“Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,
We’re finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming
Four dead in Ohio.”
On May 4, 1970, students at Kent State University gathered to protest the escalation of a doomed war in Vietnam into the soveriegn nation of Cambodia. Four of them were killed by the National Guard. Eight more were wounded and one was paralyzed. Neil Young wrote a song about it. Thirty-six years later, we have again invaded a neighboring country in an effort to stave off defeat in a doomed war. And Neil Young is writing songs about it. Bush really does seem to emulate Nixon at every turn.
Asia Times tells us:
A former Iranian ambassador and Islamic Republic insider has provided intriguing details to Asia Times Online about US covert operations inside Iran aimed at destabilizing the country and toppling the regime – or preparing for an American attack.
“The Iranian accusations are true,” said Richard Sale, intelligence correspondent for United Press International, referring to charges that the US is using the Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK) organization and other groups to carry out cross-border operations. “But it is being done on such a small scale – a series of pinpricks – it would seem to have no strategic value at all.”
There has been a marked spike in unrest in Kurdistan, Khuzestan and Balochistan, three of Iran’s provinces with a high concentration of ethnic Kurdish, Arab and Balochi minorities respectively…
“The president hasn’t notified the Congress that American troops are operating inside Iran,” said Sam Gardiner, a retired US Army colonel who specializes in war-game scenarios. “So it’s a very serious question about the constitutional framework under which we are now conducting military operations in Iran.”
How can you run when you know?
Nixon had a helluva lot more understanding of geopolitics coming into office than GW will have after leaving it. Different war, different times. But yeah, same wine, new bottle.
In an op-ed piece “Do not Attack Iran”, saying “An Air strike would merit impeachment of the President,” Zbigniew Brzezinski calls on Bush to ‘sober up, to think strategically, with a historic perspective and with America’s national interest primarily in mind.’
Thinkprogress provides link to full Op-ed here
Getting Bush to think strategically? All by himself? First he has to listen, to hear facts, to become curious!!
My sides hurt.
Goooooood luck Zbig.
Maybe someday I’ll forgive Neil’s shilling for Reagan. This is a start.
Howard Zinn asks:
and winds up:
Gotta get down to it . . .
Should have been done long ago.
We need to remember Jackson State along with Kent State. Two dead, many injured. Military assaults on college campuses. I remember Gov. Reagon’s tanks and tear gas in the Berkeley streets
It’s hard remembering when we were the hated enemy. I imagine the white house feels the same as Nixon’s now, but it is they who should be afraid. Because we are all grown up now and not collected in target ranges. Hopefully just as fearless.
The time has come for power to the people. It’s happening all over the world.
It’s hard remembering when we were the hated enemy.
I remember. While attending UCLA, I had a part-time office job in West L.A. A co-worker told me she was happy that the students had been shot in Ohio. She also said that I should have been shot for protesting the war.
Somethings you don’t forget.
It’s very hard on you when someone is that confronting… hope you’ve got it in perspective with alot of hindsight since then.
We were scorned and cursed for objecting to the Iraq invasion but now most people agree. Except for the true beleivers of the extreme right poeple recognize that everything we said turned out to be true and everything Cheney/bush said was a lie.
A wounded animal can be very dangerous and while this administration is going down in flames, it is more likely in arrange another attack against us or to dig us in deeper in Iran.