The slow motion coup continues:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The
CIA had evidence
Iraq possessed no weapons of mass destruction six months before the 2003 U.S.-led invasion but was ignored by a White House intent on ousting
Saddam Hussein, a former senior CIA official said according to CBS.Tyler Drumheller, who headed CIA covert operations in Europe during the run-up to the Iraq war, said intelligence opposing administration claims of a WMD threat came from a top Iraqi official who provided the U.S. spy agency with other credible information.
The source “told us that there were no active weapons of mass destruction programs,” Drumheller said in a CBS interview to be aired on Sunday on the network’s news magazine, “60 Minutes.”
“The (White House) group that was dealing with preparation for the Iraq war came back and said they were no longer interested,” he was quoted as saying in interview excerpts released by CBS on Friday.
“We said: ‘Well, what about the intel?’ And they said: ‘Well, this isn’t about intel anymore. This is about regime change’,” added Drumheller, whose CIA operation was assigned the task of debriefing the Iraqi official.
He was the latest former U.S. official to accuse the White House of setting an early course toward war in Iraq and ignoring intelligence that conflicted with its aim.
The administration has passed the tipping point. Now the secrets are coming in waves. I hope these latter-day patriots can save this country.
has been great over the past few months with respect to torture, global warming, the lead up to Iraq and many many other crimes of this administration.
This Sunday’s show should be a great one too. The best thing is that these are things that we have known for a long time, but as more and more speak out, the millions of middle america viewers that watch and are exposed to the lies and crimes will turn.
Can’t wait to see it.
The great thing is that these guy’s are in the middle of the power house. They are adding credibility to what people already have deduced. With more of these guys coming out fighting on the right side the opposition gains momentum and might even sway the reluctant democrats who is still dragging their feet.
CIA Agent Fired For Leaking Classified Info about prison camps.
Nice, BooMan.
That is EXACTLY what is up.
HAS been since Mr. Plame statrted playing the blame game back in 20 ought-whenever.
BUT…be careful what you wish for.
Those words of caution make you seem to be such a pessimist at times, AG.
On the evidence?
Makes sense to me.
William Burroughs’ definition of a paranoid comes to mind.
“One who is in possession of all the facts.”
I wish it were otherwise.
I really do.
Me too. Should have said realist, come to think of it.
I know that no one paid attention, but didn’t the inspections prior to the war pretty much indicate that there were no wmd?
Yes. Read this: IAEA Briefing, 7 March 2003, El Baradei’s statement to the UN.
I suspect that this latest revelation is indicative of an ever increasing, serious push by very powerful people in the foreign policy sphere to drive the neocon usurpers from power once and for all.
I’ve surmised previously that there has been an intense battle for control of the White house and Pentagon between the neocons and the group of people who they replaced, the so-called “foreign policy realists” epitomized by the likes of Scowcroft and Baker and Carlucci and Odom; (the Carlyle Group types, for lack of a more definitive descriptor).
I think it’s a close run thing whether this direct and serious challenge to neocon dominance will succeed in time to halt the proposed insanity against Iran, but I’m rooting for the Carlyleites to prevail over the far more dangerously insane Cheneyites.
Like I said…
Be careful what you wish for.
I fully understand that my preference in this Neocon/Carlyle battle is truly a matter of choosing “the lesser of two very nasty evils”.
“It just sticks in my craw every time I hear them say it’s an intelligence failure,” he told CBS. “This was a policy failure.”
Would be a “Bluebath” — a massive upheaval in the coming 2006 elections.
We sure should be spending some of all that fundraising about now.
It costs pennies on the dollar to counter lies with facts.
And now we got lots of dollars.
Let the mudfest begin, stat.
I think the shenanigans that led to the twisted residency now occupying the halls of Congress and at the helm at 1600 was the real “coup”, and that this slow push-back is a mounting “recoup” of our lost nation.
A “second American revolution” against the tyranny that was steadily smothering it.