If you were given the power to save a species by something you did, wouldn’t you want to do it? This may be your chance to do just that and all you need to do is send Emails. What species are you trying to save? It is called the Toyota RAV4 EV. These are the cutest of the Cute Ute family of sports utility vehicles. It has soft rubber paws, and big headlight eyes, but what it is really great about these vehicles is that they don’t smell. They emit no noxious gasses. None. This makes them a very special species of vehicle, it is a Zero Emissions Vehicle. They run on the electricity from your home. Unfortunately, many of these types of species have been hunted and crushed out of existence. Already extinct is the RAV4 EVs smaller cousin the GM EV1. There are no laws preventing the extinction of the RAV4 EV. Most are in captivity in large organizations. What we want to do is to set them free and allow them to be adopted by families that will love them, treat them well and save on gasoline. Won’t you help?

Meg Newman in her Toyota RAV4 EV all electric vehicle. Picture courtesy of the SFEVA.

Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) has 49 RAV4 Electric Vehicles whose leases are running out. These are all electric vehicles. No GASOLINE! At the end of the leases these electric vehicles will be returned to Toyota most likely for crushing since the last extension of the lease will be over. That is unless by some miracle Toyota allows for another lease extension that is not in their contract. Even if another lease extension is by chance offered, we do not want these vehicles crushed or dismantled or destroyed like pervious electric vehicles were by GM at the end of the new extension either.

GM took its EV1 electric vehicle back from leases and crushed them. Courtesy of DontCrush.com

This is a RealPlayer video which talks about a letter that DontCrush.com wrote to Toyota asking them not to crush the RAV4 EV.

What we want is for these emission free vehicles to be released to the public. There are many people waiting for the opportunity to purchase these vehicles. A single RAV4 EV sold for over $56,000 on Ebay just a few months ago. With gasoline prices running very high and threatening to go even higher, it is not politically expedient to remove these vehicles from the American market. Help save this species of vehicle. Write to your congressman, write to LADWP, write to Toyota and write to EDTA to save the RAV4 EV.

This is a Qwicktime movie of a commercial that I don’t believe ever aired.
the http://www.darnellworks.com/…

Here is a news report of a company that uses the RAV4 EV as a station car for its employees.
the http://www.nbc4.tv/…

This is the LADWP’s site for GreenLA, LADWP’s program to use electric vehicles.
the http://www.ladwp.com/…

Here is their contact information and a way to Email them.
the https://www.ladwp.com/…

Here is how to contact Toyota’s PR department.
Click the radio button that says “I would like to tell you about my experience with…”
Then under Select a Topic: Select “Company” in the pull down menu.
Under Select a sub-topic: Choose “Public Relations.”
Then click next.
Under User ID put in your Email address.
Under Subject put in Sell the LADWP’s Rav4 EVs to the public.
Under Question Please put something like this.
What are you planning to do with the RAV4 EVs now being leased by LADWP whose leasing contract is ending soon? Please make the RAV4 EV electric vehicles that are coming off lease from the LADWP and other places available to people who want to purchase them. We do not want them crushed, destroyed or removed from use. We believe that at a time of crisis with gasoline in the United States and around the world it would be poor public relations move to take away these vehicles when they could do the most good to help with the crisis. Please make the entire fleet of vehicles coming off lease available for the general public and to other organization for purchase. Thank you.

Toyota is a member of the Electric Drive Transportation Association, contact them to put pressure on Toyota to make this species of vehicle available to the general public.

Write to them directly at: info@electricdrive.org

Thank you for all your help in the grave environmental matter.
