Good morning, Andi and FM.
Chilly around here too, mid-40s and rainy.
Too bad – we had planned to go to the Concervatory Gardens again today. The tulips in the should be at peak this weekend.
I like days like that, but do not often have the opportunity.
But today will be great; a good, old friend from Norway has been in the US for business this week and is stopping over here in NY for the weekend on his way home. His flight should be landing in about an hour – I’ll pick up the asklets a bit later and we’ll all go for brunch.
Good Morning!!!!! As always have been up for a while but not doing anything paticular. LOL I went to a Dem event last night and had a blast seeing different candidates and networking. so much for a quiet evening at home. LOL Since I had not planned to attend I did not have my camera or my laptop with me. I will have both with me when I go back to Austin today for the afternoon session of the SDEC.
LOL It is really hard for me to slack in election season. I know so many of the candidates running and county chairpeople that I love going and socializing with them.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Well, I have to get ready for the state convention. I also need to start looking for a place to move to in Austin. I might do some driving around looking at places tomorrow for that.
LOL Bette is the more high strung of the two but is a happy dog. LOL Reba is a lump!!! She is happiest when stretched out and relaxing. Even as a puppy Reba did not play much and I think that might be from being mistreated at an early age. She loves to chase things including Bette but only for a few minutes and then she is done. LOL
Reba reminds me of George’s half brother. When I would take him out for a walk, once he decided he’s walked enough, he’d plant his butt on the ground and not move.
It didn’t matter if I was outside the back door or a quarter mile away. I would have to pick him up and carry him back. Thank God he was small, but I actually thought of buying a backpack kind of thing for the long walks.
Yes I have, but didn’t have any luck with it. Not saying you won’t.
I’m sure you’ve taken him to the doctor for this, But if not, do so.
OTC meds. I’ve read 50% of migraine suffers have very low magnesium levels. This would be a good thing for the DR to check.
Now of days there are new meds that will help a lot of migraine suffers. I’m unable to take them because of my heart, but before when I could, they help somewhat.
If he’s suffering daily and has the aura’s, it sounds like classic migraine, but see the doctor.
That’s really too bad. Jim used to get migraines all the time but they started decreasing in his 40s. Have you or he been able to try any of the new treatments yet?
The few things that I tried never worked for me, but I think it’s time that he maybe try something preventative. It’s really interfering with his life and putting him in a bad mood when usually he’s such a charmer.
Company was good. Chihuly opens next weekend. I might not try to go the first weekend — it will probably be really crowded. But I’ll give you a full report once I see it 🙂
Damn, we left the door open last night and it’s 45 outside and somewhere around that inside too.
Hi Andi. We must have posted in at the same time.
45F. You poor thing.
I missed the second one before you deleted it.
I just checked the inside theometer. It’s 62° in the house so I clearly have nothing to complain about.
62F without any mechanical help. Nope you should be jumping for joy.
I’ll try that when my leg muscles warm up enough to move.
Well I meant figuratively.
Whenever I jump for joy it’s usually with my backend planted firmly in my chair.
I might raise my arms up once, but I have to be really happy for that.
OK who is out there?
Any early bird up and moving around?
but some of us Left Coast drunkards are still awake!
Hey Manny. I remember those days of up all night. Well when I was drinking, I sort of remember them.
see you all later on today. much later.
I can’t say ‘good night’ so I’ll go for ‘pleasant dreams’.
Night or Morning whichever.
Have a good sleep.
Sounds like a potentially bad wake-up whenever that is.
Drink lots of water before turning in.
Morning Ask.
How’re ya this am?
Feeling good. Been up since 5.45.
curly is still sleeping.
Slacking in solitude this weekend?
Good morning, Andi and FM.
Chilly around here too, mid-40s and rainy.
Too bad – we had planned to go to the Concervatory Gardens again today. The tulips in the should be at peak this weekend.
Sounds like perfect slacking weather to me.
Curl up on the couch. A good book/movie/music.
Ah man, your day has so much potential. 😉
I like days like that, but do not often have the opportunity.
But today will be great; a good, old friend from Norway has been in the US for business this week and is stopping over here in NY for the weekend on his way home. His flight should be landing in about an hour – I’ll pick up the asklets a bit later and we’ll all go for brunch.
That sounds great. Nothing like seeing good, old friends.
Sounds like a wonderful way to spend a saturday
It’s going to warm up to the low 70s eventually but there’s a chance of rain here, too.
Hope you get a break in the weather so you can go enjoy the tulips.
That’s not too bad. 70 would be nice.
High today is forecast at 50. Rain all day. It should be one of those slacking days that FM describes above.
Good Morning!!!!! As always have been up for a while but not doing anything paticular. LOL I went to a Dem event last night and had a blast seeing different candidates and networking. so much for a quiet evening at home. LOL Since I had not planned to attend I did not have my camera or my laptop with me. I will have both with me when I go back to Austin today for the afternoon session of the SDEC.
What!!!??? I thought you were supposed to be doing some slacking. Refinish I’m going to have to give you some remedial training in slackdom.
LOL It is really hard for me to slack in election season. I know so many of the candidates running and county chairpeople that I love going and socializing with them.
I guess remedial training won’t be necessary.
One of the rules of slackdom is do what makes you happy.
It does make me happy and keeps me out of trouble most of the time. LOL
Just listening to what you’ve done and are going to do makes me want to go take a nap.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Well, I have to get ready for the state convention. I also need to start looking for a place to move to in Austin. I might do some driving around looking at places tomorrow for that.
I agree with Andi – you’re like a dynamo.
or a nutcase. LOL I am really hoping that next weekend will be a slow one politically so I can get some much need stuff done at home. LOL
Bette and Reba wanted to say hi this am.
I will keep working on taking pictures. It’s really hard when they think the new camera is a toy. LOL
Oh look at those two. Bette looks pensive and Reba looks like she has the slack thing down.
LOL Bette is the more high strung of the two but is a happy dog. LOL Reba is a lump!!! She is happiest when stretched out and relaxing. Even as a puppy Reba did not play much and I think that might be from being mistreated at an early age. She loves to chase things including Bette but only for a few minutes and then she is done. LOL
Reba reminds me of George’s half brother. When I would take him out for a walk, once he decided he’s walked enough, he’d plant his butt on the ground and not move.
It didn’t matter if I was outside the back door or a quarter mile away. I would have to pick him up and carry him back. Thank God he was small, but I actually thought of buying a backpack kind of thing for the long walks.
Great pics of such sweet pups! I knew it was going to be a good thing you got that camera.
What sweet faces! Reba reminds me of my old lab that I had to give away when we moved.
Morning SN.
How’re you today. Everything fixed?
Everything is fixed but the AC never went off last night even though it was really cool upstairs. I think the thermostat must be broken.
Did your headache go away?
I’m glad it was cool.
HA still there, but medicine is working, so I’m doing fine.
My middle son has inherited my headaches and has one almost every day now. I feel so bad.
He gets that migraine aura sometimes where it’s like looking through a narrow white tunnel and then he gets really dizzy.
I wish he would have gotten my sparkling intellect instead. Actually, he’s way smarter than I am.
I’ve always heard migraines run in families. Some of my relatives have them.
I’m sure your middle son is very intelligent. Look at who his mother is.
No matter how much you butter me up (Oh, Indy would have fun with that) I still can’t talk dirty in the morning.
I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s time for him to try medication beyond OTC painkillers to try to prevent them.
Have you ever tried anything herbal, like feverfew?
Yes I have, but didn’t have any luck with it. Not saying you won’t.
Magnesium, that’s interesting. I’d like to try vitamins or something less druggy first. I’ll check it out.
That’s really too bad. Jim used to get migraines all the time but they started decreasing in his 40s. Have you or he been able to try any of the new treatments yet?
The few things that I tried never worked for me, but I think it’s time that he maybe try something preventative. It’s really interfering with his life and putting him in a bad mood when usually he’s such a charmer.
But enough of the sweet. Let’s go wake up Indy and talk dirty.
I don’t think I could even talk dirty in the morning. It takes me a full day to work up to it.
Alright who hijacked SN. Not being able to talk dirty in the morning?
This is definitely an imposter who logged in under her name!
I told you I’m not a morning person that way, FM. Not even if someone were to beg.
Poor Mr. Nature. 🙂
Yes, especially since he is only a morning person.
all we would have to do is to hand her straight (or otherwise) lines and smirk.
I could tell her that while I’m sitting at the desk, my pootie is actually catching a sunbath in the window.
Or put you back to sleep. Hey, we’re flex. :0
The next 450 years of (mostly) American history
And because you’re all such great peeps…
I’ll throw in the NEXT 450 years for free. 🙂
Wow that’s a lot for me to take in first thing in the am.
I’ve got it bookmarked for a more leisurely read. Thanks.
The Magic. Takes its toll.
But listen closely. But not much longer.
I’ve got to. Keep control.
I REMEMBER….Doin’ the TIME Warp!
Lets. Do. The Time. Warp. Again.
Lets. Do. The Time. Warp. Again
What’s up?
Oh, ya know, the same stuff that’s been going on for the past week. Oh yeah, I forgot….where the hell have you been! 🙂
to see you again too SN 🙂
I knew it was my enormous Kit Kat bar that scared you away.
that you ATE IT ALL and didn’t share.
Actually the enormous Kit Kat’s I can ignore, but the enormous Mr. Goodbar …
In your honor I’ve filled a punch bowl with M&Ms for your cafe.
that I need to get to work? Or just a promise?
I was going to wait for this one to fill up a little more before I open a new cafe. I’m going out for breakfast about 9:30.
Wow! I just freaked out because your time stamp says 9:12 CDT, but my computer tells me it’s only 8:15. Wonder why it’s an hour off?
How about you introduce yourself, stranger?
Okay, enough with the lousy humor. I am really happy to see (read) you.
How’s my buddy Sniff? Oh yeah, and the other two?
pretty f’ing happy to see you too.
he’s happy there’s green in that picture and not just brown leaves.
of pictures of the woods gradually coming to life. It’s gotten gorgeous here.
Oh and you missed very nice birthday party for Olivia on Thursday.
Maybe somebody took pictures of the party?
Wait, you’re going to post a big flower picture and tell me everyone is behind it, right?
I’ll wish her a happy belated b’day when she wakes up. Birthdays shouldn’t only be celebrated on one day.
And also stole a banner made from the Olivia Saves the Day book.
any time. Although they must have been really stale!
Wish FM was still around — I’m sitting on my patio watching a new family of baby squirrels run up and down the tree chasing each other.
Maybe they’ll all get hit by cars before they grow up …
that if Indy were up, she could work wonders with you can steal my cupcakes any time.
you’ll tell her about it later. So we’ll see what she says.
Mary I’m so happy to see you. I’ve missed you.
Has the plague of family members ever left you? Or are you still cooking and cleaning for 25?
Yes, and it’s getting back to normal.
Mary, Mary, Mary. I’m so happy to see you. I’m jumping for joy.
Well actually sitting, but I’m raising my arms real high.
OK I had to stay up until Mary showed up.
Not that I wouldn’t stay for all of you.
But I’m going to lay back down for awhile. I’ll be back later for the cafe.
I’ll be back from breakfast about 11:00. Maybe you’ll wake up by then.
You’re leaving already???? I just got here.
Glad to see you back!
Think we didn’t notice that your drop off the pictures and disappear gambit last night? 😉
But I fell asleep…and even slept through my yoga class this morning. I think it’s the rainy weather.
I bet FM would be proud of me, though.
pot, kettle black … what SHE said.
I’m leaving in about 10 minutes. Nice to see you too CG.
How was your company?
Work keeping you busy?
Is that Chihuly installation open at the Botanical Gardens yet?
Gotta leave to meet someone for breakfast.
Company was good. Chihuly opens next weekend. I might not try to go the first weekend — it will probably be really crowded. But I’ll give you a full report once I see it 🙂
What, you’re not going to invite me to go with you? 🙂
Will you take pictures when you go? Pleeeease?
Have a nice breafast.
I’ve opened the new cafe as Froggy Bottom in case I’m not back before it fills up. I should be back between 11:00 and 11:30 (CDT).