A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows that “despite Iraq, Americans don’t reject strikes against a nuclear Iran. By 48%-42%, public says U.S. should join coalition to attack Iran’s nuclear capability if Tehran approaches development of a weapon.”

Are 48% of the American people smoking crack? Seriously.

Wake up and read this post, “Bush’s Five-Point Plan to Invade IRAN – Copyright 2003”
In the meantime, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, “We want nuclear technology for peace and progress of nations, and if some believe that they can prevent us with psychological warfare and resolutions, they are mistaken.”

But things look bleak as Iran yesterday “vowed…to defy any United Nations Security Council resolution on its nuclear activities on the eve of a major report by atomic inspectors on the status of its nuclear program.” Javad Zarif, the Iranian ambassador to the United Nations said, “Iran would consider illegitimate any Council resolution calling on Iran to stop uranium enrichment that invoked the so-called Chapter 7 clause, which could open the door to penalties and possibly to military action.”

48%? Are people really that afraid? Are there that many cowards crossing our daily paths?