Sometime around three or four last Sunday morning I caught most of Frontline’s recent production The Tank Man and highly recommend it. The show starts and ends with an in depth look at what happened across the city of Beijing, and not just Tiananmen Square, in 1989. I had no idea just how widespread the protests were, and that the participants were not just students, but came from every sector of Beijing society. There is some speculation in the show that the Tank Man himself was not a student, but rather an older, professional man on his way to work, who had finally seen enough. Anyway, the show uses 1989 as a springboard for examining the rapid changes that have and have not taken place in China since then. Some of the interviewed analysts and journalists postulate that certain sectors of Chinese society have been granted economic freedom in exchange for not agitating for governmental and human rights reform. I have no idea whether this is accurate, but they make a compelling case. The show also features quite a bit of smuggled video of rural villages being destroyed by hired thugs to make way for factories that will produce goods designed and consumed in America and Europe. Yahoo’s recent complicity in several political arrests is also highlighted. What I’m getting to, is that the show is worth a watch and quite timely. The whole show is available on line here. Watch it if you can spare a few hours.
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My spouse and I caught the first half of the Frontline show on the new revolution in China last week. It was some of the best TV news reporting that we’ve seen recently, reminiscent of the best of TV news from the 1950s and 1960s. Unfortunately, it is also as depressing as hell, because it doesn’t pull punches on what is happening in China to enable the economic transformation. It highlighted all too well just how a society fractures in order for the ruling elite to buy off major segments of the society which results in severe stratification and ulitmately a new revolution. The great mandala just keeps turning.
I also found it very depressing. I’ll admit to not being well informed about China’s civil rights issues, or its emerging two tier economic system, but I was really stunned by just how bad some of it really is. In some spots it reminded me of something an abnormal psychology teacher I had in an intro class years ago used to say about people suffering from a mental illness. He would say “They are just like us, only more so.”
Gotta run to work now, but wanted to drop this link. This guy is really fantastic, and deserves every bit of support Paul Hackett received from the grassroots.
Why we need to support Subodh Chandra for Ohio Attorney General