Katherine Harris’ campaign to unseat Senator Bill Nelson has been in Lusitania mode for a few weeks, and its descent is getting stranger and stranger.

After Ed Rollins left his post as Harris’ chief political strategist, he revealed that

A defense contractor seeking help from Rep. Katherine Harris for $10 million in federal money last year took her to one of Washington’s most exclusive restaurants, where he paid for a meal that may have cost as much as $2,800 and offered to sponsor a campaign fundraiser for her.

And who was the contractor?  None other than Mitchell Wade, who pled guilty to bribing Duke Cunningham and also to making illegal contributions to Harris herself in 2004.  link.

When the Orlando Sentinel asked Harris about the pricey meal, she expressed surprise at the cost, confirmed that Wade had paid, said that her campaign reimbursed the restaurant, and left the interview when the reporter pressed for clarification.  A couple of days later, Harris announced in a written statement that she had

donated to a local Florida charity $100 which will more than adequately compensate for the cost of [her] beverage and appetizer.

Last night, Stephen Elliott reported on Majority Report Radio that Ms. Harris tried to cozy up to a Florida student who interviewed her.

A photo and more below the fold …
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us“[Harris] took him by the hand and led him over to the bar and said she wanted to have a ‘nuclear’ conversation with him…and wanted to ‘talk about nuclear technology.’ Then she led him back to the table and sat him down, sat next to him, and her foot was brushing against his foot, her knee was half-an-inch away, she leaned in real close and started calling him ‘honey.'”

Elliott snapped some photos of Ms. Harris and the student, who said, “I had my face in my notepad a lot, because every time I looked up she was so close to me.”

When Ms. Harris tires of nuclear technology talk — as we know she must — and feels the need to raise her campaign from the dead, she has only to turn to the recipients of her $100 largesse, Global Dominion Ministries.  They have just the right experience.

Global Dominion is led by Bishop Lewis Jones and his wife, Pastor Sandra Jones.

At the age of fifteen, after an extended period of fasting, Bishop Jones had a divine encounter with the Lord. During this time, the Shekinah glory of God came upon him and the fire of God began to burn on him for three days. He was given a heavenly vision to go and preach the gospel to the nations of the world.

Pastor Sandra has an inspiring testimony of her deliverance from being sold to devils as an infant. She also shares her miraculous healing from her breast cancer as well as being raised from the dead.


They boldly proclaim that the coming end-time revival will eclipse any revival yet seen in the church history. Their desire is to be on the cutting edge and in the main stream of what God is doing and saying to the nations.

Senior Pastors are Ralph and Lourdes Mangal.  Pastor Ralph (the brother of Bishop Jones’ wife, Pastor Sandra) first met the Bishop in Guyana, when Pastor Ralph was 9 years old and Bishop Jones 14, “and they began to do the work of the ministry” – although “Pastor Ralph was called to the ministry when he was 3.”

There is many miracles that has happened in their ministry. One miracle that stands out is a baby that was raised from the dead.

Pastor Lourdes received a great miracle in her own life. She said that after [her son] Jeremy was born that she began to feel sick everyday. As if Blood and water or something was running from the back of her head. She would feel her breath leaving her body time after time as if she was dying. She decided to go to the Doctor to see what this could be, but they found nothing. Doctor after Doctor could find nothing wrong with her. After fasting and praying she said she lay in her bed knowing that she would die, and then fell asleep. Then she had a vision and saw satan come into her room dressed all in black with a black briefcase in his hand. She said that he pulled something out of the briefcase and began trying to pull something from out of her throat, it was then she cried out in the name of Jesus, he dropped the tool like thing he was holding, closed the case and ran out of the room. That night she knew she was suppose to be dead, as the spirit of death came to her. But God had greater plans for her and healed her from that point and has never been afflicted with that ever again.

Kaherine Harris seems to need a miracle or two.  She’s probably wishing she had given Global Dominion Ministries more than $100.  Or trying to remember why she might feel uneasy about a preacher named Jones with a Guyana connection.