This is a Waiting for the West Coast
Unhosted Cafe.
Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Bagels and cheese danish on the platters.
Bagels and cheese danish on the platters.
Lurkers hiding under every table, come out, come out wherever you are.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Good morning, Andi.
Sunburn. Oh, my – forgot the cream before yesterday’s march. Red face, red arms.
Glad you had a great day yesterday!!!!! I wish I could have been there but you know I was there in spirit.
Morning Andi!!!!
Nothing going on here, as usual. What’s in your busy day?
LOL I have to get a letter written to go out for a membership drive for Stonewall Austin, I need to do some blogging and another podcast, I have a sign to design for a candidate and house work. LOL
Thanks to the wonder of virtual exertion, just reading your list has tired me out and I now feel completely justified in doing nothing today. π
Young protestor in yesterday’s peace march.

And there were many of them. Many!
I recommend the green gel with aloe.
Is that your daughter?
It is. With BT bumper sticker on her t-shirt.
Got to Love our Young Liberals!!! What a thrill it must be to go to a anti-war protest and have your daughter there with you.
It sure was, refinish.
I’m quite proud of her and she truly enjoyed the whole thing.
I came across an interesting photo gallery of the protest.
Cool pics. Jim. Did you see Boo’s Friday diary about the Fibonacci sequence?
Ain’t it cool.
Thanks, Jim.
Those were great.
Great photogallery, JF! I posted the link. Also want to mention that I checked out “Vacation & other pictures.” Really great shots, wow! I showed my son, and he was also really impressed. What a great idea to have cards made for gifts! I’ve been making my own greeting cards with photos for a while, it’s really fun!
That was supposed to say I “bookmarked” the link. Sleepy Sunday morning, here!
Thank you for looking. Andi and I have been doing gift cards for 5 or 6 years now. We found a good local printer who can take the photos in Word, PhotoShop, PaintShop Pro files and give us nice looking cards. I think this year we gave away about 3 dozen sets of a dozen cards each. We also keep a dozen sets for our own use too. I began putting them up on the website because my school’s secretary told me she didn’t use them because she wanted to go back and look at them. Now that she can see them on the web, she say she uses them.
I completely missed the bumper sticker (low resolution picture combined with low resolution eyes).
Suddenly I’m filled with a desire to do matchmaking between your daughter and Second Nature’s son.
Matchmaking; I better check with her first, but understand where you’re coming from. The asklets are here with me – the young protestor still asleep. Her younger brother and I are busy playing Set. A great card game for all ages.
And what a great excuse to get the Nature Family to come to the East Coast Meetup boran2 is planning…
Good morning, everyone!
Morning CG.
Hey FM! How was the big party?
It was and wasn’t. I fell asleep and my family didn’t wake me up. So, I woke up probably during the reception.
Didn’t even get to go.
I’d say I’m sorry but I’m always delighted to miss social functions, I’m projecting my happiness on you.
Well this one was a little special to me, because the recpetion was at the farm house. I wouldn’t have stayed long anyway, but the food, oh the food I missed.
Not saying I’m a hog are anything, but I didn’t have some large plastic bags ready for take home.
and I’ll feel bad for you. I’m sorry π
Thanks Andi, but no need to feel sorry.
And far be it from me to have you go against your principles.
It’s just a small ripple on a large lake. Albeit, I will turn it into a tidal wave. π
They didn’t wake you up? wow.
It’s not to worry. I’m going to make Andi’s mother seem like an amateur in the guilt department.
I did let the idea go of vacuuming by their rooms at 6:00 am this morning. Subtle, that’s what’s it going to be.
Oh, I would’ve been vacuuming with the stereo on at 5:30 for that offense… π
swimmer is beautiful, ask … and she looks so happy here. Thank you both for going yesterday and for posting your diary for us all to see.
Good Morning People!!!! I hope everyone had a fabulous Saturday. Mine was busy and still did not get all the things I wanted to get done finished. LOL I will be doing lots of work today to get things wrapped up before an incredibly busy week starts. LOL
I am so glad the march in New York was such a big success!!! I wish I could have been there.
Good morning everyone.
Good morning all! Great photos, ask! We’re getting ready to take the boran2 boy out to have some fun and burn off some boyish energy. He had way too much car time yesterday.
Good morning, boran, and thanks.
Ants in their pants those young boys – mine too.
It looks great outside in our part of the country. Hope you have a great day out.
Thanks, you too!
Well so far this weekend, we’ve had rain followed by rain with small breaks of more rain.
The upside is the gloom makes the green very intense.
Wow, totally cool pic! I feel like I’m there. And congrats on all the rain. I’m already missing it here in SoCal.
And, by way of contrast, here’s a picture to show how, in my forest shots, the trees all kind of blend together rather than standing out in their blazing shades of green. This was taken in Big Sur with the sun fully shining, it was early in the day.
See what I mean?
I think that the light is too bright and too overhead and that’s washing everything out. You could play with saturation in your photo editor, though, to bring out more of the color.
Also, most of my woods shots are taken in the woods and under the canopy — not that I have much choice in that since there are few sizable openings.
Thanks for the feedback. I’ll give the saturation thing a try. Other pics I have taken in less light, inside the forest, kind of seem like washouts, too. My camera has a “portrait” setting, with “landscape” on the menu so I will try that and see if it works better.
Try taking the pictures early in the morning or later in the afternoon, too. If that doesn’t work, try a trip up to Redwoods National Park — if you can’t get a great picture up there, there’s something wrong with the camera.
Oops, I got sidetracked watching Colbert roast Bush. Man that was wierd. What was he even doing there? It reminded me of that film “The Girl in the Cafe.” But she changed the world!
We had that on, too. I thought it was funny for awhile but that it went on too long.
Yes it was long, I thought someone was going to go up and drag him off the podium!
Well I’m heading out for the day. Can’t decided whether to mow or weedeat around the bedrooms windows first.
I have left a little surprise this morning.
Subtlety, that what I’m after.
See Ya’ll later.
My admiration of your subtlety knows no bounds.
Hi everyone, I can’t host the cafe today, my son in law in coming to pick me up to go to breakfast and garage sales, in just a few minutes…I will see if you need help when I return…
Have a great day everyone.
Heading out for church in about 20 minutes, just wanted to say a quick “howdy!” We’re hosting the hospitality with the in-laws after the late service, in honor of our anniversary; need to make sure everything is set up, and the spouse will head across the street to this fantastic bakery (The Prolific Oven) to pick up the cake we ordered.
Trying to decide what to do about dinner — we have coupons for free personal size pizzas (actually it’s our ticket stubs from Thursday — “4 in the net, pizza you get!”), but not sure yet; I’ve got my physical coming up in two weeks so really need to get on track with the diet and exercise.
Okay, need to go finish getting myself put together — back in a few hours… π
Here’s something else that was blooming at Descanso Gardens on Wednesday!
And here’s something weird. Someone using one of my email addressess (not mythmother) tried to register at both Kos and BT on 4/18/06. I just checked that acccount, it’s a hotmail account, and found the welcome messages. The BT welcome message gives this person’s user name (background noise) but the Kos welcome message doesn’t. However, it would have to be the same person since it happened on the same day. Kind of creeps me out since that hotmail account is not linked to mythmother or my name IRL. What a coincidence that said person would try to register using my email at the only two blogs where I post and frequent……
Other than that, a great day!
The patterns of light and dark against the patterns of the flower are really effective.
Weird on the stealing of the email addresses — seems hard to think that there isn’t some sort spam/scam involved.
Thanks, AndiF! I just love your forest photo upthread!
Yes, it seems like it would have to be someone who knows me, knows my hotmail email address, and knows which blogs I frequent. Also someone new to the technology, since most people would know that using someone else’s email wouldn’t work unless you had their password. It just popped into my head who this person might be. Creepy.
You’re having so much fun with the macros. Good for you.
I’m getting jealous of these great photos.
At coffee today I asked my friend Art when his flowers were going to bloom. He has lots of tulips, and thought some might be out the end of this week. So hopefully the sun will deign to make an appearance Friday.
Thanks, NDD! I do have fun with close up on flower shots and can’t wait until I can get a better camera so I can have even more fun! But then, priorities, priorites. #1 = Get a Job, then I suppose I can start thinking about a new camera….
I started taking macros with the forced flash when there is little sun or sun coming in and out (as it was the day I took this shot). I’m not sure what the flash does, it seems to bring out the colors more, and gives me a little more leeway for closeness and focus on these handheld shots.
That is such a neat picture. It reminds me of a painted glass lampshade we had when I was a kid. When the light was off, the pictures of the flowers, roses I think, were dull and lifeless. But when the light was on the colors were vivid and the images were detailed. The light is definitely on in your picture!
Thanks, JF! I consider that high praise from someone who obviously has “the sight” as I call it in order to capture the natural beauty of the earth. I don’t know if you saw my comment upthread, but I visited your album and it is really impressive!
Colbert’s Roast of Bush (more liked microwaved him) is on now on CSPAN, he hasn’t started his performance yet, so you can still catch it.
See albert’s story on front page if you are blissfully unawares.
see you in the next probably as I’m going to the nonvirtual cafe for a coffee.
This is beautiful! Can you give us the particulars … π
Btw, I wanted to ask if I could link to your photos on my blogroll … would that be okay?
1/20 sec
ISO 1600
Linking: feel free.
You are really helping me here Jim — I hope you know how much it’s appreciated!!!
(I thought you might be missing that) that he likes doing it and besides, it’s helpful to him because it makes him think about what he’s doing.
And don’t forget you don’t have to wait for him to show up in the cafe or at your website, you can just email him.
Wow that’s just spectacular!
Beautiful shot, JF! You make the delicate plant stand out like a superhero about to unfurl his (or her!) cape!
God I’m so pissed I can barely contain myself! My stupid stupid STOOPID fucking neighbor is cutting down the most beautiful jacaranda tree you ever saw because IT MAKES A MESS ON HIS LAWN FOR ONE MONTH OUT OF THE YEAR! If you have ever seen a jacaranda tree, it blooms lavendar in May, there are groves of jacaranda in Los Angeles that make this poor smoggy city come alive with resplendent beauty every spring. I have lived across the street from this lovely tree for over 20 years, it must be at least 100 years old! And now they are out there with their goddamn fucking buzz saws and I swear to God I would just as soon see their STUPID FUCKING heads get chopped off by those buzz saws as watch them murder a helpless tree that has done nothing but add beauty, shade, and oxygen to the world. I HATE THESE PEOPLE!!!!!
I hate when people do that! Is he allowed to cut it down without permission from the city?
He says he has permission, and I’m going to take him at his word. In my neighborhood, you don’t start feuds with your neighbors. I went across the street with my son and let him know that I was upset about losing the tree, not that it will make any difference, but that’s about all I can do.
I am so sorry.
I don’t understand people like that and I’m very bad at dealing with them — which is one reason why I live out in the country with no neighbors.
You are so lucky, AndiF! I hope that you can forget that such idiots even exist!!
indicative of the general sickness pervasive in our country that there is so little appreciation for nature, art, and all entities of beauty…
Exactly, NDD!! You can see how much they are enjoying themselves they feel like they are doing something really wonderful and important!
Why can’t there be Tree Police to call when people are murdering trees???
Myth m, where do you live, I am in socal too and I love the jacaranda’s which are just now starting to bloom.
I live in the San Fernando Valley, on the north end. I have always looked forward to May and the incredible lavendar carpets when the jacaranda leaves start to fall. How can anyone be so spiritually dead that they would not feel honored to have such an exquisite tree on their property?
Where in LA, do you live?
I totally agree with you, I was just admiring the jacarandas today as we were driving, it seems like they are a little late this year.
I am in Santa Ana, Orange Co. a ways south of you…
Sunday happy hour lounge opened.