Anonymous prostitute produces photographic evidence of upper level CIA and Bush administration involvement in prostitution for favors ring
Washington, DC (Rotters) – A Washington, DC area prostitute has come forwards lending credence to the allegations of CIA officials’ involvements in wild poker parties and prostitution exchanged in favors for legislation. The prostitute who remained nameless and in an undisclosed location has released pictures to Rotters and talked with its reporters about his story.
CIA Director Porter Goss has vehemently denied any involvement in the growing scandal. Personal support for his number three man Dustin “Dusty” Foggo, who is also reputedly involved, has been lukewarm at best. Both men now appear to have been longtime participants in Republican sponsored poker get-togethers which frequently deteriorated in various levels of debauchery. The parties were first organized as informal get-togethers at the Virginia home of Brent Wilkes, a recently identified co-conspirator in the bribery case of former Representative Randy “Duke” Cunningham.
Rotters anonymous prostitute source claims that he first became involved over 15 years ago. He stated that one of the participants’ favorite games was something they called “stripper poker”. As a sort of side bet, the winner of the hand was allowed to remove a piece of clothing from the stripper. He states that the game initially never went past this, but as the years progressed the participants seemed to become bored, and insisted that he participate in varying scenarios of bondage and humiliation, bordering upon torture.
At a point a few years ago, the anonymous source states that the group began to tire of him when he became less willing to acquiesce to more and more outrageous demands. The group remained fearful of him and apparently arrangements were made for a high profile job and start up journalism company to keep him silent. The source relates that earlier this year this arrangement fell through and he began to be threatened and intimidated to keep quiet.
CLICK TO ENLARGE Private “stripper poker” party at the Virginia home of Brent Wilkes. In later years they migrated to the Watergate Hotel in Washington, DC
“They know that I have pictures,” said the anonymous source. “What I’ve given you today is just the tip of the iceberg. I saw what happened to Jack Abramoff, and that’s not happening to me. These are some dangerous people. The last few years, I would go to bed every night and lie awake wondering if I was going to wake up in another country where they allowed torture.”
The anonymous source produced a photograph reputedly showing a typical gathering at Wilkes’ home in Virginia prior to its moving to the Watergate Hotel in later years. Attorneys for those depicted insisted that the picture was nothing more than a crass conspiratorial hoax produced by a frustrated individual seeking to impugn the reputation of the Republican Party.
Rotters has entered negotiations for turning over the identity of the prostitute and his photographic evidence to independent prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald for further scrutiny. Fitzgerald office offered no further comment except to say that the investigation would receive all due diligence with the understanding of the limitations of manpower as further avenues of Republican corruption are uncovered.
Excellent, as always, how can we expect less? Bood, you set the standard too high for yourself!
bood..It appears your CIA source seems to know how to appears to have covered ass in more ways than one.