Okay — everyone please remember that this is my 3rd day w/ this unwieldy monster of a camera. I’ve already had to exchange one of the lenses, so this is actually only the 2nd day w/ this lens.
Now that that’s out of the way!
Chrysanthemums, taken tonight (click pic for larger)
Chrysanthemums, taken tonight (click pic for larger)
Chrysanthemums, taken tonight (click pic for larger)
Noods, taken tonight (click pic for larger)
Yellow pansey, taken tonight (click pic for larger)
Purple pansey full, taken tonight (click pic for larger)
Purple pansey, taken tonight (click pic for larger) — Should have cropped the right edge on this one …
Thx! They’re playing right now and seem to have regained their form (5-1 going into 3rd). But, not feeling too good as they’ve been playing very shaky… I saw that the Oilers had pulled out a win — very interesting that. How do you feel about the other western teams the Wings may face?
I should be in bed, but this PAC report that I am printing is taking forever. I might sneak downstairs and see how they look. I am pretty sure that my husband is watching the Pistons.
You certainly seems to be getting the hang of it. And these pictures demonstrate yet again that you are a genius of light and dark. Your sense of how to use both to direct our eye, heighten impact, and expose detail is just amazing.
Someone at work today asked me how it was going, and I told her that I go from the depths of despair at ever figuring the thing out to soaring heights when I get something to work…
‘Course I got up at 4am to clear them again…I’m tired, gonna be an early one tonight.
No new snow today, cold w/ mid 30’s…another mid 20 night tonight so all the apple and wild plums are going to be barren this year…highly unlikely many buds/blossoms will survive.
Looks like the Sens found their ‘game’ tonight…did they prevail?
… not sure if I’m going in circles though. It’s a lot to think about right off the bat, that’s for sure. I think the amount of light played a role in how they turned out. For instance the pic of Noods, he was looking out the back door, w/ the full evening sun on him. Not sure though…
a tad more “entertaining” than what I had anticipated.
Initially I was intending to take it easy, avoid chainsaw activity, let the back muscles relax… which I did. But…
After washing a load of clothes I noticed minor flooding in the basement. There’s not enough slope to the landscape here so I have this bizarre septic system that has a sump pump in the second tank, that pumps out into the trees, but which fails every two years on average. At least I had a new pump on hand.
And I’m happy that it happened today as we had T-shirt weather, mid 60s, and no wind, so it was nice working outside as far as that goes, just a little slimy and smelly.
But the mourning doves, the robins, and the flickers were doing their spring thing so I managed to stay in a relatively positive state of mind. Enhanced subsequently by a few Pacificos.
Oh, and the fungus shot was from a couple of weeks ago, although I did take a few more today with the full sun on it.
I’d say you’re getting a lot of wield out of that so far! Wow, the contrast and such close focus are amazing IMHO. They’re all gorgeous, but I’d have to say my favourites are the yellow pansy and the kitty. You really have captured the “whiskered face” of the pansy, which I know is a tough one to get. Seems like I can only ever get so close and then it all blurs on me. Never as close as this!
Impressive as always Olivia! Obviously I didn’t get any pics today as it was still raining/snowing when I got home, so all I did today was put some stakes in the ground by the tender new plants and cover them with pillow cases to protect them tonight!
When you get that new cam figured out, I’ll be eager to hear about and see all the cool things you can do with it!
Thanks Olivia! Just think what awesome photos you’re gonna be sharing with us when you get that beastie mastered! I’m excited for you, despite your initial frustrations!
Glad you said hi, I was hoping I wouldn’t miss you tonight, so I can say good night with a big smile! Go snuggle with the kitty and get a restful night of sleep… I’ve got another rest of hell week staring at me so I hope to turn in earlier myself. At work I’ve gone from writing the report from hell to now back to analysis again… from snacks to diarrhea in one short week, <sigh>. LOL.
A guy walks into a bar and orders a drink. After a few more he needs to go to the can. He doesn’t want anyone to steal his drink so he puts a sign on it saying, “I spat in this beer, do not drink!”. After a few minutes he returns and there is another sign next to his beer saying, “So did I!”
Was it light enough when you finished that you could take a walk? I never got to Longueuil when I was in Montreal — we didn’t leave the island until we boarded a train for Quebec City. But I loved Montreal and want to go back.
It was still light but it was really windy and cold so no walk. Longueuil is mostly ugly but the older section (what was originally the city center) is very nice and has lots of good restaurants. Don’t know if I’d seek it out, though, if I didn’t have to be here.
Sorry you day was bad. Mine was good till I got home and a “friend” had sent me a damn petition from Dr Dobson about legalizing school prayer. When I responded that I was hurt and offended that anyone would send me that petition they got mad at me.
This is a friend who was by my side when my lover died and knows all the work I do for Equal Rights and AIDS Education. I am stunned that they sent this to me and I am really hurting right now because I feel like I have been betrayed by a dear friend.
I am so stunned by this that I highly doubt I will ever speak to them again. They know what Dobson is about. Hell they live in Ohio where his group helped get the marriage amendment passed.
My question to them; Where’s the list of “approved” religions so that the youngsters will know which prayer is legal and which is not, and if all prayer is legal, then prayers based on the Koran…
And then I’d ask if it was OK then to repeal the US constitution, since that would conflict with the new law?
I’ve got everyone I know pretty well trained, even the oblivious ones who just pass the crap on without really considering the content.
here is the message I sent to everyone on the list.
“Dr. Dobson preaches that I am a sinner and do not deserve protection under the law in any way shape or form. He is a BIGOT and uses his pulpit to teach hatred and intolerance. I believe in the separation of Church and State and am offended that anyone would think this petition was one that should be sent to me.”
If any of them were oblivious to the realities before they’ll not be now!
I like your approach, which I think works better than just ignoring these idiots. I see more and more that it is better to confront people spouting this BS in a way the leaves them no doubt as to where one stands, and hopefully causes them to analyze their own thinking, and actions.
.. you have to be moving? Sounds like you have so much energy. It’s tiring for me sometimes just reading about all your activities, never mind doing them. I don’t know how you do it!
I have never seen the show, but I am curious about what happened to James Spader. I know that this was a long time ago, but he was kind of hot in sex, lies & video tapes.
my brain is fried and the letters keep skittering about on the screen which is a hint, I think, that I ought to be going to sleep. But I seem to have gotten myself into one of those too tired to sleep states. Also, into one of those tell people way more than they want to know states.
At least I’m going to bed with a smile on my face. For those needing some levity in their lives, I heartily recommend a heaping helping of the Firesign Theatre…I dug out the old vinyl Tale of the Giant Rat of Sumatra this eve…GREAT STUFF!
and repeat after me, as we learn our next three phrases in Turkish … Bath … Towel … Border. <sounds of car crashing> …
Well dada, you know the rest, I’m sure. Funny you should mention those… I have many of the old ones stashed away myself, and should dig those out again. The one I always regretted not having was Everything You Know is Wrong! but since you so kindly provided a link, maybe I’ll go there and see I can get it on CD. I also would like to replace my How Can You Be in Two Places at Once… since I loaned it out years ago and it never came home. 🙁
Sorry to have missed you, and hope that nasty weather you’ve been getting is over soon, for your and Bu’s sake!
it will get worse on Friday when one of my lateral coworkers leaves and I get saddled with her work until we hire a replacement. It’s just this side of ridiculous.
I’m leaving you and calling it a night. I won’t wish you a better day tomorrow, since that doesn’t seem likely, but I will wish you the strength to get through whatever is thrown at you.
Good night, Mary! Why do I keep clearing the room lately? LOL, I’ve been showering regularly! Savor the rest of your Lolita, I’m sort of envious you have time to read that! After all the reading I do for my job, there never seems to be time to read something I actually enjoy (e.g. literature) anymore. Blogs are about the closest I get to reading meaningful discourse. 🙁
Yours is sadly funny too. No, I didn’t see La Pelosi’s piece… I very rarely venture over into orange territory anymore. Ever since I saw Markos being all smug and arrogant on Countdown I can’t make myself do it anymore. Did she post it anywhere else?
Thanks for that tip, again, Manny! I’ve never been too impressed with her, (especially when she won’t commit on censure or impeachment), but I may have to change my tune after reading that. I’m hoping that’s not just callow pandering du jour, and if more Dems would generate that kind of fire, we could maybe get some change going. Just hoping … but my hopes have been dashed too many times over the past couple of years. I’m ready to have hopes and dreams again … and at least spring is stirring some of that in me again, despite the dire times. Guess that ole “gardening club” me can find encouragement and hope in nature at least! 🙂
Good night, my friend. Congrats again on your milestone today, and thanks for the kind words of support. You’re absolutely right on the “Reward Good Behavior” comment… I should start practicing it myself. Well, I did a little bit recently with Russ Feingold and Harkin, re: the censure motion. Which, of course, is going nowhere… 🙁
You and Bud snuggle down there and have a restful night! Hasta la próxima!
Okay — everyone please remember that this is my 3rd day w/ this unwieldy monster of a camera. I’ve already had to exchange one of the lenses, so this is actually only the 2nd day w/ this lens.
Now that that’s out of the way!
Chrysanthemums, taken tonight (click pic for larger)
Chrysanthemums, taken tonight (click pic for larger)
Chrysanthemums, taken tonight (click pic for larger)
Noods, taken tonight (click pic for larger)
Yellow pansey, taken tonight (click pic for larger)
Purple pansey full, taken tonight (click pic for larger)
Purple pansey, taken tonight (click pic for larger) — Should have cropped the right edge on this one …
Those are just wonderful!
How are you feeling about the Sens? My Wings are making me nervous, but they do this to me all the time – even during the 3 Cup seasons.
Thx! They’re playing right now and seem to have regained their form (5-1 going into 3rd). But, not feeling too good as they’ve been playing very shaky… I saw that the Oilers had pulled out a win — very interesting that. How do you feel about the other western teams the Wings may face?
I feel pretty good. I think that they can handle anyone, as long as they don’t run into a hot goaltender.
We’ll see how they do away.
I should be in bed, but this PAC report that I am printing is taking forever. I might sneak downstairs and see how they look. I am pretty sure that my husband is watching the Pistons.
You certainly seems to be getting the hang of it. And these pictures demonstrate yet again that you are a genius of light and dark. Your sense of how to use both to direct our eye, heighten impact, and expose detail is just amazing.
you’re obviously a quick study…I’m still learning the XT after nearly 8 mos., so don’t give up…:{)
Someone at work today asked me how it was going, and I told her that I go from the depths of despair at ever figuring the thing out to soaring heights when I get something to work…
How did you trees make out — and any snow today?
‘Course I got up at 4am to clear them again…I’m tired, gonna be an early one tonight.
No new snow today, cold w/ mid 30’s…another mid 20 night tonight so all the apple and wild plums are going to be barren this year…highly unlikely many buds/blossoms will survive.
Looks like the Sens found their ‘game’ tonight…did they prevail?
considering how you treated her the previous time… 🙂
Ya — I’ve got an early am meeting, so I’ll probably miss IVG tonight. 🙂
The Sens did prevail — although they let up in the 3rd allowing TB back into the game. It’s a serious concern that they cannot play for 60min.
that happened a couple years ago, and wasn’t bad…I was under the tree with her…
She just prefers to watch me get covered…:{)
with the new lens.
For crispness of detail, I’d say Noods photo
For depth with detail, I’d say the yellow pansy, as the center of that looks like the entrance to a cave in some unknown world – a bee’s perspective.
I’m seriously thinking the D70 for an upgrade, so I very much appreciate being in on your learning curve, thanks.
… not sure if I’m going in circles though. It’s a lot to think about right off the bat, that’s for sure. I think the amount of light played a role in how they turned out. For instance the pic of Noods, he was looking out the back door, w/ the full evening sun on him. Not sure though…
So — how was your day? Any new muscles aches … 🙂
a tad more “entertaining” than what I had anticipated.
Initially I was intending to take it easy, avoid chainsaw activity, let the back muscles relax… which I did. But…
After washing a load of clothes I noticed minor flooding in the basement. There’s not enough slope to the landscape here so I have this bizarre septic system that has a sump pump in the second tank, that pumps out into the trees, but which fails every two years on average. At least I had a new pump on hand.
And I’m happy that it happened today as we had T-shirt weather, mid 60s, and no wind, so it was nice working outside as far as that goes, just a little slimy and smelly.
But the mourning doves, the robins, and the flickers were doing their spring thing so I managed to stay in a relatively positive state of mind. Enhanced subsequently by a few Pacificos.
Oh, and the fungus shot was from a couple of weeks ago, although I did take a few more today with the full sun on it.
[warning! warning! approaching diary length… ]
guess that’s it for this post.
Good to hear that you were able to maintain your positivity in the face of basement flooding — ack!
so no froggies lost their appetites, ha!
Less than a five gallon pail wet-vac’d off a concrete floor, so the basement was no big deal — having learned from past experiences.
So far no sunsets and no sunrises worth poking the camera at. Oh well, another day tomorrow.
I feel the same way I feel looking at your photos like I do when I look at Tom Till’s.
Seconding dada — thx for that link! Some of his photos remind me of Yours!
I’d say you’re getting a lot of wield out of that so far! Wow, the contrast and such close focus are amazing IMHO. They’re all gorgeous, but I’d have to say my favourites are the yellow pansy and the kitty. You really have captured the “whiskered face” of the pansy, which I know is a tough one to get. Seems like I can only ever get so close and then it all blurs on me. Never as close as this!
Impressive as always Olivia! Obviously I didn’t get any pics today as it was still raining/snowing when I got home, so all I did today was put some stakes in the ground by the tender new plants and cover them with pillow cases to protect them tonight!
When you get that new cam figured out, I’ll be eager to hear about and see all the cool things you can do with it!
I was saving this one for you:
I checked when I got home, and a new bloom cluster is starting.
Good to hear that you got all your babies protected. 🙂
I’m fading fast, so I’ll say goodnight now. I’ve got an early am meeting … Have a great night!
Thanks Olivia! Just think what awesome photos you’re gonna be sharing with us when you get that beastie mastered! I’m excited for you, despite your initial frustrations!
Glad you said hi, I was hoping I wouldn’t miss you tonight, so I can say good night with a big smile! Go snuggle with the kitty and get a restful night of sleep… I’ve got another rest of hell week staring at me so I hope to turn in earlier myself. At work I’ve gone from writing the report from hell to now back to analysis again… from snacks to diarrhea in one short week, <sigh>. LOL.
Bonne nuit!
Be back, gonna go grab some dinner.
you can hear yourself think in this cafe
No thinking in the cafe.
No thinking in the cafe.
well appears no-one is drinking
I’m seeing double.
Here, have one on me.
Or can I join you two?
and join right in.
Still reading Lolita?
I have not quite 50 pages left to read. I’m really enjoying it and don’t want it to end.
I’m listening to the baseball game at the same time.
Why was your day so bad — nasty people? Or the project you’re working on is just screwed up? Or both?
People are nice enough but they are steadfastly marching along down a path that they aren’t actually on.
Had a very nice dinner at an Italian restaurant in the old part of Longueuil, though.
How are the Cards doing?
the clients-in-denial problem.
Was it light enough when you finished that you could take a walk? I never got to Longueuil when I was in Montreal — we didn’t leave the island until we boarded a train for Quebec City. But I loved Montreal and want to go back.
Card lead pirates 6-3 in the bottom of the 8th.
It was still light but it was really windy and cold so no walk. Longueuil is mostly ugly but the older section (what was originally the city center) is very nice and has lots of good restaurants. Don’t know if I’d seek it out, though, if I didn’t have to be here.
Go cards!
I hope everyone had a great day. Olivia, the pictures are beautiful!!!!!
Hi refinish. I had a shitty day but it’s almost over.
What’s doing with you?
Andrew heard that you had a bad day. He wants to know if you want to go swinging with him?
What a cute baby!!!!
What a cutie!
Right away. Can you come over and pick me up for Andrew’s and my play date?
(Thanks — it’s impossible to look at a picture of Andrew and not smile.)
Any time.
Sorry you day was bad. Mine was good till I got home and a “friend” had sent me a damn petition from Dr Dobson about legalizing school prayer. When I responded that I was hurt and offended that anyone would send me that petition they got mad at me.
I don’t even know anyone who likes Dobson. At least no one to who I am close.
This is a friend who was by my side when my lover died and knows all the work I do for Equal Rights and AIDS Education. I am stunned that they sent this to me and I am really hurting right now because I feel like I have been betrayed by a dear friend.
I’m sorry. Have a hug.
Thank you
I’m sorry this person could be so insensitive. How do they not know what Dobson is really all about?
I am so stunned by this that I highly doubt I will ever speak to them again. They know what Dobson is about. Hell they live in Ohio where his group helped get the marriage amendment passed.
Thank you!!!!
My question to them; Where’s the list of “approved” religions so that the youngsters will know which prayer is legal and which is not, and if all prayer is legal, then prayers based on the Koran…
And then I’d ask if it was OK then to repeal the US constitution, since that would conflict with the new law?
I’ve got everyone I know pretty well trained, even the oblivious ones who just pass the crap on without really considering the content.
Well I responded to everyone on the list so now she has to explain whi I said Dobson was a bigot. LOL
I like that — sort of a passive-aggressive up yours.
LOL I can be good at that. LOL
here is the message I sent to everyone on the list.
“Dr. Dobson preaches that I am a sinner and do not deserve protection under the law in any way shape or form. He is a BIGOT and uses his pulpit to teach hatred and intolerance. I believe in the separation of Church and State and am offended that anyone would think this petition was one that should be sent to me.”
If any of them were oblivious to the realities before they’ll not be now!
I like your approach, which I think works better than just ignoring these idiots. I see more and more that it is better to confront people spouting this BS in a way the leaves them no doubt as to where one stands, and hopefully causes them to analyze their own thinking, and actions.
Thank you!!!
Tell your “friend” that as long as teacher like me give math tests, kids will pray in school.
ROTFLMAO!!!!! I had a math teacher like you and they were my favorite teacher.
It’s frustrating, but small steps … 🙂
How was you day, other than the Dobson incident?
YW. Other than that one thing to day had been a really good day. Busy as always but that is my life. LOL
.. you have to be moving? Sounds like you have so much energy. It’s tiring for me sometimes just reading about all your activities, never mind doing them. I don’t know how you do it!
LOL I just have lots of passion and refuse to wait for others do something.
So what’s the deal with Boston Legal? Does that Denny guy shoot someone everyweek?
I have never seen the show, but I am curious about what happened to James Spader. I know that this was a long time ago, but he was kind of hot in sex, lies & video tapes.
Now he looks kind of weird, with a bad haircut.
I’m probably the wrong person to ask about James Spader, I’ve always thought he was more weird than normal.
He is now, for sure. But he was cute in that movie.
I loved him in Wolf — I thought he stole the movie from Nicholson which is one damn fine trick.
I’ve always thought he was a good, even great actor. I just think that he’s also very, very weird.
I’ve never watched Boston Legal so I’ll just have to settle for saying ‘Hi, how are you?’ instead.
I’m fine, we’ve had a very nice day and evening. Particularly nice. How are you?
my brain is fried and the letters keep skittering about on the screen which is a hint, I think, that I ought to be going to sleep. But I seem to have gotten myself into one of those too tired to sleep states. Also, into one of those tell people way more than they want to know states.
I think of that as Friday afternoon syndrome.
I always a precocious child.
how long does this trip to purgatory to last?
Friday. Ugh. On the bright side, if it gets worse, I won’t need to stay because there won’t be anything I can do.
I think I’m going to tell the company that I can’t travel any more because it completely frees my inner kvetch.
Hope tomorrow is at least a smidge better …
hope it’s better tomorrow.
gotta call it early.
At least I’m going to bed with a smile on my face. For those needing some levity in their lives, I heartily recommend a heaping helping of the Firesign Theatre…I dug out the old vinyl Tale of the Giant Rat of Sumatra this eve…GREAT STUFF!
Be well
ah, yes, fond memories of yesteryear!!
But where’s a functioning reel-to-reel to play my tapes on?
Sleep well there, dada mahn!
and repeat after me, as we learn our next three phrases in Turkish … Bath … Towel … Border. <sounds of car crashing> …
Well dada, you know the rest, I’m sure. Funny you should mention those… I have many of the old ones stashed away myself, and should dig those out again. The one I always regretted not having was Everything You Know is Wrong! but since you so kindly provided a link, maybe I’ll go there and see I can get it on CD. I also would like to replace my How Can You Be in Two Places at Once… since I loaned it out years ago and it never came home. 🙁
Sorry to have missed you, and hope that nasty weather you’ve been getting is over soon, for your and Bu’s sake!
Bonus notches, ay me go!
the seafood alfredo pasta I had for dinner is making me sleeeeeeeeepy.
and all your hard work on your first day back as host 🙂
pretty quiet around here, I’ll have to think of some good conversation starters next week. How goes it maryb?
new crowds to the cafe — liven things up around here.
Of course, now that you’re back behind the bar, Tuesdays may start jumping again 😉
I’m tired myself tonight.
it was a long day at the office. I didn’t get nearly enough slacking time into my schedule.
it will get worse on Friday when one of my lateral coworkers leaves and I get saddled with her work until we hire a replacement. It’s just this side of ridiculous.
driving people away 😉
the only way to stimulate new growth is to prune the hedges 🙂
You ARE part of the garden club! You pruner, you.
I’m leaving you and calling it a night. I won’t wish you a better day tomorrow, since that doesn’t seem likely, but I will wish you the strength to get through whatever is thrown at you.
Night Manny!
Tomorrow will always have the potential to be better. 🙂
Good night, Mary! Why do I keep clearing the room lately? LOL, I’ve been showering regularly! Savor the rest of your Lolita, I’m sort of envious you have time to read that! After all the reading I do for my job, there never seems to be time to read something I actually enjoy (e.g. literature) anymore. Blogs are about the closest I get to reading meaningful discourse. 🙁
Catch you on the flip side, Mary!
So, in an attempt at levity, and a new topic of conversation, I humbly proffer this…

one. This is what I had in my archives
There’s no LOL about the money pinch. Did you see Pelosi’s take-down today?
Yours is sadly funny too. No, I didn’t see La Pelosi’s piece… I very rarely venture over into orange territory anymore. Ever since I saw Markos being all smug and arrogant on Countdown I can’t make myself do it anymore. Did she post it anywhere else?
a link to the video from Pelosi’s website. Atrios also has a rough transcript here.
Now Atrios, I can handle, cryptic posts and all. Thanks for the re-directional tip there, my friend!
Thanks for that tip, again, Manny! I’ve never been too impressed with her, (especially when she won’t commit on censure or impeachment), but I may have to change my tune after reading that. I’m hoping that’s not just callow pandering du jour, and if more Dems would generate that kind of fire, we could maybe get some change going. Just hoping … but my hopes have been dashed too many times over the past couple of years. I’m ready to have hopes and dreams again … and at least spring is stirring some of that in me again, despite the dire times. Guess that ole “gardening club” me can find encouragement and hope in nature at least! 🙂
on the frustration, but I also subscribe to the “Reward Good Behavior” model for training congresscritters.
I’m tapped out for the evening, have a good night IVG. See you around tomorrow. Thx again for the visits and well-wishing today at my blog. Paz
Good night, my friend. Congrats again on your milestone today, and thanks for the kind words of support. You’re absolutely right on the “Reward Good Behavior” comment… I should start practicing it myself. Well, I did a little bit recently with Russ Feingold and Harkin, re: the censure motion. Which, of course, is going nowhere… 🙁
You and Bud snuggle down there and have a restful night! Hasta la próxima!
for all you nightowls. Try not to trash the place 🙂