You gotta like a judge with a sense of humor. Especially one that can work a Fibonacci sequence into his ruling.
What are you doing this weekend?
You gotta like a judge with a sense of humor. Especially one that can work a Fibonacci sequence into his ruling.
What are you doing this weekend?
being a successful couple. As silly as it sounds we spend a great deal of time not doing things together, so this weekend we are going to transfer data together, cook together, and do yardwork together. Sounds silly huh? We are both so independent though that if we aren’t careful we seem to just tend to all of our business singularly and then realize that we haven’t promoted any togetherness.
sounds like a good idea.
…years of marriage, my wife and I started having regular Friday night “dates” 10 months ago. I suppose if we were really into it, we’d pretend to be strangers and pick each other up in a bar or some such kinky stuff. But we find that dinner and a movie, or going to a museum, or shooting some rounds of pool does wonders for our relationship.
It’s so easy to forget you’re a couple instead of parents.
A date?? What’s that?
Oh, isn’t that when some loser gives you a bunch of lines (that you know are bullshit) just so he can laid? Why waste my time w/someone who has absolutely no respect for me and wants nothing more than a good time?
I’d rather read a good book (or write) than deal w/that crap.
Why bother?
We’re not all like that, SK. Just too many of us.
And that is all I ever meet, or else they are married. (And I don’t go to the bars either.)
Ever hear the single woman’s lament?
All the good guys are married or gay!
I’m not married or gay, but maybe I’m not such a good guy either…
that is how women think.
True story: Last date I had, the guy actually said that his children were upset when he dated, even though he said he had been divorced for years. His “children” were 16 and 18. I asked if the 18 year old was a registered voter.
Why do men automatically assume that a woman is stupid, especially one who is considered attractive? And, I got a good dinner out of it, even though I’d rather have been home reading a good book. You can guess how the evening went. (He didn’t get a damn thing!)
We’re not all like that, SK. Just too many of us.
And, the too many give the too few a bad name. I mean, think of it from the woman’s side who has dated nothing but bs’ers, and, if there is ever some man who may be a good guy, is she going to believe that he is, after all of the losers that she has dated in the past?
That goes back to the “Why bother?”
I understand. Maybe a better vetting system is needed before you go on a date in the first place?
The more chaff you can separate from the wheat the less chance of finding yourself out on a date with a bs’er.
I dunno. I wouldn’t have lunch with most men, let alone date them. So, I know it’s difficult to find someone worthwhile.
There is NO vetting system. Even blind dates that I have had (a few friends have fixed me up) have turned out the same way.
And what really gets me is how, when I have dated someone who was came across as a 1/2way decent guy, I have always gotten dumped for women with kids, sometimes by 2 and 3 different guys (who of course don’t pay child support). And the same thing has happenned to other women I know.
Maybe that is a MI thing (wish I could afford to move) , it very well could be…sure has happenned to a lot of women that I know. So, they, like me, have given up on dating because all that will happen because they don’t want the hurt that comes w/the lies.
And the thing is that these losers say all the right things, and seem so damn sincere too. Good actors, but when you get right down to it, they want a built-in-stepmother (not that I’d have a problem w/that), someone to take care of them (and the hell w/what a woman wants or needs–what ever happenned to mutual support?), someone they can boss around (as opposed to treat w/respect), or someone w/$$ (and me being on SSD/I). Swear to God!!!!
Goes back to “Why bother?”
Well I went to school in Michigan and there was nothing that struck as different about the men there other than they were generally more mellow than east coasters and more knowledgable about their cars.
Sorry your experiences have been bad. Someone is out there though, probably just as fed up with women as you are with men.
Don’t give up. As I said, we really not all so bad. And neither are you girls.
MI men mellow???? If that is the case, men on the East Coast must be total pricks!
yes. that is our reputation. however, that’s not always a bad thing. Despite the rules on this site.
Thanks for the warning. Will think more about the west coast then.
High school stage version of Jesus Chris Superstar and dinner with my wife tonight–rare night with a sitter at home. First night out with a “new couple”–I’ll see if I can avoid alienating them first time around.
just don’t try to explain the en passant rule to them.
It’s not my fault you don’t understand the finer points of chess.
oh, so you want to start a fight. I only wish I had had that damn kiddie demonstration that night so you could have STFU.
We both know that the thing we enjoy most about getting together is having a good “discussion”.
I can’t wait to get out the board when we get together this fall. Nothing like hammering you at chess while hammering a 12-pack–and finding something to “discuss” boisterously.
August is in the fall now? Maybe in Michigan…
Yeah, I guess I am coming in August, aren’t I? For some reason I was thinking September. And you know from experience that September in MI is fall.
Anyway, brush up on the chess moves, buddy. Coming your way.
And the Wolverines will be pummeling your stripey-headed boys again this year–only this time in Happy Valley.
I haven’t played a game of chess in a long time. I used to be able to beat the Yale computer about 25% of the time. Haven’t played a human in a very long time. You are going to be toast.
Yeah, yeah, just like old times. You starting out looking good and me coming through with end game. Looking forward to it.
Well, gotta hit it here soon. I figure if the discussion tonight doesn’t touch on politics, religion, money, marriage, child raising, or chess I ought to be alright.
It was worth going out with them once, anyway…
Have a great night, Martin, and the rest of the BT crew too.
You think en passant is bad? Try explaining the Infield Fly Rule to an eight-year-old. Or to some big leaguers, for that matter.
been the Tucson International Mariachi Conference. Tomorrow is a full day Fiesta de Garibaldi at a local park with nonstop music and food/drink/craft booths. Can’t wait! Neither can Bud:
love the picture.
Congratulations to Chris Bowers for sticking up for blue bloggers and not letting Flight 93 get away with only marketing on Red blog sites.
I’m not sure I’d accept an ad for the movie. Maybe I could send the money to a 9/11 survivor charity or something. But it is total bullshit that they tried to market only to Republicans.
…about this. What a friggin’ outrage.
(Of course, as we all know, Flight 93 actually landed in Cleveland and the passengers and crew are now living on the real Fantasy Island with the passengers and crew of Flight 77.)
right, definitely on Fantasy Island.
I’m really tired of having red state/GOP people try to appropriate a tragedy that befell a city they claim to hate.
The only silver lining of 9/11 was having all of America see what Tri-Staters are really like and having them embrace us rather than revile us. That lasted for a few months until Rove coopted the whole tragedy for his political ends.
Many, many boring errands. And hopefully there will be some time for the boran2 boy to do something fun.
Here are some great, not-so-frivolous words to ponder this weekend, courtesy of Mahatma Gandhi:
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
There are seven sins in the world:
Wealth without work
Pleasure without conscience
Knowledge without character
Commerce without morality
Science without humanity
Worship without sacrifice
Politics without principle.
I understand George Bush has adopted the second one as his own personal motto, except that he changed the word “sins” in the first sentence to “great virtues”.
Isn’t it grand that we have as the Leader of the Free World a man who seems to represent the pure, distilled essence of all those qualities that Gandhi perceived as the embodiment of evil?
Yep, our cute, fuzzy, little chicks have grown into gawky adolescent chickens and need their own space. They expanded out of their brooding bins a couple of weeks ago and were alotted half of a spare bathroom. Those fowls have fouled that space fully.
So after contruction of their new abode and the fun of seizing and transferring each of them, we will don haz-mat suits and commence a cleaning frenzy.
I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s annual cries of anguish and ‘WTF ARE THEY DOING’ spewed by Jets fans as their team makes yet another boneheaded pick in the first round of the NFL draft.
Look at it this way. I’m not sure if you’re a life-long MI resident, but if you are, I’m not surprised you’re a Jets fan. At least its the Jets. I had to give up on rooting for a professional “home” team, and I’ve never really totally adopted one (though I have always liked the Giants and the Chargers).
When it comes to football in MI, ya gotta stick with the colleges. Anything else leads to madness.
No, I’m definitely not a Jets fan. I just enjoy reveling in their draft ineptitude.
I don’t really have an NFL team that I pull for. Usually I’ll just look at a matchup and try to determine which team has more Wolverines on it and root for them.
I do have some affinity for the Packers though (I grew up in the U.P.), and now that I’m downstate the Lions are turning into lovable (though frustrating) losers.
This is the front page graphic on msnbc right now:
the article itself is pretty juicy too:
from last night’s anniversary celebration — Sharks game was awesome but don’t think I can take many more endings like that…sheesh. Watching Sunday’s game where hopefully they’ll knock out the Predators and get some rest before the second round.
Hey, here’s an idea for the American Bar Association next time the Republicans blast “trial lawyers” — an ad campaign showing a bunch of businessmen surrounded by their corporate lawyers in court, all talking, backslapping, whatever…then pan over to the other courtroom table with a husband and wife, and their wheelchair (or otherwise injured) child, looking utterly overwhelmed. Then the announcer says in voice-over: “There are those who put down ‘trial lawyers’…but would you really want to go into court without one?”
Just a thought…
Reading or writing. Straightening the place up. Taking a walk. And then there is the other stuff that I have been working on….
I get to host my daughter’s 12th b-day party. I will also take her to buy some manga and then we are off to see a rousing rendition of The Glass Menagerie. I’m looking forward to it all, but it will be a tiring weekend, I have no doubt. :>)
Happy Birthday from one of the crazy frogs she met last month! 🙂
I’m going to have to change my weekend plans. I was talking myself into finally tackling the spring yard clean-up. But they are forcasting rain all weekend – darn (just a touch of snark there).
But a friend and I are going to a house party on Sunday for Becky Lourey – who we hope will be the next governor of the great state of Minnesota. And if I can pry myself out of bed early next Wed., I’m going to a breakfast get-together with Kos and Jerome. Should be interesting.