Chris Matthews: Katty Kay– BBC, Joe Klein– TIME MAGAZINE, Andrea Mitchell– NBC NEWS, Clarence Page– CHICAGO TRIBUNE
George Stephanopoulos: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, R-Calif., Senator John Kerry, D-Mass., Actress Gloria Reuben on the character Condoleezza Rice.
Meet the Press: Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-MA, on Iraq, Iran, Immigration and more. Plus, a political roundtable on the White House staff changes with Tony Blankley, David Broder, Ron Brownstein & Dee Dee Myers.
Wolf Blitzer: Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania: Judiciary Committee chairman, Sen. Carl Levin, D-Michigan: Armed Services Committee and Homeland Security Committee member, Fouad Siniora: Lebanese prime minister, Thomas Friedman: New York Times columnist and author of “The World is Flat”
Fox News: • Reps. Peter Hoekstra and Jane Harman on Iran’s nuclear ambition
• Former Chiefs of Staff Leon Panetta and Ken Dubertsein on White House shake-up
• Washington Wizards’ star Gilbert Arenas
Face the Nation: Gen. John Batiste, ex-White House Chiefs of Staff John Podesta and Pat Buchanan.

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