My first “day off” since returning to LA and took a walk in the Descanso Gardens, one of the many places of beauty in LA. Still no job in sight, but, what the hey?
I guess we have to be where we are fated to be. I am grateful for the bit of fresh air and natural beauty of Monterey even despite the hideous job situation!
I saw your comment in the last lounge — but but but you could be down in the bar of the hotel with a bunch of wild canadian hockey fans. It might give you a completely new appreciation for the game 🙂
I myself have been boycotting hockey all season. But since the Blues locked up the first round draft pick by being sooooo awful this year, I look forward to next season. (Sorry Janet, but I’m sure we’ll work through it.)
Yeah the Lock Out totally sucked alot of the joy out of it. Some of my friends gave up their season tickets. They watch but they don’t throw down the cash.
cheers to a wonderful season for the Blues in 06-07
Didn’t get the shirt I wanted, but they had some very cool series-specific shirts…which means if the Sharks make the second round I of course will have to go get the next one for the collection… 😉
And check your email, DJ — need shipping info for the whistles for the “kids”… 🙂
Mary, if you could see the folks that hang at the bar in this hotel, you’d be suggesting that I’d find more excitement up in my room watching Nick at Nite (not that they have Nick at Nite).
They just said that the Dr has confirmed that he was cut on his actual eyeball, as well as under his eye. They have no further info on how he is vision-wise etc.
Don Cherry said that he thinks it’s gonna be bad b/c the blood coming out looked black … Other announcers are saying let’s not panic …
Well, then I’ll pick one that says you should feel good about the amount of information you’ve made available to people. I know there may not feel like there is a payoff but getting people informed is important. Each piece of information is like adding another brick to a building.
I forgot to say thanks for the Bluegrass info last week, Dada. We found some bluegrass right down the street from where we were staying, thanks to you. Not exactly my KY/TN style bluegrass, but welcome nonetheless.
I’m more worried at the moment, that you sound like you need a little respite from this.
Go see my comments on your latest diary. I appreciate what you are doing, and I’m concerned that you are burning the candle at both ends. I marvel at your sheer persistence – yet (she says, wearing her fuzzy pink worry hat), I worry about you.
I read your comment. Your mom’s in western Kentucky right? If so, that’s amazing. It IS a bastion of right wing republicans. If SK’s diaries can help your mom change some minds that have basically been brainwashed by the republican party, then she’s accomplished a great deal.
Yes, SK has done more than she knows. It is a gradual process. It takes percolation. I doubt that any of the people who have read the various pieces trace their changes of heart to what they have read – but it helps consolidate frustration, and lack of understanding, and confusion, around a clearer idea. That is very important! And that’s what StreetKid is very very good at doing.
No, people take it seriously. I read all your stuff but I don’t always comment. You do excellent work. I understand it must be disheartening to write about it day after day and not see changes. Change always comes slowly. You could take a break for a couple of days, and see how you feel?
You know, you can ALWAYS come to the cafe and just vent. Just warn us you’re going to vent, and let loose. We’ll understand. (As long as its general and you aren’t planning to kill another user — in that case we’d have to commit you).
I’m sorry the links didn’t work out. Not sure what didn’t work out… I’ve asked a friend to ask her daughter about some resources but waiting to hear from that. She even told me to give you the same links.
Is hockey done for the night? I read quickly through the comments, but that’s still a foreign language to me. I did gather that some favourite player was injured?
Any other excitement to report, other than South Park was the WORST. Episode. Ever. Their mockery of Al Gore was totally unfair, unfounded and totally beyond the pale. I’ll probably forgive them eventually, but there were two very pissed of SP fans in the room tonight, with not one laugh between us.
LOL, not from this year, obviously, but I love shooting insects up close, and bumblebees are one of my favorites. I love them.
Sounds like you and dada have a veritable rowdy hockey fest going on! Very cool … just that I’m so uninformed on that… you’ve discovered the huge gap in my culture, LOL. Enjoy!
I think I’ve posted this before, but maybe you missed it… a detail of the front bed in mid-July 2004.
Btw, don’t let me distract you guys from your hockey! I’m bopping around reading all sorts of stuff and will check back off and on. I know how much I hate it when people distract me from my dog shows and KO!
That is really lovely! How much work do you do when it’s at this stage? Is it constant? My garden is full of rosebushes that require me to deadhead every day. It’s a lot of work in that regard.
(And the game is over — they scored early in sudden death over time, and dada’s team won!)
I actually know what that means! Which reminded me of an odd beer I used to drink in France on occasion, with the same name. lol
Constant doesn’t begin to describe it… we just try to maintain sections at a time and even then it sometimes gets away from us. Last year, July and August were so scorching hot you could barely go outside, so the weeds got the upper hand for a while and it looked pretty sad, but so did everyone else’s gardens, it was just a very dry and hot couple of months. It was great for the tomatoes though! They love the heat. I must update my garden website when I get the time, it’s over a year out of date 🙁 Or maybe I should just blog it like you do and try to stay more current?
for us to show friends what was going on in the garden when I first got the cam (I was in-between jobs at the time and had much more free time). Though I’ve not had enough time to work on it the past year or so (too much traveling for work, which is now not so frequent), the idea evolved into wanting to make it into a book eventually. A sort of primer to create an “Urban Oasis” in the city is the ultimate intent.
I think it may actually start to happen once I get going on my garden blogging here, which is why I’ve been trying to get near daily progress pics done of late. Since it sounds like it’s going to be rainy all weekend, I may actually get my first post done here if all goes well. I decided on the title of the first one today… “Spring Cleaning.” Which, of course, I will somehow tie into the political realm as well. LOL. My eventual goal is to use the blogs here and on the website (or blog if I choose that route) as rough drafts of chapters for the manuscript. Ok, enough explanation, this is becoming a diary itself!
here’s the address of my old site if you want to look… be warned that in the drop down list, there are many entries that never got done yet.
and here’s a shot of the front of the house taken from our neighbors’ yard across the street (the nice ones!) This was June, 2003
Thanks, you’re too kind! I was just looking around it again and criticizing myself for so much that never got done. But I am more determined to do the book thing now that I feel so at home at BT, and I think people here might appreciate it and give me some good feedback. In case you didn’t notice, I love to write and blather on endlessly about gardening! LOL
As for the house, it’s still a work in progress too… it’s 104 yrs old now and needs work. We need to put a new roof on (which will happen in the fall, I hope, since we’re not allowing roofers anywhere near the beds when they’re in full bloom!) and some interior work, but it’s been home to us since 1998 and we love the place, warts and all. 🙂
knowing what you had planned etc., but to me it’s an amazing amount of stuff — I mean, you did all that physical work, then took photos and wrote about it! Where do you find the time — I’m starting to think you never sleep! LOL
Your house looks like it has a lot of character…and yes, the roofers would make a big mess! Ack!
Well, if it does rain this w/e and you get some ‘spare tiem’ (ha! 😉 you could always get a start on it. Little steps I suppose. But I think you should do it!
I’m going off to bed now, and what a great way to end the day — thinking about your great garden and seeing some of those lovely pix. Ahhh! See you tomorrow IVG — sweet dreams! Don’t stay up too late! 🙂
I’m always glad to get to talk to you… kindred spirits are hard to find, and garden spirits are even better! BT is a special place for that…
Glad your team won! Even if I’m a hockey moron lol.
Hope to hear more about your new camera escapades tomorrow if I’m not dead tired and not here… I have about a 10 hr day coming up, so may conk out early. But night owl that I am, I’ll probably at least pop in here!
My first “day off” since returning to LA and took a walk in the Descanso Gardens, one of the many places of beauty in LA. Still no job in sight, but, what the hey?
Hey! Congrats on the move. That photo is gorgeous!
Thanks, Izzy! I never thought I would be glad to get back to Los Angeles. Just goes to show you….
LOL! I was glad to move away, but it is my hometown so I get a little homesick for it sometimes.
I guess we have to be where we are fated to be. I am grateful for the bit of fresh air and natural beauty of Monterey even despite the hideous job situation!
The light and shadow is really nice.
I saw your comment in the last lounge — but but but you could be down in the bar of the hotel with a bunch of wild canadian hockey fans. It might give you a completely new appreciation for the game 🙂
I myself have been boycotting hockey all season. But since the Blues locked up the first round draft pick by being sooooo awful this year, I look forward to next season. (Sorry Janet, but I’m sure we’ll work through it.)
Yeah the Lock Out totally sucked alot of the joy out of it. Some of my friends gave up their season tickets. They watch but they don’t throw down the cash.
cheers to a wonderful season for the Blues in 06-07
Didn’t get the shirt I wanted, but they had some very cool series-specific shirts…which means if the Sharks make the second round I of course will have to go get the next one for the collection… 😉
And check your email, DJ — need shipping info for the whistles for the “kids”… 🙂
Mary, if you could see the folks that hang at the bar in this hotel, you’d be suggesting that I’d find more excitement up in my room watching Nick at Nite (not that they have Nick at Nite).
I’m worried about you after reading that crazy news article earlier… 🙂
What crazy news article?
but unlikely to affect Andi. As she says, she’s unlikely to visit a funeral home if she goes out 🙂
OMG!!! Let’s recon and get Andi the hell out of there.
since I hadn’t planned to hang out at any funeral homes.
The ones who did it could be anywhere! 🙂
Listen to Olivia, she’s smart! Those… things… could be anywhere.
Just like Al Qaida! And as a bonus… they speak French! Quick, we’d better invade Quebec.
I guess we’ll have to offer them a bit of sympathy.
Thanks AndiF! It was an interesting day with the “threat of rain.”
Quite a change from surf photos. Guess these are turf?
It’s beautiful.
there’ll be any “Murf” photos?
I’m on the lookout, but don’t hold your breath!
surf n turf LOL!
may I say that I like this one almost as much as your beautiful vistas! Purple and orange — awesome!
O yes, you may! I was inspired by your extraordinary perspective on flowers!
You’re probably tired of hearing it by now, but that photo is beautiful.
We have so many talented people here.
I told Joe he could come in ONLY if he took off his hockey gear. He obliged.
So then I had to tell him to put some clothes on 😉
They just said that the Dr has confirmed that he was cut on his actual eyeball, as well as under his eye. They have no further info on how he is vision-wise etc.
Don Cherry said that he thinks it’s gonna be bad b/c the blood coming out looked black … Other announcers are saying let’s not panic …
Not. Good.
Poor Saku. He’s gone through so much.
Sending up some positive vibes for him. :*(
That hurts to think about.
Stopped in for abit to see what was going on. I’m in a mood.
You have a specific mood in mind or would you like us to pick one for you?
Yeah, one better than the one I am in now.
Well, then I’ll pick one that says you should feel good about the amount of information you’ve made available to people. I know there may not feel like there is a payoff but getting people informed is important. Each piece of information is like adding another brick to a building.
Makes me sound like a carpenter.
Nothin’ wrong with being a carpenter. There’s been a couple that made some real change in the world.
grab a cold one and join in.
I’ll look into getting some sage for ya, Dada 😀
Do you ever make your own massage oils DJ?
No Olivia. I can barely make my own drinks 😉
Gotta run. Family is preparing to mutiny. No dinner ready.
I had too much fun with you all this afternoon. Was great, too, since a weird morning and week had taken it’s toll. Thanks for the refresher.
you pink hottie you … 😉 Thx for all the hockey talk!
Thank YOU! It was really nice to talk hockey like that. 🙂
wrap & dry it & use it like incense outside…prob. not this yr. tho…Sage plant succumbed to winter kill…bummer.
Can you hear the crowd chanting ‘turd-co’ in the bkgrd on the radio version? (That’s DJ’s name, she’s great at that isn’t she? lol)
ahhh incense, okay. I can look for that perhaps.
I’d never heard of Sage Massage Oil 🙂
I forgot to say thanks for the Bluegrass info last week, Dada. We found some bluegrass right down the street from where we were staying, thanks to you. Not exactly my KY/TN style bluegrass, but welcome nonetheless.
glad it helped.
Don’t own a tv and even if I did, I couldn’t afford cable!
Talk about it. I saw your comments in the diary and you seemed down.
That is an understatment. I just feel that no one takes anything that I write about MedD(is) seriously, as it is not happening to them.
I’m more worried at the moment, that you sound like you need a little respite from this.
Go see my comments on your latest diary. I appreciate what you are doing, and I’m concerned that you are burning the candle at both ends. I marvel at your sheer persistence – yet (she says, wearing her fuzzy pink worry hat), I worry about you.
I read your comment. Your mom’s in western Kentucky right? If so, that’s amazing. It IS a bastion of right wing republicans. If SK’s diaries can help your mom change some minds that have basically been brainwashed by the republican party, then she’s accomplished a great deal.
Yes, SK has done more than she knows. It is a gradual process. It takes percolation. I doubt that any of the people who have read the various pieces trace their changes of heart to what they have read – but it helps consolidate frustration, and lack of understanding, and confusion, around a clearer idea. That is very important! And that’s what StreetKid is very very good at doing.
No, people take it seriously. I read all your stuff but I don’t always comment. You do excellent work. I understand it must be disheartening to write about it day after day and not see changes. Change always comes slowly. You could take a break for a couple of days, and see how you feel?
Taking a break might be a good idea. But, then again, it might not. Who knows? I’m not myself today. Have too much too worry about.
You know, you can ALWAYS come to the cafe and just vent. Just warn us you’re going to vent, and let loose. We’ll understand. (As long as its general and you aren’t planning to kill another user — in that case we’d have to commit you).
Hockey, mostly. But don’t know much about it myself.
I’m sorry the links didn’t work out. Not sure what didn’t work out… I’ve asked a friend to ask her daughter about some resources but waiting to hear from that. She even told me to give you the same links.
And… I think your diaries do matter.
Well, I hope that they are better. Absolutely NOTHING jobwise.
Anything we can do? If Manny was around, we could bring out Bud — he’s good for a person.
A new life would be nice. Hell, I’ll settle for something good happenning in this one, for a change!
Gotta go, nice to be here briefly, in the middle of an insane week, hearing folks talk about real life.
Night, Andi, Kidspeak, and anyone I missed, since I stumbled in here late! Apologies if I missed anyone.
When they tied it up, I was thinking this is exactly like the last game! GO AVs GO!
I’m sure she’ll survive… let me toss her a couple of Beggin Strips… that ought to keep her occupied for about … well, about 30 seconds!
Can you believe this?!
3-0 series…who’d a thunk…I didn’t expect it.
Love to see ’em sweep it…gettin’ greedy now…:{)
Well, their chances of moving on are pretty high now… As long as they don’t implode. 🙂
Think I best clean up the kitchen and call it…had fun!
Be well, sleep tight…catch ya on the flip.
Night all.
Bu too!
take care, and make sure to give some lovin to Bu for me… I’d be spoiling her rotten if she were around here… you better do the same!
catch you soon.
Is hockey done for the night? I read quickly through the comments, but that’s still a foreign language to me. I did gather that some favourite player was injured?
Any other excitement to report, other than South Park was the WORST. Episode. Ever. Their mockery of Al Gore was totally unfair, unfounded and totally beyond the pale. I’ll probably forgive them eventually, but there were two very pissed of SP fans in the room tonight, with not one laugh between us.
This is excellent! You’re wonderful!
Hockey’s not done yet — we’ve got OT comin’ up. (I told ya earlier, 7pm to 1am! Yippe!)
LOL, not from this year, obviously, but I love shooting insects up close, and bumblebees are one of my favorites. I love them.
Sounds like you and dada have a veritable rowdy hockey fest going on! Very cool … just that I’m so uninformed on that… you’ve discovered the huge gap in my culture, LOL. Enjoy!
I can’t wait to see it once it really gets blooming!!!
I think I’ve posted this before, but maybe you missed it… a detail of the front bed in mid-July 2004.

Btw, don’t let me distract you guys from your hockey! I’m bopping around reading all sorts of stuff and will check back off and on. I know how much I hate it when people distract me from my dog shows and KO!
That is really lovely! How much work do you do when it’s at this stage? Is it constant? My garden is full of rosebushes that require me to deadhead every day. It’s a lot of work in that regard.
(And the game is over — they scored early in sudden death over time, and dada’s team won!)
I actually know what that means! Which reminded me of an odd beer I used to drink in France on occasion, with the same name. lol
Constant doesn’t begin to describe it… we just try to maintain sections at a time and even then it sometimes gets away from us. Last year, July and August were so scorching hot you could barely go outside, so the weeds got the upper hand for a while and it looked pretty sad, but so did everyone else’s gardens, it was just a very dry and hot couple of months. It was great for the tomatoes though! They love the heat. I must update my garden website when I get the time, it’s over a year out of date 🙁 Or maybe I should just blog it like you do and try to stay more current?
that’s when I don’t worry about it. Like it’s tucked in with a big white blanket.
What’s the difference between your garden website and a blog?
for us to show friends what was going on in the garden when I first got the cam (I was in-between jobs at the time and had much more free time). Though I’ve not had enough time to work on it the past year or so (too much traveling for work, which is now not so frequent), the idea evolved into wanting to make it into a book eventually. A sort of primer to create an “Urban Oasis” in the city is the ultimate intent.
I think it may actually start to happen once I get going on my garden blogging here, which is why I’ve been trying to get near daily progress pics done of late. Since it sounds like it’s going to be rainy all weekend, I may actually get my first post done here if all goes well. I decided on the title of the first one today… “Spring Cleaning.” Which, of course, I will somehow tie into the political realm as well. LOL. My eventual goal is to use the blogs here and on the website (or blog if I choose that route) as rough drafts of chapters for the manuscript. Ok, enough explanation, this is becoming a diary itself!
here’s the address of my old site if you want to look… be warned that in the drop down list, there are many entries that never got done yet.
and here’s a shot of the front of the house taken from our neighbors’ yard across the street (the nice ones!) This was June, 2003

Urban Oasis — I think you should do it! OMG — your site is just packed, packed full of info! I LOVE it! You should definitely put this together!
And you home is so lovely!
Thanks, you’re too kind! I was just looking around it again and criticizing myself for so much that never got done. But I am more determined to do the book thing now that I feel so at home at BT, and I think people here might appreciate it and give me some good feedback. In case you didn’t notice, I love to write and blather on endlessly about gardening! LOL
As for the house, it’s still a work in progress too… it’s 104 yrs old now and needs work. We need to put a new roof on (which will happen in the fall, I hope, since we’re not allowing roofers anywhere near the beds when they’re in full bloom!) and some interior work, but it’s been home to us since 1998 and we love the place, warts and all. 🙂
knowing what you had planned etc., but to me it’s an amazing amount of stuff — I mean, you did all that physical work, then took photos and wrote about it! Where do you find the time — I’m starting to think you never sleep! LOL
Your house looks like it has a lot of character…and yes, the roofers would make a big mess! Ack!
Well, if it does rain this w/e and you get some ‘spare tiem’ (ha! 😉 you could always get a start on it. Little steps I suppose. But I think you should do it!
I’m going off to bed now, and what a great way to end the day — thinking about your great garden and seeing some of those lovely pix. Ahhh! See you tomorrow IVG — sweet dreams! Don’t stay up too late! 🙂
I’m always glad to get to talk to you… kindred spirits are hard to find, and garden spirits are even better! BT is a special place for that…
Glad your team won! Even if I’m a hockey moron lol.
Hope to hear more about your new camera escapades tomorrow if I’m not dead tired and not here… I have about a 10 hr day coming up, so may conk out early. But night owl that I am, I’ll probably at least pop in here!
Bonne nuit!
looks really sad. I hate sad looking ads 🙁
Mary ya lost me there? There’s a pig behind bars??? Did they finally frog march Rove out???
but he’s not behind bars yet. Just scroll up and down the screen, you’ll see the pig.
you’re right maryb — he looks like he knows he’s going to be shipped off for bacon-making or something …
hope your teams win Olivia.
Awww, Mary, I keep running you out of the lounge lately… sorry! hehe.
Rest well, snark princess of the midwest 🙂