnect.
Sort of Rod Serling moment.
BTW in all my years I’ve never been to Disneyland or Disneyworld. Maybe when I’m 75.
You are crazy LOL! I think that too long in the heat has severely affected you. It’s a good thing you’ve got the AC now… 🙂
Thank you. You are wonderful. :* and {{{FM}}} (And so not low key.)
I tried as hard as I could to keep it low key Olivia.
The word got out somehow.
“Zorionak zure urtebetetze egunean!” — Euskera (Basque)
“Eid milaad saeed!” — Arabic (hello Mr. NSA agent assigned to spy on Bootrib)
“Selamat Ulang Tahun!” — Bahasa Indonesia
“Quchjaj qoSlIj!” — Klingon (oh-kayyyy)
“Ravihi janmadinam aacharati!” — Sanskrit
“A fraylekhn Gebortstog!” — Yiddish
Actually I stole these from a page that has what looks like a couple hundred ways to say Happy Birthday. So if they’re wrong, blame the site.
Cool Omir. Klingon no less. Wow.
Wszystkiego najlepszego zokazji urodzin!
I looked. I really did. 🙂
More Happy Birthday Wishes for {{{olivia}}}!
Hi MM. How’re ya doing?
Pretty good except I just had a traumatic experience, way out of keeping with my new slacker mode. I took an elderly friend along on some errands, since she needed a ride, and while I was waiting for someone to show up she said she was going to have lunch at a place that was once vaguely familiar to me but as it happens closed 30 years ago. So I spent an hour running around Cannery Row looking for her and when I finally found her she scolded me for not remembering where this long since closed restaurant used to be. Then she scolded me for keeping her waiting for an hour! There is nothing more cantankerous than a cantankerous senior citizen, and this woman has had a pretty good head start, now that I think about it!
But… now back at home consuming daily ration of chardonnay and contemplating scrumptious dinner.
Was that really you thrashing around in the sand, FM?
I’m sorry to hear about your elderly experience. My Mom is 80 so your preaching to the choir.
Nah, that wasn’t me. I don’t like mud. But, some people in the cafe seem to love it. So I found a picture.
It was bad enough to be running around the streets frantic for an hour, but then to be blamed for it! Makes me wonder if aspiring to spiritual growth as I age and becoming increasingly gracious and self-realized goes against the grain for the fate of the human species.
So, hey, next time you are wallowing around in the mud, be sure to have someone take a picture and post it on the FBL!
I’ll be waiting.
I have a 99 year old great aunt. Her mind is clear as a bell and she still get around on her on. She told my Mom and me that she thinks the older she gets the meaner she gets.
Being the semi-intelligent man I am, I kept my mouth shut. 🙂
That’s what scares me. That we are all helpless casualties of narcissism. So much for the concept of “elders” being leaders and mentors. No wonder our society worships youth and finds age disgusting.
MM this is getting way over my head, but I think it depends on the person.
My aunt has never been anything to me, but hi darlin, come on over hear.
I think in what she was talking about is she just doesn’t take crap anymore.
It’s as I’ve said to people before. If I ever reach my Moms age or Aunts age I don’t want a damn person telling me when to get up or what to eat or anything for that matter.
Gotcha! Yes there is history here between me and this woman going back 40 yrs. Much too complex to go into! Plus, the expectation of enlightened behavior from a human being is always unreasonable. (Present company excluded.) LOL!
MM you’re a sweetheart.
So are you, FM!
I try to be tolerant of people like that, because for all I know I could end up that way sooner than you think. Heck, I could be doing it now and I probably wouldn’t remember.
Tolerance is good philosophically in retrospect, but not always available up front in extreme cases when you are being pushed to the limit. Or at least in my case.
That made me squeal! Oh, this is the best birthday! If Mr Darcy gave me “the look” I’d melt into a puddle… <big dreamy sigh>
Thank you! {{{{{{{mm}}}}}}}
You can consider that Mr. Darcy has given you The Look if not in actuality then at least in spirit!
Since the party has been going on all day…I thought I’d offer Olivia a single rose…
And a cup of tea…for a quiet birthday evening at home!
Back to work…I’ll drop 4’s when I can and then psot some more tomorrow…
Those are so cool SallyCat.
Wow, SallyCat, and I thought you could only do puppies and kittens!
I just got home so that tea hits the spot!!!
Liv, I got you cake earlier but I don’t know if you saw it, so here’s a re-run. Been thinkin’ about you today, sweetie, wishing you all good things. Happy birthday!
Hey Indy. Uhmmmm cake.
How’re ya doing today?
Too bad Cake or Death isn’t here… real hard to figure out which Olivia would choose… LOL. “I’ll have cake please!” (Gotta love Eddie Izzard! … that’s from Dressed to Kill in case ya didn’t know where that came from.)
Thanks for explaining because I wouldn’t have understood.
She’ll show up I’m sure.
Think I overdid it?
NO WAY, no how… too much of everything is just enough!
Everything is never enough. So I started small and it kept growning and growing and soon the whole world knew.
I just had a good-bye lunch with a woman who is, hands down, one of my favorite human beings ever. So I am happy and weepy. 🙂
How you doin’?
How ya durrin? Shirley Q. Liquor
I had to google her! Bless you queer boys, you do keep me exposed to the finer things our culture has to offer. ;p
Hehehe… you should check “her” website sometime, and maybe there will be some freebie audio pieces you can listen to… Shirley Q. is a real hoot and a holler! Guaranteed to make you laugh until you… well, whatever happens when you laugh too hard and long. 🙂
Like any proper queer, I adore funny queens. I bookmarked the site for later perusal.
That’s supposed to be for IVG’s questions on laughing.
Kinda funny that it reads “No, Indy, it’s…pee?” Sounds the kind of question I never really want to hear, heh. There’s no good context for it.
I’ve posted in wrong diaries before. Remember? 🙂
But it’s a good happy. If you’re going to be weepy, then a happy/weepy is the best. 🙂
ah, the perfect combo for watching one of those cheesy movies you like.
If David Spade ever makes me weepy I will never watch one of his movies again. The whole point of those movies for me is that life makes me weepy enough as it is, and sometimes I just need to sit and laugh at dumb jokes for an hour. 🙂
How’s your day been?
’cause watch those movies always make me weepy. 😉
Watching the almost minute-by-minute changes in the woods does for me what David Spade’s mullet movies do for you — so I’m in a fine mood.
’cause watch those movies always make me weepy. 😉
Hahaha! That’s ’cause you have taste. Class, I know you like to say not; but taste, for sure.
Me? Bring on the mullet movies and the hair metal, I am a pop culture bottom feeder and I know it. 🙂
I did a little walking downtown with my friend today and did okay as long as we didn’t go uphill, so I think I will be ready for some gentle strolls in the woods this summer.
is just as questionable as yours, it’s just questionable in different ways: I love Hammer films. I love Them!, Rodan, and Five Million Years To Earth. I watch very bad westerns with really good rocks (I’ll bet you’ve never watched ‘Gold of the Seven Saints).
And you’d win that bet! I’ve never even heard of it.
(I love that we routinely have friendly Cafe competitions for who is the most low-brow.)
to stipulate that we are equally tacky in entirely different ways. And together — well, that’s what teamwork is all about.
{{{{{Indy}}}} That looks delicious!!! Thank you! :::*
A Blessing for Olivia’s Birthday
Others asked about my earlier diary comments about my path change…well, in keeping with the birthday theme…this is part.
Got a Black Rose cause she’s special and rare…
now, where’s
I want to see her dancin’ on the tables with a hockey stick.
one and only dada!
Well I’m fleeing the cube now and heading out, but will stop back in later to see if the revelry goes on into the night!
Have fun all, and keep Olivia smiling!
WUZUP dada. Cool rose.
Uhmmmmm beer. You got enough for me. What’s everybody else going to drink?
That is so sweet dada — :*
So are you going to join me up on the table? 😉
but if NDD shows up and you dance on the Chester’s table…there’s likely a good tip in it…:{)
You & dada both? Let me get my tip money ready…
I got tip money and a camera.
I can explain that very easily.
While the AC men were in my room fixing the ceiling, one of them must have gotten onto my computer and found the cafe. I was already signed on, so he must had taken that opportunity to put something that disgusting in the cafe.
What some people will do!
Sound plausable?
I actually think they were passing themselves off as AC guys, but in fact, they were out of state tree cutters.
As I said in the last cafe, when it comes to teasting, I have the attention span of a five year old. I really, really needed something new …
I didn’t think you were paying attention down here… 😉
i’m already to drunk to suggest anything.
Pick your own debauchery. 😛
is olivia drunk yet? Someone guard the lampshades.
… but I just got home so I might need a bit more time. 😉
I think she’s been saying thank you for birthday greeting all day.
Poor thing, she’s tired.
Flowers for Olivia, Happy Birthday.
Your flowers are so lovely and colourful! {{{Diane}}}
Hi Diane. How’re ya doing.
ready for a fiesta you’ll not soon forget
Is Bud coming?
(And ah, I don’t think I’ll be forgetting any of this.)
LOL that’s cool Manny.
That is great Manny! Oh, I love Bud! (doggie smoochies :*)
New Café Here