Woke up this morning
I suddenly realized
we’re all in this together
I started smiling
cause you were smiling
and we’re all in this together
I’m made of atoms
You’re made of atoms
and were all in this together
and long division
just doesn’t matter
cause we’re all in this together…
– Ben Lee
I suddenly realized
we’re all in this together
I started smiling
cause you were smiling
and we’re all in this together
I’m made of atoms
You’re made of atoms
and were all in this together
and long division
just doesn’t matter
cause we’re all in this together…
– Ben Lee
Promoted by Steven D.
Now? AP/Yahoo
So much for thinking that they don’t have enough people to read through all our emails…
i still have the surveillance truck sitting in front of my house. It’s been there for almost a week now. Maybe I should start bringing them snacks.
Maybe you should ask them to give your TV remote back? ๐
yeah…and my red ashtray. And my sock.
Just so long as they don’t take my keys.
I thought the sock re-appeared?
I didn’t know that gremlins wore socks. I learn something new every day on this blog!
take them sealed brand-name snacks so they won’t wonder if you’ve adulterated them.
Seriously, BooMan. Are you really being watched or was this snark?
someone parked an old police van in front of my house and left it there. You can still read Police on it. The back windows are blacked out, and it still has all the extra antennaes and lights.
But I’m not paranoid.
We have Qwest trucks out in our parking lot, always parked in front or to the side of our condo. Every day. For the past three years. Since we know, and they have to know we know, I don’t know why we must continue the charade. Just pull up in a truck marked FBI, save us some fuckin’ tax dollars on the whole camouflage routine.
Call the city and say that there is an abandoned car parked there for a month. They will mark it an set it up for towing. That will give you a clue.
Nepal faces fresh protests
The protests seem to be working.
Nepal king moves to end protests
In the news: statenews.com
Please help support this project by recommending this diary here at BT, and at the Big Orange (I’ll add the link as soon as it’s posted there).
This is now up at dKos . If anyone can go over and recommend it and comment, etc., that would be of great assistance to the cause.
Thanks CG.
Eritrean food aid may be rotting away – aid workers
This is bad, Isaias is an alcoholic, paranoid madman. The promise of independent Eritrea is turning to a nightmare under his leadership.
What is it about crazy people becoming leaders of countries? What a mess.
It may have something to do with leaders that do not listen to alternative ideas or allow their free exchange – see the honeybee story below.
So can we say that science has shown this administration is more stupid than bugs? ๐
How do honeybee swarms of 10,000 bees find and agree upon a new location for their nest when they swarm? It turns out it’s surprisingly like Congress – individual scout bees that discover potential new homes come back to the nest and dance to “lobby” for their site, encouraging others to go check it out, and come back and join in the lobbying. Competing sites creating competing quorums trying to persuade the hive to swarm their way. These group decision-making methods, which include an open forum of ideas, frank “discussions” and friendly competition, just might help human committees “achieve collective intelligence and thus avoid collective folly,” conclude the researchers.
Opening of the Drake Passage between South America and Antarctica, and the resulting creation of the circular ocean current around Antarctica, led to that continent’s transition from cool forests to an icebox, and affected the climate worldwide.
Frogs and lots of them are being discovered in the Southeast Asia nation of Laos (Lao PDR), according to the Bronx Zoo-based Wildlife Conservation Society, which says that six new frog species have been found by scientists over a two-year period. Lao PDR, the least densely populated country in Asia, has produced a treasure trove of wildlife discoveries in recent years. Check out this fellow.
China’s environment chief has made a rare official admission that serious water and air pollution is fuelling social tensions, protests and riots. “The environment has become a focal issue that triggers social contradictions,” Thursday’s edition of the Beijing News quoted Zhou Shengxian, head of the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), as saying. “Mass incidents” — protests and riots in the ruling Communist Party’s jargon — over environmental woes have grown at an annual rate of 29 percent in recent years, he said.
In lieu of your Global Warming Rant du jour, how about some alternative power news? Biofuels are in the news today, with stories from Guatemala on sugar cane, Indonesia on palm oil, and Singapore and Russia, also on planned ethanol production. Meanwhile, Scotland may be headed for a “wind rush” – “Scotland’s the Saudi Arabia of the renewables industry,” declared Maf Smith of trade body Scottish Renewables Forum, who says the country is the windiest in Europe. But the plans are not universally welcomed.
Mitt hasn’t a clue:
Oh, Boran, we are in synch today.
You may be surprised at who is against this project… I was.
WASHINGTON – April 20 – Green Party leaders announced their support for an offshore wind turbine project being proposed by Cape Wind Associates six miles offshore of Nantucket Sound.
“This 130-turbine wind farm will provide 74% of the electricity used by Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket, and would displace two million barrels of oil each year,” said Julie Risser, Green candidate for Minnesota State Senate in District 41.
Greens noted that the project has support from most major environmental groups, as well as the Seafarers’ International Union, which includes local Cape Cod fishermen.
Among the wind farm’s opponents are wealthy Cape Cod homeowners, including Mass. Sen. Ted Kennedy, his nephew Robert Kennedy, Jr., and the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound, whose first president was CEO of Phelps-Dodge, a mining corporation that placed first on the EPA list of toxic emitters in Arizona and New Mexico. Other opponents include Senators John Warner and Lamar Alexander, whose families also own waterfront property on the Cape.
Green Party activists are urging Congress to reject provisions in the Coast Guard bill (Section 414 of the Coast Guard conference report) that would allow Gov. Mitt Romney, who opposes the project, to cancel it.
The Kennedy’s oppose this??? Here in NE Pa there are a few windfarms on the hilltops and every time I see those giants whirling in the wind I’m amazed. They’re not ugly at all. But THE KENNEDYS???? Teddy has some ‘splainin to do.
I had heard about this. A surprising case of NIMBY.
Black and poor residents are excluded from the city elections and they’re still finding bodies, but America has lost interest
The one thing both sides seem to agree on is that neither wants the city to return to the way it was before the hurricane. The people of New Orleans, most of whom are black and many of whom are poor, want schools that will educate their children, jobs that will pay a living wage, and neighbourhoods where capital investment matches the large pools of social capital created by their churches and close-knit communities. Organised money has something else in mind: the destruction of many of those communities and permanent removal of those who lived in them, a city that follows the gentrification patterns of racial removal and class cleansing that have played out elsewhere in the US.
Only this time, no one is watching. Like teenagers discovering sex, the American media developed an intense fascination with the mundane facts of American life following the hurricane: namely, the glaring disparities in race and class that persist and pervade. Having gorged themselves on the undeniable evidence of glaring disparities in race and class, they soon got sick and went to sleep.
Up in the mostly white and wealthy Garden District, the Boulangerie on Magazine Street offers a delicious choice of croissants. Down in the ninth ward they are still finding dead bodies – nine in March, some half-eaten by animals, plus a skull.
Wow. This Guardian UK article pulls no punches. The sad truth is that America is finished with Katrina outrage and is perfectly willing to ignore what is going on there.
I’m not sure it is so much a question of fatigue, rather a calm satisfaction that things are working out so well, and a confidence that any insurgency will be effectively crushed with little effort.
I don’t know, DF, I think people just don’t care. We’ve been living under Republican neoconservative rule that lives by the motto ‘every man for himself’ or ‘everything for me and fuck you’. Caring for fellow human beings is considered socialistic and a sign of weakness. It grieves me to come to the realization that America has become one cold hearted selfish bitch. Not that that arrogant attitude didn’t exist before, but under single party rule, and more specifically under Bush, it seems more like a festering cancer.
and one unique to a particular political figure or group, but as I’m sure you know, the conditions of poverty that existed in pre-Katrina New Orleans, and still exist all over the US did not spring up over the last few years.
Apparently left unguarded by the SS, tagger Marc Ecko leaves his mark.
Film at 11
wmp and qt…NOT a high quality vid, but…