still being up at this hour… Pepa has long since slithered away to hog my side of the bed, and I can hear snoring noises from in there… whether they’re human or K9, I’m not quite sure. hehe
so do I…Bu went downstairs a while back. I keep an old comforter on the guest bed and that’s her bed. She never goes upstairs in the house (second floor), as it’s a very open stair with open risers and full ht windows on 1 side and she’s never liked it.
As set as it’s going to be. I still like the idea or an open field, plenty or tables, and a 5 minute ceremony. Do you, yes, what about you, yes. Ok lets get the party started. Savs money and a lot more fun.
and then pop the champagne corks and party! I tell ya, the worst, longest and most boring weddings I’ve ever been to were Catholic ones… all that stand up, sit down, stand up, kneel, genuflect crap is for the … well, for the Catholics!
You know the glass the groom breaks in Jewish weddings? The “glass” of choice is a light bulb, because it breaks reliably (no danger of twisting an ankle) and makes such a satisfying pop when you step on it. Wrap it in a napkin (which they do anyway, to keep the glass shards out of the groom’s heel), and nobody’s the wiser.
but it makes perfect sense to me, if it does dampen the romantic aspect just a wee bit. I always thought it would be fun to hurl a champagne glass into a fireplace for some reason… must have seen that in some inane movie somewhere. LOL
Most wedding I dont’t mind, but the ones where the preachers think it a chance to give an hour long sermon, I don’t like. My nieces was short and to me that made it better. Of couse he reception and all the food made it a little nicer.
I knew you’d pick up on that, dada. Yes they are, and yes, they are legal to cultivate as an ornamental. Though the police in Pella last summer weren’t too amused to find some people with rows of about 30,000 growing on their farm. Their defense was that it was “medicine for their sheep.” Uh huh, yeah.
Hey, MM!!! Yes, indeed, these are from last June. They’re pretty much working on weed status in the garden now because we’re such slackers about keeping them from going to seed, so we have tons of seeds. If you had the space to plant them, I’d be happy to send you some, but if I recall correctly, you don’t have garden space?
BTW, I’ve really loved the pics you took at that garden today… I’d really like to go to that place … it looks fantastic!
You’d go nuts there, IVG! And I’m beginning to think they should hire me to take promotional photographs! Wouldn’t that be a dream of a job?
Actually I have oodles of garden space, and have tried many times to grow things over the years, without much success. I am an “indifferent” gardener, with indifferent meaning “unsucessful.” However, you should see the way my jade grows! Now that’s really my kinda plant. You just stick in the ground and dump some water on it now and then. Actually, I have a little garden right in front of my house where some French Lavender and Rosemary I planted has really gone quite wild. I also planted a pine tree and a tangerine tree that are both flourishing. And I have managed to keep a lawn going, more or less, despite my laziness and stinginess with water during the dry months when mother nature just isn’t helping out!
for you and your climate… though I am very envious that you can grow rosemary year round there. We basically have to treat it as an annual here, because no matter how hard we try to keep it alive during the winter indoors, it invariably dies. We also have some lovely jades that summer outdoors, but I’m sure they’re nothing like what you can do out there in LA. Have you tried tropical hibiscus? I bet you could be successful with those, though they might get a bit unwieldy if you don’t prune them enough, but they’re gorgeous! Again, something that has to be an annual here or houseplant. We do grow the perennial hardy hibiscus and they’re loads of fun and color, with flowers the size of dinner plates…
I think you are right about the succulents. I also planted something, I’m not sure what it is, but it looks like a kind of flowering ice plant, definately a succulent, and it has just about taken over one whole corner of the yard, including climbing all over the fence. It’s very low maintenance as well, a bit plus for “indifferent” gardeners like me. I’ll have to check out the tropical hibiscus. I also planted English Lavender, but the French Lavender just took over and basically drowned it out. You can just see why so many people don’t like the French. LOL!
Now now, don’t go beating up on the French… they have enough self-esteem problems as it is. Besides, I have a long-term deep affinity with them, even though it is a love-hate relationship. But if you’ve ever been to Provence and seen the lavender growing all over in fields, along with thyme, you’d forgive them anything in a heartbeat. 🙂
But seriously, I was only kidding about the French. I just love the French, their language, and their country, every inch of it! I’ve never seen the lavendar, but I’ve seen sunflower fields so beautiful that it just about makes your eyeballs pop.
Night, FM… enjoy the wedding today, and it was great to get to talk a bit more at length tonight. Make sure you give George a good snuggle and pat before you conk out. Pepa has returned to tell me I should get to bed soon too, I think.
Another episode from mythmother’s “Adventures in Descanso Gardens.” I want to go back and spend a whole day there soon. Costs $7.00 to get in, but well worth it!
I was staying awake to catch the rerun of Bill Maher and then got involved in writing something so now it’s just about over. I guess maybe I’ll try to catch the one o’clock or just wait until they show it again next week.
Bill was pretty good tonight … make sure you catch the house of burning flags gag at the beginning of the show. Barney Frank and Ian McKellen were great, and George Clooney even came on via satellite. The wingnut neocon Cheney buddy will make your blood boil and you’ll shout at the tv… so consider yourself warned!
Thanks for the warning, IVG, much appreciated. Last week there was a woman, I’ve mercifully blotted out her name, but she wore a red leather shirt and seemed to think she spoke for women in general, but I just about wanted to knock her upside of the head. Luckily, I fell asleep since I got bored pushing the MUTE button everytime she opened her mouth.
OMG, she was a real be-atch hag!!! I know what you mean … I wanted to jump in there and throttle that bitch for claiming to be speaking for women. I think she was really some Rethug ugly guy in drag, and not pulling it off well at all. oooh, my blood pressure just went up just thinking about her.
I just wish he’d get Arianna back on soon though … I bet she would have clawed that hag’s eyes out and then thrown her on the curb, kicked her and run over her with a steamroller just for good measure.
don’t you tell us how you really feel about her, IVG. lol
I missed last week’s show, but caught the re-run tonight. I thought Barney Frank was fantastic. Clooney also talked abit about strategy for Dems, how they need to stand up for the left values. It was good stuff.
You have just about everything I pictured happening to that woman on your list, I just don’t know what I would add! And I agree about AH, it’s about time Bill gets her back on.
I would love to see that woman go up against Stephen Colbert. So that’s one I’ll add to the list!
I’m still pondering what MM’s flowers are… such an intriguing close up of massive purple (oh, and I loooove purple) that I can’t get a handle on what it is exactly, other than be-autiful.
I agree about Irises. They are just exquisite flowers (and come in just about every color of the rainbow in Descanso gardens). And yes, I was getting pretty nosy with the poor little thing!
As it turns out, April is the best month, when most of the flowers are in bloom. I haven’t gone there myself in years, but am hungry for beautiful things to photograph after leaving Monterey!
Thanks, Manny….. I do miss that oceanside. Shadow is right here beside me, giving herself a bath. We are definitely back on the tracks! did you ever find your way out from under that pile of papers?
I managed to escape the paperwork for the day, but I’m gonna go into the office for a few hours tomorrow to clean my area (a.k.a. file a bunch of crap that has piled up) I work in an accounting office with a staff of four and today was one’s last day. I will be getting her duties until we hire a replacement so I want to make sure my stuff is in order.
Yeah, Manny and I are doing duty of the damned, I think. I had to bring yet another report home this weekend that I have to finish today. <sigh> But it’s going to be 100% rain all weekend here, so I can’t get out anyway, though if there are breaks in the rain, I do plan on running out to pop seeds in the ground to take advantage of the moisture to get them a good head start. And after work is done, then I can tackle all the cleaning that has gotten neglected around here lately.
Well in about a week, when I haven’t gotten a job offer yet, I’ll be jealous and wish to hell I had a job so I could go into work on Saturday. (But don’t tell FM I said that! I’m hoping he will advance me to intermediate slacker/napper level soon!)
I too must call it a night, or early morning, or whatever. Pepa has been reminding me to come to bed, and since I have work to do today, I do need all the beauty rest I can manage. (Not that I could ever get enough, hopeless case that I am! lol)
Maybe I’ll catch some of you over coffee when I get up, otherwise, hoping everyone has a restful weekend.
G’night MM, Manny, and anyone else lurking around I’ve missed!
It is now Saturday Morning and I am saying Good Morning to everyone!!!!!! I have to go to work for 1.25 hours this am. LOL I am making up the time I missed to go to the chiro earlier this week. Hope everyone had a great nights sleep and sweet dreams.
New comers and Lurkers come on in. Drinks are free and just jump in and let us know about you.
Looks like me and George are alone in the cafe again.
I’m trying to finish the wash-from-hell (my laundry). I really need to be better about doing it on a regular basis.
it’s sloooooow loading here tonight for some reason.
You and George are up awfully early, or late, as the case may be. Every thing set for the wedding?
still being up at this hour… Pepa has long since slithered away to hog my side of the bed, and I can hear snoring noises from in there… whether they’re human or K9, I’m not quite sure. hehe
so do I…Bu went downstairs a while back. I keep an old comforter on the guest bed and that’s her bed. She never goes upstairs in the house (second floor), as it’s a very open stair with open risers and full ht windows on 1 side and she’s never liked it.
As set as it’s going to be. I still like the idea or an open field, plenty or tables, and a 5 minute ceremony. Do you, yes, what about you, yes. Ok lets get the party started. Savs money and a lot more fun.
and then pop the champagne corks and party! I tell ya, the worst, longest and most boring weddings I’ve ever been to were Catholic ones… all that stand up, sit down, stand up, kneel, genuflect crap is for the … well, for the Catholics!
You know the glass the groom breaks in Jewish weddings? The “glass” of choice is a light bulb, because it breaks reliably (no danger of twisting an ankle) and makes such a satisfying pop when you step on it. Wrap it in a napkin (which they do anyway, to keep the glass shards out of the groom’s heel), and nobody’s the wiser.
but it makes perfect sense to me, if it does dampen the romantic aspect just a wee bit. I always thought it would be fun to hurl a champagne glass into a fireplace for some reason… must have seen that in some inane movie somewhere. LOL
Most wedding I dont’t mind, but the ones where the preachers think it a chance to give an hour long sermon, I don’t like. My nieces was short and to me that made it better. Of couse he reception and all the food made it a little nicer.
And, I suspect that cheesecake in some form was involved too?
which is very unlikely, that it’d be a JP, or one of those cheesy wedding chapels in vegas…:{)
In honor of the International Southern Slackers Society, I hereby christen this late night lounge with some sunny color…

If that doesn’t get me awake, I don’t know what will. Thanks IVG.
Anytime, FM! Just holler! Oh, and before dada asks, the pink ones are papaver somniferum, hehe.
and was just gonna let it pass.
I knew you’d pick up on that, dada. Yes they are, and yes, they are legal to cultivate as an ornamental. Though the police in Pella last summer weren’t too amused to find some people with rows of about 30,000 growing on their farm. Their defense was that it was “medicine for their sheep.” Uh huh, yeah.
Indeed! But I’m sure they really were just growing them so they could bake tons of poppy seed muffins to sell by the roadside. 🙂
Lovely, IVG! Did you grow these your very own self?
Hey, MM!!! Yes, indeed, these are from last June. They’re pretty much working on weed status in the garden now because we’re such slackers about keeping them from going to seed, so we have tons of seeds. If you had the space to plant them, I’d be happy to send you some, but if I recall correctly, you don’t have garden space?
BTW, I’ve really loved the pics you took at that garden today… I’d really like to go to that place … it looks fantastic!
You’d go nuts there, IVG! And I’m beginning to think they should hire me to take promotional photographs! Wouldn’t that be a dream of a job?
Actually I have oodles of garden space, and have tried many times to grow things over the years, without much success. I am an “indifferent” gardener, with indifferent meaning “unsucessful.” However, you should see the way my jade grows! Now that’s really my kinda plant. You just stick in the ground and dump some water on it now and then. Actually, I have a little garden right in front of my house where some French Lavender and Rosemary I planted has really gone quite wild. I also planted a pine tree and a tangerine tree that are both flourishing. And I have managed to keep a lawn going, more or less, despite my laziness and stinginess with water during the dry months when mother nature just isn’t helping out!
for you and your climate… though I am very envious that you can grow rosemary year round there. We basically have to treat it as an annual here, because no matter how hard we try to keep it alive during the winter indoors, it invariably dies. We also have some lovely jades that summer outdoors, but I’m sure they’re nothing like what you can do out there in LA. Have you tried tropical hibiscus? I bet you could be successful with those, though they might get a bit unwieldy if you don’t prune them enough, but they’re gorgeous! Again, something that has to be an annual here or houseplant. We do grow the perennial hardy hibiscus and they’re loads of fun and color, with flowers the size of dinner plates…
I think you are right about the succulents. I also planted something, I’m not sure what it is, but it looks like a kind of flowering ice plant, definately a succulent, and it has just about taken over one whole corner of the yard, including climbing all over the fence. It’s very low maintenance as well, a bit plus for “indifferent” gardeners like me. I’ll have to check out the tropical hibiscus. I also planted English Lavender, but the French Lavender just took over and basically drowned it out. You can just see why so many people don’t like the French. LOL!
Now now, don’t go beating up on the French… they have enough self-esteem problems as it is. Besides, I have a long-term deep affinity with them, even though it is a love-hate relationship. But if you’ve ever been to Provence and seen the lavender growing all over in fields, along with thyme, you’d forgive them anything in a heartbeat. 🙂
But seriously, I was only kidding about the French. I just love the French, their language, and their country, every inch of it! I’ve never seen the lavendar, but I’ve seen sunflower fields so beautiful that it just about makes your eyeballs pop.
Well I’m going to leave you light nighters alone, I think I can get back to sleep.
Night all.
Night, FM… enjoy the wedding today, and it was great to get to talk a bit more at length tonight. Make sure you give George a good snuggle and pat before you conk out. Pepa has returned to tell me I should get to bed soon too, I think.
Another episode from mythmother’s “Adventures in Descanso Gardens.” I want to go back and spend a whole day there soon. Costs $7.00 to get in, but well worth it!
Is Descansco Gardens the big one in Pasadena? If so I think I’ve been there, very nice grounds as I recall.
Yup, that’s the one. Glad I’m not the only one burning the midnight oil. Sometimes it can get lonely around this place!
and Omir sometimes stops by pretty late…another left coaster.
I was staying awake to catch the rerun of Bill Maher and then got involved in writing something so now it’s just about over. I guess maybe I’ll try to catch the one o’clock or just wait until they show it again next week.
Bill was pretty good tonight … make sure you catch the house of burning flags gag at the beginning of the show. Barney Frank and Ian McKellen were great, and George Clooney even came on via satellite. The wingnut neocon Cheney buddy will make your blood boil and you’ll shout at the tv… so consider yourself warned!
Thanks for the warning, IVG, much appreciated. Last week there was a woman, I’ve mercifully blotted out her name, but she wore a red leather shirt and seemed to think she spoke for women in general, but I just about wanted to knock her upside of the head. Luckily, I fell asleep since I got bored pushing the MUTE button everytime she opened her mouth.
OMG, she was a real be-atch hag!!! I know what you mean … I wanted to jump in there and throttle that bitch for claiming to be speaking for women. I think she was really some Rethug ugly guy in drag, and not pulling it off well at all. oooh, my blood pressure just went up just thinking about her.
I just wish he’d get Arianna back on soon though … I bet she would have clawed that hag’s eyes out and then thrown her on the curb, kicked her and run over her with a steamroller just for good measure.
don’t you tell us how you really feel about her, IVG. lol
I missed last week’s show, but caught the re-run tonight. I thought Barney Frank was fantastic. Clooney also talked abit about strategy for Dems, how they need to stand up for the left values. It was good stuff.
You have just about everything I pictured happening to that woman on your list, I just don’t know what I would add! And I agree about AH, it’s about time Bill gets her back on.
I would love to see that woman go up against Stephen Colbert. So that’s one I’ll add to the list!
I’m still pondering what MM’s flowers are… such an intriguing close up of massive purple (oh, and I loooove purple) that I can’t get a handle on what it is exactly, other than be-autiful.
That would be an Iris, I believe!
Wow, if that’s an iris, you must have had your nose and camera right up in there! No wonder I loved the shade of purple so much… I love irises!
I agree about Irises. They are just exquisite flowers (and come in just about every color of the rainbow in Descanso gardens). And yes, I was getting pretty nosy with the poor little thing!
until you started posting pics, mm. I’m definitely going to check it out next time I’m in that area.
As it turns out, April is the best month, when most of the flowers are in bloom. I haven’t gone there myself in years, but am hungry for beautiful things to photograph after leaving Monterey!
your oceanside pictures were breathtaking. So how’s Shadow doing? Have you two re-bonded? (apologies if you’ve already been asked this 10000 times)
Thanks, Manny….. I do miss that oceanside. Shadow is right here beside me, giving herself a bath. We are definitely back on the tracks! did you ever find your way out from under that pile of papers?
Shadow has resumed catly duties 🙂
I managed to escape the paperwork for the day, but I’m gonna go into the office for a few hours tomorrow to clean my area (a.k.a. file a bunch of crap that has piled up) I work in an accounting office with a staff of four and today was one’s last day. I will be getting her duties until we hire a replacement so I want to make sure my stuff is in order.
O God… going to work on a Saturday! I’m glad Family Man has gone to bed and doesn’t have to hear about this!
I really need to revamp my lifestyle so I can gain membership in the Sage’s growing fan club.
Yeah, Manny and I are doing duty of the damned, I think. I had to bring yet another report home this weekend that I have to finish today. <sigh> But it’s going to be 100% rain all weekend here, so I can’t get out anyway, though if there are breaks in the rain, I do plan on running out to pop seeds in the ground to take advantage of the moisture to get them a good head start. And after work is done, then I can tackle all the cleaning that has gotten neglected around here lately.
Happy, happy, joy, JOY!
Well in about a week, when I haven’t gotten a job offer yet, I’ll be jealous and wish to hell I had a job so I could go into work on Saturday. (But don’t tell FM I said that! I’m hoping he will advance me to intermediate slacker/napper level soon!)
busy wkend cleaning up the yard, work that didn’t get started today due to rain…later.
Night all
Be well
have a good one.
take it easy, dada, and somniferum uber alles! Catch you on the flip side of whatever side that may be.
Ciao for now, and give Bu some lovin for me.
I too must call it a night, or early morning, or whatever. Pepa has been reminding me to come to bed, and since I have work to do today, I do need all the beauty rest I can manage. (Not that I could ever get enough, hopeless case that I am! lol)
Maybe I’ll catch some of you over coffee when I get up, otherwise, hoping everyone has a restful weekend.
G’night MM, Manny, and anyone else lurking around I’ve missed!
Yup, I’m off to bed, too! G’night all and see you tomorrow!
is anybody awake? Is this friday or Saturday?
It is now Saturday Morning and I am saying Good Morning to everyone!!!!!! I have to go to work for 1.25 hours this am. LOL I am making up the time I missed to go to the chiro earlier this week. Hope everyone had a great nights sleep and sweet dreams.