Ummm actually… having a phone to your head doesn’t make a woman safer, in fact it the opposite is likey.
Predators commonly go after women who have a phone stuck to their ear. They are seen as not paying attention to what is around them. In fact cell phones might as well be a lit sign saying, “I’m NOT ALERT OT ANYTHING AROUND ME!”
Second can just keep looking at her watch and wonder where her sons/husband/neighbor are… I dunno…
I think ALL women should have martial arts training and they should ALL respect and listen to their inner voice when it comes to danger alerts/signals. But too often we don’t heed that “tummy told me that guy was bad” heeby jeeby vibes because we don’t want to offend and we want to be nice.
“I let him in because I didn’t want to appear rude”…
Be careful Second… but don’t appear distracted. Be assertive, confident.
Maybe the couch should be outside in the garage/patio??
Hey there, DJ. I’d second your idea re: bringing the couch out of the house.
Another possibility: no appointments unless someone else is home. It’s not as if selling the couch is such an urgent matter that timing can’t be negotiated (at least I hope not).
Also agreed: to hell with being accommodating; listening to ourselves & our intuitions is absolutely key. I’d say it’s also important to operate without fear & with complete confidence, as I do believe fear translates to our fellow human beings the way it does to animals.
If we can’t approach a situation confidently, then it’s simply not time to approach it — we aren’t ready.
I used to work with a woman who kept a picture in her cube that she’d pulled out of a calendar. It showed this woman with a hatchet splintering everything in sight, a manic grin on her face, and the caption “In order to take her mind off her PMS, Melinda decides to rearrange the furniture.”
I’m here to learn, to love and to.. laugh, but most importantly I’m here to stop the killing and bloodshed and the only way I can learn how and get the tools and info I can is to read and to share and to ask – here. You guys inspire me, but you also protect me by educating me. None of us know it all and none of us see things exactly the same way. That’s the uniqueness of liberal/dems. We’re free to think and live. 🙂
Haven’t been around much due to the fact it’s been hella busy on the peace front AND… it’s Stanley Cup playoff time. Trying to stop a war AND get my hockey fix is making my head spin 🙂
I mean really… it’s been a crazy week or so. Even my family is now all activists and it’s hard to keep up with THEM! 🙂
At some point I have to make the necessary appts to get my head examined… I mean… my hearing and the vertigo stuff looked at. AND we’re shopping for a neighborhood/home. And it looks like the neighborhood we love is financially doable. The realty dude found some in our price range.
And crappers it’s going to be even busier this month what with all the CodePink, Mothers Day events going on. Today is a national call in day too.
ACTION ALERT – Peace in Iraq Call-In Day, Monday, April 24,
Tell the Senate –
Not one penny more for the War!
No permanent U.S. bases in Iraq!
On Tuesday, April 25, the Senate will take up the supplemental spending bill for 2006. The current proposal includes $67 billion more for the wars in Iraq and Afganistan. It is expected that the Senate
will pass
Sorry I haven’t been around here much.
Do you wear glasses DJ? Get your eyes checked too. I was recently experiencing driving vertigo and anxiety. Very not fun. Had to pull over a few times and just stop. I did need glasses, which I know have, and the swirly head times have definitely decreased… Unless I don’t wear my glasses, then I feel funky. Point of story, eyes too my dear. Hope you get things figured out soon!
Thanks Sherm, actually I do need new reading glasses. I wear them for… reading as well as night time driving. Long story short – I’m dyslexic.. among other things LOL and my doc is aware of it.. .OMG … it’s so nice to say “my doc”… 🙂
But he seems to think it’s my ear. There’s a few other things they can check on as well.
I’m glad you qualified that about getting your head looked at. 🙂
Hey, I was thinking about you the other day. Nothing big, I just came across the Montreal-Carolina game on Canadian TV and figured you were probably off watching some playoff game somewhere.
Your post reminds me of something I told a friend of mine who doesn’t show her political leanings much, but was surprised one day when I told her I hung out on Daily Kos because “they’re wrong about pretty much everything.” (So you can guess which side of the fence she’s on as well as I can.) I told her it wasn’t for everybody. Some days it wasn’t even for me. But I was tired of having my country hijacked by kleptocratic thugs who seemed to think the Constitution is an inconvenient obstacle on the way to a global pax Americana, opinions of the American people or anyone else in the world be damned, and I’d be damned if I was going to stand by and let the country I love be looted and run into the ground for the sake of a few rich people for whom too much is not enough. I was going to take my country back, and Daily Kos was the best place I knew of to meet people who could help me do it.
That was before BT even got off the ground. Nowadays those same words apply to BT, though I don’t think many people outside the blogosphere have heard of BT and Kos is becoming a household word.
and you know what… due to all this peace “crap” :)… I’ve been blessed by wonderful friendships and new relationships. Truly. I have grown so much because of all the diversity that is here.
I’m still scratching my head because i’m not sure what all happened here a few days ago… I was out marching and gearing up for a rather in yer face demonstration that will probably get me arrested and I come to my sanctuary… but so many here are doing so much. We must remember that.
Principles over Personalities. I take what I need and I leave the rest and I hope I don’t piss someone off. I make mistakes but I am here to learn…
I love you all. I mean that too. Sounds so strange because it’s “cyber” but many of us have met face to face. Many of us will meet in the future… but the rest of us are all doing something to fix or protect all our days. I dunno… I’m just going to keep plugging forward.
I hurt my back and can hardly walk this morning. But, hey, I can sit okay so here I am.
I’ve been adding to my Family Goose Album and it now includes a close-up of one of the goslings. They are getting used to us. Last evening we got within 20 feet but it was too dark to take pictures.
Absolutely. As long as I sit here it only aches. But, when I get up — as I must to go to the bathroom — it takes my breath away. With every step, I do huffing — like in child birth — to keep from screaming. I should go lie down but it’s so boring.
I occasionally (every 2-3 years) get crippling backaches. The last one was when we were moving into our current house. That was sure fun, trying to carry moving boxes when I could barely stand.
It’s been hurting a bit lately but not that bad. When I went to the dentist the other day she asked me how I was doing.
“OK, I guess,” I told her. “My back hurts.”
“Oh,” she said and laughed. “Well, I can’t do anything about that.”
I had a “first” experience yesterday. After sailing with Goosrock for 24 years I did my first SOLO sail! It was terrific. I sailed in a local marina on a perfect day with just enough wind to move me around. Here’s a photo to prove it and a link to some more.
Hi Diane, yep it’s one of mine but not my flowers. I sometimes take the camera to the garden center to take pictures of plants that I haven’t killed yet.
I notice that you always talk about your killing plants, I used to say that too, flowers especially died or were eaten by critters or something like that, but now, thanks to sage advice from Shirl to stop putting out the negative energy, I no longer say that and it’s working, they are staying alive. So maybe you should try saying ‘plants you will stay alive’, or some such thing.
Hugs to you SN and have a really great day.
SJCT I am so sorry to hear about your back, I have those problems too and know how hard it is to do things when back is out. Hugs to you.
And not to leave anyone out, hugs to all.
I haven’t had back problems in almost six months so it was a shock to wake up this morning in agony. I don’t know if it was spending the last three days bent over planting seeds. Or shoveling sand out of the area where we’re going to build the chicken coop. Or, maybe, it was that last effort, pulling a heavy-laden garden cart back to the barn as the sun went down. Probably a combination of all three.
I tell you the best cure I’ve found. It’s a Homedic back massager — just vibrates the muscles out of spasm. I’ve been spending about 10 minutes out of every hour on it and already I can stand up without gasping. Still can’t walk upright tho…
SJ, my chiropractor always recs. to me to use ice packs and they have proven to be the most beneficial, helps to reduce swelling..(also iboprophen for swelling too)..I don’t freeze the ice packs, keep them in fridge part and wrap a towel around. The swelling seems to be the thing that starts the pain cycle. If you try this and you can use frozen vegs. too for i/p, just do it for 15 min. at a time, several times a day.
Headache sufferers, try ice pac on neck, it usually works for me, of course depends on what type of headache.
I can’t do any bending work at all without suffering for it. Hope you feel better!!!!!! More hugs!!!!
My favorite thing to do with soft socks that have lost their mate (happens alot in my house!) is to fill them with unpopped popcorn or flax seeds and keep them in the freezer. They’re soft and flexible and great for headaches or boo-boos.
I’m working on the second novel on the contract, which should be much closer to finished than it is – the outside world keeps getting in the way though.
I’m also doing some editing for my bro-in-law, another F&SF writer for a chapbook my writers group is putting together for WisCon (the one and only femenist SF convention). This the thirtieth anniversary of the con, and it’s going to be wall-to-wall mucky-mucks. Later,
Dr.Mc. and I will try to get more of the flower birds cleaned out for spring. I’ll post some pix once stuff starts to come up.
Tea today, second pot: Lapsang Souchong.
SJCT – hope the back is better soon.
DJ – Hi, glad to hear about things on the house front, ditto SN on the vertigo
Puget4 – congrats on the solo sail. My first time ended with me diving on the lake bottom to retrieve my sail.
Everybody – have a grand day
Hey there, all — greetings from the rather gloomy (though greening) Catskill mountains!
SN, I just had to zoom in (no photo pun intended) to offer my compliments on your truly scrumptious image above. You’re a master, my dear — amazing color, clarity & composition! I’m wondering what type of flower that is? Love it!
‘Course, as usual, I’m supposed to be otherwise engaged — but y’all are just too hard to resist.
It’s a beautiful day in Seattle. If I hadn’t taken off Friday and didn’t need to take off a day or two this week I would have just called in (koff koff).
Well set up a webcam, then you can see what it looks like outside.
I don’t get to see outside much, working in a windowless office like this. Sometimes I’ll get up and walk around just so I can see what the outside world looks like.
Hi everyone, I’m back from a shopping expedition – buying shorts for the Nature Boys and the new Pink CD for me just because I love her songs Dear Mr. President and Stupid Girls.
Also stopped for a yummy roasted mushroom and bell pepper sandwich on foccacia.
The couch is sold – the guy gave me the cash at lunch and is picking it up after work. I told him my husband works at home and won’t be able to help carry it out though. But he really looked harmless – a cute post-college age guy.
Got back, too. I went and met my hockey friend’s wife whose son is also autistic. Got the call from our worthless realtor that the pest inspection came back and it’s SIX THOUSAND needed in repairs. Buyers bank needs a clear pest report before they can buy…
She didn’t provide any solutions… like if this money comes out of escrow or what… So I’m a bit frazzled. ACK.
Glad your couch sold – no pests or potato chips?? 😀
What’s everyone doing?
Writing about PMS…which is making me cranky. Hmm…funny how that works.
Almost time to go out for a walk around the loop with my dog who has weight issues. What are you up to, SN?
I think your dog and I are the ones who need the walk, you can stay home and write about PMS.
I’m fielding lots of calls and emails about my couch for sale. Kind of weird making appointments for total strangers to come to my home.
ain’t that the truth…i’ve got boxes and boxes of stuff for sale. it’s weird.
I was trying to be all mysterious and not let on that I was a woman home alone. I just sold it – yay!
hopefully you pulled the remote control out from behind the cushions 🙂
Good one, DJ – I better check. No telling what’s back there.
There might be some potato chips in there. 🙂 Or g-d knows what!! 🙂
This is just a hit and run, but SN
You’ve got strangers coming to your house. Have the phone to your ear like you’re talking to someone, even if your not.
Say to the phone, hold on I’ve just got to show the couch.
Let whoever comes to your house know that you’ve got an open line of communication.
Hope you sell the couch, but be careful.
Got to go, but I’ll check back later.
Ummm actually… having a phone to your head doesn’t make a woman safer, in fact it the opposite is likey.
Predators commonly go after women who have a phone stuck to their ear. They are seen as not paying attention to what is around them. In fact cell phones might as well be a lit sign saying, “I’m NOT ALERT OT ANYTHING AROUND ME!”
Second can just keep looking at her watch and wonder where her sons/husband/neighbor are… I dunno…
I think ALL women should have martial arts training and they should ALL respect and listen to their inner voice when it comes to danger alerts/signals. But too often we don’t heed that “tummy told me that guy was bad” heeby jeeby vibes because we don’t want to offend and we want to be nice.
“I let him in because I didn’t want to appear rude”…
Be careful Second… but don’t appear distracted. Be assertive, confident.
Maybe the couch should be outside in the garage/patio??
Hey there, DJ. I’d second your idea re: bringing the couch out of the house.
Another possibility: no appointments unless someone else is home. It’s not as if selling the couch is such an urgent matter that timing can’t be negotiated (at least I hope not).
Also agreed: to hell with being accommodating; listening to ourselves & our intuitions is absolutely key. I’d say it’s also important to operate without fear & with complete confidence, as I do believe fear translates to our fellow human beings the way it does to animals.
If we can’t approach a situation confidently, then it’s simply not time to approach it — we aren’t ready.
DJ I just got back and I agree with you and WW.
My main concern is safety. Anyway it can be done and works is the important thing.
He LOVES me! He loves me not…he loves me…
So has the couch been picked up?
After work, grasshopper.
I used to work with a woman who kept a picture in her cube that she’d pulled out of a calendar. It showed this woman with a hatchet splintering everything in sight, a manic grin on her face, and the caption “In order to take her mind off her PMS, Melinda decides to rearrange the furniture.”
I’ll repaste a bit of my post to Steven here.
I’m here to learn, to love and to.. laugh, but most importantly I’m here to stop the killing and bloodshed and the only way I can learn how and get the tools and info I can is to read and to share and to ask – here. You guys inspire me, but you also protect me by educating me. None of us know it all and none of us see things exactly the same way. That’s the uniqueness of liberal/dems. We’re free to think and live. 🙂
Haven’t been around much due to the fact it’s been hella busy on the peace front AND… it’s Stanley Cup playoff time. Trying to stop a war AND get my hockey fix is making my head spin 🙂
I mean really… it’s been a crazy week or so. Even my family is now all activists and it’s hard to keep up with THEM! 🙂
At some point I have to make the necessary appts to get my head examined… I mean… my hearing and the vertigo stuff looked at. AND we’re shopping for a neighborhood/home. And it looks like the neighborhood we love is financially doable. The realty dude found some in our price range.
And crappers it’s going to be even busier this month what with all the CodePink, Mothers Day events going on. Today is a national call in day too.
ACTION ALERT – Peace in Iraq Call-In Day, Monday, April 24,
Tell the Senate –
Not one penny more for the War!
No permanent U.S. bases in Iraq!
On Tuesday, April 25, the Senate will take up the supplemental spending bill for 2006. The current proposal includes $67 billion more for the wars in Iraq and Afganistan. It is expected that the Senate
will pass
Sorry I haven’t been around here much.
Yeah, I’ve missed you but your life sounds so exciting right now! Do please get the vertigo and hearing checked out because I DON’T LIKE TO YELL!
Exciting?? HA! I feel like Alice in the rabbit hole some days.
Do you wear glasses DJ? Get your eyes checked too. I was recently experiencing driving vertigo and anxiety. Very not fun. Had to pull over a few times and just stop. I did need glasses, which I know have, and the swirly head times have definitely decreased… Unless I don’t wear my glasses, then I feel funky. Point of story, eyes too my dear. Hope you get things figured out soon!
Thanks Sherm, actually I do need new reading glasses. I wear them for… reading as well as night time driving. Long story short – I’m dyslexic.. among other things LOL and my doc is aware of it.. .OMG … it’s so nice to say “my doc”… 🙂
But he seems to think it’s my ear. There’s a few other things they can check on as well.
I’m glad you qualified that about getting your head looked at. 🙂
Hey, I was thinking about you the other day. Nothing big, I just came across the Montreal-Carolina game on Canadian TV and figured you were probably off watching some playoff game somewhere.
Your post reminds me of something I told a friend of mine who doesn’t show her political leanings much, but was surprised one day when I told her I hung out on Daily Kos because “they’re wrong about pretty much everything.” (So you can guess which side of the fence she’s on as well as I can.) I told her it wasn’t for everybody. Some days it wasn’t even for me. But I was tired of having my country hijacked by kleptocratic thugs who seemed to think the Constitution is an inconvenient obstacle on the way to a global pax Americana, opinions of the American people or anyone else in the world be damned, and I’d be damned if I was going to stand by and let the country I love be looted and run into the ground for the sake of a few rich people for whom too much is not enough. I was going to take my country back, and Daily Kos was the best place I knew of to meet people who could help me do it.
That was before BT even got off the ground. Nowadays those same words apply to BT, though I don’t think many people outside the blogosphere have heard of BT and Kos is becoming a household word.
Hey there HandsOMIR,
It’s gorgeous here in Portland, too.
and you know what… due to all this peace “crap” :)… I’ve been blessed by wonderful friendships and new relationships. Truly. I have grown so much because of all the diversity that is here.
I’m still scratching my head because i’m not sure what all happened here a few days ago… I was out marching and gearing up for a rather in yer face demonstration that will probably get me arrested and I come to my sanctuary… but so many here are doing so much. We must remember that.
Principles over Personalities. I take what I need and I leave the rest and I hope I don’t piss someone off. I make mistakes but I am here to learn…
I love you all. I mean that too. Sounds so strange because it’s “cyber” but many of us have met face to face. Many of us will meet in the future… but the rest of us are all doing something to fix or protect all our days. I dunno… I’m just going to keep plugging forward.
All I can say is someday, when this is all over, we’ll all get together and laugh.
A nervous, hesitant laugh.
And then we’ll change the subject.
I hurt my back and can hardly walk this morning. But, hey, I can sit okay so here I am.
I’ve been adding to my Family Goose Album and it now includes a close-up of one of the goslings. They are getting used to us. Last evening we got within 20 feet but it was too dark to take pictures.
They’re so cute – and I love your comments. Is this pond in your backyard?
catfish ponds behind our property. So it’s not legally our backyard but we get to enjoy the view and go fishing whenever we please.
OH NO!!! Hope you get better! Back pain can really really suck.
Absolutely. As long as I sit here it only aches. But, when I get up — as I must to go to the bathroom — it takes my breath away. With every step, I do huffing — like in child birth — to keep from screaming. I should go lie down but it’s so boring.
Are you using ice?
I occasionally (every 2-3 years) get crippling backaches. The last one was when we were moving into our current house. That was sure fun, trying to carry moving boxes when I could barely stand.
It’s been hurting a bit lately but not that bad. When I went to the dentist the other day she asked me how I was doing.
“OK, I guess,” I told her. “My back hurts.”
“Oh,” she said and laughed. “Well, I can’t do anything about that.”
Good morning all Froggy Folks.
I had a “first” experience yesterday. After sailing with Goosrock for 24 years I did my first SOLO sail! It was terrific. I sailed in a local marina on a perfect day with just enough wind to move me around. Here’s a photo to prove it and a link to some more.
Sailing is so zen.
Morning SN and everyone, those flowers are pretty and great pic. is that one of yours.
Hi Diane, yep it’s one of mine but not my flowers. I sometimes take the camera to the garden center to take pictures of plants that I haven’t killed yet.
I notice that you always talk about your killing plants, I used to say that too, flowers especially died or were eaten by critters or something like that, but now, thanks to sage advice from Shirl to stop putting out the negative energy, I no longer say that and it’s working, they are staying alive. So maybe you should try saying ‘plants you will stay alive’, or some such thing.
Hugs to you SN and have a really great day.
SJCT I am so sorry to hear about your back, I have those problems too and know how hard it is to do things when back is out. Hugs to you.
And not to leave anyone out, hugs to all.
I’ll try sending them positive, loving thoughts then. 🙂
I haven’t had back problems in almost six months so it was a shock to wake up this morning in agony. I don’t know if it was spending the last three days bent over planting seeds. Or shoveling sand out of the area where we’re going to build the chicken coop. Or, maybe, it was that last effort, pulling a heavy-laden garden cart back to the barn as the sun went down. Probably a combination of all three.
I tell you the best cure I’ve found. It’s a Homedic back massager — just vibrates the muscles out of spasm. I’ve been spending about 10 minutes out of every hour on it and already I can stand up without gasping. Still can’t walk upright tho…
SJ, my chiropractor always recs. to me to use ice packs and they have proven to be the most beneficial, helps to reduce swelling..(also iboprophen for swelling too)..I don’t freeze the ice packs, keep them in fridge part and wrap a towel around. The swelling seems to be the thing that starts the pain cycle. If you try this and you can use frozen vegs. too for i/p, just do it for 15 min. at a time, several times a day.
Headache sufferers, try ice pac on neck, it usually works for me, of course depends on what type of headache.
I can’t do any bending work at all without suffering for it. Hope you feel better!!!!!! More hugs!!!!
My favorite thing to do with soft socks that have lost their mate (happens alot in my house!) is to fill them with unpopped popcorn or flax seeds and keep them in the freezer. They’re soft and flexible and great for headaches or boo-boos.
Morning Everyone.
I’m taking a break and I saw Lazy Day Cafe and knew it was a place I should be.
How’s everyone today?
how are you?
Hi Cedwyn. I’m fine, just jumping in and out of the cafe today while I’m doing stuff. How’re you?
I’m working on the second novel on the contract, which should be much closer to finished than it is – the outside world keeps getting in the way though.
I’m also doing some editing for my bro-in-law, another F&SF writer for a chapbook my writers group is putting together for WisCon (the one and only femenist SF convention). This the thirtieth anniversary of the con, and it’s going to be wall-to-wall mucky-mucks. Later,
Dr.Mc. and I will try to get more of the flower birds cleaned out for spring. I’ll post some pix once stuff starts to come up.
Tea today, second pot: Lapsang Souchong.
SJCT – hope the back is better soon.
DJ – Hi, glad to hear about things on the house front, ditto SN on the vertigo
Puget4 – congrats on the solo sail. My first time ended with me diving on the lake bottom to retrieve my sail.
Everybody – have a grand day
TTFN – I’ve really to get back to the book
Have a big ol’ 4 for the Lapsang Souchong. My very favorite tea.
A feminist sci-fi convention? Now that’s cool.
Best of luck with the writing duties!
Break time over and I’m deciding what to do.
Nap or work?
Here’s a picture I took yesterday. I think nap won out.
See everyone later.
Very nice. Is it an iris?
That’s a truly lovely image, FM. My compliments!
What beautiful color.
Thanks WW. I don’t know what it is thought.
You can see I’m not ‘Nature Man’. 🙂
is a lovely bearded iris. Beautiful photo! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you tammrak. I don’t know why I thought it was a lilly.
A lily? Oh grand slackmeister … you have much to learn from the world of wonderful flowers… 🙂
Aks yer momma how she durrin!
How’s it going?
Hey, I’m not flower man, but I’m learning. 🙂
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Foothills Weather
34°, lt. rain/snow mix, fog…lovely.
Lot of good it did to plan on using the day to start spring clean-up in the yard…
may have to try one of FM’s naps…hmmm.
We’ve had very similar weather here, dada — so I sympathize completely.
Thankfully, though, nothing lasts ..
Back in the 60’s by wed. This time of year weather is pretty volatile.
The bummer is that the wild plums and apple trees were just starting to flower…no fruit again this year, it seems.
Stay warm
I vote naps. 🙂
IIRC that’s what Cleveland looks like from November through March. yuck.
Hey there, all — greetings from the rather gloomy (though greening) Catskill mountains!
SN, I just had to zoom in (no photo pun intended) to offer my compliments on your truly scrumptious image above. You’re a master, my dear — amazing color, clarity & composition! I’m wondering what type of flower that is? Love it!
‘Course, as usual, I’m supposed to be otherwise engaged — but y’all are just too hard to resist.
Thank you o luscious one – how is the dwelling coming along? I hope you’ll take pics of the process and share them.
It’s a beautiful day in Seattle. If I hadn’t taken off Friday and didn’t need to take off a day or two this week I would have just called in (koff koff).
What’s going on Omir. It’s very nice here too. Almost makes me want to go outside, just almost.
Well set up a webcam, then you can see what it looks like outside.
I don’t get to see outside much, working in a windowless office like this. Sometimes I’ll get up and walk around just so I can see what the outside world looks like.
Oh I can see out the window, and I can see the lawn is calling me, but I’m not gonna do it.
I’ve worked in offices without windows before and really didn’t like it.
Hi everyone, I’m back from a shopping expedition – buying shorts for the Nature Boys and the new Pink CD for me just because I love her songs Dear Mr. President and Stupid Girls.
Also stopped for a yummy roasted mushroom and bell pepper sandwich on foccacia.
The couch is sold – the guy gave me the cash at lunch and is picking it up after work. I told him my husband works at home and won’t be able to help carry it out though. But he really looked harmless – a cute post-college age guy.
Got back, too. I went and met my hockey friend’s wife whose son is also autistic. Got the call from our worthless realtor that the pest inspection came back and it’s SIX THOUSAND needed in repairs. Buyers bank needs a clear pest report before they can buy…
She didn’t provide any solutions… like if this money comes out of escrow or what… So I’m a bit frazzled. ACK.
Glad your couch sold – no pests or potato chips?? 😀
Hi Janet. To bad about the pest and realtor.