It does not take a degree in medicine to work out that sex is good for you. Anything that is free, feels fabulous and leaves you glowing is plainly a good idea.
But scientists are now beginning to understand that the perceived feel-good effects of sexual intercourse are merely the tip of the iceberg. Sex, they are discovering, can offer protection from depression, colds, heart disease and even cancer.
The article goes on to suggest that if you have the sniffles this time of year, “regular love-ins” could be the cure…more fun than Kleenex, anyway.
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – The United States plans a U.N. Security Council vote on Tuesday that would impose sanctions on four Sudanese for abuses in Darfur, despite opposition from Russia and China that could kill the measure, council members said.
To ease the concerns of African nations, the council expects to approve at the same time a Tanzanian-drafted statement supporting the African Union’s peace talks between the Khartoum government and two rebel groups, held in Abuja, Nigeria.
But the resolution, which would impose a travel ban and a freeze on financial assets on the four Sudanese, the first sanctions by the council on participants in the Darfur conflict, may be thwarted by Russia and China, who contend the resolution could interfere in the peace process.
It is not only in the icefields and glaciers of the Arctic, visited in a blaze of publicity last week by the Tory leader David Cameron, that the signs of global warming can be found.
Here comes a different-looking British countryside; clear evidence of climate change affecting the numbers and range of Britain’s wild flowers has been found for the first time.
In some cases, the movement has been a positive one. Two of Britain’s loveliest wild orchids have shown surprising increases over the past two decades, and leading botanists believe that the warming climate is responsible.
Other evidence comes from the timing of plants’ blooming:
For example, oak trees are coming into leaf as many as 10 days earlier than they were 30 years ago, and spring flowers such as snowdrops are blooming as early as December.
South-east Michigan is turning green rapidly. Three years ago at this time, I flew to Florida and the trees were bare with the only color in the fields below being the occasional section of winter wheat until the plane crossed the Ohio River. When I drove north again the first week of May, the landscape north of Indianapolis was still dull and fairly lifeless. I’d say that we’re at least three weeks ahead this year.
Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre confirmed that the USA tried to dissuade Norway from a meeting with Hamas, despite the visit being arranged at the departmental level.
“I believe it is unwise not to have contact with one side in a conflict, the way we do now. If we have demands to make we must also be able to present them in other places than in the newspapers,” Støre told NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting).
Officials from the ministry’s Middle East section will meet Hamas. Støre said that US pressure to drop the visit came via “diplomatic channels” but that he issued an immediate reply that the visit would take place.
“There is a long tradition in Norway and in the Foreign Ministry for having wide contacts, talking to various organizations and movements. This is a practice we shall continue. The Americans are aware of this and we are sticking to it,” Støre told NRK.
The USA and the European Union have Hamas on their list of terrorist organizations, but Norway follows the United Nations lead and does not.
Yes. Stop the contacts, that will surely bring peace.
“I believe it is unwise not to have contact with one side in a conflict, the way we do now. If we have demands to make we must also be able to present them in other places than in the newspapers,” Støre told NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting).
Love that comment. Do you think Bush even gets that it was a smack-down of his style of “diplomacy”?
Bush doesn’t get any of it. Nor do the rest of the neocons. They completely fail to comprehend, or refuse to accept, that there are any actual real living human beings outside of their little play group or that those other humans have rights, feelings, or any of those other things. In their world, it is self-evident that they, and they alone, have the right to have rights and it is indisputable to them that God ™(R)(c) put them here specifically to control the entire planet.
The rest of us should be very grateful that they haven’t just decided to keep a few dozen of us to do their lawns and clean their mansions and eradicate the rest.
The sad part of it is that the “American Spirit” has been so debased that while very few Statesiders would accept that on a personal level, a majority of them have no problem accepting it on a global level. Hence Bush’s numbers drop NOT when he attacks Iraq or ignores the sovereignty of other nations, but when he does so incompetently.
There’s an argument that a very significant portion of the US public doesn’t have a moral problem with US policy being “We do what we want and everyone else does what they’re told.” The problem is that the Bushies are just so freakin’ BAD at making it happen. If Bushco had planned the Iraq war properly and done it “right,” rather than trying to do it on the cheap so they could protect the tax cuts, Bush would probably still be pulling numbers in the 70’s…
And until we get THAT issue, which is a major part of the Mainstream American Worldview, sorted and fixed, it won’t matter too much who inhabits the White House as far as diplomacy and foreign relations are concerned. Bush isn’t significantly worse in that respect than most of his predecessors; he’s just a lot less willing to, shall we say, hide his light under a basket.
LA Times link that does not seem to be behind free registration.
VA Contracts Go to Ex-Chief’s Company
WASHINGTON — A Diamond Bar company headed by former Veterans Affairs Secretary Anthony J. Principi could get fees exceeding $1 billion from the VA, much of it on contracts approved and amended while he ran the agency, records show.
Principi was president of the medical services company QTC Management Inc. before he joined President Bush’s Cabinet in 2001. He ran the VA for four years, then returned to the firm as chairman of the board.
The only thing Bush and his cronies are good at is profiteering and stealing. When it comes to screwing the pooch, they’re experts. Principi’s company issues medical exams to soldiers seeking disability claims and examines soldiers before they are discharged. The VA makes decisions on soldier’s benefits based on these exams. What a racket.
Does this make daddy more of a level head than sonny boy or what. I still do not trust anyone with the last name of bush; however, if baker can do something to settle this whole mess, then more power to him. What do you think?
You are probably right. I happen to agree with you, but at least someone it trying to change the course, instead of staying the course. I seriously doubt it will help anything..but had to put this out for you allto see. Thanks CG..
Just a little funny to have with your coffee this am. I have to get ont he phone and check out my patient load today so may be here, maybe not. we will see. In any terms, ya all have a great day…hugs..
Protein Found That Explodes Anthrax Bacteria on Contact
NEW YORK, New York, April 21, 2006 (ENS) – A protein that can fight dreaded anthrax infections and decontaminate large areas where anthrax spores have been released as a bioweapon has been discovered by scientists at Rockefeller University.
The protein was identified by Vincent Fischetti, professor and co-head of the Laboratory of Bacterial Pathogenesis and Immunology at Rockefeller, who has been studying bacteria, including anthrax-related organisms, for the past 45 years. His results are published in the April issue of the “Journal of Bacteriology.”
WASHINGTON, April 23 — About 50 prominent religious leaders, including seven Roman Catholic cardinals and about a half-dozen archbishops, have signed a petition in support of a constitutional amendment blocking same-sex marriage.
Organizers of the petition said it was in part an effort to revive the groundswell of opposition to same-sex marriage that helped bring many conservative voters to the polls in some pivotal states in 2004. The signers include many influential evangelical Protestants, a few rabbis and an official of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
But both the organizers and gay rights groups said what was striking about the petition was the direct involvement by high-ranking Roman Catholic officials, including 16 bishops.Although the church has long opposed same-sex unions, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops had previously endorsed the idea of a constitutional amendment banning such unions, it was evangelical Protestants who generally led the charge when the amendment was debated in 2004.
But both the organizers and gay rights groups said what was striking about the petition was the direct involvement by high-ranking Roman Catholic officials, including 16 bishops.
This makes me incredibly sad.
Couldn’t they be issuing a statement (again) about the sin of using nuclear weapons?
Unfortunately, it’s sad but not surprising, considering the involvement of similarly high-ranking Catholic officials in covering up the sexual abuse of children by priests.
Sadly, I don’t find this surprising considering the Catholic League’s choice of leadership, Bill Donohue.
He is every bit as hateful and spiritually corrupt as Robertson or Falwell. Some choice Donohue quotes:
Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews who hate Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular. It`s not a secret, OK?
Hollywood likes anal sex.
“If you asked” some Hollywood actors “to sodomize their own mother in a movie, they would do so, and they would do it with a smile on their face”
“The gay community has yet to apologize to straight people for all the damage that they have done”
These quotes (and many more) are from major cable “news” shows!
You have to wonder where all this hate comes from. Jealousy? Fear? Childhood Sexual Abuse?
BTW, what’s a secular jew?
A Jew who identifies with his/her Jewish heritage, but doesn’t keep the religious aspects, except perhaps in a peripheral fashion (e.g. celebrating Chanukah and Purim).
He’s trying to make these people seem doubly bad — Jewish and godless. What a putz.
Hey, remember bird flu? Ducks and other wild birds are carrying the feared H5N1 virus, but there is no need to cull or otherwise target them as part of efforts to control the virus, experts said on Thursday. [Dick Cheney will be sooooo disappointed.] Poultry are more important carriers of the virus, and H5N1 avian influenza has probably been circulating, unseen and steadily, for years in Southeast Asian flocks, the experts in the Netherlands and Sweden said. And pigeons are unlikely to be a bird flu threat [I can see the memos now: Oh too bad – we could have gotten some really potent fear going there!]
It seems sometimes that Americans and Canadians can’t agree on anything: Canadian researchers report that it’s cheaper to compensate ranchers for lost livestock than to hunt wolves, and recommend non-lethal controls, such as alarms: “We’re not saying don’t use lethal control. But put the emphasis on other things.” Ed Bangs of the US Fish and Wildlife Service says that killing problem wolves can be effective and should continue to be used with other measures. [Read: politically effective?]
Climate Change Rant du Jour is back: Anybody see CNN’s special about climate change on Sunday evening? Guess who was the politician they turned to for a discussion of the issue? You’ve got it – John McCain. As I’ve warned repeatedly, if the Democrats don’t grab the environment and energy as an issue and run with it, the Republicans will. (The same concern is being voiced over at It’s already happening in England:
In Britain, Conservative leader David Cameron is seeking to rebrand his party as the leading force for environmental good, urging a cross-party consensus on a strategy to tackle climate change, backing annual targets on carbon emissions and potentially ditching the Tories’ long-standing support for nuclear power. But as he delivered a major speech on climate change from Norway’s melting glaciers Friday, the question of the minds of most Britons was: have the true blue Tories really gone green, or is it all a stunt? Meanwhile, AFP reports that Canadian conservatives are not on board with the idea: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s climate policies have sparked concern among environmentalists, scientists and opposition parties, who say he disdains the Kyoto Protocol and his government’s alternate climate change proposals are vague. And of course, for now in the US, little is likely to happen on the climate change front while the best friends Big Oil ever had are running the oval office, and the major bill in the Senate bears the names of each party’s pariah: The McCain-Lieberman bill. But don’t let the apparent inactivity fool you – it’s more like the pressure building behind a levee before it breaks. Who will decide to harness that force first remains to be seen.
And if you feel that’s too political for a “science” posting, then here are some scientific global warming factoids du jour:
Over the past 30 years, the Earth has warmed by 1.08 degrees Fahrenheit; over the last 100 years, it has warmed by 1.44 degrees F., according to NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
…Unfortunately, I’ve got an endless supply of them…
The top U.S. commander in Iraq has ordered sweeping changes for privatized military support operations after confirming violations of laws against human-trafficking and other abuses by contractors involving possibly thousands of foreign workers on American bases, according to records obtained by the Chicago Tribune.
Gen. George W. Casey Jr. ordered that contractors be required by May 1 to return passports that have been illegally confiscated from laborers on U.S. bases after determining that such practices violated U.S. laws against trafficking for forced or coerced labor. Human brokers and subcontractors from South Asia to the Middle East have worked together to import thousands of laborers into Iraq from impoverished countries.
Two memos obtained by the Tribune indicate that Casey’s office concluded that the practice of confiscating passports from such workers was widespread on American bases and in violation of the U.S. anti-trafficking laws. [snip]
About 35,000 of the 48,000 people working under the privatization contract last year were “Third Country Nationals,” who are non-Americans imported from outside Iraq, KBR has said.
From one of my favorite alternative journalists, Jeremy Scahill, who has written a quite a bit on privatizing the military, & was the first to report taht Blackwater contractors were working in New Orleans:
[T]oday, Blackwater is facing a potentially devastating battle–this time not in Iraq but in court. The company has been slapped with a lawsuit that, if successful, will send shock waves through the world of private security firms, a world that has expanded significantly since Bush took office. Blackwater is being sued for the wrongful deaths of Stephen “Scott” Helvenston, Mike Teague, Jerko Zovko and Wesley Batalona by the families of the men slain in Falluja.
More than 428 private contractors have been killed to date in Iraq, and US taxpayers are footing almost the entire compensation bill to their families. “This is a precedent-setting case,” says Marc Miles, an attorney for the families. “Just like with tobacco litigation or gun litigation, once they lose that first case, they’d be fearful there would be other lawsuits to follow.” [snip]
“What we have right now is something worse than the wild, wild west going on in Iraq,” Callahan says. “Blackwater is able to operate over there in Iraq free from any oversight that would typically exist in a civilized society. As we expose Blackwater in this case, it will also expose the inefficient and corrupt system that exists over there.” [snip]
. . . the real danger for Helvenston and the others lay in Blackwater’s decision to cut corners to make even more money. The original contract between Blackwater/Regency and ESS, obtained by The Nation, recognized that “the current threat in the Iraqi theater of operations” would remain “consistent and dangerous,” and called for a minimum of three men in each vehicle on security missions “with a minimum of two armored vehicles to support ESS movements.”
But on March 12, 2004, Blackwater and Regency signed a subcontract, which specified security provisions identical to the original except for one word: “armored.” Blackwater deleted it from the contract.
“When they took that word ‘armored’ out, Blackwater was able to save $1.5 million in not buying armored vehicles, which they could then put in their pocket,” says attorney Miles. [snip]
The families were gathered in a conference room, where they thought they would be told how the men had died. The Zovko family asked Blackwater to see the “After Action Report” detailing the incident. “We were actually told,” recalls Zovko’s mother, Danica, “that if we wanted to see the paperwork of how my son and his co-workers were killed that we’d have to sue them.” [snip]
“Blackwater seems to understand money. That’s the only thing they understand,” [Katy Helvenston] says. “They have no values, they have no morals. They’re whores. They’re the whores of war.”
Since its filing in January 2005, the case has moved slowly through the legal system. For its part, Blackwater is represented by multiple law firms. Its lead counsel is Greenberg Traurig, the influential DC law firm that once employed lobbyist Jack Abramoff. [snip]
“Over a thousand people died because of what happened to Scotty that day,” says Katy Helvenston. “There’s a lot of innocent people that have died.” While this suit doesn’t mention the retaliatory US attack on Falluja that followed the Blackwater killings, the case is significant because it could blow the lid off a system that allows corporations to face zero liability while reaping huge profits in Iraq and other war zones.
to start the week with: The Age
The article goes on to suggest that if you have the sniffles this time of year, “regular love-ins” could be the cure…more fun than Kleenex, anyway.
I suppose that the 70’s slogan “Make love, not war” was right on. I just knew we hippies had it right!
U.S. readies Darfur sanctions vote at UN
How can sanctioning 4 individuals make any sort of difference, anyway?
from the UK: Independent Online
Other evidence comes from the timing of plants’ blooming:
Nope, there’s no such thing as global warming…
South-east Michigan is turning green rapidly. Three years ago at this time, I flew to Florida and the trees were bare with the only color in the fields below being the occasional section of winter wheat until the plane crossed the Ohio River. When I drove north again the first week of May, the landscape north of Indianapolis was still dull and fairly lifeless. I’d say that we’re at least three weeks ahead this year.
Not to mention the largish swaths of spring in January. I haven’t seen that much green and rain in January since, uh, well, since, April.
US wanted to stop Hamas visit
Yes. Stop the contacts, that will surely bring peace.
“I believe it is unwise not to have contact with one side in a conflict, the way we do now. If we have demands to make we must also be able to present them in other places than in the newspapers,” Støre told NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting).
Love that comment. Do you think Bush even gets that it was a smack-down of his style of “diplomacy”?
Bush doesn’t get any of it. Nor do the rest of the neocons. They completely fail to comprehend, or refuse to accept, that there are any actual real living human beings outside of their little play group or that those other humans have rights, feelings, or any of those other things. In their world, it is self-evident that they, and they alone, have the right to have rights and it is indisputable to them that God ™(R)(c) put them here specifically to control the entire planet.
The rest of us should be very grateful that they haven’t just decided to keep a few dozen of us to do their lawns and clean their mansions and eradicate the rest.
The sad part of it is that the “American Spirit” has been so debased that while very few Statesiders would accept that on a personal level, a majority of them have no problem accepting it on a global level. Hence Bush’s numbers drop NOT when he attacks Iraq or ignores the sovereignty of other nations, but when he does so incompetently.
There’s an argument that a very significant portion of the US public doesn’t have a moral problem with US policy being “We do what we want and everyone else does what they’re told.” The problem is that the Bushies are just so freakin’ BAD at making it happen. If Bushco had planned the Iraq war properly and done it “right,” rather than trying to do it on the cheap so they could protect the tax cuts, Bush would probably still be pulling numbers in the 70’s…
And until we get THAT issue, which is a major part of the Mainstream American Worldview, sorted and fixed, it won’t matter too much who inhabits the White House as far as diplomacy and foreign relations are concerned. Bush isn’t significantly worse in that respect than most of his predecessors; he’s just a lot less willing to, shall we say, hide his light under a basket.
And the rest of the world is fed up.
LA Times link that does not seem to be behind free registration.
WASHINGTON — A Diamond Bar company headed by former Veterans Affairs Secretary Anthony J. Principi could get fees exceeding $1 billion from the VA, much of it on contracts approved and amended while he ran the agency, records show.
Principi was president of the medical services company QTC Management Inc. before he joined President Bush’s Cabinet in 2001. He ran the VA for four years, then returned to the firm as chairman of the board.
The only thing Bush and his cronies are good at is profiteering and stealing. When it comes to screwing the pooch, they’re experts. Principi’s company issues medical exams to soldiers seeking disability claims and examines soldiers before they are discharged. The VA makes decisions on soldier’s benefits based on these exams. What a racket.
Does this make daddy more of a level head than sonny boy or what. I still do not trust anyone with the last name of bush; however, if baker can do something to settle this whole mess, then more power to him. What do you think?
I think cleaning up the mess Georgie has made is beyond the abilities of the Bush family pooper-scooper this time…
You are probably right. I happen to agree with you, but at least someone it trying to change the course, instead of staying the course. I seriously doubt it will help anything..but had to put this out for you allto see. Thanks CG..
Well, it is a good indication that even Bushco realizes they’ve screwed the pooch this time.
does he see it if we don’t? I doubt it, seriously….
the washington post
don’t ya just love it/
Just a little funny to have with your coffee this am. I have to get ont he phone and check out my patient load today so may be here, maybe not. we will see. In any terms, ya all have a great day…hugs..
But what can it do for grass stains?
The real face of the gay hate movement
WASHINGTON, April 23 — About 50 prominent religious leaders, including seven Roman Catholic cardinals and about a half-dozen archbishops, have signed a petition in support of a constitutional amendment blocking same-sex marriage.
Organizers of the petition said it was in part an effort to revive the groundswell of opposition to same-sex marriage that helped bring many conservative voters to the polls in some pivotal states in 2004. The signers include many influential evangelical Protestants, a few rabbis and an official of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
But both the organizers and gay rights groups said what was striking about the petition was the direct involvement by high-ranking Roman Catholic officials, including 16 bishops.Although the church has long opposed same-sex unions, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops had previously endorsed the idea of a constitutional amendment banning such unions, it was evangelical Protestants who generally led the charge when the amendment was debated in 2004.
This reminds me of a bumper sticker that I’ve seen around these parts: “Jesus loves you… everyone else thinks you’re an asshole”.
But both the organizers and gay rights groups said what was striking about the petition was the direct involvement by high-ranking Roman Catholic officials, including 16 bishops.
This makes me incredibly sad.
Couldn’t they be issuing a statement (again) about the sin of using nuclear weapons?
Unfortunately, it’s sad but not surprising, considering the involvement of similarly high-ranking Catholic officials in covering up the sexual abuse of children by priests.
Sadly, I don’t find this surprising considering the Catholic League’s choice of leadership, Bill Donohue.
He is every bit as hateful and spiritually corrupt as Robertson or Falwell. Some choice Donohue quotes:
These quotes (and many more) are from major cable “news” shows!
You have to wonder where all this hate comes from. Jealousy? Fear? Childhood Sexual Abuse?
BTW, what’s a secular jew?
A Jew who identifies with his/her Jewish heritage, but doesn’t keep the religious aspects, except perhaps in a peripheral fashion (e.g. celebrating Chanukah and Purim).
He’s trying to make these people seem doubly bad — Jewish and godless. What a putz.
So that makes a sizable number of Americans secular christians, I suppose.
Editorial alert – for some reason I’m feeling snarky today (OK, snarkier than usual), and it shows in some of the stories below:
Dark matter has had a major effect on the formation and evolution of galaxies, and bright active galaxies appear to have been born only within dark matter clumps of certain sizes in the young universe, Cornell researchers report.
Did you enjoy group projects in school, or solo efforts? Psychologists report finding that groups of three, four, or five perform better on complex problem solving than the best of an equivalent number of individuals.
China’s third manned space flight will take place in September 2008 immediately after the Beijing Olympic Games, with astronauts attempting a space walk, state press reported Sunday. “The launch of the Shenzhou VII has been set for after the Beijing Olympics in September 2008 and will carry three astronauts,” said Song Zhengyu, a leading official at the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp.
Maybe now that Al Gore’s gone Hollywood it’s inevitable, but I’ve decided to enjoy the moment – “green” is the new black! Vanity Fair magazine has published their first-ever “green issue”. Does this mean I’m finally cool at age 46? Here’s a sampling of the (now, and for a limited time only, fashionable) green goodness.
It turns out Alexander the Great didn’t found the Egyptian city of Alexandria after all – he just rebranded it. Archaeologists now believe this part of the Nile has been settled for at least 4500 years, pre-dating Alexander’s arrival by a good two millennia.
Hey, remember bird flu? Ducks and other wild birds are carrying the feared H5N1 virus, but there is no need to cull or otherwise target them as part of efforts to control the virus, experts said on Thursday. [Dick Cheney will be sooooo disappointed.] Poultry are more important carriers of the virus, and H5N1 avian influenza has probably been circulating, unseen and steadily, for years in Southeast Asian flocks, the experts in the Netherlands and Sweden said. And pigeons are unlikely to be a bird flu threat [I can see the memos now: Oh too bad – we could have gotten some really potent fear going there!]
It seems sometimes that Americans and Canadians can’t agree on anything: Canadian researchers report that it’s cheaper to compensate ranchers for lost livestock than to hunt wolves, and recommend non-lethal controls, such as alarms: “We’re not saying don’t use lethal control. But put the emphasis on other things.” Ed Bangs of the US Fish and Wildlife Service says that killing problem wolves can be effective and should continue to be used with other measures. [Read: politically effective?]
From one of my favorite alternative journalists, Jeremy Scahill, who has written a quite a bit on privatizing the military, & was the first to report taht Blackwater contractors were working in New Orleans: