It’s 80 degrees out and the birds are chirping. I’ve got some errands to run, and who wants to be inside anyway. But, there are some stories out there for me to work on. One is the Raw Story revelation that alleges the Office of the Vice-President has retained the services of Iran-Contra middleman, the notorious arms dealer and prevaricator, Manucher Ghorbanifar. The other big story is something that should warm the hearts of all frog-stalkers. Jason Leopold reports:
Just as the news broke Wednesday about Scott McClellan resigning as White House press secretary and Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove shedding some of his policy duties, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald met with the grand jury hearing evidence in the CIA leak case and introduced additional evidence against Rove, attorneys and other US officials close to the investigation said.
The grand jury session in federal court in Washington, DC, sources close to the case said, was the first time this year that Fitzgerald told the jurors that he would soon present them with a list of criminal charges he intends to file against Rove in hopes of having the grand jury return a multi-count indictment against Rove.
In an interview Wednesday, Rove’s attorney, Robert Luskin, confirmed that Rove remains a “subject” of Fitzgerald’s two-year-old probe.
“Mr. Rove is still a subject of the investigation,” Luskin said. In a previous interview, Luskin asserted that Rove would not be indicted by Fitzgerald, but he was unwilling to make that prediction again Wednesday.
If Fitz indicts Rove, we are going to have a party. Who will bring the beer?
Later on, I’ll put together my thoughts on these stories.
If Fitz indicts Rove, I will come down to Philly from North Jersey for that party.
Darlin, if this really happens, I will bring the Champaign. I will be one of the first in line to have a hug and a kiss from everyone here. I will have such joy!!!! God, I can not tell you how much of a pleasure it will be for me to hear of such great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as far as Manucher Ghorbanifar goes, he has always been part of the company that cheney has kept for years and years now. What makes this news is that we are in a new war now….one that south america is involved as well…you gotta have the tea leaves to understand…;o)
drive up from delaware for
we should roast nuts
but what will we do when they all get pardoned?
Perhaps this is why his duties have been reduced. I’ll bring the organic wine.
Organic vino sounds mighty fine! I’m consuming an Argentine red right now with dinner – Malbec. And then I’m going to wait for some news on Rove feeling froggie.
<<<skipping along and whistling a happy tune>>> Now lookeeeee here at what I found that will add to your happy day syndrome…..
from fox news
I always heard that when you are digging yourself into a hole,….stop the digging….but not these nut jobs…they just keep digging and digging..maybe then it will actually all cave in on them in the end..but not these guys and gals…they just keep going an d going like they are oblivious to what is really happening around them.
Cornered animals are particularly dangerous…OTOH dang hope is springing up again and I would love to party with you all 🙂 Ahhh, a happy moment.
If that happens, I think everybody is going to bring the beer. Heck, I’d even bring the beer, and I wouldn’t be drinking any of it.
Being progressive these days is like living on a rollercoaster.
Not just heartwarming — I actually felt my heart leap when I read Leopold’s story! Smiles all around and can hardly wait for the party…
I will bring the n/a beer for all the non drinkers. One hell of a party to commence if this goes down as reported. WhooHoo!
Before we get too giddy…like the last 17 times these criminals were “cornered”…please.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Go here (Rigorous Intuition) and read this.
“Never saw nothing at all”
I saw this story first late last night. Just the usual $500,000 hustle involving drugs, Bechtel, nuclear plants, mysterious “Feds” appearing, mysterious drivers disappearing, and another episode of “As The World Burns” paramilitarily chutes down the old media rabbit hole into NeverHappened Land.
A teaser. (OK…MORE than a teaser. The whole damned thing.):
Two Houston men driving a tractor-trailer pulled up to the gate of Pennsylvania’s Beaver Valley nuclear power station Tuesday afternoon. They said they’d arrived from Chicago with an empty flatbed to pick up a large tool container bound for Youngstown, Ohio.
There are at least a couple of accounts of what happened next. In one, the men drove away as soon as they were informed their vehicle would be subject to routine inspection, prompting the security guards to become suspicious and call police, “who pulled the truck over about a mile from the plant.” In the sleeping compartment, more than half a million dollars in ten bundles of small bills wrapped in plastic and duct tape was found stuffed in a locked duffel bag. In another version the bag is found by security before the truckers drive off and the search warrant is executed. In both, the truckers claim they had no idea what was in the bag, and offer no persuasive explanation for how it got there. One trucker claimed it was for a truck his boss hoped to purchase, “but when the security workers called the truckers’ boss in Houston, he also said he knew nothing about the money.” In this account, it was the boss who instructed the drivers to back away from the plant and return to the road.
Three more things: A police dog sensed drug residue on the bills (Not necessarily exceptional, that: “The probability that every single person in the United States is carrying drug-tainted money is almost certain.”) Though the truckers were said to be polite and cooperative, one of them wasn’t carrying identification, and told the dog-ate-my-homework tale of it having been stolen from the truck the night before. (While a duffel bag of cash was left behind?) And the “truckers worked for a company hired by San Francisco-based Bechtel Corp., which is performing construction work and replacing equipment at the plant.”
The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force was summoned and quickly sized up the situation. The truckers were released, the money seized and, as seen in this video, it was the reporters who were detained. The truckers were allowed to leave because authorities claimed there was no indication they had committed a crime. How quaint, and how selective the presumption of innocence. That the men were from Houston rather than, say, Bangla Desh, meant they didn’t look like terrorists to the security guards, even though Michael Meiring also lived in Houston for a time.
So what is going on here? Because something just had its cover blown.
Could the intention have been to purchase nuclear material, perhaps for a dirty bomb to trigger the Iran war and make a US nuclear assault less objectionable? Could be, but I’d also say this scene appears too sloppy for such a task, and Bechtel wouldn’t risk showing its hand so close to such action.
It strikes me, rather, as aspects of a covert drug routine so familiar that the players got lazy. Caught out, all they have to do is forfeit the money back to the government from which it probably came. In this old racket, Bechtel risks nothing.
On the other hand, terror and drugs are simply different manifestations of the same Will to Control. So whatever was intended will still endeavour to find its way, and the media will be looking somewhere else, comprehending nothing.
Now THIS is what’s HAPPENING.
Capi di tutti capi come and go, but business remains constant.
This is the same sort of network of false leads, stupid local cops, Texas, mystery feds, drug connections etc. that stymied any and all attempts to find out who really killed JFK ad MLK 40+ years ago. (Check out THIS link out for more on that. Local news. Station WDUH. DUH!!!)
They have it down to science, now.
WHOEVER “they” is.
So…spare me the celebrations.
Premature or not, they are ALL premature when you look at the real deal.
The PermaGov just keeps on chugging along.
Only the conductors change.
So let me see if I follow this correctly:
Two guys from Houston
Leave Chicago
To go to Beaver Valley, Penn. (where ever the fuck that is)
To pick up cargo that is going to Ohio
Couple questions here: Aren’t there any fucking trucks in Beaver Valley, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia or in the entire State of Pennsylvania? Why bring a truck in from Chicago, which has to travel through Indiana, OHIO and Penn. to get to Beaver Valley?
Supposedly Rove stepped down from his policy role to work on the mid-term elections. We all know what that means…dirty tricks galore.
If Rove is indicted, not only would he be forced to leave the White House (and become the second sitting Bush Administration official to be indicted in office — remember that Libby’s resignation did not go through till just after the indictment went down), he will be just about screwed in terms of election skullduggery; what Republican is going to risk having him involved in their campaign, even peripherally?
Of course, it won’t be smooth sailing…we’ll always have Diebold…
hmm, another rigorous intuition reader, shoulda known.
strong meat, that site, not for the faint of heart….
How about this for a wildass theory, based on no evidence whatsoever:
As Jason Leopold indicates, Rove is about to be indicted. So the White House dumps its press secretary and fiddlefarts around trying to find another press secretary. So when Rove IS indicted, WH has nobody to hold press gaggles, briefings, press conferences or any other public questioning.
Sound like something this Administration might do???
with his post about the Minutemen and border checkpoints. Here is the link.
Way cool! Hi Ghostdancer. Good to see you my friend! Hope you are well.