Criss-Crossed here and there.

CodePink Action Alert

ACTION ALERT – Peace in Iraq Call-In Day, Monday, April 24,
Tell the Senate –
Not one penny more for the War!
No permanent U.S. bases in Iraq!

On Tuesday, April 25, the Senate will take up the supplemental spending bill for 2006. The current proposal includes $67 billion more for the wars in Iraq and Afganistan.

Also, later this month me and another CodePinker will be going into a Senator’s office and asking that he stop sending tax dollars to these illegal occupations and possibly for a refund. More details on that to follow later.

It’d really help us all out if others would stand up and speak out. If everyone spoke out – the risk wouldn’t be on just a few.
Every Friday at 5 p.m. in Portland’s Pioneer Square, several from the Portland’s Peaceful Response Coalition and No War Drum Corps and other various groups and individuals gather to march in a 5 square block. My family have been attending, rain or shine. The group seems to be getting bigger.

A few pre-march announcements regarding global heating, Amy Goodman was going to be in town as part of a fundraiser for KBOO radio and a gentleman spoke briefly as a member of the “Facade News” – “All the news we won’t tell you” and then alerted us that Bush had been arrested for crimes of treason. People not in the march started cheering untill they realized it was just a joke.  

Told you it’s been growing!

The young man in this photo looks so haunted. I thought he had marched with us before and it turns out this was his first time. He saw us and just joined in. By the end… he was smiling and flashing cars the Peace sign.

We came to the end but we were all still jazzed. The No War Drum Corps decided to march up another street to where Amy Goodman and others were to be staying so we could give them a shout out and a hearty WELCOME TO PORTLAND.

A bus load of those “whacky liberal, dirt hugging, tree humping hippies” stopped and gave us some love.

Us outside Goodman’s hotel. Someone from inside came out and thanked us.

It was a beautiful day. But every day is a good day to get out and try to stop a bloodshed.