Remember Vernon Robinson’s Twilight Zone commercial that almost everyone who watched it thought it was a parody?
Well, he’s back with an interesting mailing to local (NC) Republicans, like my husband. Disclaimer: I long ago educated him and he votes Democrat now.
But guess who Vernon says is in bed with Brad Miller? Our own Markos.
The multi-page mailing begins by describing Vernon as the new darling of the Republican party and displays pictures of him with Jesse Helms and graduating from the Air Force Academy. Also featured are glowing quotes from Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin praising Vernon Robinson as the great black hope for the Republican party.
Then follows a hilarious recap of Brad Miller’s (D) life as a hippie radical.
Brad Miller is a childless, middle-aged, trial lawyer whose ideological worldview was formulated when he joined the ranks of the hippie peaceniks and volunteered on Eugene McCarthy’s 1968 presidential campaign. 206,000 North Carolina boys served their country in uniform during Vietnam and 1,609 of those brave souls came back in flag-draped coffins. During the Vietnam conflict, Brad did not answer his country’s call to serve in the military, but sought sanctuary on a college campus.
When Brad left the country to attend the socialist schools of Europe, he was further indoctrinated against Judeo-Christian values, the necessity for a strong military, the wisdom of limited government, and the principles of free market competition. After taking a master’s degree in political science, Brad came back to the states as an overgrown flower child, went to law school in New York City, and finally returned to North Carolina to make his fortune by chasing ambulances. He’s been a radical, left-wing activist ever since.
Blah, blah, blah.
Then I flip it over and smiling at me is one Markos Moulitsas Zuniga who, according to quotes attributed to Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) “has become a magnet for the most hateful, vitriolic and extremist left-wing activists” (Way to go, Kossacks!)
Under the banner “Brad Miller’s San Francisco Soul Mate”
(hmm, what is he getting at?)
The adage that a man is known by the company he keeps is particularly true in the case of your Congressman. Brad Miller has gotten into bed with Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, a 35-year old musician who was raised in El Salvador before moving to San Francisco. <snip>
On December 8, 2005, Brad publicly stated that he wants Markos to “move to North Carolina nd run for the Senate in 2008”. Brad’s effort to recruit a militant homosexual rights advocate from San Francisco to move to North Carolina to run against Elizabeth Dole confirms that Brad doesn’t understand the difference between San Francisco values and North Carolina values. Senator Dole distributed a letter saying that she found the idea of a Congressman having even a “casual association” with Markos to be “extremely disturbing” and a close relationship to be “utterly reprehensible.”
Seeing as Vernon’s mailing goes into a great bit of detail about Markos but never mentions that he’s married and a father, I wonder (oh cynical me) if Vernon Robinson is trying to imply to North Carolinians that Markos is gay and that he and the “unmarried, childless” Miller are an item.
BTW – you can read Vernon Robinson at 919.341.1537 or 336.499.4370
You might not care that much but the comments over at dKos are kinda funny.
and the comments are wonderful. Also saw a link to and learned that Markos will be at a CTG book signing in Raleigh on May 12th at 7pm. Hmmm… Are you going?
I didn’t know that. I just might be, though I’ll have to think about shelling out 20 bucks for the book. Do you know what bookstore?
at 3522 Wade Ave in Raleigh. I don’t think you have to buy a book to get in, you know. You could just go and hang out. I live an hour and a half away, but I’d consider going myself just to meet you.
Heck, I’ll go. It’s about 10 minutes from my house!
oh, and this is just the beginning, and pushing centrist hacks like Markos does will not keep the attacks from coming.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer bully.
It’s really sick how obviously he’s pushing the idea that Markos and Brad Miller are involved romantically. Because it’s NC and being a homosexual musician is about as low as you can get.
This reminds me of a story a friend told me about her mother, who recently moved to NC. She went to get her drivers license and the person helping her asked if she wanted to register to vote. When she said yes, the person asked if she wanted to register as Rep. or Dem. She said Dem and the person put their hands together, looked up and mouthed the words, “Thank you Jesus.”
Yes, we’re a secret society down here! I have liberal/dem bumper stickers on my car and I can’t tell you how many times someone has given me the thumbs up in traffic, or yelled “thank God there’s another democrat here!”
C & L Linked to your dKos diary…gosh! We knew you when…:{)
Nice catch, SN. Spin is everything these days. But I suspect that most people won’t go to the trouble of reading the full text on the brochure.