From The Hill, word comes that Kansas Senator Pat Roberts is at it yet again. Roberts chairs the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and his latest move is to try and split his committee’s two-years-and-counting inquiry into the Bush Administration’s “handling of Iraq-related intelligence into two parts, a move that would push off its most politically controversial elements to a later time.”

Let’s take a quick look at Pat (The Obstructor) Roberts.

A quick perusal of Roberts’ web site shows that he “is working for Kansas and the Nation.” Methinks the Republican National Committee (RNC) and The Committee to Save George Bush’s Ass (CSGBA) were the initial listings but somehow were supplanted. Plus, Katrina vanden Heuvel might find it surprising that Roberts is laying claim as a propagator of her magazine.
There is also a note and photo of Roberts welcoming the members of the Kansas Livestock Association. The KLA probably was re-supplying Roberts with a fresh load since he has been dispensing his ‘animal capital’ at a greater and greater rate of late.

In his biography, Roberts is described as having “built a reputation as a leader in national security and defense issues.” He must have already reached the mountaintop on those two issues since he’s now free-fall descending into a fissure labeled ‘kiss your credibiity goodby.’

The corker is that Roberts is a veteran of the Marine Corps. Ah yes, semper fidelis. Once a Marine, always a Marine, loyalty to the Corps, life-long dedication to fellow members.

Then why is Pat Roberts pissing on the graves of each and every soldier who has given his or her life in Iraq? Why is he adding shrapnel to the bodies of the wounded and disfigured military men and women?

Because his dedication to salvaging his political party supersedes that of those who have put their lives on the line for our country.

The truth regarding the whys and hows about invading Iraq, something that is owed to all American citizens but especially so to our soldiers, is politically inconvenient for Pat Roberts.

Where’s a loyalty oath when we truly need one?