How about hanging a few of these around here to decorate a bit?
Nobody go nibbling on these though, they’re reputedly toxic (like just about every cool flower I plant, LOL)
Another holdover from my mother’s garden. We had hollyhocks, snapdragons, bleeding hearts, marigolds and a few other flowers that I can’t remember anymore.
Thank you, IVG!!! Those might very well be the exact ones! They look a little darker in the photo, but the ones I like are an antique pink, really pale, so they may have just picked a dark photo. They have the greatest scent, too.
These sounded like what you were talking about… check out the link and see. They have lots of other varieties of stock there too, and T&M seeds are very good quality, if a bit pricy. You might even be able to find them in a local nursery store for retail. I’ve gotten T&M seeds locally here.
Bingo, Omir! Dicentra spectabilis if we want to get all latinate on it, hehe.
Nice to see you, señor Esperanto. Not so nice to hear about your adventures in dentistry … hang in there! I need to have some of that done myself, but I am absolutely horrified at the thought… I’ve always hated dentists, and am still convinced that only the purely sadistic choose that profession.
You’re very close on the honorific. “Sinjoro Esperanto” (sin-YO-ro es-per-AHN-to) would mean “Mr. One-Who-Hopes,” and in fact has an echo of the early days of the language, when Dr. Zamenhof published an announcement of a language which he called “lingvo internacia” (international language) under the pen name of “Doktoro Esperanto.” The name stuck — to the language, that is.
As for the dentist, I am no fan either, but have come to realize that after neglecting my teeth for so many years, I can no longer do so. It doesn’t help that I really like the musical “Little Shop Of Horrors.” My dentist in Texas claimed that that movie singlehandedly set dentistry back about 20 years.
Oh, Olivia… you know I’m working on that, and almost regret ever having voiced that pompous opinion of mine, LOL. In moderation, yes, but I’ll never wear it and only use it as an accent color. I think it might also have something to do with my parents painting my room pink when I was 5 and I had asked for purple. They told me it was peach but I was not fooled, nor amused. Hehe.
There’s a colour to float everyone’s boat — your’s just doesn’t happen to be pink… 🙂 I don’t wear it either, and think a pink room would be dreadful! So we agree on that at least! 🙂
So, we have it on record that you have retracted your statement. Olivia, are you taking note?
Now that that’s over with, I can sort of sympathize about the room. I, too, desired a purple and lavendar room as a child. Like you, I was thwarted. Although it wasn’t pink, it was yellow. I’m not sure how pink would’ve affected my psyche.
As it was, I was okay with the yellow. My gran had painted every room in every house Navajo White for as long as I could remember. The yellow was a relief! I’d actually quite like to paint my current bedroom pink, but the hubby isn’t on board with it.
She’s no flip-flopper! She just hadn’t considered all the various shades available and has now seen her hasty remark as a rush to judgment. She was perhaps thinking of magenta at the time. Right, Olivia? Right?!?
didn’t you? LOL… and I was trying my best to convince Olivia that I’m not a total curmudgeon when it comes to pink!
Ok, here’s the real source of my pink issues with flowers… those icky, sickly looking (even when healthy) impatiens that little old ladies plant in profusion because they think that’s the only thing that will bloom in shade. I’ve been on the Torenia crusade the past few years, trying to convince people to plant those instead, and yes, Olivia, they come in lovely shades of pink too! 🙂
Well, I’ll confess that I used to hate pink, too. I hated it because it was the “girl’s color” and my grandmother always brought pink things for my older sister and matching blue things for me!
I don’t know if you get those inland, but they’re basically mandarin oranges in the skin. Very small (even the big ones), very juicy, and very tasty. Also very expensive, except around Christmas when the price drops by half or more.
Where was that taken? There are apparently some nesting eagles in and around Seattle, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen them (except the pair at the zoo, which hardly counts).
Of my becoming-infamous cherry tree photos. No, I didn’t ignore your advice about getting in closer — this is from that same batch. (and it honestly does look better bigger)
Well, they do drop enormous amounts of cherries most years, but good luck finding even one edible one. The birds pick at them on the tree and the squirrels gorge on whatever falls off. It’s quite a mess. We’ve tried picking them, etc., but the trees are far too tall to really do anything about it. Plus, I don’t mind the birds and squirrels having a feast — as long as they’re not going to waste.
LOL — I remember seeing a cartoon once with a little boy resisting “going to the light” through the first three panels, then panel 4 shows him sitting with a disgusted look on his face and Mom saying “Now see, eating broccoli didn’t kill you, did it?”
Tomorrow I say goodbye to my cute little Pebble Beach studio apartment! Yikes! It will be SO great to be home, but I’m really going to miss the Monterey coast!
Yeah, that’s gotta be one of the most gorgeous parts of the country, but it’s good you’re getting away from the unhappy part. Good luck with your move — I hope it goes smoothly.
And gorgeous sunset too! Are you excited about the move home? Just think, though, of all the nasty baggage you can leave behind you, as you move into the next, better phase! Best of luck on the move!
Thanks, IVG! Yup, excited! Can’t wait to get home, though my son tells me that a bunch of bees got inside the house through the chimney! His girlfriend got home and found bees everyhwhere, agressive bees, I hope they weren’t killer bees, and they were chasing her around while she squirted windex at them. He says they got rid of them all and closed up the chimney, but I think we may need to call in the professionals to get rid of the best. Me not like bees.
Thanks, Olivia! Did you get your new camera yet? Is it a Nikon D70? I looked that one up, and it seems really great. Me want new camera, too! (jealous!)
Wow, that is so cool. I’ll bet the instruction book is long, though. Long and complicated and full of arcane instructions that will give you a headache and take forever figuring out. (jealous!) Yup, it will be four inches thick and chock full of intricate instructions in teeny tiny 8 point font. LOL!!
Cool link! I bookmarked it for when I get MY new camera…. Just like I can afford it being out of a job. But, at least the instructions are free.
Anyhoo, my Fuji FinePix 3800 is a nice little machine. My husband gave it to me for Christmas in 2002. It’s my first digital camera and has held up well over the years.
Looks like we have some night owls tonight. Here’s more room for you!
Thanks so much Izzy! You’re a peach … or a nectarine, or whatever tasty fruit you prefer. 🙂
Thanks! Mmmm, nectarines…
How about hanging a few of these around here to decorate a bit?

Nobody go nibbling on these though, they’re reputedly toxic (like just about every cool flower I plant, LOL)
Another holdover from my mother’s garden. We had hollyhocks, snapdragons, bleeding hearts, marigolds and a few other flowers that I can’t remember anymore.
Snapdragons are my favorites. I like stock, too, but my favorite is the pale pink and they’re difficult to find, it seems.
Stock, Cinderella Antique Pink?

If so, go here
Thank you, IVG!!! Those might very well be the exact ones! They look a little darker in the photo, but the ones I like are an antique pink, really pale, so they may have just picked a dark photo. They have the greatest scent, too.
These sounded like what you were talking about… check out the link and see. They have lots of other varieties of stock there too, and T&M seeds are very good quality, if a bit pricy. You might even be able to find them in a local nursery store for retail. I’ve gotten T&M seeds locally here.
Thank you so much! I’ve bookmarked it and will definitely give them a try.
Bingo, Omir! Dicentra spectabilis if we want to get all latinate on it, hehe.
Nice to see you, señor Esperanto. Not so nice to hear about your adventures in dentistry … hang in there! I need to have some of that done myself, but I am absolutely horrified at the thought… I’ve always hated dentists, and am still convinced that only the purely sadistic choose that profession.
You’re very close on the honorific. “Sinjoro Esperanto” (sin-YO-ro es-per-AHN-to) would mean “Mr. One-Who-Hopes,” and in fact has an echo of the early days of the language, when Dr. Zamenhof published an announcement of a language which he called “lingvo internacia” (international language) under the pen name of “Doktoro Esperanto.” The name stuck — to the language, that is.
As for the dentist, I am no fan either, but have come to realize that after neglecting my teeth for so many years, I can no longer do so. It doesn’t help that I really like the musical “Little Shop Of Horrors.” My dentist in Texas claimed that that movie singlehandedly set dentistry back about 20 years.
Omir everyone knows a dental appointment should be the highlight of everyones life.
Hang in there.
That’s beautiful! We have a couple of those in our backyard. I didn’t know they were toxic, though.
The perfect decor. (whispering) Except the pink. I hear there are issues around here with pink…
Although, I think I’m outnumbered here w/ both IVG and Omir… <sigh> 🙂
I’ve got your back, Olivia — pink is the best!
Oh, Olivia… you know I’m working on that, and almost regret ever having voiced that pompous opinion of mine, LOL. In moderation, yes, but I’ll never wear it and only use it as an accent color. I think it might also have something to do with my parents painting my room pink when I was 5 and I had asked for purple. They told me it was peach but I was not fooled, nor amused. Hehe.
Just think of all the money you saved on therapy digging down to that early traumatic memory and getting it off your chest!~ LOL!!
Nice thought there, MM… but if I saved so much money, how come I’m not rich? LOL
You aren’t rich because you didn’t spend the money you never had! (How’s that for logic?)
There’s a colour to float everyone’s boat — your’s just doesn’t happen to be pink… 🙂 I don’t wear it either, and think a pink room would be dreadful! So we agree on that at least! 🙂
(psst — look out below. I’m now on record pining for a pink room! You’re messing up our alliance.) 😉
Nah, nothing could mess up the alliance, I hope. In fact, scroll back up to your previous comment about pink stock and see what you think.
So, we have it on record that you have retracted your statement. Olivia, are you taking note?
Now that that’s over with, I can sort of sympathize about the room. I, too, desired a purple and lavendar room as a child. Like you, I was thwarted. Although it wasn’t pink, it was yellow. I’m not sure how pink would’ve affected my psyche.
As it was, I was okay with the yellow. My gran had painted every room in every house Navajo White for as long as I could remember. The yellow was a relief! I’d actually quite like to paint my current bedroom pink, but the hubby isn’t on board with it.
Ya, um — a pink room would rock Izzy! 😉
You flip flopper you! :-)>
She’s no flip-flopper! She just hadn’t considered all the various shades available and has now seen her hasty remark as a rush to judgment. She was perhaps thinking of magenta at the time. Right, Olivia? Right?!?
IVG, I was of course referring to those garish pinks … dreadful really. 🙂
Like Barbie pink?
Hello, Kitty pink?
Those make me shudder.
And don’t go beating up on Magenta!
She was one of my favorite characters in RHPS.
…just in case we have some barbie and hello kitty lovers amongst us. Magenta is good though – reddish purple is strong! 🙂
Well, in a tasteful shade, of course. 😉
didn’t you? LOL… and I was trying my best to convince Olivia that I’m not a total curmudgeon when it comes to pink!
Ok, here’s the real source of my pink issues with flowers… those icky, sickly looking (even when healthy) impatiens that little old ladies plant in profusion because they think that’s the only thing that will bloom in shade. I’ve been on the Torenia crusade the past few years, trying to convince people to plant those instead, and yes, Olivia, they come in lovely shades of pink too! 🙂
Well, I’ll confess that I used to hate pink, too. I hated it because it was the “girl’s color” and my grandmother always brought pink things for my older sister and matching blue things for me!
Who cares about toxins! 😉
I don’t know if you get those inland, but they’re basically mandarin oranges in the skin. Very small (even the big ones), very juicy, and very tasty. Also very expensive, except around Christmas when the price drops by half or more.
Howdy All! Here’s a little story I had to share with you all. This photo is just a teaser. The full story is at MY NEW BLOG
I hope you’ll come take a look.
How ‘s Goose?
Where was that taken? There are apparently some nesting eagles in and around Seattle, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen them (except the pair at the zoo, which hardly counts).
I’ve seen them up at Deception Pass going to Whidbey Island, but that’s a ways from Seattle.
That’s a great story and photos!!
Has anyone been following Stephen Colbert’s baby eagle story? It’s so adorable, it almost makes me like him in spite of those mismatched ears! LOL
And Gooserock’s photo tricks — miss seeing those!
It’s good to see you here again Puget4! {{{P4}}}
Of my becoming-infamous cherry tree photos. No, I didn’t ignore your advice about getting in closer — this is from that same batch. (and it honestly does look better bigger)
Close or far, it’s still stunning, Izzy. And you have the advantage of waiting on the fruit later, right?
I love flowering trees… we just don’t have any, unless you count those foul maples about to cast their millions of spinners off any day now. 🙁
Well, they do drop enormous amounts of cherries most years, but good luck finding even one edible one. The birds pick at them on the tree and the squirrels gorge on whatever falls off. It’s quite a mess. We’ve tried picking them, etc., but the trees are far too tall to really do anything about it. Plus, I don’t mind the birds and squirrels having a feast — as long as they’re not going to waste.
Gorgeous! I hope you’ll share the cherries, too!~ LOL
… w/ beautiful flowers!
but I have no idea for how long. Sleep is calling me . . . calling me . . .
No, Omir! Come back to the light! Wait, that doesn’t sound quite right.
LOL — I remember seeing a cartoon once with a little boy resisting “going to the light” through the first three panels, then panel 4 shows him sitting with a disgusted look on his face and Mom saying “Now see, eating broccoli didn’t kill you, did it?”
Tomorrow I say goodbye to my cute little Pebble Beach studio apartment! Yikes! It will be SO great to be home, but I’m really going to miss the Monterey coast!
Yeah, that’s gotta be one of the most gorgeous parts of the country, but it’s good you’re getting away from the unhappy part. Good luck with your move — I hope it goes smoothly.
Thanks, Izzy! I agree that the scenery around these parts is just about second to none.
And gorgeous sunset too! Are you excited about the move home? Just think, though, of all the nasty baggage you can leave behind you, as you move into the next, better phase! Best of luck on the move!
Thanks, IVG! Yup, excited! Can’t wait to get home, though my son tells me that a bunch of bees got inside the house through the chimney! His girlfriend got home and found bees everyhwhere, agressive bees, I hope they weren’t killer bees, and they were chasing her around while she squirted windex at them. He says they got rid of them all and closed up the chimney, but I think we may need to call in the professionals to get rid of the best. Me not like bees.
Opps, not “get rid of the best.” “Get rid of the BEES!”
You’ll have these wonderful photos to remind you of the beautiful moments. {{{mm}}}
Thanks, Olivia! Did you get your new camera yet? Is it a Nikon D70? I looked that one up, and it seems really great. Me want new camera, too! (jealous!)
We’ll see how it goes. If I’m not around the cafe it’s b/c I’ve gone into camera-shock… 🙂
Wow, that is so cool. I’ll bet the instruction book is long, though. Long and complicated and full of arcane instructions that will give you a headache and take forever figuring out. (jealous!) Yup, it will be four inches thick and chock full of intricate instructions in teeny tiny 8 point font. LOL!!
Forget instruction book — JimF already pointed me in this direction!
Cool link! I bookmarked it for when I get MY new camera…. Just like I can afford it being out of a job. But, at least the instructions are free.
Anyhoo, my Fuji FinePix 3800 is a nice little machine. My husband gave it to me for Christmas in 2002. It’s my first digital camera and has held up well over the years.
Not all pink things are bad! But then, sometimes it can just be used in a very strange way that defies any taste or logic…

I snuck this pic in your back yard when you weren’t looking, hehe.
Ah, not that it makes any difference in the weirdness category! 🙂
I think it’s lifesize, but can’t be sure. Just one of those odd pics I ran across and laughed so hard I had to save it!
Seems I’ve let the evil pink genie out of its bottle! LOL.
(Was the website down for a while I couldn’t get on for about one half hour.)