Froggy Bottom All Night Spa Services

Everybody introduce yourselves. Don’t be shy.
Please don’t steal the lotion.
Please don’t steal the lotion.
Extra towels available; Just ask Olivia.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Those 4’s are Appreciated
It’s been a long hard Saturday for everyone. Froggybottom thought you’d enjoy some special services.
to the new lounge, and we all know I always do what mary says, so;
How’ve you been? Did you get your scones?
6 currant scones, two 16 oz coffees, just regular, no mochas today, and lots of conversation with two senior citizens from my hometown who live here not, but who happened to be in the coffee shop adjoining the bread store, then on to a couple of grocery stores, needed the 32oz of coffee to perform the latter.
live here not= live here now
or did you have rain all day too?
and then high winds. So we’ll try for tomorrow. It was pretty miserable out today. And I found out tonight that some sections of the city don’t have power — lots of trees down from the winds.
I can’t remember a time when there was such a ruckus in that region of the US.
Hey, BTW, the husband side of the owners of BreadSmith here in town, mentioned he was from your town, as I’d asked him if they were taking any vacations, and he said maybe his hometown, still has relatives there, and so I said, yeah there’s an art fair going on there today, and his eye brows go up, like how do I know that, and I say hey, I know all about that town from someone on my blog… ain’t that a good one.
It just rained off and on and was very very windy.
Wonder if I knew him? The odds are NOT good. But I’m glad I gave you inside information.
will have this place to yourselves. I’m going to sleep and everybody else must be watching hockey while having orgies.
Good night.
Jim’s probably still up. And LURKING.
Is it some kind of lichen?
but I’ve never studied them. I’ve never known anyone in this state that had an interest in them.
Heya NDD! Good to see you still taking pics and hanging out… Sure looks like lichen to me… what’s it growing on? Tree bark or some rock?
pickup box topper, white fiberglass the desktop under the lichens.
The spa has prompted me to de-lurk. Can I get a neck rub?
We are a full virtual service spa. Froggybottom #1 will be taking care of you today madam. All of our attendents are named Froggybottom — it’s just easier that way.
Bless you, maryb, and your anonymous froggybottom minions, er, I mean helpers.
Have you had a nice day?
Yes, I got a lot of house stuff accomplished since it rained all day. No temptation to play hookey. How about you? What did you do today?
Oh, I had a pretty lazy day. It was really sunny this morning and I did some puttering in the yard, but then it suddenly started raining and it’s been like winter again the rest of the day.
Same here — it got really cold. I was going to work in my yard today but since it was rainy that will have to wait.
clik image for more…
Froggybottom #4 is standing by …
You got a lower number than Homer…

Hey there dada, MaryB…
Glad to see some life still going at this hour! I noticed you were having stormy weather today Mary. Just very rainy here and no wind (yet) but there was a lot of red down your way. At least it’s good for the garden, even if I couldn’t get anything done out there today due to rain and grrr… work.
hey dada, who did that painting? It really reminds me of Remedios Varo, but I somehow suspect it’s not one of hers, unless it’s one I’ve never seen.
if I had to guess, I’d say Dali…but only because of the “surrealist” nature of the original series…?
Doesn’t look like any Dalí I’ve ever seen, and I’m a big fan of his. But the busts in the background might lead one to think so… the big tricycle in the foreground is very Remedios Varo though…. If there were old guys floating around with long beards, I’d know it was her for sure. She was a fascinating artist… friends with Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo, Max Ernst and Dorothea Tanner… but unfortunately she never achieved their level of fame. Poor thing. She was brilliant.
just did a quick refresher…art history classes were a long time ago. My recollection of her work would not lead me to think it is one of hers…her paintings are much more “contained and restricted” in framing/placement of the subject in some definable context, unlike much of Dali’s, which tend to “float” in more ethereal backgrounds…just my time worn 2¢.
That makes sense to me too… talk about confinement, that woman painted it in spades… many images of constrained women in castles, cages, bound by hair, and all sorts of other symbolism of being restrained by society and particularly psychiatrists (mostly represented by the bearded guys on bikes or floating above the ground). She did do a bunch of fantastical vehicles as well. I’ll have to dig out my book on her and peruse it again just to make sure.
Who are you?
The new Number Two.
Who is Number One?
You are Number Six.
I am not a number! I am a free man!
maaahahahahahahahaaaaaaa . . .
I sure wouldn’t want to be “Number two,” so to speak! lol…
Hey Omir, can’t thank you enough for steering me to Firefox! I’m LOVING it! Would it be rude of me to ask where you have RoboRater stored now (yeah, I know you’ve posted the link a million times)?
How I went this long w/out moving over to mozilla stuff, I don’t know. Stupidity I guess. Or pure sloth.
You’re very welcome. Here’s the link:
Ah, Omir. I knew you’d appreciate that. Great show,!
We still have a set of videotapes of all 17 episodes around here someplace.
Hey NDD! What the hell Rube Goldberg contraption is that? Some kind of twisted Scandanavian cookie maker?
don’t be givin’ OMIR any clues! We’ll see what the “wiseman” of this latenight bunch come up with. ‘Course dada could almost be of that vintage… ha!
At least ya got the wise part right…am I right?
How ya doin’ ND?
well, yeah, I’ll admit you’re right on the “Golden Days” but that’s pretty general, ya got any more specifics???
Jezeus man…it’s past midnight on sat, and I’m trying valiantly to polish off a sixer of Avery Redpoint…and that’s as specific as I can get…it’s an olde, timee. radio receiver a some kind.
Omir’ll know, he knows everything…:{)
never heard of it, that something like Panama Red Point
don’t I wish. It’s a Lt. Amber Ale from a local Micro-Brewery…very tasty.
Now, dada, that remark really dates you, hehe. And me too, I suppose, since I still remember that song from my adolescent daze. 🙂
do they sell outside of CO?
Here’s Avery’s Local Availability Search…go gettem!
here and raise hell, ’cause I don’t see ND listed.
Ok, dada, I can see the oldee tymee radio thingee now… but what the hell are those things in the center? Is that how they used to bake the wafers for communion?
ha ha TTLWOMM, with some difficulty.
TTLWOMM = trying to laugh without opening my mouth
so as not to wake MsNDD.
Ok, so it was a very early prototype for the Easy Bake oven (smoke some Panama Red, turn it on and bake away). If those are some arcane ancestor of printed circuits, I’ll eat my hat. (Easy to say since I don’t own one, hehe.)
It’s NDD’s picture…whatta I look like, the answer man…jeeze, it’s hard work bein’ the adult around this crowd…:{)
hard work bein’ an adult in any crowd?
Adulthood is a state of mind I hope never to achieve. Which makes me wonder where the hell my Tom Waits album is that has that song I don’t wanna grow up is…
Yeah, it probably is time for some Tom Waits… hehe.
his leather chair waits at the bank…
I think I finally got that one, NDD… from one of the few Zappa albums I’ve never heard? Sure isn’t Tom Waits, as far as I know… But on that note, I now have Rain Dogs on … seems only appropriate with all the rain comin down here.
Damn, damn, damn…I can hear that song but can’t pull the name of the band out…I want to say Jefferson Airplane but I’m not certain…ND, a little help from my friends here…
IVG FYI, since Omir appears to be catatonic, here’s a link to RoboRater™ It is very sweet.
YES… I think you’re right, dada… J Airplane… but was it Volunteers or After Bathing at Baxter’s? One of those surreal early ones, well, the only good ones. hehe… Thanks for the link to the RoboRater!
You’re buckin for sainthood, dada… !
been too long in the wasteland my friend…and I’ll wager I got a few on you…neener, neener.
Avery Red Point on that?
and then let me know, then I’ll go back and delete it.
Got to keep the young ladies guessing ya know!
suppose I’ve got to drive to Boulder, eh?
to some of ARPA. Hmmm? How much? And where to? NSA is listening… ha ha.
I’d rather help you drink it…who knows, might happen.
As Lawrence used to say, “wunnerful, wunnerful, wunnerful”
I’ve been known to pass through Boulder from time to time and it’s been way too long since the last.
And who knows maybe the D’s will have their convention in Denver.
Holy chihuahua! I was waaay off base there on both of youse guys… Now I really do feel like a youngster, hehe. I’d never have guessed, and that’s a good thing, since age is so damn relative anyway. Not that makes any kind of difference, IMHO.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled late night banter…
I’ll buy the beer for both of you 🙂
it’s the milage…our secret…K?
DONE DEAL, my friend. They’ll never hear it from me, nor from NDD, I suspect. 🙂
I missed it — my internet just conked out it was gone by the time I got back … Oh well, missing out again it seems…
Don’t worry, Olivia … we menfolk have to have our little secrets too… I know you’ll understand. 🙂
::sniff:: ::sniff:: before, ha!
might be the one and only time the electric gremlins were working on my side of the equation.
Seeing as how you’ve got the men’s league going tonight…
outnumbered in this neck of the woods.
If’n I was to tell you some RL stories of elect gremlins involvement in my life they’d be a coming with the white jacket, ala ONE
Here I thought I’d score some major cafe intel! What luck … not … 🙂
if you keep the Venus Fly Trap “closed”.
ROFLMAO… cubed! Now, who needs ice?
Uh huh, ya got the wise part right … should I add “enheimer” or some other suffix?
Hey, I was ready to run with the cookie explanation.
It sure looks like a radio, albeit an old one. I don’t know what that big thing on the left is, but the assembly that looks like a stack of waffles is probably a combination switch/coil used to tune the receiver. The odd thing about this set is that it apparently only has one tube, which means it may be some kind of amateur set. Most receivers back in the day had separate tubes that acted as detector, voltage regulator, IF amplifier, AF amplifier, and so on. A set with only one tube seems like it would be just a souped-up version of a crystal set, where the tube acts as a detector (the only thing absolutely essential for a receiver to have).
That’s if it’s a receiver. If it’s a transmitter, only having one tube is perfectly logical. In that case, though, I’m not sure what function the switch/coil would have served, because the switch/coil would be part of a tuned circuit that handles setting the frequency, and back in the day that sort of thing was usually handled by quartz crystals because variable oscillators had too much “drift” to them.
Am I close?
for more see here
I’d almost given up on ya. I’ll type up a little story on that quick as I can.
if dada IVG olvia and FM still there I’ll tell story of radio there.
from the Golden Days of Wireless, eh.
I’ll tell ya more if OMIR comes back to life!
Had a good soup/salad dinner — this is the last weekend for the Pineapple Festival at Sweet Tomatoes, so I treated myself to a piece of pineapple upside down cake for dessert. They also had a curried pineapple pasta, but it sounded a bit too weird for me so I passed. Then I actually put in about 10 minutes on the exercise bike when we got home, so I’m feeling virtuous. 🙂 (Experts say you shouldn’t work out within 2 hours of going to bed, but I think I’ll be okay to sleep — didn’t raise that many endorphins.)
Oh, while doing some preliminary research on mental health, found this article on a conference in the San Diego area on veterans’ mental health — as you can guess, government care is bad and likely getting worse…
Hey there Cali! Glad you had a nice dinner… I had leftover red beans and rice from Popeye’s lol. Just wanted to thank you again for prodding me into using Firefox. I love it! As soon as I figure out all the bells and whistles I’ll be in browser nirvana. But so far, it’s been a seamless transition and I like the improved load speed on pages! (I’m on dial up and appreciate such improvements.) Now I just need to go back and find Omir’s link to the RoboRater and get that going too. Joy!
to this important health message…

a very clean spa. Froggybottom #6 is standing by for you …
That’s great to know! Do we have a special on mud packs tonight, given the current weather?
Oh all services are free until Midnight. I negotiated it with the boss. Don’t ever say I’m not thinking of the best welfare of all the froggies.
Ok, I’ve got 5 minutes… how about a clay facial, some cucumber slices, a total body chocolate pack and a six pack of beer?
Goodnight, my froggy friends. Sleep tight and don’t let the tadpoles bite!
Bonne nuit, cher B2. I need to check out the progress of your painting diary later… eager to see how things are progressing! Take care and sleep well!
Here’s some orange for you folks… whoever identifies the plant correctly wins free seeds! That is, if I can find them, lol.

I’ve got some special pink reserved for later… but alas no Dragon Arum pics today, due to constant rain. <sigh>
I saw your mallow earlier — here’s one for you from my garden last summer:
White mallow, taken 2005-10-02 — click for large view
Wow, the center of that one is really intriguing. Gorgeous close up as always… what kind of mallow is this? Other than my “Deep River” hibiscus, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a pure white one… is it a hollyhock type or a smaller mallow? Whatever it is, I’d like to find some of those!
Ok, here’s the promised pink… not the best shot, but the first one I found that was halfway decent.

Hibiscus moscheutos v. “Kopper King,” which unfortunately is a hybrid, so no seeds from this one. It has really striking foliage that looks like a red maple, and people often mistake it for one until it blooms. 🙂
Very vibrant — those lines! Sounds like you’re drawn to ‘odd’ plants! 🙂
The white mallow/lavatera is small — flower about size of golf ball. Plant grows a couple feet I think… My brain’s not working well tonight — tired. 🙂
I’ll try to find some better shots of that… it really is more pink than this leads one to believe, and this one looks crinkled because of the bud right beneath the flower. As to odd plants, oh yes… that would be us, we love the bizarre… such as the following, which you may have seen previously?

Eryngium maritimum aka “Sea Holly.”
always fun to come to the late night FBC just to see what you and olivia been up to on the macro photo scene.
Thx, NDD… always a great pleasure to see what oddities you have found in your wanderings as well! I’m likin your lichens lately. 🙂
Gloxina, taken 2006-04-30, click for large
ya get any more macro than that we’ll be calling it a microscope!!
Either you’ve been taking underwater shots of creepy sea creatures, or you’ve discovered the long-fabled Cthulu Flower of the Old Ones!
Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a gloxinia look that sinister… almost like something out of Alien. You must have had your lense halfway down that flower!
Know what you mean about tired brain… mine’s at its wits end too… what with 4 hrs of work and all the rain today.
To touch those things — see what they feel like etc., and I was scared that it might be bitten off … 😉
camera “trigger” finger.
I used my left hand, so no prob.
Ok, I give up… what was that? I still am voting for Fabled Cthulu Flower.
LOL … or maybe I am … 😛
It’s gloxina! Didn’t you comment above that you’d never seen one that evil looking …
Wow, I thought it was a different flower! I’m not drunk yet, but working on it! Anyone who knows me, knows I always put the Tom Waits on late when I’m working on getting drunk, LOL.
WOW is RoboRater coooooool! Thx for pointing me in the right direction, dada… And Omir, when you wake up, my thanks again for Firefox reco and the RR!
and had to back track this thread to see what I was missing…petal pOrn…:{)
I didn’t want to cause any macro-interruptus :{)
sure …
I saw you’d stuck your finger in it and were handing out warm towels…and well…it just seemed out of hand to interject myself into a private affair…I’ll join in sooner next time, hate to be left out…:{)
hey, go check my bio quick so nobody else see it, I’m really thirsty…
dada, have you missed the petal porn Olivia has been reading lately… you know, THE BOOK? It’s a real sepal ripper, from what I’ve heard…
that sounds quite sadistic 🙂
Ok, so it was the perspective that had me perplexed (that often happens), but I still think those look like communion wafers!
He won’t see it in ‘my’ thread … huh.
Don’t think I’ve seen it before. It’s neat-o!
And it’s hardy in your zone too, Olivia… I know it looks all spiny and prickly, but you’d be amazed… it’s actually very soft to the touch and not at all thistly, like most people think. We’ve had people tell us it’s a thistle and to get rid of it… LOL.
any more D70 revelations… I lik’m hot off the griddle so to speak…
good night everyone.
G’night, Mary! Hope your weather improves tomorrow, but I doubt it, unless you’re getting the clearing we are not getting… 100% chance of rain here again on Sunday. Oh well, take care my friend.
If you see this tomorrow, the Mariners won today. They were down 4-0, went ahead 7-4 on the basis of a six-run sixth inning, and went on to win 8-6.
I haven’t caught up with the day’s hockey news yet.
Don’t have scores at hand but:
NJ beat NJR (NJ wins series 4-0)
OTT beat TB (OTT wins series 4-1; Olivia is probably partying)
EDM beat DET (EDM leads series 3-2)
CAL beat ANA (CAL leads series 3-2)
Tomorrow, if all goes well, SJ will eliminate NAS, and COL will finish off DAL — not sure of the status of the Eastern Conference games…
With google ya don’t hardly need no memory no more; you guessed correctamundo;guessed correctamundo
Whew, that could have kept me up all night! NOT, lol! But thanks for the confirmation, NDD. I knew you weren’t that sadistic… hehe
Well I’ve got some grits and red eye gravey.
Did you just get home?! How was it?!
Just noticed that Family Man is lurking… maybe we could convince him to fry up some bacon, make some coffee and flip some pancakes… or maybe some of those communion wafers baked in an ancient radio!
Hi IVG. What do ya’ll think about a 24/7 opening. A little more room maybe.
Sounds great to me! As dada said, the margins are cooked, and they don’t make a very filling breakfast!
it seems we’ve cooked the margins, at least on this lil old laptop.
NDD, with all those wild turkeys ya probably got pheasants too…ever hunt?
I’m a long time ‘wing shooter’ and never hunted in ND. I’ll bring the Citori and a case of Avery and we’ll have us a pheasant dinner maybe.
and lately been thinking about gitt’n a hunting dog too.
You got one of them for ph hunting?
I’ve got an old friend originally from the Mott area of ND, he doesn’t hunt but I’m sure he could connect me, if need be. That’s one of the hot spots for ph in ND. Hard to say if we can avoid the pay to hunt plan out there, but then I’ve got other options too.
FM got breakfast ready yet?
We have an have whatever ya want. Of course with me here at the moment, grits are our speciality.
New Café here