Maybe I am losing my edge. Maybe I am just not an enormous nerd, like Howard Kurtz. I don’t know. But, I can’t get excited about the staff shakeups at the White House. Frankly, reading Kurtz’s enthuisiasm kinda made me throw up a little.
…for those who are paid to analyze and scrutinize the direction of the White House, it doesn’t get much better than this. A new chief of staff, a new press secretary, and a revised portfolio– be still, my heart –for the president’s most powerful strategist.
All that and a Fox News host coming in too?
Why, enterprising Beltway journalists might just be able to milk this story for weeks on end. By which time we can all go on summer vacation.
The big story is supposed to be about Karl Rove getting some kind of demotion. He lost his policy portfolio…or so the story goes. You know what? I don’t give a fuck. Karl Rove belongs in shackles. Until I see Karl Rove in shackles I won’t be joining Howard Kurtz on any vacations. Kurtz says:
Hint: Liberals are near-ecstatic…
For the record, I’m checking to see if I even have a pulse. From what I can tell, the only benefit to ‘demoting’ Karl is that right-wing newspapers can write drivel like this:
“The shift of Mr. Rove out of his second-term role as deputy chief of staff for policy could help address a separate problem: concern that White House policies too often are perceived as partisan and divisive.”
It’s almost impossible to read analysis like that and not regurgitate my breakfast. It used to be amusing to watch the press do their their little dance with the White House. At this point, it just makes me cringe. Everyone knows they have committed impeachable offenses. Everyone knows that we overlook such crimes at our peril. Everyone knows that Karl Rove lied to a grand jury, to the FBI, to Scottie McClellan, to the American people, and (possibly) to the President. How long are we going to pretend we are not in a constitutional crisis? How long are we going to pretend that Iraq is improving, or can improve?
And then there is this asshole McClellan. McClellan announces, “I have given it my all, sir,” and the press goes all soft on him. Listen up!! This man, Scottie McClellan, lied to you every day for three years on virtually every question that you raised with him. He didn’t resign in disgust at what he was being asked to do. He gleefully stood there and lied, over and over and over again. And he wasn’t any good at it. So, he not only lied to you, in your face, repeatedly…but he badly insulted your intelligence while he was doing it.
Now, you will excuse this as ‘just what Press Secretaries do”. That is the whole problem with Howard Kurtz and the rest of the Beltway reporters. They saw Joe Lockhart lie about a blow job and now they think its okay for a press secretary to lie about anything.
McClellan’s list of big lies is very impressive. He lied about the rationale for war, about the Plame investigation, about our torture policies, about our rendition policies, about the nature of Iraq resistance…anything important, he lied about.
…former colleagues of McClellan, an affable Texan who has worked for Bush since he was governor, say he acquitted himself well in what has become an increasingly difficult and contentious job.
He LIED well badly, in a job, under Bush, that involved nothing but LYING. I’m tired of it. The policies of this administration are one thing. Their political strategy and contempt for the English language and everyday American’s intelligence, is another.
Demoting Rove and dumping McClellan will do nothing to change the fact that we are losing a war in Iraq that we should not have begun. It won’t stop the illegal surveillance of anti-Bush activists. It won’t get Congress to investigate this President and his quail-hunting sidekick. Howard Kurtz says I’m ecstatic. Fuck him.
Let’s do it in orange.
How about this for a wildass theory, based on no evidence whatsoever:
As Jason Leopold indicates, Rove is about to be indicted. So the White House dumps its press secretary and fiddlefarts around trying to find another press secretary. So when Rove IS indicted, WH has nobody to hold press gaggles, briefings, press conferences or any other public questioning.
Sound like something this Administration might do???
This is just shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic. Scotty’s out, a new Scotty comes in to take his place. Rove loses a job title but none of his influence or power.
Where are these ecstatic liberals he talks about? I’d love to meet one and see if he’s really that clueless or just off his meds.
yeah, he’s says we’re ecstatic and then he quotes Aravosis saying, “”Who cares? Seriously.”
How’s that for fair and balanced?
The old saying is rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Bush is original – he’s decided to bolt the deck chairs to the Titanic.
But he has put out free drinks and nuts, and told the band to play REALLY loud.
Ecstatic is certainly a bit of an exaggeration, but come on, an Andy Rooney schtick? Any chance to enjoy a little schadenfreude is better than a day of no problems at all at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. If nothing else, they will be thrown off their game for a bit due to the simple need to reorganize.
You’ve got to admit their game is certainly off what it was a year ago – not that they aren’t proceeding apace to do mischief, but their capacity to do so seems to be inexorably waning – barring, of course, another “attention-getting event” (as someone here cleverly called it), but even that would now be seen as another Bush DHS failure. Anybody have an anchor handy to toss them? The relative lack of coverage of the supposed “dangerous package” incident at Atlanta’s airport yesterday shows how pathetic they’ve become. Even his pal Tony won’t come out to play with him anymore when he offered a fun game of Iranian whack-a-mole.
Each day more people are waking up and the old manipulations don’t work anymore. Time is on our side – it takes a while to topple the whole regime, as Watergate showed, and the wheels are in motion. This administration is a four-act tragedy, and we’re in act 3 scene 2, I’d wager. My stack of “Emigration to Canada for Dummies” books are actually getting quite a coating of dust on them. 🙂
Hint: Liberals are near-ecstatic…
Then he closes with this:
In an even-numbered year, somehow I think Rove would be doing politics no matter what his job description.
Only translation I can think of: liberals are too stupid to see something that even Kurtz is bright enough to recognize. The Rove “change” changes nothing, and everyone who is paying attention knows it. Are we sure this whole article wasn’t snark? Howie is a very strange person.
I honestly think the man is so deranged that it doesn’t bother him a bit that the public doesn’t trust him……he is a flagrant and sometimes admitted liar. He is a window dresser and this is just more dressing windows and he knows it, likes it, enjoys the shit out of it! I didn’t get a chance yesterday either to comment on your piece about the Dems having to move bigtime Left from here so may I take a moment to sound off on that…I think you nailed it. You nailed that this administration has been operating completely out of any frame work of any preexisting paradigms also. Their belief that they were an empire and that they were creating reality just cracks me up to no end too. They did act that way and totally believed their own bullshit but people are hurting now. People are really hurting……the military is really hurting……..the nation is broke…….one local hospital here won’t take people without insurance now and the other one has people in the emergency area stacked to the ceiling trying to take care of people……people needlessly died and were murdered in New Orleans…..people can’t afford their medicines…..people can’t afford gas and now people can’t be bankrupt either…….so long as America is governed through elections this whole “We are an Empire and We Create Our Own Reality” Shit is total fucking horse puckey. I have never seen a group of people take so much largess and surplus and create such a pile of stinking crap out of it all in my whole life! Anybody who doesn’t clearly see it all too is just waiting for the Rapture which is just another snake oil sales job sold to another bunch of fuckheads who think that they can get out being accountable somehow and “Create Their Own Reality”. Other than the Sopranos right now who needs television to be entertaining? I don’t have enough time in the day after I have been entertained by the people I live among to be further entertained! All of the real solutions to be applied to America society and culture and government that will return some kind of balance to the system will all appear “Super Left” because the fucking Right in power went so Right they went Reich. If the old guard Dems though won’t do what needs to be done to help the people hurting they will be gotten rid of as quickly as possible too by the people. How many times have I heard that we have turned a corner? Yeah, we have turned a corner allright and now when the average American slips into economic Hades and is roasted to death between now and November I would say that we have turned a corner and are headed right into Hell for everybody now! Fallujah has grown and we could all end up living in Fallujah if people in any kind of power aren’t very very careful right this very minute in time, and I’m not sure they have very many minutes out there to make or allow anymore really really bad, selfish, self-centered, Empire decisions now!
i think you’re about ready for a serious rant, Tracy. I hope everything is going well with your son.
I have been kicked out of school today so can’t have lunch with him (it is grandparents day at school today and it’s pretty funny because they are forbidding parents). I caught a migraine last night (probably from the stress of his surgery deflating) and have been battling it. It is nice and dark in front of the computer in the kitchen and I almost feel human until I remember who is in the White House and what they have did yesterday and the day before that and the day before that.
I can’t imagine the stress of your situation. I hope ranting helps. I know it helps me deal with my stress…small as it is.
my simple but on topic saying is, I am not jumping up and down with joy….not till the entire bunch of them are totally put out to pasture and on the wacko weed they like to eat. History will not have one good word to say about this period of our history. It has been the worst of anything that could have even been dreamed of for America. It still could get pretty bad, if we do not check their hats at the door, when they come for a short visit of lying to us. They still can and will do lots of harm to us all here and in the world until we make them all non-beings of the abyss. What ever way we do it is beyond me, but they do have to be removed and everyone has to be made aware of why they are removed and the consequences of their dirty deeds for us all. Get rid of them all… my rhetoric for the day! Thanks and have a great day, if you can.
I could be wrong on this for I have not one ounce of proof of it but my sneaking supsicion is that rove had a hand in the jamming of the phone lines in NH….remember that one?? I think it is all coming apart for the WH and the republican party, if you ask me…just MHO here..
I’m with you, Boo — bored to death with all the ersatz hoopla about which drunk is steering the Titanic today. In fairness to Kurtz, tho, he was upfront about the real payoff of all this: a golden opportunity for the pundit leeches to fill more columns with brainless blather without having to do a lick of work looking for anything of significance. I mean you don’t want the poor things to have to fall back on American Idol some more, do you?
What has really pissed me off about the coverage is the jock-sentimental kissyface about McClellan. He gives a little high-school pep talk and all the drunks and liars get all misty eyed. I flashed right back to Oliver North and his almost identical smarmy image making.
“I’ve given my all, sir.” Problem is, if you’re a creep, giving your all merely means there’s more creepiness around. Thanks a heap, Scotty.
Agreed. The end result will be a wash, there is no big news here. The only curious thing is that these changes are all happenining at once. The timing of events was poorly chosen.
why do you think the timing is bad? Curious.
I should have been clearer. It’s bad for Bushco, looking weak at this time.
I believe that on the street they call this sort of thing a Shell Game. Another form of fraud.
Get a load of the latest US PsyOps: Iranian nuclear weapons for Venezuela?
Rove is not far away from his body. He will still make headway in all his dirty deeds. I htink bush has assigned him to work for somebody for 08 and who that is exactly, I do not know, but maybe mccain. I do know that they must continue doing their horrible things to make what they have already done worthwhile…or else everything will be lost. Rove will be indicted soon and we will know of his act in all this mess….all of the messes, for that matter.
Mistah Kurtz, he dead.
From the neck up.
AND he is an honored contributor to the Washitclean Post.
AND…you still read him? Take anything in WAPO or the entire media seriously enough to let them make you feel nauseous?
Too bad.
YOU dead too.
You might find it stunning that I actually read the NY Times and Washington Post everyday. Usually, first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. It’s amazing that I do this. Because everything contained in those papers is totally worthless. Except for, you know, the reporting.
WHAT reporting?
You mean the spin!!!
There is not a word in either of those papers that is worth the shit it is printed for.
The only “reporting” they do is to headquarters where they get their marching orders.
Now it is true that there are disagreements among the various headquarters to which various factions of the media report…which WAY to spin, basically…but that is just tactics.
Status quo.
The tactic?
Hell, BooMan…you know the quote as well as I do.
Ron Suskind, NY Times, October 17, 2004. (And yes I appreciate the irony of where it was published. Betcha it WOULDN’T be published now, though. It’s gotten worse, BooMan. Much worse.)
The aide said that guys like me were ”in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who ”believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ”That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. ”We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
Well…STOP studying “what they do”.
Because it is empty news.
ESPECIALLY empty the higher up the media food chain you travel.
You already know “what they do”.
They spin.
That’s it.
Changing the White House staff or threatening Iran.
It is now TOTALLY empty.
All of it.
Paper tiger time.
But it continues to work because people like you still believe it is real.
Tell them to take their new realities and shove it up their superannuated asses.
And PLEASE, BooMan…stop reading those foolish papers and getting all exercised when they run their usual bullshit.
It’s what they DO.
Oh Jesus.
You can’t correct the record, you can’t counter the spin, if you don’t know what the record is.
Save you advice for someone else. I will continue to expose the complicity of the NYT’s and the WP for as long as I do this. You should be grateful instead of constantly nagging me to stop reading and watching the news.
I am NOT “grateful”, BooMan.
Because the only way to counter this spin is to stop obsessively watching the hypnotop.
Sorry, man.
That’s the way I see it, and that’s what I will continue saying.
that advice might make sense for someone who does something different for a living. For me, it amounts to pointless and inane stupidity.
stop watching and reading the news, the fact will remain that millions of American voters will still be watching and buying the spin…so we have to know how to counter the spin for those folks when we venture out of our blogosphere dens and out into the Real World.
Telling America to “turn off the fucking TV” isn’t going to cut it with the majority who work a 10 hour day then just want to come home and relax with a beer and the tube…
Tom Toles is THE MAN! Only thing worth going to the WaPo for. Everything else is horseshit.
smoke and mirrors like the budget like the energy policy and on amd on. They try to regroup because all their lies have gotten them in a bind. So what do they do to fix it? They lie and say Rove is off policy issues. Same old pattern.
Now that the press has gotten a bit braver I’d like to see Ari Fleischer back in the press secretaries spot that lying, propaganda spewing, piece of shit got off easy the first time.
Anyway Booman, I agree completely, this is no shakeup. Its not even worth the time it takes to read the story.
I know I’m a little perverse, but I’m sorry to see Scotty boy go. Not because I like him, or think he was competent, but because he had NO credibility left. The White House was putting a laughingstock up in front of the cameras to deliver their “message” (whatever the heck it’s supposed to be). I was amused by it toward the end.
My only fear is that they might get a good liar to replace McClellan.
It’s as if the Italian Christian Democrats of the post-war era were in charge – keep changing governments, but always with the same faces.
Oh look! A new government, or maybe not.
Ecstatic? Damn right I am. All the shit we’ve put up with for 5 years – and a nuclear war on the horizen? Ecstatic is puting it midly.
C’mon Fitz! “Bring it on!”, to use a famous quote.