Thanks. Usually I keep things to myself, but, I really feel better just saying what I did. And the more that I think about Andi’s idea re: writing a diary about this, the better that it sounds. But, I am going to treat myself to something tomorrow. Don’t know what yet, but I will think of something.
Crap – I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad about getting away from the boys for awhile. Just trying to point out how extreme the togetherness can become. I would have left them now and then if I had the money or anywhere to go!
I mean, I used to love it here. But there has been so much crap going on, and I don’t see how it will get any better. Anyway, I am thinking that I may be due for another adventure. I remember after my dad died, I bummed around MI’s Upper Peninsula for the summer. But, I have kinda had it w/MI. Plus, I am also thinking of the climate. The pneumonia that I had really threw me.
Just kind of a move and try again to start my life over, or change directions, or just go somewhere else.
That’s gorgeous. But if I’m out there, I’ll have to swing down to Eugene to see an old friend, and if I’m going there, I’ll have to time it so I can go the Oregon Country Fair, and then…
Ya had to have one with snakes, didn’t ya. Didn’t watch it.
I think I remember seeing the cat and crow one on TV.
I want to put up a small home movie at my site and Olivia gave me a few sites. I haven’t check them out yet, but I’ll probably have some question for you.
G’nite to whoever is calling it a nite. I am a night owl by nature. I mean, I can rarely fall asleep before 3AM and sleep till noon–that is my usual pattern.
And so I wasn’t exactly sure if you were taking an early leave. Notice how everyone else dropped off like I was saying last night — one minute here, then next poof!
Scanning…going real slow. Too many learning curves all at one time; camera (still), scanner, photoshop…which I really don’t get, and then just general BS.
Here’s my most recent B&W from the Reflections series that I’m working on intermittently.
PS…I can’t even get it to load pics, so I’m doing all my cropping, etc in the mac and scanner programs…don’t heve the energy to really tackle it right now.
Flickr I’m ambivalent about so far. I do like that the allowable upload size is about 2X PB’s, but I think PB is easier to navigate…learning curve again.
Think its me, actually. I was whining about things earlier, and I have been thinking about taking off–you know, make a move and start over. Think I might have scared some people away.
A skelton crew can be a good thing. But, you do have to admit, that this is one of the crazier thoughts that I have had in a long time. And put that w/how down I was earlier, I really was wondering for a minute.
Well, some of the things that I have done might rate. I remember after my dad died, I just took off for MI’s Upper Peninsula. Didn’t have much, and don’t ask me how I got by. Hell, there were times when I didn’t even know where I’d be living. Just basically worked under the table jobs. In short, I was bumming around for the summmer. And I had a great time.
I’m too old to just do that type of thing again, but I am just getting bored. I’m in the mood for an adventure and, like I said, I am sick of all the bs here.
And a change of scenery and lifestyle has sounded appealing for awhile.
hmmmmm…now that is something I did not think about, change being required.
I guess the thing is that I am just sick and tired of all of the bs that is going on–ci, DF, and IL talked about some of it yesterday. And I just don’t want to deal with all of the bullshit anymore.
Yeah, I know, there is bullshit everywhere. But I guess that I am thinking of starting over, as opposed to spinning my wheels, being stuck all the time.
They really all do just head off to bed around 10-1030ish. 🙂 Don’t think that you scared anyone away. I do hope that things get better for you. {{{{Street Kid}}}}
Awww, thanks {{{{Olivia}}}} it was nothing, really, I just had to find it, and do my super low tech text thing in pink. Too bad the “from your friends” part didn’t show up very well, but I thought you might enjoy the ‘datura candles’ as we call them. I tried drawing little flames on them, but it looked uber cheesy, so I just left well enough alone. hehe.
I’m doing much better, dada (and Olivia) … one more day of PowerPoint hell, writing the executive summary of the report and putting in some more data slides and I can breathe easy and relax working in the garden this weekend. I have new little buddies to get in the ground, as well as vacuuming up more spruce needles… the never-ending chore, lol!
But then it starts all over again next week… <sigh> but a couple of friends are coming over for Happy Hour at my house after work, so that should be fun. I might even whip up a martini to celebrate the end of the week!
Didn’t get the chance to take any pics today because I had to work late, get groceries and by the time I got home the clouds had rolled in and it was too windy to get any decent pics. 🙁 Tomorrow, however, I vow to get a bunch, especially a few of these lovely little pink tulips for you know who… so until then… this will have to suffice.
from the garden out front… our Crown Imperial fritillarias are blooming already, and they’re not supposed to do that until mid-late May … and our purple globe alliums have buds on them already too… very strange. Another supposed summer blooming bulb!
But, close examination of several areas revealed that we have a lot of volunteer lupines coming up from seeds dropped by the big purple ones that bloomed last year. Looks like the parent plant bit it, but there are quite a few little ones moving in to take its place … and bells of Ireland are coming, as are the California poppies… and scads of dandelions! I will be out digging and weeding those out this weekend, lol. I’ll just plug Delphiniums in the bigger holes and call it a fair trade. 🙂
IVG!!! I was cleaning up the garden Tues night (remember all the bags?) and I got down on the ground to photograph some hyacinth that had just popped up and I could smell garlic! Yes, garlic! Guess what was growing … my garlic chives are growing. Before daffs and tulips IVG. They were about 12″ tall! That is not normal.
There are some weird things going on here too … I hope I can just attribute them to a milder than usual winter, but it’s odd that stuff like that is up already and my delphiniums have yet to show themselves, and they’re usually up by now (well, the Blue Butterfly is up, but it’s always the earliest).
Speaking of bags, we put out another 6 tonight and I’ll probably have 3-4 more filled by the end of the weekend if all goes well. Then we can declare clean up done and start popping things in all over. I do want to get my new delphs in this weekend though, as well as those fescues I just got for the base of the rocks. OH, and I forgot to tell you … I will be taking pics of the PINK bleeding hearts just for you either tomorrow or Saturday… they’re our nicest pink flower, you know. 🙂
You won’t have to wait long … as long as there’s no wind to speak of tomorrow, I should get some good shots… ours are already huge and will only get bigger in the next month or so… they usually top about 4 feet (not kidding) and we can see them peek above the window sills in the living room.
Hey Manny! Glad to see you and your hookah show up! How’s it going out there? I had to make some phone calls to your neck of the woods today for work, and thought about you out rousing the rabble. 🙂
Hmmm… was this you shape shifting that caused that massive burrito and tripas consumption? Those, my friend, are all yours. I tried those once in France, and that was it for me!
I was reading you post here and at your blog — there’s a lot going on that I would never hear about if not for your words. It does seem to be moving towards a tipping point.
Was feeling pretty down and whined a bit earlier. Now I feel better. Not good, just better. I’d really like to make a change in my life. Seriously, I would love to move to another state and start over, but, realistically, I doubt that would be possible. I mean, the cost alone! Well, I’ll stop whining now.
Wishing you blissful pink dreams, my friend! I’m glad you had a great day… I think the gang did it up really nice for you! I’m glad I could be a small part of it. Here’s to many more!
Think I’m going to make it an early nite–I ran out of cigarettes. Should really try to quit again–lol. Thanks everyone for listening to me. And good night all! And, olivia, Happy Birthday or Happy Belated Birthday–not sure which time zone you are in.
Drinks are free.
That should get some attention!
Well, I’m here. Hope some more show up.
I’m here. As if I ever leave the cafe. 🙂
I’m here too, and I left my whining back at the old place. Aren’t you glad?
CG you can whine to me anytime.
Well, I can’t say that all of my whining is done, either.
Hey I’m the king of whinning. If there could be such a thing.
I’ve always thought when I’m in pain, if I could, I would take an ad out in the local paper to let everyone know.
Hugs are good.
{{{{{{{{Street Kid}}}}}}}
{{{{Family Man}}}}
Thanks. Usually I keep things to myself, but, I really feel better just saying what I did. And the more that I think about Andi’s idea re: writing a diary about this, the better that it sounds. But, I am going to treat myself to something tomorrow. Don’t know what yet, but I will think of something.
Crap – I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad about getting away from the boys for awhile. Just trying to point out how extreme the togetherness can become. I would have left them now and then if I had the money or anywhere to go!
Money??? What’s that?
Sweetie, I was crying for you not getting a break, not about me! Don’t worry.
in Olympic National Park.
I don’t even know where Olympic National Park is.
It’s in northwest Washington state.
The Pacific Northwest has appealled to me lately. I’m kinda getting bored w/MI.
can do that to you (I’m in Indiana).
The pacific northwest is beautiful. I like Oregon better than Washington. Portland is a one of the few cities that I like.
I mean, I used to love it here. But there has been so much crap going on, and I don’t see how it will get any better. Anyway, I am thinking that I may be due for another adventure. I remember after my dad died, I bummed around MI’s Upper Peninsula for the summer. But, I have kinda had it w/MI. Plus, I am also thinking of the climate. The pneumonia that I had really threw me.
Just kind of a move and try again to start my life over, or change directions, or just go somewhere else.
That’s gorgeous. But if I’m out there, I’ll have to swing down to Eugene to see an old friend, and if I’m going there, I’ll have to time it so I can go the Oregon Country Fair, and then…
oh wait, if you’re going to oregon I have to tell about the Three Sisters wilderness, the Tam MacArthur Rim, the wild flowers at Mt. Hood, the …
Won’t the kids be surprised when I forget to come home?
I’ll go w/you.
When do you want to?
What state are you in?
I’m not going to be around very much longer.
I won’t be far behind you. I’ve been up since 3:15 am this morning so I’m kind of tired.
That’ll do it!
Hope all of my whining isn’t scaring you away! lol
No not really. I an early morning person. I’m usualy in the cafe by 5:00 am. For an old man I can still keep up with the kids though.
I’m the resident geezer of the cafe — it’s required that I poop out before everyone else.
You know I could really do something with that sentence, but I won’t. 😉
I’m fading fast myself. The walking and the emotion today has given me an ass-kicking.
Before you both go off to bed — thank you so much for all your crazy shenanigans today. I really appreciate it. {{{Andi, FM}}}
Shenanigans? Must be a Canadian thing. 😛
And I hope you had a wonderful birthday IRL.
I’m not communcating very well at all today. Guess I should have stayed in bed. Night all.
Don’t blame yourself for the limitations of the communication medium, hon. imo you’re coming through fine. Hope you have a good night.
You can stay in bed if you want — just so long as you can get on the internet from there.
Show Time!
Some miscellany from my bud JF…short videos:
Cat and Crow
Cooking Shrimp…oops!
Lizard v Newsman…it’s got a snake in it too FM…
Ya had to have one with snakes, didn’t ya. Didn’t watch it.
I think I remember seeing the cat and crow one on TV.
I want to put up a small home movie at my site and Olivia gave me a few sites. I haven’t check them out yet, but I’ll probably have some question for you.
Hey, I was nice about it and warned ya… what if…:{)
Do you think they’ll work?
LOL that was funny — thx dada! I just watched the snake one — it’s not that bad FM! 😉
G’nite to whoever is calling it a nite. I am a night owl by nature. I mean, I can rarely fall asleep before 3AM and sleep till noon–that is my usual pattern.
I’m sorry, but I’m falling fast.
I’m going to say good night.
Everyone have a good night in the pond.
Night all.
I think I’ll follow you out the door…what’s left of my work project can wait till morning.
G’night everybody!
Enjoy what’s left of your birthday!
(I’m really going now. Really.)
I’m gone, too. Night all. Have fun, night crew!
Should be much more pleasant for you and the critters with the AC back.
Since I seem to have gotten here right at bedtime tonight…not that that’s unusual.
Hi O…hope you’ve enjoyed your special day!
Thank you — you all made it very special. :*
Naww, trying to reduce pic to something manageable file size wise…and posting it to test site.
And so I wasn’t exactly sure if you were taking an early leave. Notice how everyone else dropped off like I was saying last night — one minute here, then next poof!
So how goes the pix/scanning/site stuff?
Scanning…going real slow. Too many learning curves all at one time; camera (still), scanner, photoshop…which I really don’t get, and then just general BS.
Here’s my most recent B&W from the Reflections series that I’m working on intermittently.
Sounds like a lot to figure out all at once. What don’t you get about ps?
You’re using flickr?! how’s that going…
Going to go take a look … is this one from digcam or scanned?
PS…I can’t even get it to load pics, so I’m doing all my cropping, etc in the mac and scanner programs…don’t heve the energy to really tackle it right now.
Flickr I’m ambivalent about so far. I do like that the allowable upload size is about 2X PB’s, but I think PB is easier to navigate…learning curve again.
The bw is very striking — I like it. (I like the themes — that is really cool.)
JimF uses PS — he might be able to give you some quick pointers to get you over that hurdle.
Re: flickr, if you’re not taken w/ it then maybe you should consider staying w/ PB to reduce the amount of new things to figure out.
Is it bedtime already?
Are you part of that crowd Boo?
I wish.
you’d like to be in bed by 10?!
sometimes. yeah. That’d be nice.
Drink more coffee!
Here’s an interesting Japanese brand I found on… I’ll post it with no further comment. hehe.

Precisely the effect I was hoping for… now this one should really get ya going… hope you haven’t already seen it…

I cannot understand how people can go to sleep at 10. That’s just too early.
saw your Mc-Rove story…you write good when you get pissed, I like that.
Heyas, all! Or what’s left of the crowd… jeez, I watch the Daily Show and come here and they’re dropping like contacts in Abramoff’s blackberry!
How’s everyone doing tonight? Olivia, did you have a fantabulous day? I sure hope so!
Think its me, actually. I was whining about things earlier, and I have been thinking about taking off–you know, make a move and start over. Think I might have scared some people away.
Things get pretty slo late on the evening during the week…it’s a skeleton crew night shift tonight.
I agree w/dada, as usual… but you must know, SK, we skeletons are pretty cool bones!
A skelton crew can be a good thing. But, you do have to admit, that this is one of the crazier thoughts that I have had in a long time. And put that w/how down I was earlier, I really was wondering for a minute.
I wouldn’t say that, there are times when change is not just good, but required.
I’ve been through my share, and even the most difficult always resulted in something positive.
Besides, you gotta prove you’re crazy in the Lounge, and there’s some serious, world-class competition here…:{)
</scurries to corner and hides under a lampshade, clutching umbrella and sewing machine>
he’d know about world-class standing … ;P
Well, some of the things that I have done might rate. I remember after my dad died, I just took off for MI’s Upper Peninsula. Didn’t have much, and don’t ask me how I got by. Hell, there were times when I didn’t even know where I’d be living. Just basically worked under the table jobs. In short, I was bumming around for the summmer. And I had a great time.
I’m too old to just do that type of thing again, but I am just getting bored. I’m in the mood for an adventure and, like I said, I am sick of all the bs here.
And a change of scenery and lifestyle has sounded appealing for awhile.
under the lamp shade…

just sayin’…where’d IVG go?
Now dada, you know I don’t wear fishnet stockings! That must be my evil twin.
hmmmmm…now that is something I did not think about, change being required.
I guess the thing is that I am just sick and tired of all of the bs that is going on–ci, DF, and IL talked about some of it yesterday. And I just don’t want to deal with all of the bullshit anymore.
Yeah, I know, there is bullshit everywhere. But I guess that I am thinking of starting over, as opposed to spinning my wheels, being stuck all the time.
If that makes any sense.
They really all do just head off to bed around 10-1030ish. 🙂 Don’t think that you scared anyone away. I do hope that things get better for you. {{{{Street Kid}}}}
Thanks olivia. But, I am just kind of thinking the hell with everything and starting over somewhere else. {{{olivia}}}
It was a bit overwhelming — to say the least.
I’m so glad you’ve popped in so that I can thank you “in person” for that awesome bday pic earlier. {{{{{{IVG}}}}}
How ’bout you?
Awww, thanks {{{{Olivia}}}} it was nothing, really, I just had to find it, and do my super low tech text thing in pink. Too bad the “from your friends” part didn’t show up very well, but I thought you might enjoy the ‘datura candles’ as we call them. I tried drawing little flames on them, but it looked uber cheesy, so I just left well enough alone. hehe.
When I saw it, it made me lol at work in my cube… 🙂
Whew! Then mission accomplished! I just wanted to bring a smile to your face, and knew you would appreciate the daturas. 🙂
Nope…not me.
How goes it IVG?
I’m doing much better, dada (and Olivia) … one more day of PowerPoint hell, writing the executive summary of the report and putting in some more data slides and I can breathe easy and relax working in the garden this weekend. I have new little buddies to get in the ground, as well as vacuuming up more spruce needles… the never-ending chore, lol!
But then it starts all over again next week… <sigh> but a couple of friends are coming over for Happy Hour at my house after work, so that should be fun. I might even whip up a martini to celebrate the end of the week!
Didn’t get the chance to take any pics today because I had to work late, get groceries and by the time I got home the clouds had rolled in and it was too windy to get any decent pics. 🙁 Tomorrow, however, I vow to get a bunch, especially a few of these lovely little pink tulips for you know who… so until then… this will have to suffice.

from the garden out front… our Crown Imperial fritillarias are blooming already, and they’re not supposed to do that until mid-late May … and our purple globe alliums have buds on them already too… very strange. Another supposed summer blooming bulb!
But, close examination of several areas revealed that we have a lot of volunteer lupines coming up from seeds dropped by the big purple ones that bloomed last year. Looks like the parent plant bit it, but there are quite a few little ones moving in to take its place … and bells of Ireland are coming, as are the California poppies… and scads of dandelions! I will be out digging and weeding those out this weekend, lol. I’ll just plug Delphiniums in the bigger holes and call it a fair trade. 🙂
IVG!!! I was cleaning up the garden Tues night (remember all the bags?) and I got down on the ground to photograph some hyacinth that had just popped up and I could smell garlic! Yes, garlic! Guess what was growing … my garlic chives are growing. Before daffs and tulips IVG. They were about 12″ tall! That is not normal.
There are some weird things going on here too … I hope I can just attribute them to a milder than usual winter, but it’s odd that stuff like that is up already and my delphiniums have yet to show themselves, and they’re usually up by now (well, the Blue Butterfly is up, but it’s always the earliest).
Speaking of bags, we put out another 6 tonight and I’ll probably have 3-4 more filled by the end of the weekend if all goes well. Then we can declare clean up done and start popping things in all over. I do want to get my new delphs in this weekend though, as well as those fescues I just got for the base of the rocks. OH, and I forgot to tell you … I will be taking pics of the PINK bleeding hearts just for you either tomorrow or Saturday… they’re our nicest pink flower, you know. 🙂
Mine won’t bloom for weeks yet! I can’t wait to see your pix. 🙂
You won’t have to wait long … as long as there’s no wind to speak of tomorrow, I should get some good shots… ours are already huge and will only get bigger in the next month or so… they usually top about 4 feet (not kidding) and we can see them peek above the window sills in the living room.
Me too! Also waiting for the pix!
For the reason, read here.
Hey Manny! Glad to see you and your hookah show up! How’s it going out there? I had to make some phone calls to your neck of the woods today for work, and thought about you out rousing the rabble. 🙂
tosses Bud a pupperoni
you just reminded me that I didn’t eat dinner before going to the bar. oOpz 🙂 Be right back
I had at least three burritos with tripas de leche on Easter, I think the pig ear will be a nice addition :]
Hmmm… was this you shape shifting that caused that massive burrito and tripas consumption? Those, my friend, are all yours. I tried those once in France, and that was it for me!

it’s beginning to get very ugly out there Manny…Nanette’s fears could easily come to pass. I think a lot of us have seen this coming, but what to do.
an answer, my friend. For now, I will just keep speaking out on the building tension here in my area.
I was reading you post here and at your blog — there’s a lot going on that I would never hear about if not for your words. It does seem to be moving towards a tipping point.
Don’t mean to be rude, but I actually just caught up with you. How are things going for you?
now, thanks for asking! I’m enjoying a quesadilla and an ice cold beer. In a word: bliss 🙂 How r u?
Was feeling pretty down and whined a bit earlier. Now I feel better. Not good, just better. I’d really like to make a change in my life. Seriously, I would love to move to another state and start over, but, realistically, I doubt that would be possible. I mean, the cost alone! Well, I’ll stop whining now.
Glad you’re doing ok.
I know, I talk too much.
I’m off to bed. Hope you all have a good sleep and a great tomorrow (friday!) … 🙂
Thx for all the well wishes and treats today, er yesterday!
It’s still your birthday for another hour and 45 mins here, so I’ll keep celebrating 🙂
Before I go — I saw your bday message on your blog tonight and I wanted to give you big hugs for that — thanks sweetie! :* {{{{{Manny}}}}}
Wishing you blissful pink dreams, my friend! I’m glad you had a great day… I think the gang did it up really nice for you! I’m glad I could be a small part of it. Here’s to many more!
Another hug and kiss on the way out — Thanks for today dada!
Think I’m going to make it an early nite–I ran out of cigarettes. Should really try to quit again–lol. Thanks everyone for listening to me. And good night all! And, olivia, Happy Birthday or Happy Belated Birthday–not sure which time zone you are in.
guess I’ll put up another 24/7 cafe in a few.
for the Nightowl Crew and any Insomniatic Geezers