Happy Hour at the Froggy Bottom Lounge

Newcomers and Lurkers are welcome!.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
We like to both shake AND stir things up around here!
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Hey! That 4 looks good on you!
It’s about time we stopped with the coffee!
I guess there’s no one that could imbibe a small quantity of alcohol?
Sure, FM! Whatever you’d like. I’ve been slacking on my hosting duties all day, but I should be able to maintain concentration through at least one drink! Unless I get a nap attack, of course.
Hey there Izzzzzzy and FM! Just a quick pop by to say hi, since I’m slaving away at work and no time for naps nor slacking. 🙁
How you folks doing?
Hey you! Hope your day is going well and that you escape the shackles soon.
No telling when I’ll get out today… another analysis laden week with no end in sight. But I might be able to get some flower pix taken tonight if I get home early enough.. yesterday was rain/snow all day, so everything was all closed up. At least we escaped the freeze last night, so I can go take the pillowcases off the most tender stuff. 🙂
Its been slow all day. I saw no slacking, but then again, I was napping. 🙂
Whatever you recommend, I’ll take 27 to start.
Sorry, I’m at work. You’ll have to call Janet. She attends to all my alcohol disposition needs.
Janet is the best mixologist.
Where is Janet anyway? And Second Nature? Last I saw they were still hanging around the cheerios. Maybe we should send a search party.
Janet is probably talking hockey and SN, poor thing, worked so hard today, she’s probably taking a nap.
Napping is completed, now I’m working on a headache and hoping it stays manageable. Maybe I shouldn’t drink tonight. Which means of course that I’ll be no fun at all.
There you are! Oops. Sorry about your headache — I’ll try to keep my voice down.
You do whatever it takes to keep that headache at bay.
We’ll be happy to put up with any type of SN ya want to be. We’ve got lots of hugs.
have what OMIR’s having 🙂 LOL
I’m up for it! But can’t till I get home <waaaah>
You know we’ll be here waiting. No Happy Hour is complete without IVG.
Awww, FM, you’re way too kind! I’m sure you can find someone who would disagree with that statement, lol. I better take a shower tonight, because when I showed up at the lounge at 10:30 last night, everyone fled! Hehe. Manny and I got lonely, 🙂
You guys are the night people. I was probably asleep long before that. 🙂
But I seem to recall you making a big exception a week or so ago and carousing with the rest of us very late. You can do it, geezerhood can’t have taken you that far yet!
Anyway, I’m outta here for now, got to get at least a little more work done before I flee my cube. Have fun all, and hope to catch up some later, if I can avoid the nap that’s trying to bring me down to my desk… hehe.
bye for now…
Work who ever thought up that word. The enlish language should have one word for work and fun. That way you would stay confused enough to go to the office and get fun done. I think.
You posted this in the coffee cart:
I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing a newbie attend their first game. It’s fantastic to see a person fall in love with it. I truly think people have to see it in person to kinda “get it”.
True story: I first encountered hockey through Canadian radio. I grew up in a small city in eastern Washington where the only sporting events of any consequence I can remember attending were high school basketball and football, and for a few years (I kid you not) Roller Derby came to town every so often. So when I discovered radio in 1963, one of the first stations I started listening to regularly was CBR in Calgary, Alberta. They had a regular feature called “Hockey Night In Canada” (still going strong on TV; I’m not sure if CBC radio still does it) where they would broadcast a game every week on the national hookup. I did a report on hockey for my sixth grade class without ever having seen a game.
In fact I never saw a game until I was in my mid-twenties, living in Montana and we went to see some junior-circuit team based in Billings play at the big multi-event center there. I’ve never yet been to a pro game but we enjoy going to see the Seattle Thunderbirds play once or twice a year.
Someday when I’m independently wealthy I’ll have to take the family up to Vancouver to see the Canucks play. Cross your fingers for me — the Sonics are trying to shake down the city of Seattle to get them to pay for a new remodel of Key Arena (when they just had one about 11 years ago that they pronounced excellent at the time, but that’s another rant) and there is talk of moving them to one of the suburbs, like Bellevue or Renton. If that should happen it wouldn’t surprise me to see someone step up, negotiate a minor remodel to bring the Key up to NHL standards and bring in an NHL team.
Living where I used to – we’d go through some seasons hearing alot of games on the little radio. Then they changed stations or something and we couldn’t get.
I could “visualize” Sergei Markarov getting his first Penalty shot one night during a power outage (or maybe there wasn’t a broadcast of it on tv, I forget).
I didn’t know anything about hockey till I got married to a player. I tried to watch it on tv but couldn’t really “get it”. Wasn’t till I saw the T-Birds in Seattle around 1989 that I went “aha!” Now I can understand it while watching it on the tube.
Yeah, it made a lot more sense when I got to see what was going on. But I grew up with not only hockey, but football and basketball on the radio rather than TV. (I didn’t get into baseball until much later.) As a result I learned to love listening to what I call the music of the game, the cadence and rhythm and ebb and flow and calm and excitement of a good play-by-play announcer plying his trade. Sometimes I’ll even turn down the sound on the TV and put on the radio when I’m listening to the Mariners. It’s the difference between:
TV: “He swings, pops it up, that ends the inning” (because the TV paints the picture)
Radio: “Here’s the pitch, he swings and puts a CHARGE into the ball but the wind is going to keep it in the ballpark as Reed drifts under it to make the catch, side retired.”
Had to bring him along. 🙂
Whatever happened to that guy Wayne something, or was it Pele that was big in hockey.
Hockey and soccer are so much alike.
WARNING FM WARNING – Put helmet on. 🙂
Wayne. He’s a coach now.. aka whiner & loser.
You know down in the southeast there are very few hockey games. If you don’t have cable then you don’t see them. I remember the most I ever saw was when he played.
I’m actually surprised they showed winter olympics down here. It’s not football. 🙂
Uh… Tampa Bay who won the Lord Stanley Cup before the lock out last season.
Carolina Hurricanes
Florida Panthers
Where have I been? This is a veritable winter wonderland down here.
kinda like
and San Jose
are all artic zones
LOL, didn’t buy the winter wonderland thing huh.
I know… I’m trying very hard to be a hockey fan but I’m feeling more like a puckbunny LOL
… and you are no puckbunny. There is nothing wrong w/ appreciatin’ a fine form … 😉
I had to be dragged out to my first autograph wait… I was perfectly happy to sit after the game with friends. Finally went because the kids wanted to see Teemu and Scott Hannan. Then they all started signing my sweater cause well my kids are pretty cute.
FUcking Mike Rathje who I can’t stand signed my jersey. I was all, “Ew you fucker!” LOL
But yeah… my sweater is signed by several. My sweater is a story of it’s own. Gift gone a bit wrong by Mr. Damnit.
… darn you really meant it, I thought for sure it was a patented DJ-slip-of-the-finger.
(((Andi)))) there is madness to my method 😀
Alright. It’s the froggy bottom happy hour – I’ll tell my boss – it would explain everything and she should excuse me for the rest of the day so I could hang with you all.
Just tell em FM said it was OK. I’m sure everything will be alright after that.
Thanks, FM. Now it’s guaranteed.
Shutting down, heading home, see you later 🙂
I’ll write you a note:
Dear Mr. Boss
Please excuse Ask for the rest of the day. In fact, excuse him for the rest of the week. He works hard for you and needs some time to chill the fuck out. Hang out with some buddies and maybe catch some hockey games.
If you don’t allow him some leave time, I’ll find you and punch you in the mouth.
Respectfully yours,
If I was a boss, that would do it for me.
That’s very kind, DJ.
FM already helped out, and I just heard the bells across the street chiming 6 o’clock – time to go.
Damn, DJ! Will you write all my correspondence from now on?
Does anyone want to support me financially on a long-term basis? This current gig is becoming detrimental to my health. One can only stand a desk job without any windows in a shared room for so long…
mmmmm, that improves the siutation greatly.
Sorry, I got my own gig here but I think my husband draws the line at one freeloader.
hold this injustice against you.
My Bostonian showoing off. 47 and still young.
My son mugging my friend… no call of course.
My friend, whose son is also autistic, take a breather while being shown my son’s treasures.. his music.
Now… you see any SNOW??? Any blizzard or winter shit? No. 🙂
Hey there DJ! Nice to see ya again, other than in comments in other diaries 🙂
I take it those are roller blades they’re using? Or do they have special Zambonis out where you are?
Yay, I got liberated from the office and am at home now where I can have a beer and not get caught! Dogs have been out, fed and are happy now. All is good in the world… for now, at least. hehe
Yup roller hockey. Inline. Blades.
The zambonis would have to be little kids on big wheels : )
Rest assured, Mr. Damnit can ice skate, too. 🙂
Oooh, Mr. DJ is a hottie!
I used to be a hottie, too.
BTW I finally got my hair under control. Gotta get a shot up for Indy 🙂
DJ you’re still a hottie! And this, from a guy who doesn’t like cherries in his cocktails…. please take that as a compliment.
DJ has always been a pink hottie. That didn’t sound right, but you know what I mean.
sounds good to me.
Used to be??? You sell yourself short. I bet if you asked Mr. Damnit he’d give you glowing reviews.
or I’d punch in the mouth. 🙂
I’m just a bit more fluffy than usual since I quite smoking. I weigh more NOW then I did when I was pregnant. err… not much anymore since I bailed Gitmo, Redneck land and am a FREE woman. 🙂
Now DJ, even I know you don’t have to be in the North Pole to play hockey.
What do ya’ll do for ice? Everybody raids the freezer and pushes the ice cubes together.
Frozen Vodka Mango Margarita
Combine ingredients in blender with ice. Serve in a frozen drink glass and garnish with lime wedge.
That’s the kind of ice I know.
FM, you want me to send you that Sno Cone machine I never use? You could try flavoring it with Torani syrups… that is, if they allow those in the state down there where you are. 🙂 hehe…
Of course you had to have me google to see what that was. 🙂
Thanks, but we only use ice in tea down here. Golly Gee to think of all that ice or snow everywhere. 😛
This is Danni about to
Trick Question: The Answers are 1 & 3 😀
These hockey loving fan photos were taking this past Saturday… boy was it brrrrr… freezing 🙂
Actually I would have thought 1.
She probably thought, no one can be that big of an idiot.
Hah. I can be even a bigger idiot than that. 🙂
where hockey’s concerned, I bet I can beat ya any day in the idiot department … don’t forget I’m very sports impaired…
I once thought that tight end in football was a role in a porno rip off video!
I guess I’m sports impaired myself. If only my town of 5000 could get a major league sport team here.
The field out back would be perfect.
Maybe you should recruit a croquet league or something … at least that’s something where you could take naps between wickets and not mess up the game … 🙂
Sounds perfect for you… and damn, a nap sounds good to me right about now… hehe
Tiddle Winks is my game. Very athletic and graceful. Plus you can play it from a chair.
Anybody want to get a fantasy croquet league together? I bet that would be a real barn-burner.
Excellent! All the TVs in the ‘bar’ are turned to hockey tonight! 😉 I’m watching two right now — Habs/Caro. and Buf/Phil.
Heyas Olivia! Must be a big hockey night, huh? Leave it to me to be totally out of it… my big event tonight is a new South Park episode, LOL.
Btw… that plant is about 7″ tall today, but I was too lazy to get any new pix, since it’s still really wet and muddy outside, but I can see it from the window!
Another South Park watcher, huh?
Tonight Cartman finds pirate’s booty or some such silliness … I’m trying to figure out how they’ll work a political angle into this one… sure they’ll find a way though!
Now that Nighty Night has ended its 2nd season, that’s my Wed night TV after KO and before the Daily Show. And you thought you were mundane!
Especially first round — every night there’s like 3 games on! When the east coast games are over, the west coast ones are just starting. Means I can watch hockey from 7pmEST to 1am w/ OT!
That’s great news about that plant — I’m glad it handled the cold night okay. Woo hoo!
There you are you beautiful star, you!!!
I’ve been here trying to teach some that hockey is golden.
I thought silence was golden. Now I’m confused.
Reading all your comments and pix in the previous cafe and this one got me all stoked for the games tonight! Whoot!
Yeah I kinda went off the deep end… equating hockey to poetry – oh wait… IT IS!! Cause we’ve Got JOE, Man!
wouldn’t that be wild if San Jose and Ottawa met up in the Finals?
it is worthy of waxing poetic … 🙂
And if SJ and Ott made it to the finals I’d be outnumbered by you and Cali … not fair! It would be Bedlam at Booman!
I’ll side with yOu…fair play and all that. :{)
Whew I knew I left Colorado out my “Must Not Advance” list for a reason. Didn’t want to tick of you and Bu 🙂
Good Luck! … break a leg
kinda figured your dislike of the P.Scars would save us…:{) They’re scared, and the Avs are pretty good on home ice. My sil, thinks Avs in 5. I think they’ve got tickets for tonight or the next one.
Of course assuming the Avs don’t make it–more importantly, assuming that Ott DOES! LOL!
Currently on intermission and the hockey pundits are contemplating an all Canada final, with Cal v Ed in the west and Ott v Mtl in the east … They said that no one in the US cares about hockey anyway. Ha… okay, maybe a little true…
So how was your day?!
Naw… I’d be so happy both our teams made it and not those other teams.
Ottawa has to beat out the East Coast teams. Tampa Bums, Canes, Habs, New Jersey, Sabres or Flyers (ew Rathje)… shhh and those Rangers… but don’t tell SuperSoling I said that.
And we need to make sure the Phallus Scars aren’t in. Nor Red Wings, Oilers or fucking flames who took us out last time… or the Mighty Awful Ducks and definitely need to take care of … Nashville.
So see.,, I’d be so happy for a Ottawa – San Jose SCP 😀
for a moment (just a momement, I promise) — I love the expression on Danni’s face in that picture.
Avs are keeping ’em down. They’re on tonight here at 9:30! Yippee! I love p-off time!
Note to self… I need to get into watching hockey… hmmm.
Thx DJ! LOL .. 🙂
that it’s very easy to take the train from Montreal to Ottowa (just in case I come back).
How’s the camera? Any new pics or tricks?
Sorry to jump in, but how was your day today?
Compared to most days — so-so, compared to yesterday — roaring success.
Still honing my kvetching skills, though.
Hah, I looked that one up last night and you’ve got a long way to go before you can approach kvetching like me.
Glad to hear the day did go better.
Hey there Andi, when do you get to go back home? Sounds like it hasn’t exactly been a rip-roaring time for ya up there this week. At least you know you’ll always find a big supply of mixed nuts here in the FBC/FBL.
See you folks later, have a headache here from the paint fumes in the building today, so going to lie down briefly before KO comes on.
I’ll probably be back later with the janitorial crew to clean up the place after all the hockey fiends get done trashing it. Hehe. 🙂
Hope ya get to feeling better IVG.
Business travel is always the pits as far as I’m concerned but when I was doing a lot more of it, it didn’t bother me as much as it does now that I don’t have to travel very often — perverse human nature, I guess.
I hope you feel better IVG! Get some rest!
Hope you feel better
it’s hockey FANaticS by the way 🙂
It’s Stanley Cup Playoffs… we’re allowed to get a little rowdy. But we don’t trash the place. I’m still a Liberal Enviromental chickerita 🙂
It’s amusing to see you all getting all rowdy over something that is beyond my comprehension! Not a bad thing at all… just that I’m such a sports moron. From now on, I shall refer to you as FANatics, hehe.
Great to see you roaring around again, pinkie.
Did you day improve at all over yesterday?! I read this article today and thought of you and your bad day yesterday … doesn’t sound like a great place to be.
Yes, very easy to take the train. Next time — let me know.
I just keep thinking of the Red Queen but there’s very little about that makes me think of Wonderland — maybe the rabbit hole (which makes me think of DJ’s puckbunny which makes me think … nevermind).
lol, that was inspired.
I think it was a little too stream-of-unconsciousness but my brain is missing a good bit of connective tissue at the moment so why not my sentences.
What’s the latest in moving land?
I’m drinking over in the lounge, is how it’s going. Is your trip improving any (I hope)?
Curiouser and curiouser 🙂
They’d have to change the whole “off with her head” to a more appropriate line. 🙂
Here’s a new lounge. It’s all clean and roomy.