How was the weddin today FM? Get em hitched without any hitches? Did you get cheesecake? Did George get to go? Did you behave yourself? So many questions, so little time…
It’s all easily enough answered. I didn’t go. I had laid down earlier with a slight migraine and my family didn’t wake me up. So, I wake up when it was supposedly over.
I’ve got some real choice word for the entire family today. Andi’s mother has never see guilt like I’m going to lay on them.
Yea it wasn’t a bad one, just very light. But oh are they gonna catch it. I don’t mind the sitting in the pews and so on, but the food. That’s 90% of going to a wedding. 🙂
I can imagine the mega-guilt-o-gram that they’re gonna get, and I’m glad I won’t be there to witness it. But I do want to hear all the details if you want to share/vent later in the day… hehe.
Personally, I’d be mighty pissed off too, FM, so you have my entire support on that one.
Well ya’ll should know how I can beat a subject into the ground. Like mud wresting. I haven’t even begun to think of how this one will go. I’m thinking waking up everone looking like this this morning.
On the film body I use mostly use the 28mm and 50 mm, have a 85-205mm zoom that I use in certain circumstances.
With the XT, I’ve been playing w/ both the std 18-55mm and a 55-200mm. I prefer the 18-55 as its faster. Also, I don’t like the way the long lens auto-focuses…ergo, I use it manually most of the time.
note: conversion to 35mm equivalent lens for XT are Focal Length X 1.6 ~18-55 is equiv. to 28-88mm(35) and 55-200 is 88-320mm(35)…that make sense?
that was your ISP’s fault, you know we love you!…:{)
As for 35mm equiv., since, I assume, you haven’t done a lot of film work with an SLR 35mm. it’s probably not something you need concern yourself w/ other than as an intellectual exercise. Being a film guy, it helps me with the translation/transition to the Digi.
I’ve got my own impressions of you all I’d prefer to keep anyways … 😛
This whole camera is an intellectual exercise … Just keep plugging away I suppose. I like hearing what you old pros are doing though, b/c it gives some context to all that reading… 🙂
No, I was there taking pictures earlier and they had cases of the good stuff, and I mean cases. Althought I don’t drink, but have been know to imbibe occasionally, I started to pick up a case or two. Wish I had now.
Depending on your answer, I may have to fly into a rage and come down there to help you guilt them but good! I could probably just harness Pepa and let her do the flying, since she’s been wound up so much lately… LOL
Are you kidding. I’m going to make George up to make that dog look absolutely handsome. Plus with non-stop barking, it’s sure to show them he’s mad because he missed the food.
I guess you may have missed him a few months back dada? He was all over the news for winning the World’s Ugliest Dog award several years running in CA. He is since deceased, poor ugly, nasty thing. I saw him on KO and he was not a pleasant dog… but in his defense, he was over 14, blind and arthritic.
But I agree, I’d never own a Chinese Crested… and I’m the biggest dog lover ever (IMnotsoHO).
We thought he bore an uncanny resemblance to the Crypt Keeper… what do you think?
Bu doesn’t hunt, never took/trained her to. Good hunters don’t make good pets IMO.
I haven’t been in the field in @4 yrs. as there haven’t been any birds in Co and the group of guys I used to hunt w/ in Ks have kinda drifted apart. Damn shame.
BTW, dada, if you’re ever wanting to do pheasant hunting, there’s plenty round these parts… and I know where there are some wild turkeys (not the kind in bottles, either), cuz Pepa flushed one out last summer and I damn near fainted thinking she was gonna get her clock cleaned by that big ole bird!
Your comment reminds me of a guy named Bil Lepp, who is the West Virginia State Liar. At least he has won the state lying championship about six times. He does a bit called “Buck Ain’t No Ordinary Dog” about his dog Buck, who is a cross between a German shepherd mother and an unbelievably persistent basset hound sire. (Actually he does several bits about Buck Dog, all of which are hilarious.) Anyway “Buck Ain’t No Ordinary Dog” is about the time he tried to cure Buck Dog of his gunshyness, and ended up getting more than he bargained for.
That’s enough to send me running in the opposite direction! Have you ever tried lutefisk, FM? It’s not pretty… and my family is of Scandahoovian extraction too… but I’m not going there on that stuff ever again. I’d rather eat gefilte fish, and that’s saying a lot right there. 🙂
I wouldn’t give it a second thought. I’ve eaten stuff I never thought I would, but enjoyed it. Like I said before, the onlything I can’t handle is bloodwurst.
NDD… um… chittlins are fried pig intestines. I draw the line there, and for those reputedly tasty Rocky Mountain Oysters as well… And I have to agree w/FM on what he calls bloodwurst aka boudin noir in France. It’s not the taste that will get ya, but the texture… (cover your eyes, Olivia) ewwwwwwwwwwww.
Now the boudin I’ve eaten from Cajum country isn’t so bad. It’s stuffed with rice and (other stuff). I think there’s a big difference beteween the French and Cajun style.
Now pickeled pigs feets and snouts are just somthing I can’t handle.
You know the funny thing is, I fixed a Greek salad at home and used feta cheese. My family like it until I told them what the cheese was. Now they won’t touch it. Food preferences are funny sometimes.
from what they serve down in Cajun country. In France, boudin noir is merely blood congealed and stuffed into a casing (intestine, of course). And boudin blanc is intestine stuffed intestines… oh so not yummy.
And what they call andouille in LA is nothing like the French version either… it’s downright tasty here. In France, it’s not considered proper unless it smells like… well, poo is the polite way to put it. Since I don’t want to offend my fine friend from the South.
You’ll appreciate this, FM… I used to shop at Winn Dixie all the time when I lived in FL… and the one thing that always grossed me out was rounding one corner to see the enormous displays of (pink) pickled pig’s feet … and I used to see people buying those gallon jars of those… <shudder>. Though that was nothing compared to what you could find in the fresh “parts” section of the meat department… you know what I mean, I’m sure.
Once you’ve smelled boiled or fried intestine, you’ve smelled them all.
The biggest thing I miss about the German fodd is the snecken (sp), snails in the shell with kruaterbutter (sp), that you ate on little crackers. The snails were ok, but the krauterbutter was out of the world. I’ve tried to make it numerous time, but not the same.
they’re quite tasty as long as you starve them in water for several days before cooking them! I’m not sure what that butter you were talking about is, but I suspect it might have garlic in it? If so, sounds yummy.
I actually went to work yesterday, because I didn’t feel rotten enough not to. The stitches are starting to come apart, which is probably going to drive me crazy for a day or two.
is like a book with pages in it, metal plates, separted by insulating sheets, so my guess would tuning capacitor, and communion waffer was definitely coiled wires, for the inductance side of the tuned circuit.
grandfather’s family had. You need to hook up earphones to a couple of terminals over there on the right.
Then you need a low voltage for the A terminal, I think 1.5V, and a high voltage for the B terminals, 25-45, I don’t remember anymore, so I don’t dare hook anything up to it till I find out.
Then what was weird about that receiver was that it would put out a signal as part of the receiving process that would introduce a terrible scqueal of interference on nearly all radios in town at the time.
The old amateurs would ask me the next day if I’d had that thing on, ha!
super heterodyne is the term that comes to mind, although now I’m not sure if it refers to that signal output or not.
I grew up with some old amateurs who were into it from the very beginning of the era.
Better quit here, see if anyone is still listening.
The “squeal” was mixed with the signal sent out over the air to produce something listenable. I know the basics but it’s late and I’m tired and would probably just gum up the explanation, if anyone even cared.
Since she’s been a real trooper to put up with us menfolk for so long tonight… just a bit of perspective to answer her question yesterday about whether IT stands out… not so much yet, but time will tell…
OH, indeed it will! IT unfurled a bit more today with all the rain, but I couldn’t get out to take any pics because of the downpours and the work… maybe today, if there’s a break in the rain… but I’m not optimistic at this point, since it’s still coming down.
I’m actually a very humble man, FM… and Omir and Cali converted me to Firefox and RoboRater, so I owe him a great debt of gratitude. Maybe I don’t seem that way, but I’m pretty down to earth.
Oh, dear FM… sage of the slackers, nabob of the naps… in NO way was offense taken there! Don’t ever worry about that, my skin’s not that thin, and lordy, I’d never imagine you ever ever trying to snark anyone. Sorry it took me so long to catch this comment! I was off reading that killer Colbert transcript at the time.
Maybe I’ll catch you later over coffee, but at this point, I’m dead and heading to bed…
Give the family their due for leaving you out of the festivities! Go, George, GO! Bark, snarl and be all around pissy to give them their due!
I’m going for a Pacifico to celebrate Colbert’s performance. Seriously, this deserves a celebration. Either I’m up way too late, or it’s the equivalent of Cronkite coming back from Vietnam.
Check out the front page post by albert — links to this stuff in the comments, and also Americablog and dKos of course… I’m sure all the blogs will be on this today.
Oh, and the goddess bit works just fine by way of thanks! 😉
some of looked absolutely stunned! That was my favorite part… they had their hands up to their face, like OMG, they couldn’t believe what was happening.
Somebody set that up great, and somebody on the op side screwed up real bad!!
As John Paul Jones once said, Hell, surrender, we’ve just begun to fight!
Damn, and I missed that.. when I turned on the tv tonight, MSNBC was showing the dinner, but I switched because there was a doppelganger Bush up next to him… I should have kept it on to catch Colbert. <sigh> But I did get some of it from Albert’s diary earlier tonight… I’ll have to look for the transcript Olivia was talking about sometime later.
he slammed the press really hard…the bit about the spin stenographers…”just run spellcheck and you’re done”…and the bit about someone writing the great american novel, about a press willing to take on a president…a thing of beauty.
C-Span is going to rerun the entire thing later today…makes me wish I had a telly…sorta.
I’ve just decided what I’ll do to start out the day.
It’s 5:00 am here and I decided the floors needs vacuuming. Of course it needs it worst around the bedrooms where everyone is sleeping. I’m sure George will be there barking to show his support.
I figure about 7:00 am I’ll start weedeating around the house. Again around the bedrooms where I didn’t before to let everyone sleep.
Now on to breakfast. This will be a cook your own favorite day.
I really need a world class guilt meister for today. The pevious aren’t subtle, but I plan to hone that
skill for awhile.
Another good night to FM, and to the Canadian Photography goddess, known as Olivia… this was a fun night, and how could we forget our NDD dude? I’m slinking off to bed and hope the dogs will move to let me get in!
Pepa is a notorious bed hog, as unmovable as the rock of Gibraltar…
Put your feet on the table, and beer is still cold.
OK, there’s cold beer and clean tables. What more do ya want?
How was the weddin today FM? Get em hitched without any hitches? Did you get cheesecake? Did George get to go? Did you behave yourself? So many questions, so little time…
It’s all easily enough answered. I didn’t go. I had laid down earlier with a slight migraine and my family didn’t wake me up. So, I wake up when it was supposedly over.
I’ve got some real choice word for the entire family today. Andi’s mother has never see guilt like I’m going to lay on them.
Once I hear how it went I’ll let ya know.
Are you okay migraine-wise at least?
Yea it wasn’t a bad one, just very light. But oh are they gonna catch it. I don’t mind the sitting in the pews and so on, but the food. That’s 90% of going to a wedding. 🙂
ONLY reason for going to a wedding IMO … well, unless it’s your own!
I can imagine the mega-guilt-o-gram that they’re gonna get, and I’m glad I won’t be there to witness it. But I do want to hear all the details if you want to share/vent later in the day… hehe.
Personally, I’d be mighty pissed off too, FM, so you have my entire support on that one.
Well ya’ll should know how I can beat a subject into the ground. Like mud wresting. I haven’t even begun to think of how this one will go. I’m thinking waking up everone looking like this this morning.
you’ve got every right to be serious PO’d. Not like you haven’t done anything…sorry, man.
Nah with me it will go back to the killing them with kindness. Something like, “Would you like some tea, I bet the tea at the reception was good”.
Nothing direct, just make them think enough to shut me the hell up after awhile.
Hmmm tea… Oleander perhaps? Or maybe uncork some of that elderberry wine that you’ve been saving for a very special occasion?
mistress of the late, late shift…still goofin’ with the camera?
I stopped a couple hours ago … Question since you brought it up. What lens do you use most often on your canon?
stimulatin’ to keep you up this late, ha ha ha ha.
On the film body I use mostly use the 28mm and 50 mm, have a 85-205mm zoom that I use in certain circumstances.
With the XT, I’ve been playing w/ both the std 18-55mm and a 55-200mm. I prefer the 18-55 as its faster. Also, I don’t like the way the long lens auto-focuses…ergo, I use it manually most of the time.
note: conversion to 35mm equivalent lens for XT are Focal Length X 1.6 ~18-55 is equiv. to 28-88mm(35) and 55-200 is 88-320mm(35)…that make sense?
Does it make sense … yes, sort of. 🙂
I undertand the underlying film/digital difference, but it’s all very new so it takes a lot of brain power.
that was your ISP’s fault, you know we love you!…:{)
As for 35mm equiv., since, I assume, you haven’t done a lot of film work with an SLR 35mm. it’s probably not something you need concern yourself w/ other than as an intellectual exercise. Being a film guy, it helps me with the translation/transition to the Digi.
I’ve got my own impressions of you all I’d prefer to keep anyways … 😛
This whole camera is an intellectual exercise … Just keep plugging away I suppose. I like hearing what you old pros are doing though, b/c it gives some context to all that reading… 🙂
No, I was there taking pictures earlier and they had cases of the good stuff, and I mean cases. Althought I don’t drink, but have been know to imbibe occasionally, I started to pick up a case or two. Wish I had now.
Depending on your answer, I may have to fly into a rage and come down there to help you guilt them but good! I could probably just harness Pepa and let her do the flying, since she’s been wound up so much lately… LOL
Nah, I got that one figured out. I usually put George up when they come to the house. George will be there to greet them whenever they show up now.
Just tell George to do his best impersonation of this guy and he’ll have them fleeing in no time!

Are you kidding. I’m going to make George up to make that dog look absolutely handsome. Plus with non-stop barking, it’s sure to show them he’s mad because he missed the food.
that is one ugly critter…I could not own a dog like that no matter how sweet it might be. The visuals are just too much to overcome.
I guess you may have missed him a few months back dada? He was all over the news for winning the World’s Ugliest Dog award several years running in CA. He is since deceased, poor ugly, nasty thing. I saw him on KO and he was not a pleasant dog… but in his defense, he was over 14, blind and arthritic.
But I agree, I’d never own a Chinese Crested… and I’m the biggest dog lover ever (IMnotsoHO).
We thought he bore an uncanny resemblance to the Crypt Keeper… what do you think?
thank you o southern sage.
Many blessings on your camels.
May camels and I thank you, I think.
gonna go look for those salted cashews I got earlier today, to keep me going till them thar grits is ready!
Bu doesn’t hunt, never took/trained her to. Good hunters don’t make good pets IMO.
I haven’t been in the field in @4 yrs. as there haven’t been any birds in Co and the group of guys I used to hunt w/ in Ks have kinda drifted apart. Damn shame.
but it still seems like it might be a whole lot of fun.
Drifted apart better than croaked, but that’s about it here too, no h-partners no hunting.
BTW, dada, if you’re ever wanting to do pheasant hunting, there’s plenty round these parts… and I know where there are some wild turkeys (not the kind in bottles, either), cuz Pepa flushed one out last summer and I damn near fainted thinking she was gonna get her clock cleaned by that big ole bird!
Good hunters don’t make good pets IMO.
Your comment reminds me of a guy named Bil Lepp, who is the West Virginia State Liar. At least he has won the state lying championship about six times. He does a bit called “Buck Ain’t No Ordinary Dog” about his dog Buck, who is a cross between a German shepherd mother and an unbelievably persistent basset hound sire. (Actually he does several bits about Buck Dog, all of which are hilarious.) Anyway “Buck Ain’t No Ordinary Dog” is about the time he tried to cure Buck Dog of his gunshyness, and ended up getting more than he bargained for.
Just for you NDD, I’ll throw in an order of chittlins.
Bummer ya missed the food. Ain’t folks weird sometimes?
Well of course for you NDD, they would have to be fried ad not boiled. The frying just adds to the aroma.
You do know what those are, don’t you NDD? If so, they’re all yours!
Just think of the as a southern lutefisk.
That’s enough to send me running in the opposite direction! Have you ever tried lutefisk, FM? It’s not pretty… and my family is of Scandahoovian extraction too… but I’m not going there on that stuff ever again. I’d rather eat gefilte fish, and that’s saying a lot right there. 🙂
clue tonight.
Somehow I knew it would come round to lutefisk. I actually eat that. So if I eat the chittlins you’ll eat the lutefisk, eh?
I wouldn’t give it a second thought. I’ve eaten stuff I never thought I would, but enjoyed it. Like I said before, the onlything I can’t handle is bloodwurst.
NDD… um… chittlins are fried pig intestines. I draw the line there, and for those reputedly tasty Rocky Mountain Oysters as well… And I have to agree w/FM on what he calls bloodwurst aka boudin noir in France. It’s not the taste that will get ya, but the texture… (cover your eyes, Olivia) ewwwwwwwwwwww.
Now the boudin I’ve eaten from Cajum country isn’t so bad. It’s stuffed with rice and (other stuff). I think there’s a big difference beteween the French and Cajun style.
Now pickeled pigs feets and snouts are just somthing I can’t handle.
You know the funny thing is, I fixed a Greek salad at home and used feta cheese. My family like it until I told them what the cheese was. Now they won’t touch it. Food preferences are funny sometimes.
from what they serve down in Cajun country. In France, boudin noir is merely blood congealed and stuffed into a casing (intestine, of course). And boudin blanc is intestine stuffed intestines… oh so not yummy.
And what they call andouille in LA is nothing like the French version either… it’s downright tasty here. In France, it’s not considered proper unless it smells like… well, poo is the polite way to put it. Since I don’t want to offend my fine friend from the South.
You’ll appreciate this, FM… I used to shop at Winn Dixie all the time when I lived in FL… and the one thing that always grossed me out was rounding one corner to see the enormous displays of (pink) pickled pig’s feet … and I used to see people buying those gallon jars of those… <shudder>. Though that was nothing compared to what you could find in the fresh “parts” section of the meat department… you know what I mean, I’m sure.
Once you’ve smelled boiled or fried intestine, you’ve smelled them all.
The biggest thing I miss about the German fodd is the snecken (sp), snails in the shell with kruaterbutter (sp), that you ate on little crackers. The snails were ok, but the krauterbutter was out of the world. I’ve tried to make it numerous time, but not the same.
As I said I’ll try most anything.
I won’t say what it reminds me of, but it is decidedly unpleasant.
As for Escargot oh yeah, with garlic and butter sauce…my, my.
I’m guessing it might smell like a Dragon arum in bloom, but I’ll let you know when that happens… hehe.
That’s disgusting…
they’re quite tasty as long as you starve them in water for several days before cooking them! I’m not sure what that butter you were talking about is, but I suspect it might have garlic in it? If so, sounds yummy.
It was mor of a garlic/basil butter, with different things in it. Every little place made it different, but I never had any that didn’t taste good.
The French type in wine sauce I never did like that much.
if anyone is daring enough to try it…

I’m having a nightcap of some bourbon myself … Tom Waits made me do it!
As soon as the teriyaki chicken is done I’m heading for bed.
I posted my guess as to what the evil waffle maker contraption is in the previous cafe. Was I close?
ROFLMAO… @ evil waffle maker contraption!! And I thought it was for baking communion wafers, so I wasn’t that far off!
I love RoboRater and Firefox!!!
I actually went to work yesterday, because I didn’t feel rotten enough not to. The stitches are starting to come apart, which is probably going to drive me crazy for a day or two.
How are you doing? I hear your Sens won.
Omir take care of yourself. I’ve heard for the stitches peanut brittle is good. Of course pain medicine is a prerequisite for this.
Hard shell tacos work quite well too.
It’s going to be a while before I’m adventurous enough to try either one. Pain is not one of my favorite things.
I’m doing well thanks — a touch of insomnia. It was nice to see the Sens win tonight. They’ll have a week off to rest up now.
but I got a little story to go with it if’n y’ll can hang on a moment or two.
Interesting description. I guess the big unidentifiable thing must have been what we would know today as the tuning capacitor.
They just don’t make ’em like that anymore.
is like a book with pages in it, metal plates, separted by insulating sheets, so my guess would tuning capacitor, and communion waffer was definitely coiled wires, for the inductance side of the tuned circuit.
I couldn’t tell that much detail from the photo, but yes, you have just perfectly described a variable capacitor. 🙂
grandfather’s family had. You need to hook up earphones to a couple of terminals over there on the right.
Then you need a low voltage for the A terminal, I think 1.5V, and a high voltage for the B terminals, 25-45, I don’t remember anymore, so I don’t dare hook anything up to it till I find out.
Then what was weird about that receiver was that it would put out a signal as part of the receiving process that would introduce a terrible scqueal of interference on nearly all radios in town at the time.
The old amateurs would ask me the next day if I’d had that thing on, ha!
super heterodyne is the term that comes to mind, although now I’m not sure if it refers to that signal output or not.
I grew up with some old amateurs who were into it from the very beginning of the era.
Better quit here, see if anyone is still listening.
The “squeal” was mixed with the signal sent out over the air to produce something listenable. I know the basics but it’s late and I’m tired and would probably just gum up the explanation, if anyone even cared.
Very cool story. LOL
since I’d’ve hated to crank this whole discussion up again on another night, ha!
Amen to that… the suspense was killing me for positively hours before you finally spilled the communion wafers!
mak’m laugh, mak’m cry, and mak’m wait… well, 1/3 anyway.
Oh yea, I open up a new 24/7 and everybody is going to bed.
All of you just wait. I’m going to finish that great novel I’ve been saving up.
Think the line, ‘Once upon a time’ has been used?
Or you could try the tried and true Bulwer Lytton It was a dark and stormy night… as it has been around here tonight!
I’ll be up for a bit to commiserate w/you FM, don’t you worry… we geezers got to stick together!
Since she’s been a real trooper to put up with us menfolk for so long tonight… just a bit of perspective to answer her question yesterday about whether IT stands out… not so much yet, but time will tell…

It looks so small next those ‘hulking’ tulips! And you know IVG, that once it comes into its own, IT will stand out!
OH, indeed it will! IT unfurled a bit more today with all the rain, but I couldn’t get out to take any pics because of the downpours and the work… maybe today, if there’s a break in the rain… but I’m not optimistic at this point, since it’s still coming down.
olivia-micro-macro-lens right up to the screen to see what the heck you two are a yappin’ about.
Do you have the pic handy of ITin full ah, um … bloom? For NDD. I think he missed it!
Of course, chère Olivia, let’s shock him a bit, huh?

bud, boy you guys are pretty creative, tryin’ to fool this ol’ batchelor Norwegian Farmer boy.
Does this macro view help a bit, NDD?

so it’s all positive.
Got to be up in the morning, ya know.
Rest well, my friend, and thanks again! Hope you feel better when you get up!
IVG genuflects? I’m having a hard time imagining that. 🙂
I’m actually a very humble man, FM… and Omir and Cali converted me to Firefox and RoboRater, so I owe him a great debt of gratitude. Maybe I don’t seem that way, but I’m pretty down to earth.
IVG if that was taken wrong, I sincerely apologize. I’m continually in awe of everyone here.
Lets just say with Omir, I’ve got a years worth of incense to burn in his honor for the ROBO-RATER.
Oh, dear FM… sage of the slackers, nabob of the naps… in NO way was offense taken there! Don’t ever worry about that, my skin’s not that thin, and lordy, I’d never imagine you ever ever trying to snark anyone. Sorry it took me so long to catch this comment! I was off reading that killer Colbert transcript at the time.
Maybe I’ll catch you later over coffee, but at this point, I’m dead and heading to bed…
Give the family their due for leaving you out of the festivities! Go, George, GO! Bark, snarl and be all around pissy to give them their due!
Good night, my friend….
Sleep well, thanks for being a part of tonight’s party.
Good night NDD, dada, and anyone else going to bed.
I see people just can’t keep up with us old geezers.
That’s alright. I know you youngsters need your sleep. 😛
went to take a look at this, oooohhh boyyy, a Colbert classis, 15 min worth, so got a little sidetracked, but too good to break away.
I thought you were off to bed … lol 🙂
And yes, I’ve been reading the transcript and various comments all over blogdom tonight.
yeah, and I usually do change it. lol
Can you tell me if the pres of the US was actually in the room while he was delivering that?
Apparently they were both very unhappy w/ it and when Colbert finished he walked over to Bush and shook his hand. Then the pres and Laura walked out!
You’ve just made my day, might night, next week and every week right up to Nov!
HO,ho,ho,ho! Here we gooooooooooo!!!!!
“As Colbert walked from the podium, when it was over, the president and First Lady gave him quick nods, unsmiling, and left immediately.” (link
The dkos diary had him shaking his hand … I’ll go find that…
Here’s the full transcript of speech here.
A thousand thanks, Olivia! I regret having turned the channel, since I missed this!
from kos comment
I’m going for a Pacifico to celebrate Colbert’s performance. Seriously, this deserves a celebration. Either I’m up way too late, or it’s the equivalent of Cronkite coming back from Vietnam.
(Don’t tell anyone I’m 180 degrees kittywampus.)
NDD’s 180 degrees from kittywampus! (And so am I…)
Wow that’s one great rant from Colbert… I’m sorry I quit watching him a couple of months ago because he was getting on my nerves!
Olivia, you’re a goddess for posting the link to that transcript! I’ll order you a Dragon Arum to be sent to you next fall!
Check out the front page post by albert — links to this stuff in the comments, and also Americablog and dKos of course… I’m sure all the blogs will be on this today.
Oh, and the goddess bit works just fine by way of thanks! 😉
he smoked ’em BAD! He was so over their heads that they didn’t get it…the guys got steel stones, right in the belly of the beast. Love it!
The RWNM is gonna go nuts…BWAHAHAHAHA
some of looked absolutely stunned! That was my favorite part… they had their hands up to their face, like OMG, they couldn’t believe what was happening.
Somebody set that up great, and somebody on the op side screwed up real bad!!
As John Paul Jones once said, Hell, surrender, we’ve just begun to fight!
Colbert, my new hero!!!!
Damn, and I missed that.. when I turned on the tv tonight, MSNBC was showing the dinner, but I switched because there was a doppelganger Bush up next to him… I should have kept it on to catch Colbert. <sigh> But I did get some of it from Albert’s diary earlier tonight… I’ll have to look for the transcript Olivia was talking about sometime later.
Ya, they’ll be calling it “the roasting of the president”, and he’s sitting twenty feet away whilst it happended, fkg classic, just fkg classic.
I don’t know that I’ll ever make it to bed at this rate.
he slammed the press really hard…the bit about the spin stenographers…”just run spellcheck and you’re done”…and the bit about someone writing the great american novel, about a press willing to take on a president…a thing of beauty.
C-Span is going to rerun the entire thing later today…makes me wish I had a telly…sorta.
Yeah, it would sure be fun to see on the tellie, I’ll have to try and catch that.
Do you know when CSPAN is going to run it again? If so, I’m going to tape it!
I just hope you don’t have dreams of chittlins and boudin noir haunting you in your sleep!
Now why would you wish him not to have dreams of culinary
but maybe it ain’t such a bad idea after all?
catch it on the flip…enjoyed it.
Night all.
it’s been a night to remember, that’s for sure.
You get your beauty rest whilst us “youngsters” hang out here for a while yet. Ha!
The sun’s up here in ottawa. See you all you young men later on today … 🙂
it was fun to have you here with us on this big night. Heck it was a night to remember even before the colbert news.
I gotta go check prices on the D70, before ya get so far ahead of me on the learning curve I have trouble making sense of it all.
I’ve just decided what I’ll do to start out the day.
It’s 5:00 am here and I decided the floors needs vacuuming. Of course it needs it worst around the bedrooms where everyone is sleeping. I’m sure George will be there barking to show his support.
I figure about 7:00 am I’ll start weedeating around the house. Again around the bedrooms where I didn’t before to let everyone sleep.
Now on to breakfast. This will be a cook your own favorite day.
I really need a world class guilt meister for today. The pevious aren’t subtle, but I plan to hone that
skill for awhile.
Good night everyone.
and all my favorite people head to bed (which if I were wiser, I’d have been there hours ago)!
Good night all good friends, and as dada says, catch you on the flip side!
FM, your plan sounds deliciously evil… DO IT!
it’s been a good one IVG, sleep well.
Another good night to FM, and to the Canadian Photography goddess, known as Olivia… this was a fun night, and how could we forget our NDD dude? I’m slinking off to bed and hope the dogs will move to let me get in!
Pepa is a notorious bed hog, as unmovable as the rock of Gibraltar…
Catch you folks on dada’s flip side!
vacuum in the morning, especially for those with hangovers, ha ha. If you could get’m both running at the same time you’d have a two-part harmony.
I think I’ll finish my one and only beer of the night/morning and hang it up for the night/morning.