Earth day, April 22, is upon us. Included below are links and 10 things you can do to help the Earth.
Here is the history of Earth Day.
Here are 10 things that you can do to help the Earth on Earth Day. These are:
10 EASY THINGS YOU CAN DO TO HELP THE EARTH THIS EARTH DAY, APRIL 22, WOODSTOCK, NY, April 18, 2006 —WORLD-WIRE— This Earth Day, EcoMall, one of the Internet’s first and longest-running environmental websites, offers 10 simple things that everyone can all do to make a difference and affect change for the environment. Through small shifts in individual awareness, as well as simple, easy actions, everyone can surely contribute to a powerful, collective transformation of our world. …
- Plant a tree in your yard or start a garden. Plants and trees help clean the air, are visual expressions of nature’s beauty, and uplift us. Even something as simple as growing herbs in a garden can provide nourishment and delicious meals for the family.
- Simply stop using pesticides on your lawn. Pesticides contribute to the pollution of the Earth and poison our water supply, endanger human health, and sicken wildlife. There are many effective, natural alternatives available, or even simpler, allow nature to take over the growing of your lawn, creating food for bees, birds and animals.
- Support a local, organic farmer or CSA. Some farmers require your active participation, some deliver to urban areas. The food is nutritious and delicious, and uses less of our non-renewable resources.
- Buy organic. Look for – and ask for – organic produce wherever you buy your groceries, or even better, shop at your local health food store which carries only organic produce. Buying organic reduces pesticide exposure to the land, farmers, harvesters, and your family.
- Spend time in nature. Taking a walk, having a picnic, or simply sitting outdoors and watching the sky, deepens our connection to the natural world , thereby motivating us to be better stewards of the Earth.
- Buy energy-saving, compact-fluorescent light bulbs and other energy efficient products. When your next bulb goes out, replace it with a compact fluorescent light bulb. They last 10 times as long, and over their lifetime, use 1/4 the energy of an incandescent bulb, saving you $30-$40 on your electric bill. When replacing major appliances purchase energy efficient ones – look for the government’s EnergyStar label.
- Recycle. The old adage “reduce, reuse, recycle” still works very well today. Many large waste disposal companies have an at-your-curb recycling program. Check your own local disposal company.
- Shop Green. Be a consumer that uses your dollars to support companies and products that are better for the Earth. By simply clicking to you will find a directory that features hundreds of companies that offer everything from organic and hemp clothing to non-toxic cleaners and solar energy products.
- Join or make a donation to any organization that supports the environment. There are numerous worthy organizations that work hard for the Earth and are in need of our support. If the aforementioned tasks seem to require too much effort or time, simply write a check to those who have integrity regarding the Earth and make a meaningful contribution to the Earth’s health.
- Create good thoughts. As Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, “All we have to fear is fear itself.” By creating the awareness that we can heal the Earth – that it is not too late, we combat the paralysis that fear often produces. So if all you can do on this Earth Day is think one good thought about the Earth, you will have contributed to a changing of the fear-based mentality.
Here is a calendar of events.
Here is advice for event organizers.
Happy Earth Day!
Good stuff. And it’s the day after my youngest daughter’s birthday.
Happy Earth Day to you too! Thanks for the diary.
I’ll be working a booth at EarthFest 2006 in Knoxville this Saturday, accepting old mercury thermometers in exchange for new digital ones, and giving out literature on locations where residents can recycle and dispose of household hazardous waste. (Not all areas here have curbside recycling.)
Cool boran, thanks for the reminder. I recall being given a seedling on Earth Day when I was in sixth grade and freaking out when it started to die due to my lack of a green thumb. I took it to my grandmother who nursed it back to health and now however many years later it’s currently sitting a few feet tall in my parents’ yard back home.