I just loooove my delphiniums! This one I’m particularly proud of since I started it from seed about 5 years ago… it’s one of my most reliable ones, though I’ve still not seen much sign of it yet this year. But I suspect with all the rain recently, all sorts of things are going to start showing up.
I tell ya, for certain things, seeds are the only way to go… especially for things like Foxglove and Lupines, who really hate being transplanted. Same goes for nasturtiums, though I see them for sale in pots in the garden centers… even if every pack of seeds I get says does not like being transplanted … LOL… some people just can’t take the hint.
Awesome, Keres! I love the carnivorous plants, but they’re so hard to try to keep alive up here without a greenhouse environment. I saw that loading and said, oooh a sundew! Yup, that’s what it was. Next thing I know, you’ll be telling us that you have pitcher plants hanging in the trees out in your yard! LOL
Yeah, I’ve always thought that odd that cobra lilies and venus flytraps are native to certain parts of the states. We tried a cobra lily in a terrarium environment a few years ago, but it only lasted a few months before it gave up the ghost. No luck keeping those inside… so we focus most of our botanical efforts on the outside, where we have more than enough to keep us busy 24/7!
And I think sundews are supposed to have a pleasant smell to insects… but then, they also like THE PLANT as well, so who knows what it’s really like? hehe
“simultaneously fascinating and revolting” – that gets said about my prefered topics a lot.
I’m one of those people that tend to find everything facinating, including, and sometimes especially, what other people find a bit off-putting. I never mean to offend or gross out.
To all of those who still linger in the FBL, thanks so much for commiserating with me today on the demise of my beautiful friend the tree. After a refreshing nap, I’m calmer, but I know I will feel outrage for a long time whenever I look accross the street.
I, of course, am with Mary on that too, MM! After I read your posts earlier, I told Chris about the whole story and he just about popped a vein he was so mad too. But he’s even more of a tree-hugger than I, but we both always lament when the people of the slash and burn variety go mucking about and destroying nature. At least I’m glad you’ve been able to calm down a bit for a while. Can’t be good for the old blood pressure!
Yes, the old blood pressure did take a bit of a wallop today, not to mention my poor son and cat Shadow who both watched with bewilderment as I swept about the house yelling my head off.
But on to more important things, I love the cute new mini-pic in your sig!
And I see that Olivia has a new flower in her sig! I caught up on my reading after waking up from my nap, and so happen to know that it’s her first outside pic with the new cam. And a lovely one it is, too. I really like the colors of orange and the way the flower stands out against the background.
I wonder how things went with FM’s family today… has anyone seen him around since last night? Would love to have been a fly on the wall around there today… hehe.
Good night, Olivia! I have to work today as well, but am allowing myself a bit of fun, after all the work I had to do on Saturday, despite the late night FBL party we had. That was so much fun, even if I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning!
Catch you soon, and thanks for the help on the photo icon! I should have asked sooner, that was sooo easy to do! I really appreciate everyone’s help here in getting me past my code challenged phase… keep those tulip pics coming, since ours are on their way out… waahhhhh! But there’s more stuff coming along to take over the show.
Here’s a shot from a week ago of another new one we planted last fall… this is Fritillaria persica, often referred to as a “black fritillary,” but it’s really just a very deep shade of purple. I noticed it was opening up on Friday, but with all the rain, obvious why no pics of it just yet…
After buying that reference book on them today, I think I have a new obsession in the plant world… hehe. Not to say the Dragon arum is eclipsed… just a different focus, so to speak.
Fascinating one! That is really the closest to true black I’ve seen, not that I obsess about the color, but that’s a cool plant. Looks like a vining habit, or is that just the perspective?
Thanks for the info… I’ve written that one down and will have to research if it will grow here, even if only as an annual. We’ve recently gotten into arums and have a Dracunculus vulgaris coming up that we’re very excited about. That’s what Olivia and I refer to as THE PLANT… it has been revolting people around here a bit lately… lol. Will keep you posted on that as it progresses, or just stop by here regularly if you want to see what it’s all about. Same family as those titan arums or amorphophallus species… very strange critters indeed.
You’re feeding my burning desire to get down to Australia and NZ you know! I so envy you folks your odd flora and fauna. Not to mention the beautiful countryside!
Thanks for the kind offer, Keres! I had never even heard of Kangaroo paws (well other than the ones on the critters) before, so these were a revelation for me. Thanks for educating me on those… definitely have some research to do on those and the other ones you posted. I bet Olivia will really love those when she pops back tomorrow to see.
Speaking of editing and posting, I have to go through our dog pics and get some good ones ready for the next Dog Blog! I feel so accomplished for having turned Pepa into an icon for my sig line tonight… hehe. And I know I’ve said it before, but I love seeing your pics of Luna… I’ve always liked those gentle brutes, even though it would be unfair for us to have one here in the city… glad you have such a great place for her to live!
Well, way past my time to get to bed, but great to see you stopping in here in the FBL late night! Take care, and see you soon, I hope.
Late night Froggies hop on over here to the new cafe.
Posted by SusanUnPC on March 28, 2006 at 12:48 PM
See comment in my diary —
● Rove’s Last Line of Defense ◊ by Oui
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
where IS everybody?
<crickets chirping>
It’s the frogs calling because of all the rain we just got.
Oh, and we got a wild visitor to our pond. I’ll run out and take her picture and post it anon.
This Pacific Black Duck showed up on our pond (which is finally refilling with the rains of late) about four days ago.

She’s very comfy with people, and has made herself at home with our Muscovies.
Are these types of ducks unusual around you?
They are probably the most numerous wild duck in Tasmania. Our version of the Mallard.
Especially when compared to our well-fed flock of laze-abouts.

Here’s Heckle, our 2-year-old drake, in his Fall finery.
I still think overall he’s a cutie — just the teeth didn’t looks as cute from the underbite (vs overbite perspective)!
that he basically SITS on intruders and crushes them rather than bites them.
If one can be said to “sit” upward – that’s pretty much how they defend themselves.
Another Wombat fun fact: they are the largest burrowing marsupial mammal.
Just getting some blue for you…

… and Olivia too!
That’s a perfectly gorgeous shade of blue.
Wow, lovely, IVG!!! I love the subtle blues and purples.
That’s electric blue! Looks like hints of purple too…
(Btw, I think I said the icon size was 40×40 — I just checked and it’s 50×50.)
I just loooove my delphiniums! This one I’m particularly proud of since I started it from seed about 5 years ago… it’s one of my most reliable ones, though I’ve still not seen much sign of it yet this year. But I suspect with all the rain recently, all sorts of things are going to start showing up.
Hey, Olivia, check it out… it worked!
I love it — and the line beside it! I’m sure FM will get a great kick out of it…
And you seem to be a pro w/ growing from seed!
I tell ya, for certain things, seeds are the only way to go… especially for things like Foxglove and Lupines, who really hate being transplanted. Same goes for nasturtiums, though I see them for sale in pots in the garden centers… even if every pack of seeds I get says does not like being transplanted … LOL… some people just can’t take the hint.
So how about one of our carnivorous plants!
This Pale Sundew is eating a fly.
Close-up of fly.
Awesome, Keres! I love the carnivorous plants, but they’re so hard to try to keep alive up here without a greenhouse environment. I saw that loading and said, oooh a sundew! Yup, that’s what it was. Next thing I know, you’ll be telling us that you have pitcher plants hanging in the trees out in your yard! LOL
The sundews are native to Tasmania, and pop up quite willingly. I think you’d have to head to tropical Queensland to find pitcher plants in Australia.
Although Darlingtonia (Cobra Lilies) grow well in northern California and Oregon – so I guess they don’t always have to be tropical.
Yeah, I’ve always thought that odd that cobra lilies and venus flytraps are native to certain parts of the states. We tried a cobra lily in a terrarium environment a few years ago, but it only lasted a few months before it gave up the ghost.
No luck keeping those inside… so we focus most of our botanical efforts on the outside, where we have more than enough to keep us busy 24/7!
That is simultaneously fascinating and revolting!!! I love it!
And I think sundews are supposed to have a pleasant smell to insects… but then, they also like THE PLANT as well, so who knows what it’s really like? hehe
“simultaneously fascinating and revolting” – that gets said about my prefered topics a lot.
I’m one of those people that tend to find everything facinating, including, and sometimes especially, what other people find a bit off-putting. I never mean to offend or gross out.
To all of those who still linger in the FBL, thanks so much for commiserating with me today on the demise of my beautiful friend the tree. After a refreshing nap, I’m calmer, but I know I will feel outrage for a long time whenever I look accross the street.
that’s why we’re here at the Froggy Bottom.
I’m glad you feel calmer.
I, of course, am with Mary on that too, MM! After I read your posts earlier, I told Chris about the whole story and he just about popped a vein he was so mad too. But he’s even more of a tree-hugger than I, but we both always lament when the people of the slash and burn variety go mucking about and destroying nature. At least I’m glad you’ve been able to calm down a bit for a while. Can’t be good for the old blood pressure!
Yes, the old blood pressure did take a bit of a wallop today, not to mention my poor son and cat Shadow who both watched with bewilderment as I swept about the house yelling my head off.
But on to more important things, I love the cute new mini-pic in your sig!
And I see that Olivia has a new flower in her sig! I caught up on my reading after waking up from my nap, and so happen to know that it’s her first outside pic with the new cam. And a lovely one it is, too. I really like the colors of orange and the way the flower stands out against the background.
Looks good!
The cafe is a good place to vent, so don’t feel bad about that at all!
I wonder how things went with FM’s family today… has anyone seen him around since last night? Would love to have been a fly on the wall around there today… hehe.
Hopefully things are okay on the h/a front. He posted a pretty interesting pic this morning … but haven’t heard anything more.
I think I’m calling it a night — have to work tomorrow!
Have a wonderful night and sweet dreams IVG, mm, keres, and any other lurking froggies.
Good night, Olivia! I have to work today as well, but am allowing myself a bit of fun, after all the work I had to do on Saturday, despite the late night FBL party we had. That was so much fun, even if I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning!
Catch you soon, and thanks for the help on the photo icon! I should have asked sooner, that was sooo easy to do! I really appreciate everyone’s help here in getting me past my code challenged phase… keep those tulip pics coming, since ours are on their way out… waahhhhh! But there’s more stuff coming along to take over the show.
Good night all!
And I think the rain has moved out of the area for now, at least up here… glad to have had the chance to chat briefly tonight!
Here’s a shot from a week ago of another new one we planted last fall… this is Fritillaria persica, often referred to as a “black fritillary,” but it’s really just a very deep shade of purple. I noticed it was opening up on Friday, but with all the rain, obvious why no pics of it just yet…

After buying that reference book on them today, I think I have a new obsession in the plant world… hehe. Not to say the Dragon arum is eclipsed… just a different focus, so to speak.
I like flowers that are unusual colours like that.
I’ll have to check to see if they’re in The Book tomorrow!
The Australian Kennedia Nigricans, or Black Coral Pea.
Fascinating one! That is really the closest to true black I’ve seen, not that I obsess about the color, but that’s a cool plant. Looks like a vining habit, or is that just the perspective?
Yep. It’s a creeper and needs support.
Thanks for the info… I’ve written that one down and will have to research if it will grow here, even if only as an annual. We’ve recently gotten into arums and have a Dracunculus vulgaris coming up that we’re very excited about. That’s what Olivia and I refer to as THE PLANT… it has been revolting people around here a bit lately… lol. Will keep you posted on that as it progresses, or just stop by here regularly if you want to see what it’s all about. Same family as those titan arums or amorphophallus species… very strange critters indeed.
Absolutely gorgeous!!! Wow. Thank you for posting that keres!
Okay on that note I am going to bed now — but I will check tomorrow to see what other delights the two of you might post!
How’s this one for true black? Black Kangaroo Paw.
The buds and stems of a Black Kangaroo Paw.
This is Green Kangaroo Paw.
Yellow Kangaroo Paw.
You’re feeding my burning desire to get down to Australia and NZ you know! I so envy you folks your odd flora and fauna. Not to mention the beautiful countryside!
I took all of the Kangaroo Paw photos in West Australia last spring. Along with several hundred other wildflower pictures.
If I ever get around to editing them and posting them on the web, I’ll be sure to let you know.
If you ever do find yourself down our way, we’ll gladly show you around.
And remember it’s warm down here when it’s Winter there!
Thanks for the kind offer, Keres! I had never even heard of Kangaroo paws (well other than the ones on the critters) before, so these were a revelation for me. Thanks for educating me on those… definitely have some research to do on those and the other ones you posted. I bet Olivia will really love those when she pops back tomorrow to see.
Speaking of editing and posting, I have to go through our dog pics and get some good ones ready for the next Dog Blog! I feel so accomplished for having turned Pepa into an icon for my sig line tonight… hehe. And I know I’ve said it before, but I love seeing your pics of Luna… I’ve always liked those gentle brutes, even though it would be unfair for us to have one here in the city… glad you have such a great place for her to live!
Well, way past my time to get to bed, but great to see you stopping in here in the FBL late night! Take care, and see you soon, I hope.
Red Kangaroo Paw.