For the Many, in front of the peoples Congress

{A couple of comments in diaries,over at DKOS today, on the subject of Vietnam, got my Neck Hairs Arisen, soooooo!!!!}

And finally come to terms with the long standing Denial, of this Nation, that Swore “We Would Not Let That Happen Again, Send Our Military Into War For No Just Cause, And Only As An Absolute Last Resort!”

We Swore than that we would Remember and Teach the Lessons out of Vietnam. And as I stated in a reply, in another Diary, we not only didn’t teach those lessons we Morphed the lessons of Wrong into those of how to Fight a Guerilla/Insurgency. As we’ve seen whatever those lessons they were teaching our Military didn’t work because they can’t, an Insurgency comes from within the Invaded Country and Every Right thing done is Wiped out Immediately by the Few who do the Atrocities, Killing/Maiming of Innocents, especially the children, and that list goes on. Each and every wrong done brings others to the battle against the invaders.

In commemoration of the 35th anniversary of the Winter Soldier investigation and the Dewey Canyon III protest in Washington, Milliarium Zero and Winterfilm are proud to present WINTER SOLDIER on DVD starting April 18, 2006.

DVD Special Features:

  • A conversation with the Filmmakers
  • Seasoned Veteran: The Journey of a Winter Soldier ,documentary about Scott Camil,
  • Americal Divisions 1971 short
  • First Marine Division 1971 short
  • Theatrical Trailer
  • “The Winter Soldier Files” downloadable on DVD-Rom ,AdobeAcrobatReader required,
  • Stills Gallery from the original negatives of VVAW photographer Sheldon Ramsdell.
  • Closed Captioning
  • French and German Subtitles

Winter Soldier is distributed by:
Milliarium Zero
P.O. Box 128
Harrington Park, N.J. 07640

Winter Soldier – The Film

Click to Watch the Trailer

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Visit The Site To Find Out More!

If you are interested in screening the film to the public
or need Public Performance rights for any reason, please
contact us at the number below.

Best regards,

Dennis Doros, Amy Heller and Nadja Tennstedt
Milliarium Zero-Milestone Film & Video
PO Box 128
Harrington Park, NJ 07640
Winter Soldier Film

The lessons of How and Why Vietnam should have been a Taught section of our History. Many Veterans, of that Conflict, did try, and some still do. I found myself utterly Amazed at how little, only a few short years after, that those in the schools we attended knew about Vietnam, let alone the How and Why, at the few assemblies/classroom sessions I attended.

Now this Country, As A Whole, needs to come to terms not only with Vietnam, Finally, but with the present day Debacle called Iraq, the Destructive Devastation, Death, Maiming, that we as a Nation have allowed, and whatever it may bring forth!

I fear we have crossed the line of no return, to bring about what this Nation professes it is, but has never completely reached those lofty goals. Can we correct these wrongs and right this Ship of State, or do we finally Collapse, as other Great Societies have Perished. It’s up to you All !!

How To Order:

By Phone: Please call 800 603-1104. We’re in the office
10:00 am – 6:00 pm Eastern Standard Time, Monday –
Friday. At other times, please leave a message. Outside
the US and Canada, call 201 767-3117.

By Fax and Email: You can fax us at 201 767-3035 or
email us at We accept institutional
purchase orders.

By Mail: To prepay, please send a check or money order
,payable in US$ drawn on a US bank only, to: Milliarium
ZERO, PO Box 128, Harrington Park, NJ 07640.

Shipping Fees:
In the US: Add $5.00 for the first DVD and 75A for each
To Canada: Add $6.00 for the first DVD and $1.00 for each
Overseas: Add $6.00 for the first DVD and $3.00 for each
additional film.

New Jersey residents: Please add 6% sales tax.

WINTER SOLDIER. A film by Fred Aronow, Nancy Baker, Joe
Bangert, Rhetta Barron, Robert Fiore, David Gillis, David
Grubin, Jeff Holstein, Barbara Jarvis, Al Kaupas, Barbara
Kopple, Mark Lenix, Michael Lesser, Lee Osborne, Lucy
Massie Phenix, Roger Phenix, Benay Rubenstein and Michael
Weil. With John Kerry, Scott Camill & the Vietnam
Veterans Against the War. 95 minutes. B&W and color.
Contains Adult Content. 1972. Ac1972 Winterfilm
Collective. Special Bonus Material and Artwork: Ac 2006
Milliarium Zero. Not Rated.
Retail price: $24.95.

Winter Soldier – The Film

And while you’re at it, this is another must see documentary of those times. Pick up the many books that have been written by Vietnam Veterans and Learn. For now, this Generation and those following, will bear the brunt of what has been allowed to happen in the present. For unlike Vietnam others now Lash Out for the many failed policies we have brought on them! Is it right, No, but neither is our acting like them!

Sir! No Sir!! – Site

Click To Watch Trailer

Cable, DSL or Other Broadband connection

56 or 28k modem connection

National Theatrical Screenings of Sir! No Sir!

How GI Resistance Altered The Course Of History – In Motion Magazine

‘Sir! No Sir!’ Salutes Vietnam’s Dissenters in Uniform – NYT Movie Review

War and peace, then and now – Newsday Movie Review

Important Film to See: “Sir, No Sir” – A Private ‘Patriotic’ Citizen

Super Troopers – Village Voice

Sir! No Sir! – TV

Sir! No Sir! –

Sir! No Sir! – Slant Magazine

Do Not Miss This Movie

A film review by Rachel Gordon

And by the way, Guerilla/Insurgents could care less about which political party holds power of the invader Nation, nor do they care of the politics if they retaliate against our interests overseas or again here. Politics and Religion have nothing to do with War except for those who use them to justify their Insanity against Humanity!!

“Never again shall one generation of veterans abandon another.”