all hat, no cattle on this one, I’ve only tried it once and that was years ago. I’ve always stuck to alcohol and ciggs for my vices (the hookah has been a relatively new and fun development.
O/T but Crooks and Liars linked to my diary here, guess I didn’t send that email to them in vain after all. :-]
I’m betting p-shopped, but I thought you might like it. hehe
I have another fun one to post before I leave, but I’ll hold off for the moment. I suspect we share an odd convergence of tastes in art and perspective. Umbrella, meet sewing machine.
That you did, and in spades! I just hope my comment made it clear where I stand on this issue. Whenever, and however I can, I’ve got your back, Manny. And the backs of any others to whom I can lend my modicum of support.
Bonne nuit, fellow traveler. Give Bu a big hug for me and toss a Scooby snack her way! I think I’ve got a broken dog biscuit for you… hehe. Night, my friend.
Here’s one last glimpse into the bizarro world I inhabit… and I’m pretty sure this one was not p-shopped…
Kind of reminds me of The Day of the Triffids, but this apparently is real.
And with that, I must get to bed… I have to finish that freakin report later today, but with a skeleton crew in the office, I’m hoping it will be a leisurely day… hoping….
Thx, Manny… I’m sure I’ll be fine… in any case, I have her highness Queen Pepa to protect me. She can be ferocious when she wants to be… just ask that bunny she took out back in Jan… well, on second thought, maybe not!
I got a second wind, this does not bode well for my sleep levels tonight. Oh well, pass the hookah line!
We need something a bit more herbal for that hookah Manny.
At least I don’t have to get up and be anywhere in the AM… ahhh, the joys of self-unemployment.
definitely mellow me out and perhaps cause another quesadilla preparation. 😀
of the new blends and the 4 beers I’ve had…I’d probably have difficulty getting upstairs to bed…not a bad thing, mind you.
all hat, no cattle on this one, I’ve only tried it once and that was years ago. I’ve always stuck to alcohol and ciggs for my vices (the hookah has been a relatively new and fun development.
O/T but Crooks and Liars linked to my diary here, guess I didn’t send that email to them in vain after all. :-]
So… is that why you are channeling this image of yourself to me right now, dada?

Gotta be p.shopped…that or some tree pruner was trippin’ big time.
I’m betting p-shopped, but I thought you might like it. hehe
I have another fun one to post before I leave, but I’ll hold off for the moment. I suspect we share an odd convergence of tastes in art and perspective. Umbrella, meet sewing machine.
I can’t express how much I appreciate your putting this out there. You ROCK, in all the best ways you can imagine!
reading, just trying to give a window to our world down here en la frontera.
That you did, and in spades! I just hope my comment made it clear where I stand on this issue. Whenever, and however I can, I’ve got your back, Manny. And the backs of any others to whom I can lend my modicum of support.
I think I’m done…Bu’s gone downstairs and I dare not open another frosty paralyzer or I’ll regret it in the AM.
Sleep well my friends.
thanks again for that black rose, I think I’m gonna use that one for my fax tomorrow to Rogers’ office.
Bonne nuit, fellow traveler. Give Bu a big hug for me and toss a Scooby snack her way! I think I’ve got a broken dog biscuit for you… hehe. Night, my friend.
Here’s one last glimpse into the bizarro world I inhabit… and I’m pretty sure this one was not p-shopped…

Kind of reminds me of The Day of the Triffids, but this apparently is real.
And with that, I must get to bed… I have to finish that freakin report later today, but with a skeleton crew in the office, I’m hoping it will be a leisurely day… hoping….
try not to get eaten by the Treebeard lookalike in your dreams 😀
Thx, Manny… I’m sure I’ll be fine… in any case, I have her highness Queen Pepa to protect me. She can be ferocious when she wants to be… just ask that bunny she took out back in Jan… well, on second thought, maybe not!
Cuídate bien, mi amigo.