Of the following 2 people, who has been charged with a federal crime of “intimidating or disrupting foreign officials”?

A.  Pat Robertson for his public televised calling for the assassination of Hugo Chavez.


B.  Dr. Wenyi Wang for interupting Hu Jintao’s speech and calling for President Bush to stop the oppression and human rights abuse in China. during the pomp and pageantry of the Chinese Leader’s State visit to Washington on the White House Lawn.











Here’s a hint:
































Give up?


Here’s your answer:

China heckler at White House charged in court

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A heckler from the Falun Gong spiritual movement who disrupted a White House appearance by Chinese President Hu Jintao was charged on Friday with harassing, intimidating and threatening a foreign official.

The federal misdemeanor charges against Wang Wenyi — a 47-year-old who said she had carried out an individual act of conscience — are punishable by up to six months in jail.


Thankfully, this is getting wide coverage in the media:

Overreacting to Protest (Washington Post)

Update 3: Protester Charged After Heckling Hu (Associated Press)

Heckler Charged With Harrassing Chinese President

Woman in protest against Hu charged (MSNBC)

Hu heckler on harassment charge (ABC News)

 Protester charged with harassing Chinese leader (CNN)

You may watch her interview with Wolf Blitzer and a public statement she made after being charged HERE.


This is not about Falun Gong, people.  This isn’t even about Chinese oppression and human rights abuse anymore (although, thanks to Dr. Wang — it is now under some scrutiny by the American media).  Above all, this is about the First Ammendment of the United States of America.  This is about America.

How is it that a foreign official from a brutal authoritarian regime gets more protection, compassion and pageantry from the leader of the U.S. than an individual excercising her right to protest (in a free country?) against this dispicable undemocratic leader?

How is it that a man like Hu Jintao is allowed the pleasantries of a state visit whereas a democratically elected leader from a free and peaceful nation like Taiwan creates controversy when he even attempts to stop-over in the U.S?

How is it that Dr. Wenyi Wang is charged with a severe federal crime — with possible imprisonment of 6 months — however, Reverend Pat Robertson is still out there broadcasting to millions of viewers after calling for THE ASSASSINATION OF AN ELECTED LEADER.

And Bush apologized to Hu!!!!

This is insanity, people!

What are you goint to do about it?