Karl Rove has now testified for the 5th time before the Fitzgerald Grand Jury investigating the Valerie Plame affair. That is unprecedented in my experience.
Jason Leopold says he’s a target of the investigation. Rove’s attorney, Luskin, denies that a target letter was received. Everyone involved is playing very coy about whether Rove volunteered to testify or did so only to avoid a subpoena or put off a pending indictment.
On the theory that groups are better at arriving at the truth from limited sources of information than any single individual can do by his or her lonesome, I prepared a poll for the BooTrib community.
So have at it and let’s figure out what the latest Rovian spin really means for the future of our favorite subject (of the investigation, that is).
Poll is just below the fold . . .
Discussing on MSNBC right now.
I’m still in my office. What are they saying Booman?
They think Rove is screwed because he didn’t correct the record with the GJ for seven months after the Luskin-Novak dinner soiree.
I hope Fitz gets around to it before the ’06 elections, but this is a man that’s methodical and won’t be rushed.
Fifth of scotch maybe?
I refuse to watch Tweetie discuss anything.
Tweety has the week off, Stretch is filling in.
Who cares…what are they saying…lol! No really….what are they saying.
they brought on Sen. George Allen and he is talking about all kinds of stuff.
My point exactly.
Tweety or no Tweety I don’t want to listen to GOP gasbags like Allen pontificate on Rove or anything else.
I might watch Countdown tonight, however.
I understand completely. They are talking about Rove again with two reporters.
Don’t think it will matter. If Libby/Rove ever go to trial, GW will pardon them in a heartbeat. Halliburton or someone like that will put them on as them as lobbyists, or consultants at seven figure incomes, and everything will work out just fine.
But to answer your question, sounds like another last minute attempt to avoid charges. This time, it may be too little, too late.
and give us something of substance, like for instance a live version of that picture (which still cracks me up).
Still anything that points the finger at the culture of curruption among the Greedy Old Party is fine with me.
Yep! Obstruction and Perjury at a min. All those “missing” WH emails that Fitz got a couple months ago are gonna bury his ass. He’ll take as many with him as he can too, trying to cut a deal.
Based on everything I’ve read about him, the quickest way to really piss Fitz off is to lie to him, AKA, the grand jury.
Bet onMANY puckered uR-anuses in DC tonight.
Keep the champaign chilled and the popcorn ready.
So when does Tony Snow get started in his new job? What a blast to see him handling questions on this story!!!
Just some user comments from other blogs:
It is highly unusual for a target to go in front of a grand jury 5 times. Not so for a prosecution witness.
Luskin said “In connection with today’s proceedings” (ok I’m paraphrasing), which tells me that after today’s testimony, Karl is not (as in “no longer”) a target.
If Karl flips he will never work for a republican again. No democrat will hire him either (anyway). The odds are better of taking an indictment and getting pardoned in January 09.
So he has to provide some benefit to the administration by his flipping. Does this mean that “W” is intimately involved and Rove is protecting his boss? Would he be protecting Cheney also and try to make Libby the sacrificial lamb? In other words, selective flipping. And possible outright obfuscation.
Psychotic ass-licker that he is, I do not think he will be able to bring himself to flip.
He will take the hit for his alpha dogs, like the good servant he is. And will eventually get a pardon for services rendered.
But Scooter???
Now THAT’S another story.
Any grownup named “Scooter”…? I wouldn’t want to be counting on his intestinal fortitude myself, I’ll tell you that for sure!!! Unless the BushCo gang can threaten him with worse consequences than can Fitzgerald…and they CANNOT kill him because it’s too out in the open now…he’s flipping.
BET on it.