Since I’m getting a little predictable with Pooties and Puppies…it’s time for a little variation this morning!
Busy day and busier weekend…will drop in and out today! Hopefully it will stay dry and we’re planning a Sunday morning hike! Woo Hoo…let spring officially begin!
If this week ever ends, it will blend into the next and the next again. The week after that will seem just like this, only with more humidity and funny smells. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Of course. The bastards have me chained up for a solid 11 hours today, without so much as a crumb of bread. I do have 20 pieces of nicotine gum in my pocket, so at least I have that going for me.
I should clarify something about my “cubicle” here. All of my walls have been donated to those deemed more needy, so I’m in a cubicle without a cube, otherwise known as a desk shoved up against the wall. I used to have walls, but they left a few weeks ago. I Just didn’t want you to develop a mental picture that involved me having any privacy.
You should do what Les Nessman did on WKRP. Mark out, in masking tape on the floor, the boundaries of where your cube should be. Then if anyone just wanders in to talk to you politely tell them they have to knock first, and don’t acknowledge them further until they go back to the “door” of the “cube” and say “Knock knock.”
If nothing else it might cut down on the number of visitors once they realize they have a weirdo working for them.
but he was such a fuss-monster about it that I decided it was best to have the vet do it since then. What’s hilarious is when he’s getting a bath and nearly plops over asleep.
I’m working from home today. That’s the good news. The bad news is, I have to interrupt my work day with a trip to the dentist this afternoon. (That’s why I am working from home. I actually like doing the office thing, although if someone paid me lots of money to stay home I’d do that too.)
I like my backyard – 8 months out of the year. We’re heading into the time when I won’t dare set foot out the back door without my heatshield in place.
What Olivia said about acidic soil! You could try feeding them with a product such as Miracid (made by Miracle Gro), which should help out. Or, if you like, I could ship you bags and bags of the spruce needles I’ve been cleaning up in the back yard this week!
Believe me, we’ve got our share of pine trees in the yard which is probably the reason they’re still alive. But we’ve had drought conditions for two years and I just don’t feel the compulsion to water things besides the pots on the deck.
It’s a rhododendron, which many of you may not know is the state flower of Washington.
It’s also very poisonous, as was pointed out to me at a very early age, being a native Washingtonian and all that (although we weren’t very likely to have rhodies on our side of the state, seeing as how it was in the middle of a desert).
It’s still so frustrating trying to get my camera to focus. It says it’s focused and it’s not. Time for me to get a better camera and pass this one on to one of the kids.
It must be great to be a turtle to be in the middle of danger and mayhem and just tuck your head inside and pretend the outside world doesn’t exist. Oh, I did that already.
The first time I read that I was so mesmerized by the thought of waving their majestic penises around that I totally missed this part:
Now the slugs must disengage — a challenge for two animals so amply endowed and thoroughly covered in sticky mucus. After long bouts of writhing and pulling, the pair may resort to … apophallation. Translated, this means that one slug gnaws off the penis of the other.
What do you think they do when they’re done seeing as neither of them can get away very fast. I’ll bet she makes him talk about their relationship and where it’s heading.
I got the most excellent gift yesterday in RL … a book that I have not been able to put down.
Anatomy of a rose: The secret lives of flowers by Sharman Apt Russell. Here’s the back snippet:
The jack-in-the-pulpit is considering a sex change. The violets have a secret. The dandelion is smug. The orchid is finally satisfied, having produced over a million seeds. The bellflower is not satisfied and is slowly bending its stigma in order to reach its own pollen. The pansies wait expectantly, their vulviform faces lifted to the sky. The evening primrose is interested in one thing and one thing only.
A stroll through the garden is almost embarrassing.
The flower of a European orchid resemble the female of a certain bee. In parts of the Mediterranean, the flowers of a related species are grabbed by a lusty male bee and pollinated. But when that bee died out in western Europe, the orchid evolved into a habitual selfer. Now, a few days after the flower has opened, its pollinia (masses or sacs of pollen attached to a stem) lazily fall out of the anther, hang in front of the stigma and wait for a breeze.
I am so loving this book! <paging through looking for trillium mentions…>
In-DEED. Hmm, with all this racy sex talk, I’d better cut short my slacker break and get back to work! Hope you all are having a great day at the pond… I can’t wait to get this report done, get out the door and commence my weekend slacking.
At least I’m on the home stretch now… Executive Summary almost finished!
Hello all! I hope that everyone is well, especially those w/ac problems. GRRR! I still can’t get the roborater to work. A lovely day here in the Hudson Valley. How’s it by you?
I just wait til I get home w/ FF and then roborate everything I missed during the day. And I’m sure you should feel goosebumps or tingles or whatever, b/c every time I do it, I send out thanks and praise to you. π
Reminds me of the Justin Wilson story about the time he went to one of those holy-roller services, and everything was fine right up until when they brought out the snakes.
I would take the rest of the day off to calm my blood pressure but they wouldn’t even let me work from a different desk the day the wolfie dropped on my head. EEK!
Hi! I’ll be popping in and out of the cafe this afternoon, but the breakfast cafe was looking a little crowded….so here’s a new one!
Since I’m getting a little predictable with Pooties and Puppies…it’s time for a little variation this morning!
Busy day and busier weekend…will drop in and out today! Hopefully it will stay dry and we’re planning a Sunday morning hike! Woo Hoo…let spring officially begin!
Have a great day….
Enjoy the sunshine….
Hey Sally, did you get the URL I dropped you where you can find that catnip T-shirt?
The spouse is debating whether he wants one too!
If this week ever ends, it will blend into the next and the next again. The week after that will seem just like this, only with more humidity and funny smells. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Are you chained in your cube today?
Of course. The bastards have me chained up for a solid 11 hours today, without so much as a crumb of bread. I do have 20 pieces of nicotine gum in my pocket, so at least I have that going for me.
I should clarify something about my “cubicle” here. All of my walls have been donated to those deemed more needy, so I’m in a cubicle without a cube, otherwise known as a desk shoved up against the wall. I used to have walls, but they left a few weeks ago. I Just didn’t want you to develop a mental picture that involved me having any privacy.
You should do what Les Nessman did on WKRP. Mark out, in masking tape on the floor, the boundaries of where your cube should be. Then if anyone just wanders in to talk to you politely tell them they have to knock first, and don’t acknowledge them further until they go back to the “door” of the “cube” and say “Knock knock.”
If nothing else it might cut down on the number of visitors once they realize they have a weirdo working for them.
Not a bad idea, but they already think I’m weird and they usually just harass me over the phone anyway.
for you, Chris:
That’s lovely. Thank you.
Yeah, but what’s that panda doing in his office?
If you haven’t done so, give BoJo’s Diaries some love…
clik image for links
</ Shameless Promotion>
Nothin’ shameless about it, you guys are awesome. Thanks for the shout out.
hope you don’t mind.
It seemed apropos for the final day.
I just watched ‘Mo the Crow’ and his kitty from those vid links you posted. That’s cool!
I’ve only been at work for an hour! π
Good morning everyone. I started Friday Bud Blogging over at Casa Eegee if you want to go check him out. Olivia wants the number to his manicurist.
Yes, Bud has excellent nails! (Seriously, do you trim them?)
but he was such a fuss-monster about it that I decided it was best to have the vet do it since then. What’s hilarious is when he’s getting a bath and nearly plops over asleep.
I do that too when my owner is bathing me. It’s hard work.
the mud wrestling?
(See olivia, I’m not picking on you about mud wrestling anymore)
I feel so special now. Now jello wrestling…
for a nap will suffice. Does your leg twitch when you get an ear scratching too?
You lucky lucky man. I’ve found George put up less fight getting a haircut or nails trimmed than a bath.
Send a little Budness this way.
I’m working from home today. That’s the good news. The bad news is, I have to interrupt my work day with a trip to the dentist this afternoon. (That’s why I am working from home. I actually like doing the office thing, although if someone paid me lots of money to stay home I’d do that too.)
My last workday of vacation, sigh…
It’s a beautiful day, Andrew is napping, and I’m listening to Al Franken. How is everybody?
Oh yea, the hockey play-offs start tonight. Woohoo!
Hello everyone. I’m on break again.
What’s going on?
Hi FM! I’m grading some journals, waitng for Andrew to wake up from his nap.
Hi Toni. I just read it’s you the last of vacation.
I want to tell you again how much I enjoyed your diary about going to pick up Andrew.
Thanks FM. How’s your day?
The AC guys are still here installing the new furnace and AC units – nothing to do but take pictures of the backyard and try to look busy.
Big view – came with the house

Goodwill garden chair – $6 bucks

Anticipation – priceless

Those are beautiful SN.
I like my backyard – 8 months out of the year. We’re heading into the time when I won’t dare set foot out the back door without my heatshield in place.
Sorry got to go. Mom is up and raising cain because she can’t find her address book.
I’ve got to start digging.
What a beautiful shot of that purple flower. It looks like you’re channeling your inner Olivia.
I’m a flower ignoramus. What is that gorgeous flower in that gorgeous picture?
It’s a rhododendron. Apparently NC is famous for them, but I’m slowly killing the ones in my yard. Maybe you’re supposed to water them?
If that helps any — they like to grow near pines for that reason … and that’s about all I can remember.
What Olivia said about acidic soil! You could try feeding them with a product such as Miracid (made by Miracle Gro), which should help out. Or, if you like, I could ship you bags and bags of the spruce needles I’ve been cleaning up in the back yard this week!
Believe me, we’ve got our share of pine trees in the yard which is probably the reason they’re still alive. But we’ve had drought conditions for two years and I just don’t feel the compulsion to water things besides the pots on the deck.
It’s a rhododendron, which many of you may not know is the state flower of Washington.
It’s also very poisonous, as was pointed out to me at a very early age, being a native Washingtonian and all that (although we weren’t very likely to have rhodies on our side of the state, seeing as how it was in the middle of a desert).
Bee-ewe-ti-ful SN!
It’s still so frustrating trying to get my camera to focus. It says it’s focused and it’s not. Time for me to get a better camera and pass this one on to one of the kids.
Now that sounds wonderful!
Is he digging for truffles? That’s an awesome shot!
mole or mouse
It must be great to be a turtle to be in the middle of danger and mayhem and just tuck your head inside and pretend the outside world doesn’t exist. Oh, I did that already.
Yeah, the better way is to leave your head out and still pretend the outside world doesn’t exist. That’s my method and I’m pretty happy with it.
What would he do if he actually notice the turtle?
Not much. They usually give the turtles a quick lookover but they seem to have decided that anything that requires a can opener is too much trouble.
What a great capture Andi! lol
The turtles are out and looking for action.
Turtle action – sounds oxymoronic, yet fascinating. Do you ever see them ‘doing it’?
Yeah but it’s much more interesting to make insinuations about it than to actually watch it. Turtles are no slugs.
There’s nothing wrong with us slugs.
I assume you’re talking about slow moving species of life.
another person to introduce to the wonders of slug sex.
I’m speachless. π
The first time I read that I was so mesmerized by the thought of waving their majestic penises around that I totally missed this part:
OK I’m not identifying myself with slug anymore.
Well maybe the slowness, but the gnawing off. No way!
That’s what happens when your penis is half the size of your body. There are always drawbacks.
Nothin’ good comes easy.
Do I make a statement like I’ve always know that, or oh, but to dream.
Think I’ll stay away from both.
Now you see how low we really are, Family Man? If I remember correctly many of us bonded for the first time over slug sex.
Well I’be been thinking slug/Bonobo, slug/Bonobo…..
when you said it reminded you of high school.
I had you at slug sex, didn’t I?
I’m not touching that (figuratively or literally).
I’m off to search for that damn address book again.
See ya later.
I’m trying to visualize how they’d actually hook up given the shells and all. And nothing can compare to slug sex. It’s tantric.
It’s pretty much what you’d expect — male turle pushes up against female turtle with his front legs on her shell. It’s definitely not tantric.
What do you think they do when they’re done seeing as neither of them can get away very fast. I’ll bet she makes him talk about their relationship and where it’s heading.
on the female turtle’s face I think she’s telling him how many times she’s had better and from whom.
I got the most excellent gift yesterday in RL … a book that I have not been able to put down.
Anatomy of a rose: The secret lives of flowers by Sharman Apt Russell. Here’s the back snippet:
It’s giving me all sorts of wonderful ideas!
did it arrive in a plain brown wrapper? π
Are the trillium doing anything outrageous (that’s one of Jim’s favorites)?
They’re having a threesome, of course.
“vulviform” I don’t even need to Google that. And I thought they looked like little faces.
Vulviform Faces sounds like an awesome name for a band. I would so go see them live without even knowing what kind of music they played.
They could play the soundtrack for The Vagina Monologues.
to go see them but I’d definitely want one of their posters.
I am so loving this book! <paging through looking for trillium mentions…>
In-DEED. Hmm, with all this racy sex talk, I’d better cut short my slacker break and get back to work! Hope you all are having a great day at the pond… I can’t wait to get this report done, get out the door and commence my weekend slacking.
At least I’m on the home stretch now… Executive Summary almost finished!
Bye for now, folks…
Hello all! I hope that everyone is well, especially those w/ac problems. GRRR! I still can’t get the roborater to work. A lovely day here in the Hudson Valley. How’s it by you?
Are you using IE browser? (I don’t think it’s working w/ IE yet.)
I haven’t been able to get it to work in IE either. Why it won’t is a bit of a long story.
I just wait til I get home w/ FF and then roborate everything I missed during the day. And I’m sure you should feel goosebumps or tingles or whatever, b/c every time I do it, I send out thanks and praise to you. π
Oh, so that’s what that is. I’m glad you told me. I just thought I had my underwear on too tight again.
Seriously, I’m glad you like it.
There is a tarantula three feet from the front door of my office’s main entrance.
In a related story, I will be using the side entrance for the remainer of my employment here.
Do you have a camera? A can of hairspray and a lighter?
I did, the thought of a jumping tarantula on fire is even more paralyzing than the non-flaming variety.
Oh, they jump? Theoretically though, don’t you think his natural instict would be to jump away from the source of the flame?
If you have an aversion to them, then just look at them is enough. To confront them is taking lunacy to a new level.
Side doors are good Manny.
I thought you were saying that I’m ugly enough to scare a tarantula away by just looking at it.
SN you are beauty incarnate. Plus, I love life too dearly to ever say anything like that.
Turning on that southern charm again. π
Always around you SN. π
Reminds me of the Justin Wilson story about the time he went to one of those holy-roller services, and everything was fine right up until when they brought out the snakes.
“Yall got a back door to this church?” he said.
“No, brother, we do not.”
“Where would yall like one?”
but I never heard it before and I spewed Splenda-bedazzled coffee all over the place! π
you’ve never met one of our hairy/horrifying creatures. They hiss and charge if threatened. [shudder at forcing myself to go find a link]
I’d comment but I’m still screaming.
I would take the rest of the day off to calm my blood pressure but they wouldn’t even let me work from a different desk the day the wolfie dropped on my head. EEK!
Come on over to the New Lounge!