Sherry Wolf says the jig is up. I have to agree with her. Here in Louisiana, democrats and republicans in the state legislature are set to pass legislation today to outlaw abortion.
Daily Kos doesn’t want single issue groups to control the party, but I would say, working class people, and their issues, lost control of the party long ago.
Wolf says,
But there was a buildup to Hillary’s pronouncement, as Wolf outlines:
Today in Louisiana, SB 33, if passed, will criminalize abortion. Planned Parenthood has an urgent notice out for help to combat this anti-human rights piece of legislation.
Howard Zinn, in Wolf’s article, has these pertinent thoughts on the abortion issue (quoting from his article in the Progressive):
When I have time to read, and it isn’t much these days, I often pull Howard Zinn’s the People’s History of the United States from my bookshelf.
I have taken to reading over and over again about the grass roots movements that rose up in the 1930’s to answer the crisis in affordable housing and workers’ rights of that era.
Of course, we face remarkably similar issues here in New Orleans, and, as New Orleans is a microcosm of the rest of the nation, all over the country as well, as affordable housing prices distance themselves ever more from the salaries of working class people, and yes, the professional class as well.
Unbelievably, despite the acute shortage of labor her in New Orleans at this time, wages are still not keeping up with the cost of living: witness Walgreens offering just $6 per hour to start.
Our United Front for Affordable Housing, composed of public housing residents and community housing activists are staging rallies, marches and confronting the powers that be, over issues of housing and human rights here.
What does all this have to do with abortion? All important legislation regarding the strengthening of human rights in this country has been preceded by grass roots movements that have taken it to the streets.
The recent rise of immigration rights activists, by the hundreds of thousands, has given pause to those lawmakers who were moving full steam ahead against immigrant rights. I agree with Zinn and Wolf, in that we need a national call to action on the abortion issue, to counter state movement to curtail the reproductive rights of women.
If NOW doesn’t have the guts to do it. then other groups and individuals will need to step in.
It is time, once again, to take it to the streets, regarding the issue of abortion rights. And if and when this happens, watch how other issues of human rights are strengthened with positive fallout.
For those who think this is an issue they can afford to not get involved in, consider this: those women seeking abortions can be viewed now as the least of us. Undermine the rights of one group of people, particularly those most vulnerable to persecution, and all of our rights are undermined.
We can’t afford to “lose” a single issue, because this loss will undermine the human rights we are struggling to uphold and put into practice here in our own country.
That is the fallacy of the condemnation of single issue groups. These groups focus on the issue, and provide education for the rest of us. Let us not abandon a single issue regarding human rights, and strive to protect the human rights of all.
I agree with Zinn and Wolf, in that we need a national call to action on the abortion issue, to counter state movement to curtail the reproductive rights of women.
BRAVA! Duranta!
They could not wait to walk away from abortion. The ordinary medical procedure that (they wish) dare not speak its name. How dare they.
The anti-women Democrats, too often also using as a ruse “reformer Democrat”, are not at all interested in real coalitions that serve people. Getting elected for them, imo, has absolutely nothing to do with American citizens, human needs nor much to do with progressive responsible government. It has to do wtih recutting the pork pie.
These are some of the most anti-populist people (online and offline) I have EVER come across. Truly Republican-lite with lite-religion. OTherwise known as fake respect, fake civility.
I’m looking to real, working class people to take our country back, an issue at a time if necessary. And no compromise, not when it comes to our hard won human rights.
Hook line and sinker.
AND: Absolutely vital, for the continuation of the nation, is nationalised health care, the Canadian model, or the variation I know best the French model. That we did not get this within 5 years of the close of WW2 is criminal.
Over and over, what a necessity it is for all, but esp in a time of immense tragedy and dislocation (New Orleans and the Gulf Coast).
thanks so much for keeping us informed about the ongoing manmade disaster in the Gulf. It is my hope that women and working people and immigrants and all of the other forgotten peoples will find common cause to stop the corporate classes from continuing to suck this country dry of our lives, liberties and happiness.
[See this link,0,7923293.story?coll=all-news-hed%5D
HARRISBURG — U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., has pulled to within single digits of Democratic state Treasurer Bob Casey Jr., while Gov. Ed Rendell continues to hold a narrow lead over rival Lynn Swann, a new Morning Call/Muhlenberg College poll has found.
Casey, the son of the former governor and the man that nationwide Democrats hope will finally be able to dislodge Santorum from the U.S. Senate seat he’s held since 1994, saw his double-digit lead diminished to just eight percentage points in the survey of 518 registered voters.
Interesting observation. At this stage in American politics and the history of our government. I take seriously the people who march and protest and lobby to restore our human rights based principles. These games of power that both parties engage in wind up losing for everybody.
I’d kinda like to know just what the hell the democratic platform is right now…it seems that so many things I thought were absolutes of the dem party-like being pro-choice has gone the way of the dodo bird.
As for Kos believing the dems can’t be held hostage to a single party issue-that’s just bullshit and a cop out.
My feeling is that anyone who believes for instance in the absolute importance of being pro-choice is not the narrow issue Kos or anyone thinks it to be.
Being passionate about pro-choice encompasses much more than what being pro-choice implies on the surface. Pro-choice is about human rights-which included everyone. And being pro-choice means that not only are you passionate on that issue but are no doubt passionate on all issues that effect people.
Pro-choice is not just a ‘womans’ issue as so many like Kos or others try to imply..and if they think that they are hopelessly narrow minded -the same way gay rights is not just about gay people but also a human rights issue and if people don’t understand that I don’t know what I can say to get them out of their idiotic idea of single issue voters damaging the party.
When groups such as women, gays, minorities are denied rights we are all diminished.
When groups such as women, gays, minorities are denied rights we are all diminished.
This is just a personal opinion: I wish people were as concerned about disability rights as much as they are the rights of others. But, I know, wait.
Fwiw, I agree with you Street Kid. I think disability rights are on the same list of human rights as the rest, and I too wish folks would prioritize them all equally — and far more so than they are right now.
Tell me about it. And do you know that the irony is? Who is doing the most writing on Medicare D(isaster)? Me, and, as just about everyone on this blog knows, I am a traumatic brain injury survivor.
But, I guess my rights are not that important, in spite of all that I have written. What else do I have to do to prove myself???
Know what I mean?
I agree that people with disabilities are the greatly overlooked minority-although considering the number of people who are disabled I don’t know how much of a minority we are-yet we have no real public face/person who will consistantly talk about people with disabilities. Or even that being disabled doesn’t have to mean ‘a burden on society’..not all disabled people are so disabled that they can’t be contributing to society-besides even if you can’t contribute how does that diminish you anyway as a person? People should be valued because they can think, generate ideas, live peacefully with family and neighbors not simply because they monetarily contribute to society. Why does being healthy and having money automatically make you a valuable person?
issue, and I thank you for bringing it up. You said:
Why does being healthy and having money automatically make you a valuable person?
Perhaps the true mark of an enlightened civilization is the value of all of human life…equally. When this trait arrives, it will seem, without much fanfare, behind it will be all of the hard work that people like yourself out into it.
If you want to know the truth, I am ready to give up on all of the writing/work that I do.
And, of course, others will benefit, without even having the decency to say thank you.
The “burden” phrase that I used has long been the unspoken implication of society, and has gone further in gwb’s admin. And, Medicare D(isaster) is a perfect example of this–who has had the most difficulty w/it? Dual eligibles, the majority of which are people with disabities.
How am I treated like I am a burden? I am constantly being “reminded” of the fact that I contibute nothing economically to society, and, forced to live below the federal poverty level, in total fear of when, not if, but when I will be unalbe to get my rx’s, afford food, rent, a phone, a computer and internet access (which is a necessity today).
Do I generate ideas? Yes. Am I valued for them? No. At least, no one has directly shown me that I am.
We must all begin to see our alliances with each other, and create them where none seem to exist. The truth is, anyone who isn’t wealthy, and can’t contribute to party victories with their wealth, is seen as expendable.
We know that if one, or one issue is expendable, then we all are.
We know that if one, or one issue is expendable, then we all are.
Oh, I know that, believe me, I know. I often wonder if anyone besides me has contacted their congresscritter re: Medicare D(isaster), written an LTE, got involved in any organization dedicated to reforming health care, or just one of the above.
I know I have.
right now we’re involved here in just trying to preserve health care for the poor and indigent…it’s a complicated issue, with some deliberate sabatoge of the Charity Hospital here post-Katrina. We are now designated as having an acute shortage of health care providers, and Charity Hospital sits moldy and no work being done to restore her.
Now the issue of abortion comes up; and I know what is next: birth control info and availability.
That is the way with fanatics, and those who agree to play along for politics. They keep pushing the envelope. That is why it is so important to push back.
<I>That is the way with fanatics, and those who agree to play along for politics. They keep pushing the envelope. That is why it is so important to push back. </I>
I think pushing back also encompasses some strategic planning with a bit longer term than jujst the next immediate election! The Democratic party currently feels it wants a big tent and is willing to accept pro-life supposed democrats to try and win the next election (Casey in PA for example).
I personally think pro-choice represents 3 major freedom issues, namely reproductive feeedoms, religious tolerance freedoms, and privacy rights. I also believe this pro-choice issue is a giant passive aggressive bombshell waiting to explode. What I mean by this is that many women do not take what is happening nowadays to these freedoms seriously or are just not paying close attention. However, when these women note their second class citizen status after Roe and maybe Griswald are overturned, there will be an angry, massive response toward those responsible. A smart Dem party would make sure that this anger was undiluted toward the Repubs, like Santorum, so that a massive Dem victicy would result after these women wakeup and explode. With the pro-lifers like Casey and Reid running the show, these angry women will not be able to "gel" on one party and blamem one party because both parties will be too involved in the deed of making women second class citizens. Too bad for the future.
Now I do not know what happens then, but principles do count. I suppose either a new women’s rights party will need to form, or one of the damaged older parties will have to rebuild itself to appeal to women. Again, it is just too bad the Dem party leaders couldn’t see this coming so they could "cash in" maybe not this year, but sooner.
I don’t think we have time to wait until the next election cycle, and planning can happen in a very short time when people are determined to make a difference.
Our first “protest” post Katrina was picking up the phone and countering the media/HUD propaganda that all of public housing was ruined in New Orleans.
I don’t know how to put it more simply. Now is not the time to wait, on any issue, because our rights and the U.S. Treasury are being eroded every day, and every day without protest is a day we turn the future for our children and grandchildren over to these goons.
Just like Katrina had to happen to really wake many folks up out of their mindless stupor about government actions, I am afraid the passive agressive nature of this abortion issue nationwide will require the real and total loss of significant freedoms for women in the realm of privacy, reproductive, and religious freedom before you will see the kind of actions you wish for now! Too bad it has to be that way, but I am afraid it does.
Arguing about this issue on KOS and MyDD has convinced me that not enough people take these potential losses seriously even in the so called progressive wing of the Dem party yet. However, many, many women will most seriously explode and want somebodies head when the crap does hit the fan! Who will then cash in and how is the question.
I suppose I am more concerned with how you feel about this particular issue, and not what you think others feel about it.
I suspect many hesitate to get involved in this, and many issues, because they believe exactly as you do: that not enough people are concerned.
That may, or may not be true, but I for one will not allow that belief to keep me from acting on my beliefs regarding any one particular issue.
What really meaningful things can you do short of going to jail, and even that would not do much?
I feel strongly about these issues, but am suspicious that not enough women especially are taking seriously the significance of all this. You can try to wake this silent majority up now, but sometimes bad deeds are needed to do the real deed. It just seems that on these privacy, reproductive freedom and religious tolerance issues, the obvious is not that obvious to too many. I do not know why, maybe the media is to blame, but once these freedoms go, then the passive agressive prediction I am making will come to life bigtime!
You may be underestimating the power of protest, in all of its forms and persuasions.
One million women in Washington D.C. would be difficult to ignore, as are hundreds of thousands of supporters of immigrant rights marching throughout the country.
A movement can also involve a small group, on any particular day, visiting the office of a muckety muck.
It can be a letter to the editor. A response to a journalist.
The underlying focus of a movement is to keep the issue in the public eye, and in the media if possible. It is to move hearts and minds, and requires dedication.
Bottom line is that it is not happening! Why???
When these freedoms are gone, THEN IT WILL HAPPEN ALMOST EFFORTLESSLY, AND that is what I mean by a passive-aggressive issue.
Please do not think I am telling you not to try and try and try. I am not, and I respect anyone’s efforts in this area, really! All I am doing is trying to objectively explain what seems to me a paradox that millions of American women seem to be sitting idly by and even condoning becoming second class citizens! Now how do you explain that??
BTW, will someone tell me why my HTML tags do not work here??
Dem party leaders couldn’t see this coming so they could “cash in” maybe not this year, but sooner.
dems have lost a lot by not sticking up for issues that they have in the past. And it all goes back to “wait”. When one group accepts it, the dems assume that everyone is content to do so. That is how they got complacent and gutless, by concentrating on getting re-elected, as opposed to listening to their constituents.
Now, if any dem wants my vote, he/she has to earn it, not just make empty promises. I have had it w/being lied to.
I know that this is little help, but …
Ideas are like viruses, and somebody has to TRANSMIT them. Some ideas latch into new hosts less easily than others, and it takes repeated “exposure” to the idea before it takes hold. You are doing valuable work, and all of the percolation eventually seeps into the general conversation. I know that is little help, but I firmly believe it’s true. Only 3 or 4 generations ago, disabled people were almost completely invisible. Years and GENERATIONS of persistent activism and writing and TESTIFYING to the truth of people’s lives has slowly moved the issue forward.
I know I don’t comment in your diaries much, but I do read most of them, and I always learn something. I know so little about disability issues that I feel I have little to offer, but your work has informed me, and informed this community, as well as MLW. Maybe take a break, recharge, but what you’re doing isn’t wasted.
I agree we need a national call to action. I have a plan, a petition to circulate to members of Democratic committees that says essentially we won’t support a candidate for President in 2008 unless they support abortion rights, and the right to birth control, and an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution. I posted a while back about this but only got a few responses.
I have written the petition up and run it by some members of my committee. I have gotten positive responses and so I’m ready to run with it. I could use help though. There is so much I could do and I could take this so far, but I can’t do it by myself.