Welcome Cocktails for Newcomers
at the Froggy Bottom Café
at the Froggy Bottom Café

Everybody introduce yourselves. Don’t be shy.
Your host today is Maryb.
Your host today is Maryb.
Extra cocktail umbrellas available at the bar.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Those 4’s are Appreciated
It’s happy hour (at least it is somewhere).
when I make a grand announcement then the Cafe closes on me…a girl could get a complex… lol
Now I’m going back to work…
to link to the actual blog, just wait till a new cafe opens to do it. 😉
And congrats on your decision.
I might feel guilty about this EXCEPT you posted in the closed cafe more than 10 minutes after I closed it. So, it’s not YOU in the sense that we saw you coming and closed it.
Great idea for a blog.
then closed after I posted…oh well…
Hey, it’s all to the good. People who cruise through old cafes will see the announcement and people who come to this one will see the link to the announcement.
Sounds like a wonderful and much needed resource.
See the breaking news story in my diary ::
New Orleans Choir Voices of Peter Claver Win Rose d’Or
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Something for the Beachfront Lounge! I don’t know if I have posted this one before.
I’ve had a busy day (for a slacker-in-training, sorry FM!) getting stuff together for my husband’s birthday when he gets home from work. This included buying a swanky hutch for his beloved bunnies and cleaning the refrigerator, among the usual birthday celebration preparations. Time to kick back and start on my daily ration of chardonnay!
I was just thinking the cafe could use one of your shots.
Ah true love — cleaning the refrigerator. I’m planning on doing this too — for Jim’s 75th birthday.
Well in that case I can assume that Jim isn’t an immigrant from Slobovia who makes blender drinks and then puts the blender back in the fridge after it’s empty rather than washing it. Not that I’m complaining or anything!
We both regularly grow new life forms in our fridge in a joint scientific effort.
Don’t you hate it when you find stuff in the back that you can no longer identify?
Just makes me grateful for whatever process mandates date stamps on groceries. It really reduces my stress level with regard to what to relegate to the trash. I NOW have ultimate authority in the world of clutter-mongers. If in doubt, throw it out.
The stuff at the back of the fridge is easily identifiable. It is rolls of unexposed film from the pre digital age.
It is usually that stuff in the vegetable drawer or in the freezer that is mysterious organic mater. In the freezer, the stuff looks like it is some sort of sample brought back from the depths of space. In the vegetable drawer, it looks like something trying to become petroleum.
What is the technique for getting the recent and presumably edible food in there? Does the back of the fridge retreat into infinity to continually make room for fresh consumables? This is starting to read like a scene from Ghostbusters!!! LOL
of the fridge stays in the back of the fridge.
There’s plenty of room in front for the edible stuff. To change the metaphor, every few weeks when the fridge gets really emptied out, we see that we have some long-term squatters and have them evicted. Basically, we’re refrigerator slumlords.
And don’t forget we share a house with at least 3 critters deeply interested in keeping our refrigerator, shelves, cupboard, pantry, floor, etc. free of all foodstuffs. That which looks like garbage to us, looks like dinner to them.
Best practices for sustainable living… LOL!!!!
Just as long as those lifeforms didn’t evolve in the fridge in the first place. That would just be too creepy.
Let’s hope you are incubating leaders who will point the way out of this sinking moral morass that seems to have gripped our country! (Sorry. Refugee from reading diaries in the Orange Place.)
I promise to check the cilantro more thoroughly before I throw it out the next time.
I’m counting on it!
went back to college and took biochemistry, a frequent question from her spouse was, “Honey, is this homework or is it edible?” I usually stuck to the cabinets if I was looking for a snack when I’d stay over to babysit… 😉
Clever strategy, CS! Fridges can be very scary things!
How is everyone?
Back in after today’s Peace March in Manhattan.
I’ll post a picture diary a bit later.
Welcome back! Can’t wait to see your picture diary, I’ll bet it was an exciting day!
Sure was – what a crowd!
I have to upload some pics and get on with the writing. Back later.
I wish I was there. And I hope it gets the coverage it deserves in the so-called “media.”
I just saw some coverage on our local news channel. It looks like there was a good sized crowd.
I saw a photo diary linked on DU. Totally awesome awesome. Makes me hope that America is alive and kicking.
Those drinks look good, especially after hanging out at the lacrosse field in the sun this afternoon…and CBtY’s team won again, by something like 12-5 (I start to lose track when the score gets that lopsided).
Ask, I’m looking forward to seeing your pictures from the NYC march.
I’m going to be away for a few hours. If it gets too crowded hopefully someone will open a fresh cafe. See you later.
Spouse and I are in need of healthy sustenance, so we’re going to Sweet Tomatoes for soup/salad. I’m forgoing the Ottawa/Tampa Bay hockey game for this (in Devoted Spouse Mode today), but I’ve got my phone set for updates from ESPN so I can keep track. 😉 (And I have to keep my phone off at church tomorrow so I don’t try to check the morning scores during the sermon lol)
I’m actually getting excited about my blog project — coming up with more ideas. Would like to research ADA laws regarding mental illness, especially employment law. I know that there are many folks with mental illness on disability — when I get things rolling, I might ask Street Kid to write a summary piece on her works about Medicare D(isaster) that she’s posted here (or I’ll at least list all the links to the diaries if I can get them gathered). I’ll start out with Blogger for now; if it gets really complex, I’ll see about finding hosting space and drag out the web design books.
Okay, spouse almost ready…time to head out…
CS you have my vote of confidence. You have everything in place to create a great resource for people who are struggling with depression.
Are you smiling, Olivia?
Thx for watching and cheering — it obviously made all the difference! 🙂
I finally finished working on that damn report I had to bring home! Yay! I’m ready to pop some beer and carouse for a bit. Gloomy, rainy day here, so at least I wasn’t taunted by the outdoors…. I’m invoking some pink here for MM and Olivia 🙂

OH, and a HUGE Thank YOU! to Cali and Omir for convincing me to move over to Firefox. I installed it earlier today and I love it! A big debt of gratitude to you two… hope you see this at some point tonight.
Now, let’s carouse!
Glad to hear you got your report done.
Have a beer on me.
Thanks, Andi!
I can sure use the beer… this is week 5 of 6 I’ve had to bring home work and ruin my Saturdays! I’m rather tired of working about 46 hrs/week, when I’m salaried and there’s no such concept of overtime. Oh well, pardon the kvetching. How are you and Jim doing tonight? Anything exciting planned?
Jim and I are the second* most boring couple in the world and never have anything exciting planned (or non-planned).
* nobody knows who the most boring couple is since they are too boring to be noticed.
I don’t know, Andi… we might just give you some competition for that title… our schedules are so different that planning is an impossibility since we have days off together about once or twice a month at the most. We’ll probably just watch a movie later, maybe March of the Penguins since someone loaned us that and we haven’t seen it yet. Now that’s exciting!
Nope, sorry but you can’t compete because you have a reason for not doing stuff whereas we simply don’t do anything because we don’t do anything.
Nice try though.
Say when…
Hehe, “when” might take a while. How you doing out there today? No more snow I hope!
In and out for awhile getting a fire started, etc. etc…need some help IVG…:{)
I’ll be around for the late shift more’n likely.
Wish I could give you a hand, but CO is a bit far to walk at this hour… hope you can get the fire going without too much trouble. It would be a big deal here today, with all the rain we’ve been getting … might require an accelerant of some kind. Yikes!
Great photo’ I get a weird feeling of vertigo when I look at it. I don’t get it when I look at only one of the flowers. Strange but cool.
I consider that a huge compliment, coming from one of you two, the undisputed photo experts in my book. Not bad for a lil ole Fuji Finepix, huh? I hadn’t really thought about that being vertigo inducing, but now that you mention it, I sure see what you mean.
This is an Iowa native… an alcea species called “Prairie Mallow,” closely related to hollyhocks and hibiscus … this just appeared on its own a few years back and we liked it so let it be. Now it wants to grow everywhere, so every spring we have to thin them out and give them away to willing takers. hehe
That’s the story of my day. Started with a 9 am game (machine pitch) with 8 y.o. Kid GR #1 – a thrilling victory, including a last-inning rally started by a (scratch, admittedly) hit by Kid GR #1 herself, and some astonishingly good defensive play, both by the star kid on the team and several of the others. Then it was on to tee-ball with 6 y.o. Kid GR #2, who also played well. Then it was back home to watch (thank you, DVR) the Giants beat the Diamondbacks on a walkoff homer by Moises Alou. And then off to the batting cage with Kid GR #1.
We’ll see if I can still walk tomorrow. Are any of those drinks good analgesics?
does that sound analgesic enough? hehe. It’s 140 proof, so that might do the trick.
Sounds like a busy day of b-ball out your way. Good thing you weren’t here or the kid GR’s would be caked with mud by the time you got home!
I’ll be right over. Meanwhile, did I mention that I thoroughly enjoyed the day? Especially because we finally have California-like weather?
Howdy everyone. I spent a cozy 5 hours participating in a city-wide clean sweep in the city where I teach. I am just trying to relax muscles that are now becoming sore.
Hey there Toni!
Sounds like a worthy way to give something back to the city for an afternoon! I just hope your weather was nicer than here, or you’d be wetter than fresh laundry. We’re looking forward to the annual May “Scrub Day” in our neighborhood… it’s a chance to get rid of all sorts of junk at no cost, and people really get out and clean up the place for this one. Reminds me, this year we have to join the neighborhood association!
Any fun plans for tonight?
Scrub Day – I like the name. Will a recycle truck come around for recyclables?
No exciting plans. Just relaxing after a long day in the sun and grading some papers. Wooohooo! How about you?
Evening Toni.
I often wonder if Jim will go crazy if he retires and suddenly find himself without papers to grade.
He can have mine, I’ll just FedEx them to him. The kids will never know the difference.
Need to do a bit of vacuuming (dog hair, you know!) and hop in the shower before truly sitting down to relax for the evening. Hope everyone is having a relaxing night, no matter what’s on the agenda!
I’ll pop in later for the late crowd, if I don’t collapse first LOL. Cheers, all!
See you IVG. Enjoy vacuuming (?)
Second Round here. we. come!!!
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel a heartbreak coming on…
What’s going on there TT?
They only won, you know, because Jim and I watched the game.
Really? <big smile> Awesome!!!!
Uh huh, jim even left this comment to you upthread after they scored the 2nd goal:
I wasn’t sure if you were checking online though!
the game was on OLN.
congrats Olivia!!!
OTTAWA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a game. Breathless!! Simply. Amay. Zing!
Hoooray Olivia!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suhweet!
And they did it at home, too.
Finally able to type – the game was INTENSE
I didn’t want to jinx it in any way. It was close at the end w/ the TB PP … but they did it! Woo hoo! 🙂
I almost gave it some bad mojo!!! ACKKK
Ottawa almost scored which would have made it 4 – 2 and I said… forgive me… NO that would be the nail in the coffin. I wanted to keep it exciting.
and then…
Those penalties and that crappyass call of delay of game with the puck goes out of play… and damn Bolts almost came back.
I was freaking standing on the couch!!! Screaming NO NO NOooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Hands over my eyes … was very intense.
Damn me for saying “that would have made it less exciting” to the almost nailer goal.
Whew. Sharks go at it tomorrow.
I’m back — better late than never I guess. Looks like I didn’t miss much?
just like the good old days. Funny though, no hints of towels or lotion lying around.
Maybe you had it in another diary?
my mother raised me right and I put everything back just the way I found it.
uh huh.
Well that’s great! Everybody had their orgy and I didn’t have to throw it. Since I’ve turned over a new leaf and everything.
I missed an orgy?
to all orgies, it’s not likely you missed one.
don’t worry about it but don’t tell anybody else. This will be just our secret — when the second most boring couple in the world hosts an orgy, it’s pretty much looks like a couple of people watching a hockey game, reading books, and surfing the internet.
Of course this begs the question who is the first most boring couple on earth. I thought I had that one sewn up. I spent the evening telling Mr. Nature his shoulders were too wide to sit next to him in the high school auditorium and wrestling over who got the shared arm rest.
How is the show going? And I don’t remember if you told me if your son had a part or was chorus?
He was the mayor and the MC for the night. He wsn’t going to be in it because he hates musicals (can’t sing to save his life but he has a voice like James Earl Jones for speaking)but he didn’t want to miss his last show.
It was sad and I cried. All the seniors in the show came out to the audience and gave their moms roses. :::sniff:::
that’s so sweet ::sniff::
Did you just bawl? Or did you wait until you got in the car?
I waited until after he hugged me and returned the stage and everyone around me said “OMG…you’re Nature Boy’s mother?!”
It was weird – how did they know his name was Nature Boy?
weird …
earlier about the most boring to IVG.
Oh, see, once again I was missing a vital piece of information.
Tell you what — since you’re such a great pal and all, I’ll put you down for number 3.
I’m totally hyped … lol. 🙂
sorry the plastic sheeting and baby oil have been retired for the night.
No wonder things were always such a mess, I didn’t know I was supposed to cover everything in plastic sheeting.
I just always had plenty of towels — oh look there are some behind the bar. Go for it Olivia.
But it seems as if everyone is orgy-ed out.
oh yeah! bring that over to the new lounge.
Books and Hockey 🙂
and RUM!
I just know your orgies require more than that — at the very least there’s the massage oil and drool.
Not during Stanley cup Playoffs. 🙂
It’s a very short time of extreme…intensity 🙂
That’s why we all go nuts.
Andi’s been a tad too alert today!
Head on over to the New Lounge where you can relax any way you like.