No really, the description of that move is pornographic — but it looks like Liv’s posting some pictures downthread that approximate the view while I’m doing it.
From earlier today…
Things just get brighter and brighter here every day! Olivia, please note compost bags in the background 🙂 You know what’s in there … hehe
Got to go get ready for Real Time w/Bill Maher in a few, so I’ll leave one more for your delectations. Olivia, this is the Fritillaria that isn’t supposed to bloom for another month or so. Guess it didn’t get the memo…
Lungwort, huh? That’s one of those plants I always wonder about but have never planted it, nor do I know all that much about it. So does it bloom super early in the spring? (given you are still waiting on tulips)
That shot is amazing…! something for me to work on getting such detail and clarity… I try, but rarely succeed.
Do you have any Hellebores? We planted one last fall and it’s blooming now (supposed to bloom in Feb, so they say) and is very beautiful. I ordered 3 more the other night and am looking forward to more of those beauties.
Wow those are gorgeous! I gotta get me some of those thangs … I’ve seen the plants before, but never in bloom, just the spotted leaves. Now I’ve got a good reason to search those out. Unfortunately, the hellebore only had 1 bloom (it’s still small) and it’s pretty much done, I think. But if I can get a good shot still, I’ll post it for sure.
Re: cropping and enlarging: I think it depends greatly on the amount of raw data that makes up the image… analogous to grain with film. The amount of data within the area to be cropped with determine the limits of enlargement before you lose crispness…I think it’s referred to as noise in digcam-speak.
Set your cam to highest image qual. setting and play with it. To get a feel for what it will do, I open the image in ? in “Preview” (mac) and zoom in until it pixellates…quick and easy way to check and you don’t have to replicate the image or undo a bunch of cropping.
as I’ve got the camera set on max for file size, ’cause if I get something I like I enlarge to 8X10, or 8X12, so I know I need max file size for that. I had 1.12Mg on the original, seems like they all run .9 to 1.2.
No mac here, but assuming you mean zoom on computer rather than zoom on camera. So that sounds like a great experiment to run too.
What I’m thinking is that I need to set up a “lesson plan” and run through some procedures to figure out what I’m doing, or not doing.
Got any ideas on what would make a good subject for that?
not sure what you mean by ‘lesson plan’, but here’s 2¢ worth…
*use your tripod and cable release, if poss., or self=timer will work too.
this’ll eliminate extraneous movement and allow you to leave
cam in exact same spot and take multiple exposures changing
zoom, flash, ASA speed settings, art. lighting etc. That way
your baseline image is always the same.
*image selection: I would look for something that is not too complex texture-wise, with crisply defined edges…maybe a glass od wine on a wooden table or tray…still life type of things, esp. if you’re wanting to play w/ the macro. If the subject is too complex visually I think it would muddy the water, esp. if the desire is to really sort out the capabilities of the camera .
*yes, ZOOM on the computer…I use it as a way to quickly “test crop”
Random thoughts after a couple margs and a few beers…:{)
No notes required…all the relevant info is in the pic when you download it…ASA, Shutter speed, f-stop the whole enchilada, exif data…now with film ya gotta take notes.
but it’s nice to have, cable release is a must with low light tripod shots…they’re real cheap too, and most, if not all cams have built-in time delays…RTFM, as Andi says…
you keep at this and you’re gonna end up with a whole lot of stuff you never thought you’d have. And we haven’t even started talking about lens hoods, filters, motor drives, and other nifty things…:{)
PS: For the D70, I would recommend you get a UV-Haze filter for each lens and leave it on all the time…protects the lens surface and coating, doesn’t effect f-stop, and cheap…$10-15us +-.
I’m using Microsoft Digital Image Pro 7.0 for my “photoshop” stuff like cropping.
But even if I use the Nikon program that is downloaded from the CD that came with the camera, I couldn’t find it on there.
I really don’t think this camera has it… but then I didn’t think it had a macro feature either until you and Andi convinced me… so I’ll check the Nikon program again, but I have used the MDIP 7.0 exclusively so far.
I’m impressed with all this camera geekdom tonight! Jeez, I just point, focus and click and hope for the best, LOL. Now you’re making me think I should RTFM as dada quotes Andi as saying … I know my lil Fuji has more capabilities than I’m using, but I’ve been satisfied so far, but now I want more!! hehe
Woo hoo for you, NDD! Glad to hear that you made a great discovery…but instead of going for the Holy Grail, go back in time and see if you can find some of those missing votes in Florida and Ohio! 🙂
I guess what we have to do is compare and contrast, same scene, diff settings.
I saved a bunch from the last sunset you saw of mine, some had weird colors, so I’m curious as to what those settings were, for an example.
Other than that I will start new, and devise some sort of learning plan. Maybe I can keep some notes and we can work it into the big camera diary you and I are “intending” to do down the trail a piece.
Being you’re across the border we could post it under you and it would probably last in the “foreign diary” section for months, ha!
That was funny — a little true though. Boo does make us furiners feel welcome. 😉
You seem to be very regimented about this — with your learning plans and whatnot. I’ve been collecting bits and pieces as well for the down-the-trail-a-piece diary. 🙂
Compare the settings from the photos you like, esp. the ones you can set…which I’m assuming are ASA, macro settings, shutter/depth of field priorities…anything you *can control manually*then you’ll have a baseline knowledge specifically tailored to the basic set up for whatever mode you’re shooting in.
This is a good exercise even with gen’l photography…
NDD, playing with ASA settings will really help with the dawn and dusk shots…my limited shooting of those w/ the Canon XT is it appears that you should use a very fast setting, ie: ASA1000 -1600.
“playing with ASA settings will really help with the dawn and dusk shots…my limited shooting of those w/ the Canon XT is it appears that you should use a very fast setting, ie: ASA1000 -1600” -dada
I think a direct manual setting of ASA is the one thing I cannot do. I’ve got six positions on the “dial”, not counting movies and setup. And within those there are menus for settings, all of which no doubt affect ASA, etc.
It seems the goal of this camera’s designers has been to have people totally avoid the tech stuff.
Fine, to a point, but for someone like me who would like to take flight from the amateur nest continued development of expertise with this camera may soon prove counterproductive.
Possibly I can learn something of the effects of ASA on the shots after the fact by comparison, etc.
Thanks again for the stimulating ideas. Now at least I have access to the photo date, ha!!!
You don’t need to print it on your photos b/c it is stored w/ that little bit of digital info attached to the photo NDD. You’ll have the date in that exif (?) data.
Okay, that does work yes. The key is to get the original image as clear and close as possible, b/c cropping and enlarging afterwards will always dull the photo down.
What do you mean by filling the lens w/ the subject — are you have trouble fitting it in the frame or you can’t get it to focus?
And ah — that book I referred to up there? It’s um … not really a photography book. It’s ah very interesting though — stimulating too — I would definitely recommend it.
Anatomy of a Rose: The secret lives of flowers by Sharman Apt Russel. Here’s the back snippet:
The jack-in-the-pulpit is considering a sex change. The violets have a secret. The dandelion is smug. The orchid is finally satisfied, having produced over a million seeds. The bellflower is not satisfied and is slowly bending its stigma in order to reach its own pollen. The pansies wait expectantly, their vulviform faces lifted to the sky. The evening primrose is interested in one thing and one thing only.
A stroll through the garden is almost embarrassing.
This was the only shot that turned out tonight. And the flash was on. Then I tried a few without the flash, all blurred as it was too close to sundown.
I’m looking at the screen rather than through the view finder. I seem to have difficulty determining when it’s in focus. So I’m trying shots at different distance… and hoping.
So in this way I miss the 35mm, and being able to look directly through the lens and see whether it’s in focus or not. And then with that I’m using a tripod.
Are you shooting off tripod 100% of the time on the macros?
First, I think the flash actually works against the macro. If you need more light, I think it works better to add external light via a lamp etc. Now, this isn’t always practical I know, but the flash can really throw of the focus.
I use the LCD screen 100% of the time b/c the camera is so small the viewfinder is basically useless.
I’ve never used a tripod — don’t even own one. I try to rest the camera on something like the ground, or my knee etc. (When I joke about getting down in the dirt, I’m actually serious! 🙂
Did you have the setting on macro for this pic? Did you also use the zoom?
Well, I guess I would suggest you bring something indoors for macro play — then you can eliminate external conditions like wind, and this would also give you a chance to experiment with different types of lighting.
Sticking with what I know … get a flower — good ones to work with are mums, chrysanthemums, gerbera daisies etc. those with petals around the edges (avoid carnations, or roses right off b/c it’s harder to notice petal differences with these) — and set yourself up at a table.
Then start playing. Try normal setting and macro and compare distances etc. Try out the different light settings to see which ones resemble the natural colour etc. Turn off the flash and see how that changes the quality of the image. You may be surprised. (I never use my flash, and can’t even remember the last time I set it on.) Does that help at all?
I’ve gotten quite a few great ideas from both you and dada tonight.
I’m going to copy and paste a bunch of this into my camera info file.
I think one thing hampering me is that the “relevant info is in the pic”, is not the case in my point and shoot. I can see where that would be very handy and much less hassle just to check the pics and compare that data.
Another excuse to upgrade. I’ll be looking forward to hearing of you experiences with the new one when that happens.
doing okay, feeling sort of ancy as I debate whether or not to go out for the evening. Bud is currently practicing his zen master skills with a hard sleep.
IMO, the music has been one of the elements that’s been missing (at least from my perspective) with the current anti-war movement relative to the Vn anti-war movement.
While I was not previously aware of Pink, I think that presentation was very impressive. I highly doubt there’ll be any “opologies” after the fact from this group.
I survived the dentist today with nothing more exciting than a filling. A really big filling, but at least I don’t think I have to have a root canal. Here’s hoping.
Next week I have to have a tooth out. It’s a back molar too, so it’s probably not going to be very much fun.
Yeah, I’m not looking forward to it. Any conversation that involves the phrase “We’ll write you a prescription for Percoset” generally dampens my enthusiasm for whatever we were talking about.
But it can’t be worse than having this tooth coming apart in my skull, piece by piece.
I’m leaving lewd and crude in the old lounge. I’m ready to turn over a new leaf. Indy?
Yes, there’s quite enough porn on the internet already.
There’s porn on the internets? Where?
Ok, deal. But if we happen to meet up at an ice cream parlor in Dayton I’m going to want you to prove the stem thing.
My tongue’s the kind of toy that once I take it out, I want to play with it, so you’re just going to have to use your imagination.
laughing merrily.
you were just going to get started spicy and sweet.
No really, the description of that move is pornographic — but it looks like Liv’s posting some pictures downthread that approximate the view while I’m doing it.
I’m guessing that picture overcomes even your impressive rhetorical skills.
Yes, but my other oral skills make up for it. (Are you people sorry you cranked me up yet, lol?)
I’m trying to figure out how to wind you up even more.
I have actually embarrassed myself — I kid you not, I am blushing. This behavior is usually reserved for the bar, after I’ve already had a few
It’s good that I can get you wound up w/o the
drinks since those opportunities aren’t like to arise when we’re together IRL.
you’re making my rhododendron blush.
From earlier today…

Things just get brighter and brighter here every day! Olivia, please note compost bags in the background 🙂 You know what’s in there … hehe
Wandering around here and there.
Hi, it’s me, your slacker host from earlier today…anybody still talking to me?
THat depends – what were you doing? And are you going to send me those pictures?
Yes…will it work with yahoo mail? Can I just post them here? Do your guys fish?
Yes, yes, yes. 🙂
Look down below…
Got to go get ready for Real Time w/Bill Maher in a few, so I’ll leave one more for your delectations. Olivia, this is the Fritillaria that isn’t supposed to bloom for another month or so. Guess it didn’t get the memo…

Wow, that’s huge.
Well I’m outta here for now… may check back later, but if not, you folks have a great Friday night!
Have a great night IVG!
Here’s one:
Lungwort, taken tonight in the garden (view large)
That is downright Georgia O’Keefe-esque. Gorgeous as always, Liv.
What Indy said.
sees that pic, they’ll bust your ass.
I told ya I was learning so much from that book! 🙂
a lot of great ideas.
Maybe I can inspire more than macro photography lol!
not what I had in mind.
I’ll raise you pistil (still can’t figure out the view large thing)
… habitual selfer? Looks like that stigma is reaching around for a taste of its own pollen… 🙂
Gosh, if we could all be that flexible.
That’s a stigma? I thought it was a pistil. I’m so deficient in my flower sex parts knowledge.
Sounds like the name of the Vulviform Faces’ first CD.
That’s hilarious and so fitting Indy!!!
view large
Lungwort, huh? That’s one of those plants I always wonder about but have never planted it, nor do I know all that much about it. So does it bloom super early in the spring? (given you are still waiting on tulips)
That shot is amazing…! something for me to work on getting such detail and clarity… I try, but rarely succeed.
Do you have any Hellebores? We planted one last fall and it’s blooming now (supposed to bloom in Feb, so they say) and is very beautiful. I ordered 3 more the other night and am looking forward to more of those beauties.
They are everywhere in the garden — we’ve had crocus, lungwort, one daffodil so far. I think the tulip greens are poking through now too.
Here’s another view of lungwort:
Blooms in spring, and the grows big green leaves spotted w/ white during summer.
No — no Hellebores. You’ll have to snap a photo for me!
Wow those are gorgeous! I gotta get me some of those thangs … I’ve seen the plants before, but never in bloom, just the spotted leaves. Now I’ve got a good reason to search those out. Unfortunately, the hellebore only had 1 bloom (it’s still small) and it’s pretty much done, I think. But if I can get a good shot still, I’ll post it for sure.
This is the view from the deck:

This is the fishing right there behind the house (we have a ball with the castnet):

Thanks, I’ll grab these. I was telling Ben about the smooth as glass water.
Aww, that’s your littler man, right? They’re so cute.
It is my younger guy…he’s the fisherman, CBtE is more the surf-y type.
I’m amazed at the size of the fish he can catch with that net.
and saw the first one of these for this spring;
that spring is arriving for you.
You’ve posted a real range of photos today! I like the colours in this one — bright yellow and green.
olivia… I’m I right thinking if one takes a nice clear photo within the focal length of the lens, then you can always bring it up closer, like this.
It seems it doesn’t always work to try to fill the lens with the subject in the shot itself?
And what book was that you’re reading, and would you recommend it?
Re: cropping and enlarging: I think it depends greatly on the amount of raw data that makes up the image… analogous to grain with film. The amount of data within the area to be cropped with determine the limits of enlargement before you lose crispness…I think it’s referred to as noise in digcam-speak.
Set your cam to highest image qual. setting and play with it. To get a feel for what it will do, I open the image in ? in “Preview” (mac) and zoom in until it pixellates…quick and easy way to check and you don’t have to replicate the image or undo a bunch of cropping.
Must go say high to the ladies…
as I’ve got the camera set on max for file size, ’cause if I get something I like I enlarge to 8X10, or 8X12, so I know I need max file size for that. I had 1.12Mg on the original, seems like they all run .9 to 1.2.
No mac here, but assuming you mean zoom on computer rather than zoom on camera. So that sounds like a great experiment to run too.
What I’m thinking is that I need to set up a “lesson plan” and run through some procedures to figure out what I’m doing, or not doing.
Got any ideas on what would make a good subject for that?
not sure what you mean by ‘lesson plan’, but here’s 2¢ worth…
*use your tripod and cable release, if poss., or self=timer will work too.
this’ll eliminate extraneous movement and allow you to leave
cam in exact same spot and take multiple exposures changing
zoom, flash, ASA speed settings, art. lighting etc. That way
your baseline image is always the same.
*image selection: I would look for something that is not too complex texture-wise, with crisply defined edges…maybe a glass od wine on a wooden table or tray…still life type of things, esp. if you’re wanting to play w/ the macro. If the subject is too complex visually I think it would muddy the water, esp. if the desire is to really sort out the capabilities of the camera .
*yes, ZOOM on the computer…I use it as a way to quickly “test crop”
Random thoughts after a couple margs and a few beers…:{)
I gotta take notes too — this is way outta my league! I just press ‘on’ and ‘shutter’ … 🙂
No notes required…all the relevant info is in the pic when you download it…ASA, Shutter speed, f-stop the whole enchilada, exif data…now with film ya gotta take notes.
Digicams are for serious slackers :{)
You’ve got tripods and cable releases and self-timers!
Are you and FM in a club?
but it’s nice to have, cable release is a must with low light tripod shots…they’re real cheap too, and most, if not all cams have built-in time delays…RTFM, as Andi says…
you keep at this and you’re gonna end up with a whole lot of stuff you never thought you’d have. And we haven’t even started talking about lens hoods, filters, motor drives, and other nifty things…:{)
PS: For the D70, I would recommend you get a UV-Haze filter for each lens and leave it on all the time…protects the lens surface and coating, doesn’t effect f-stop, and cheap…$10-15us +-.
lens hoods, filters, motor drives …
Go easy on me here — I’m reaching saturation level! 😉
I get what you’re saying about the time delay and tripod etc.
JimF also rec’d the filters, so that’s good to know dada. Thanks!
always rec’d filters too, and from what I understand the filters are cheap relative to possible damage to an expensive lens.
ah, doesn’t seem to be on the Nikon Coolpix 3200, guess that one is a little too close to point-and-shoot mode.
Another incentive to move up the digital camera scale.
Thanks for the ideas dada.
My little Canon does. What program do you download your photos to on your computer? That program will list the data that dada is referring to…
I’m using Microsoft Digital Image Pro 7.0 for my “photoshop” stuff like cropping.
But even if I use the Nikon program that is downloaded from the CD that came with the camera, I couldn’t find it on there.
I really don’t think this camera has it… but then I didn’t think it had a macro feature either until you and Andi convinced me… so I’ll check the Nikon program again, but I have used the MDIP 7.0 exclusively so far.
I’m impressed with all this camera geekdom tonight! Jeez, I just point, focus and click and hope for the best, LOL. Now you’re making me think I should RTFM as dada quotes Andi as saying … I know my lil Fuji has more capabilities than I’m using, but I’ve been satisfied so far, but now I want more!! hehe
the “Fuji” is a ‘gateway’ to a serious addiction…:{)
Uh oh…. then I’m most certainly dooooooomed!
I found the “shooting data”!!!
With olivia, AndiF, and dada leading the way, I could probably find my way to the Holy Grail!!!
Woo hoo for you, NDD! Glad to hear that you made a great discovery…but instead of going for the Holy Grail, go back in time and see if you can find some of those missing votes in Florida and Ohio! 🙂
Hey you guys. I just saw you’re still chatting. Would you like me to open a new lounge?
Wait, do the 4s mean yes? Olivia, dada? what do you guys think? Is everyone going to be up awhile longer?
then there’ll be a relatively clean house the the morning folks…
Thanks Izzy
here at night! 🙂
I just read dada’s comment, and was going to suggest the same. Thanks!
That would be most kind of you!
That subject heading is too good to type over! LOL NDD…
That’s excellent — I told you before, I think you’re camera is the Nikon version of my Canon.
So — where’s dada … dada!? What do we do with this info now that we have it! 🙂
I guess what we have to do is compare and contrast, same scene, diff settings.
I saved a bunch from the last sunset you saw of mine, some had weird colors, so I’m curious as to what those settings were, for an example.
Other than that I will start new, and devise some sort of learning plan. Maybe I can keep some notes and we can work it into the big camera diary you and I are “intending” to do down the trail a piece.
Being you’re across the border we could post it under you and it would probably last in the “foreign diary” section for months, ha!
That was funny — a little true though. Boo does make us furiners feel welcome. 😉
You seem to be very regimented about this — with your learning plans and whatnot. I’ve been collecting bits and pieces as well for the down-the-trail-a-piece diary. 🙂
LOL, since I once declined my gov’s “request” on that, we’d better say “focused”.
I have intermittent stretches were I am focused, and the rest of the time I’m going off in a multitude of directions simultaneously.
Compare the settings from the photos you like, esp. the ones you can set…which I’m assuming are ASA, macro settings, shutter/depth of field priorities…anything you *can control manually*then you’ll have a baseline knowledge specifically tailored to the basic set up for whatever mode you’re shooting in.
This is a good exercise even with gen’l photography…
NDD, playing with ASA settings will really help with the dawn and dusk shots…my limited shooting of those w/ the Canon XT is it appears that you should use a very fast setting, ie: ASA1000 -1600.
“playing with ASA settings will really help with the dawn and dusk shots…my limited shooting of those w/ the Canon XT is it appears that you should use a very fast setting, ie: ASA1000 -1600” -dada
I think a direct manual setting of ASA is the one thing I cannot do. I’ve got six positions on the “dial”, not counting movies and setup. And within those there are menus for settings, all of which no doubt affect ASA, etc.
It seems the goal of this camera’s designers has been to have people totally avoid the tech stuff.
Fine, to a point, but for someone like me who would like to take flight from the amateur nest continued development of expertise with this camera may soon prove counterproductive.
Possibly I can learn something of the effects of ASA on the shots after the fact by comparison, etc.
Thanks again for the stimulating ideas. Now at least I have access to the photo date, ha!!!
‘Photo date”…just don’t print it…Gaaaa! The first thing I turned off – that’s a real bug-up-my-ass thing…:{)
You don’t need to print it on your photos b/c it is stored w/ that little bit of digital info attached to the photo NDD. You’ll have the date in that exif (?) data.
date=data, mistyped it.
No dates printed on any of mine, can’t stand to see it.
date=data, mistyped it.
No dates printed on any of mine, can’t stand to see it.
Okay, that does work yes. The key is to get the original image as clear and close as possible, b/c cropping and enlarging afterwards will always dull the photo down.
What do you mean by filling the lens w/ the subject — are you have trouble fitting it in the frame or you can’t get it to focus?
And ah — that book I referred to up there? It’s um … not really a photography book. It’s ah very interesting though — stimulating too — I would definitely recommend it.
Anatomy of a Rose: The secret lives of flowers by Sharman Apt Russel. Here’s the back snippet:
This was the only shot that turned out tonight. And the flash was on. Then I tried a few without the flash, all blurred as it was too close to sundown.
I’m looking at the screen rather than through the view finder. I seem to have difficulty determining when it’s in focus. So I’m trying shots at different distance… and hoping.
So in this way I miss the 35mm, and being able to look directly through the lens and see whether it’s in focus or not. And then with that I’m using a tripod.
Are you shooting off tripod 100% of the time on the macros?
First, I think the flash actually works against the macro. If you need more light, I think it works better to add external light via a lamp etc. Now, this isn’t always practical I know, but the flash can really throw of the focus.
I use the LCD screen 100% of the time b/c the camera is so small the viewfinder is basically useless.
I’ve never used a tripod — don’t even own one. I try to rest the camera on something like the ground, or my knee etc. (When I joke about getting down in the dirt, I’m actually serious! 🙂
Did you have the setting on macro for this pic? Did you also use the zoom?
and the way the macro setting works, the zoom has very limited movement before it comes out of the macro mode.
Tonight’s dandelion wasn’t a very good trial. Like I mentioned to dada, I need to set up some sort of learning course and proceed through the steps.
Maybe you could suggest a subject that would work well for that.
Well, I guess I would suggest you bring something indoors for macro play — then you can eliminate external conditions like wind, and this would also give you a chance to experiment with different types of lighting.
Sticking with what I know … get a flower — good ones to work with are mums, chrysanthemums, gerbera daisies etc. those with petals around the edges (avoid carnations, or roses right off b/c it’s harder to notice petal differences with these) — and set yourself up at a table.
Then start playing. Try normal setting and macro and compare distances etc. Try out the different light settings to see which ones resemble the natural colour etc. Turn off the flash and see how that changes the quality of the image. You may be surprised. (I never use my flash, and can’t even remember the last time I set it on.) Does that help at all?
I’ve gotten quite a few great ideas from both you and dada tonight.
I’m going to copy and paste a bunch of this into my camera info file.
I think one thing hampering me is that the “relevant info is in the pic”, is not the case in my point and shoot. I can see where that would be very handy and much less hassle just to check the pics and compare that data.
Another excuse to upgrade. I’ll be looking forward to hearing of you experiences with the new one when that happens.
Smithsonian Mag 3rd. Annual Photo Con-50 Finalists…worth you while.
There are some beautiful shots, and I think it’s all amateurs…I’ve never read the rules.
surfing, thanks, dada.
I like looking at other peoples’ work. I always get new ideas regardless of whether they’re famous or not.
Have you ever submitted photos to something like this?
some of these are a little intimidating.
I really should go, I’ve had a very long day and I’m just
beat. I had so much fun with you all tonight. Big fat wet kisses to the whole {{{Cafe}}}!
have some dreams worthy of tonight’s comments.
…give us a taste now on the way out as your leaving! Huh… 😉 Sleep well Indy — sweet dreams!
Thanks for the good fun tonight.
Thanks for the good clean fun tonight.
heard Pink’s Dear Mr. President yet? I highly recommend it.
How are you doing tonight — how’s Bud?
doing okay, feeling sort of ancy as I debate whether or not to go out for the evening. Bud is currently practicing his zen master skills with a hard sleep.
How are you?
It’s so late here and yet the night is young for you. 🙂
Bud has had a busy day w/ Bud Blogging, so he deserves to have a good sleep. Lots of virtual belly rubs too I imagine.
I’m great — the Sens won game 1 of the playoffs tonight. Small steps to Stanley. 🙂
IMO, the music has been one of the elements that’s been missing (at least from my perspective) with the current anti-war movement relative to the Vn anti-war movement.
While I was not previously aware of Pink, I think that presentation was very impressive. I highly doubt there’ll be any “opologies” after the fact from this group.
I survived the dentist today with nothing more exciting than a filling. A really big filling, but at least I don’t think I have to have a root canal. Here’s hoping.
Next week I have to have a tooth out. It’s a back molar too, so it’s probably not going to be very much fun.
Good to hear that it wasn’t too bad today — although next week sounds very unpleasant.
Yeah, I’m not looking forward to it. Any conversation that involves the phrase “We’ll write you a prescription for Percoset” generally dampens my enthusiasm for whatever we were talking about.
But it can’t be worse than having this tooth coming apart in my skull, piece by piece.
That doesn’t sound very pleasant either. At least with the dentist’s removal you’re getting the percoset. 🙂
I HATE going to Dentist, white knuckled the entire time…need NO2 for cleaning.
It’s all that good Karma you’re getting as a result of Robo-rater™…:{)
I may need to write something else then. I don’t want to use all my good karma on dentistry. 🙂
Okay, the new all night lounge is open!