Is it just me or is anyone else out there tired of an Administration that is long on torturing, incarcerating or extraordinarily renditing someone (is that even a word?) and yet these same idiots couldn’t prevent the destruction of the WTC, couldn’t keep the world’s support afterward and can’t catch the men responsible for planning it? It will be 5 years this September and zippo, in fact the perpetrators are getting more brazen than ever. Now We See the ever lovely visage of al-Zarqawi who now doesn’t even hide himself. Wonder how this plays folks? Try thinking of Zorro, Batman et al removing their mask in front of the cameras, what would that tell everyone? Basically it would say “I’m invincible and I’m fearless and I don’t have to disguise myself anymore because you idiots couldn’t catch me if you tried”.  

A website has posted a video message which shows unmasked a man who appears to be the Iraqi insurgency’s most wanted leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
 In the tape, the man says holy warriors are fighting on despite a three-year “crusade”. US experts told the BBC they believed the recording was genuine.

He has been accused of orchestrating attacks and suicide bombings against US-led forces and Shia Muslims in Iraq and has a $25m bounty on his head. Speaking Arabic in a slow monotone, the man lambasts the newly-formed Iraqi government as a US creation, designed to ease its predicament in Iraq.

You know what, it pisses me off that the guys who bombed my neighborhood here in Manhattan don’t seem too afraid of the US these days, in fact they seem more relaxed and confident than ever. Not only do I want these guys quaking in their boots but I want them caught yesterday damnit. Whether it’s al-Zarqawi, Bin Laden or al-Zawahri these guys run free while Bush and his cronies drown Iraq in blood and plan the invasion of Iran, both of which make more terrorists to exact revenge, most likely in my little island of Manhattan again  while letting these bastards off scott free.

All of America is still caught between Insane Terrorists and Inept Neocons. I’d like an order of ‘Regime Change’ on both sides please. Take all these idiots off the world’s stage now, this play has run way too long already.

Cross posted at Liberal Streetfighter