Saturday Afternoon Sangria at the Froggy Bottom Cafe
Welcome Newbies and Lurkers
Welcome Newbies and Lurkers
Your host is Maryb.
Please introduce yourself if you haven’t already.
Or pretend to be someone else.
Or pretend to be someone else.
Serving Tapas on the table next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That 4 Looks Good on You! Return the Favor.
A fresh cafe for late Saturday afternoon. Time to kick back and relax?
since I’m going to go out in a little bit and have sashimi for dinner.
So Mary, read any good books during your hiatus?
The Dogs of Bedlam Farm: An Adventure with Sixteen Sheep, Three Dogs, Two Donkeys and Me by Jon Katz.
It was my “commuting book” that I read in traffic or if I had time to take a book to the park for lunch and read for a while.
I read his dog stuff over at Slate but the only book of his I’ve read is ‘Geeks’ — which was pretty good.
My commuting books are, of necessity, the kind you can read in small pieces. It’s a memoir, more about him than the animals. I’ve never read any of his other stuff.
I’m about a third of the way through Lolita which I need to finish for my book club next week. Then I’m supposed to read a book called Gospel which I’ve never heard of. It’s by Wilton Barnhardt; a novel about a search for a manuscript?
My new commuting book is Crashing the Gate.
What are you reading?
I just finished ‘Girls of Tender Age’ by Mary-Ann Tirone Smith which was excellent. I’m now reading Kelly Link’s Magic for Beginners, which I guess if you had to classify them could be called fantasy short stories but I think I’ll settle for just calling them wonderfully strange.
Anyone else ever read A Girl Named Zippy: Growing up Small in Mooreland, Indiana – loved that book.
oddly enough, though I’ve read all her novels and loved them, I’ve never read the memoir. Did you know she has a new memoir out called ‘She Got Up Off the Couch’?
I’m outta here. See ya later.
Is it a novel or a memoir?
A memoir that reads like a novel. Very funny.
I thought she was on sabbatical. Or… spending more time with her family?
what kind of Saturday have you been having?
It’s been nice. Lazy. I’ve just been lolling around reading mostly. I did venture to the neighbor’s garage sale and was hugely disappointed. No books! What kind of people don’t have books?
I was the regular Saturday night babysitter for a kid in the neighborhood. Her parents had NO books in the house. Maybe a coffee table book but I don’t even think that. I couldn’t believe it. My house had books in every room.
all over the place — and keep buying more.
Latest purchase: For Packrats Only: How to Clean Up, Clear Out and Dejunk Your Life Forever — that’ll probably end up at the bottom of the pile. 😛
Whenever we do get this place cleaned up, I want to get at least two more bookshelves; one for the corner of the dining area (then we can have the bookcases and CD towers go around the corner, maybe even find room for one or two more) and one for the bedroom next to the spouse’s bedside table — it’ll keep him from piling junk there. 😉
Still a bit off today — maybe a shower will help…
What’s up everybody?
No thanks on the Sangria Mary. Bad experience in Spain with that.
this is virtual cafe sangria – no bad experiences can happen.
Yea I forgot. I’ll have five to begin with.
and one for George?
George is giving me a look like, is this really Mary at the cafe? She’s going to let me drink?
She doesn’t give a shit.
I’m off to have some sashimi and eda-mame.
Enjoy Andi.
Psst…Family Man, did Andi just say “ya’ll”?
She did a midwestern version: ya all. two words. But it’s there!
Yep. Purty soon she goin to be sprayin her hair all up high and gettin them fancy fake nails.
Well instead of goin she’ll be fixin to get that stuff done.
Of course she’s fixin, I’m no good at this. Oh when will I learn to be a G.R.I.T?
What’s G.R.I.T.?
I goofed – it should be one of the GRITS – girls raised in the south. I see bumper stickers and t-shirts all over the place down here.
Really? I’ve never seen anything like that.
Did you ever go out and find this guy in your town.
I haven’t had the pleasure yet, but it looks like he’s missing his manly parts too.
Tight underwear. 😛
It’s called a “cheater.” If you don’t know what that is, ask Indy. hehe
Believe it or not, I’ve never heard that term used to refer to anything that goes into underpants — unless it’s someone else’s mate. Is it a derogatory term, and which thing does it refer to?
Actually a “cheater” is what drag queens use to cover up the so-called “manly parts” in order to prevent unsightly bulges. Hehe… Now not that I have ever been into that sort of stuff, but I know guys who are. I first learned the term from Divine, the late, lamented star of all the early John Waters films… I’m sure you know who she was.
I’m so proud of myself for guessing that. 🙂
I couldn’t guess. Are you doing family movie night again this week?
Nah, my family is just the Mr. and me tonight. The boys have a play opening next week and they’re working on the set.
I do have Brokeback Mtn. and Good Night and Good Luck here but I don’t have the patience to sit down and watch either of them.
I’d assumed that’s what it was, but I’d never heard it referred to that way before. And you know I like the teasing. 🙂
I’ve out-lowbrowed you tonight since I somehow generated a thread of complete tackiness without even being here.
You’re good.
I’m going to guess it’s to tame the manly parts if he should want to cross dress. (?)
I think she’s trying, but she is still learning.
You and George need to get all gussied up and go out on the town. Here’s George’s date…
fairly high maintenance; maybe too high maintenance for George.
Was it the tiara?
Yeah. Definitely the tiara.
No it’s that George is, uhm, missing a few parts.
I don’t think he has ever forgiven me for that one.
Can’t he just fake it?
I think I’ve seen him try to fake it with the cat before, but she won’t have any of it.
just because she can’t give him any pleasure doesn’t mean that he can’t send her to places she can only dream of. George should stop being so selfish.
He’s a dog. What do you expect. 🙂
from George.
Well now for you Mary, I’m sure George would walk the entire earth. But, tiaras he’s not to fond of.
it’s so heavy.
And it’s obvious I’m a princess anyway.
Ah yes, but you never put on airs.
All the women of the cafe are princesses anyway.
Let me rephrase that. All are that want to be. 🙂
Such is life.
and you’ll be knocking off my competition for me 😉
I’ve got to go for awhile.
Catch ya’ll later.
barely though. I have a killer headache from late-night frivolity. Perhaps the Sangria will help 😀
Good to see you back, maryb. Bud has been waiting patiently for his belly rub
scratch, scratch, rub, rub.
And what were YOU doing last night that left you with a frivolity hangover?
several fat tires, and not of the rubber variety.
it taste with the sangria? That information is vital to my decision.
it tastes really awful.
later then. After the sangria and some dark chocolate.
I’m off to go galavanting at the mall, I’ll see you around later. Have a good day!
Don’t spend too much!
Btw, what’s a fat tire, Manny? Dare I ask?
Fat Tire is a type of beer. That’s why I didn’t think it would go well with Sangria. Poor Manny.
You never cease to amaze me… A beer I’ve never heard of…
Btw, did I tell you I missed you terribly during your long absence?
If I did, tough. If I didn’t, sorry!
This will either lure Manny back from the mall or drive him far away LOL 🙂
Sagrado chihuahua!
it is not to be over-used.
I’ll leave it to your discretion then. You’ll notice I didn’t say it in English… out of respect for you, of course. hehe
Bud is just waaaay too cute for words! When’s he coming over for his play date with Pepa and Rolly? The three of them would have a rollicking time, I’m sure. 🙂
Sorry about the headache… I have a bit of one now after spending nearly 4 hrs outside sucking up spruce needles and detritus from the yard and garden…
Take three martinis, then a nap, eat a piece of cheese, drink a glass of water. Then curse me in the morning. Hehe
Enjoying my daily ration of chardonnay after a punishing day of packing. How one person can have so much crap, I’ll never know, even though that one person is me!
I feel your pain, Mythmother. 🙂 I’ve run across stuff I forgot I had, and I’m usually pretty good about keeping the stuff-factor low.
Pretty ocean.
You are way ahead of me, IndyLib! But I guess moving day is always a day of reckoning!~ 🙂
Here you go Maryb. I know I promised flowers as well as candy to celebrate your return, but after the disaster of a series of cherry blossom photos that I’ve strewn over recent cafes, I figure it’s best to stick with what I know — eye candy. Welcome back!
P.S. sorry I didn’t do this sooner. I suddenly lapsed into napping shortly after my last comment.
Is that Goran Visjnic?
Why, yes. Yes it is.
Lordy, that man is sex on legs … he was even hotter than you know what in Deep End where he played a very evil character… hubba hubba!
Why thank you.
Oh you’re talking about the guy up thread. 😛
But glad to see you, oh guru of slackdom!
How’re you doing today IVG?
Enjoying your weekend?
Yep, FM… did a bunch of laundry and hung it out to dry during this lovely day. Then spent about 4 hrs vacuuming around the spruce and the sidewalk to get up all the cones and needles and getting more clean up done. Tomorrow I will be planting new plants and seeds! Got some great pics too, but those will have to be for later when I’ve got them resized and uploaded.
You and George have a great day slacking?
Don’t worry, FM – you’re sex on a LazyBoy.
Sex on a Lazyboy? To confining.
yeah, and they tend to fold up at the worst times.
I’ve been told that before, but not about the LazyBoy.
but you really need to get that narcolepsy checked out.
Are you telling me I need my head examined? If so, get in line.
Izzy I don’t think it narcolepsy.
Slackatude. You’ve got it down.
I’m just concerned about my pond mates. SN makes the bed and then falls into a deep sleep (like a princess in a fairy tale only no handsome prince comes to kiss her awake — or at least she doesn’t tell us about that part) and now you are falling asleep at the drop of a pin. And Family Man? Well we all know about his naps. It IS worrying.
THank you, maryb! I’ve never been a character in a fairy tale before, even one with a pathetic ending like that.
Now if Goran Vis….that hunk from ER were to kiss me awake…
Oh, that’s so sweet! Don’t worry about me though. It’s all got a perfect explanation. It’s a beautiful day here for napping, and I had just returned from the vigorous hike to the driveway next door. It’s only natural I’d fall into a deep slumber in mid-comment.
Or perhaps it’s the book I’m reading. Anne Perry’s Whitechapel Conspiracy. All that Victorian talk gave me a fit of the vapors.
I’m replacing LOL with ‘laughing merrily.’
A fit of the vapors? I love to hear that southern talk. 🙂
He makes me verklempt.
is excellent.
I’ve been working on it. How was the edamame? I love that stuff.
Excellent as was the sashimi, the miso soup, and the marinated spinach.
The LOUNGE is now open.