That many think hockey is violent. However… no one bats an eye about football where every play is about stopping a play usually by brute force. Where no one cares if an entire baseball team jumps out of the dugout and has a brawl.
You’ll never see other teams shaking hands after a long battle series. The losers go off to the shower and the victors are seen jumping on each other with champagne on them all announcing they’re going to Disneyland.
Hockey, they play hurt, sometimes skating with broken bones. Darren McCarty skated with the Flames with a broken foot – because Hockey is still about a TEAM work and you don’t let your teammates or fans down.
They get bloody, teeth are knocked out.. it’s a hard game. But it isn’t a violent game. Nor is it a selfish game. They shake hands after a series. They don’t talk about going to Disneyland.
I just never got into hockey, probably because it’s indoors and I really love baseball because it reminds me of spring and summer. And because I can never even see the puck and it just looks like a bunch of guys skating around in circles and knocking each other into the walls.
this is the year I went from being a hockey fan to a Hockey Fan…and it’s probably just one short leap (or Sharks Stanley Cup) to being a HOCKEY FAN. Probably getting to a few more games in person helped a lot — hockey is one sport that works better in person than it does on TV. (Then again, anything would work better than the current NHL TV contract — got two crucial playoff games tonight and we only get to see one of them — guess OLN has to show more gun infomercials… :x)
Maybe it’s all the steroids controversy (and for all the self-righteous “horror”, where were Selig and MLB in the post-strike years when all the chemically-enhanced homers were bringing fans back to the ballpark?), but I’m a little down on baseball this year; never been much of an NBA fan, a little more hopeful about the local NFL teams (at least the Niners made a couple decent pickups in the draft it appears). But I’ll probably be counting the weeks till the first puck drops in November… 🙂
My husband is a major sports fan. But he refuses to watch the NBA now and except for the Red Sox he has a huge heart ache about baseball.
Reason we kinda dig this area in Portland, it’s all about the minor leagues and school/uni teams. Yeah they have an NBA team here but from what I’m told… it’s a joke and probably won’t be around much longer(?) Don’t know don’t follow it.
I know there’s some great guys in major league sports. But it seems like for every ONE good guy – there’s about ten baddies.
The NHL Lockout last season sucked alot of joy out of hockey for so many and I for one thought I’d never return, because it was as if the NHL finally caved into all the greed and crap of other sports. IT was such a kick to the face. I’m hoping they learned a lesson.
I just can’t take hearing multi-millionaires bitch about money while they play a game.
A very pretty and nice woman gave her brother’s jersey to my son while I worked in a store. EVERYONE knew I was a hockey fan and several knew my son liked Toronto… she brought that in and he wore it FOREVER 🙂
He wants, of all things, a steenking Teemu Selanne Ducks sweater now. EW.. But… in his defense, again, he actually met the man and he was very very kind and sweet to him. Neither made out that each other had a speech delay 🙂 Wesley was all over his car, too and Teemu never yelled or told him to get off or nothing. They spoke of “Driven” a movie my son was into at the time and turns out was a fave or the Finnish Flash.
I think it’s genetic his like for Toronto. His grandma (Wayne’s mom) has dual citizen ship – she was born in Toronto) And there’s a family member whose ashes can’t be spread untill the Leafs bring the Cup back home. It’s in the freakin’ will.
Wesley was in Social Studies… I think in the 5th grade and they were to make flags of countries. He chose Canada. This was during the playoffs and he was a huge Mats Sundin fan… anyways… he refused to color the flag’s maple leaf red… instead he made it BLUE 🙂
Atta baby. A true hockey fan 🙂 I did something right I guess 🙂
LOL, that’s funny. Here’s my story for today (I may have told this before): When my son was about 10 and in the fourth grade he was going on a field trip with his class. They gave everybody stickers to put on their shirts saying “Hello, my name is . . . “
I was so proud of him when he put “Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.” Need I mention that the Princess Bride had just come out?
Another true story: A few years ago we were at a Mariners game when some guy ran out to the field and, before security could stop him, threw a bunch of what looked like dirt or ash onto the field (it was a bit hard to tell from where we were sitting). We didn’t think much of it until the next day, when we read in the paper that those were his mother’s ashes.
Well, why not, I mean Steve Goodman (or his ashes, anyway) is/are buried under home plate at Wrigley Field.
I was just thinking it would be pretty hard to do something like that with your relative’s ashes at the Air Canada Center.
I managed to latch on to the audio of the Canes-Habs game yesterday afternoon. I’ve never liked the Canadiens for some reason I have yet to figure out, but the fact that they beat out my (then) home town Flyers in the ’76 Cup finals didn’t help any. (Speaking of which, here’s what you can buy me for my birthday, because there’s no way I’d spend $1200 on it myself. 🙂 )
So if the Canes can come back from down 2-0 to win it 4-2 tomorrow night I will be happy.
Hey there Omir 🙂 That’s a prety pricey ticket. I have a special place in my heart for the Flyers. I once lived out in Willow’s Grove NAS. But now that Mike Rathje is on the team… EW. 🙂 But.. another good friend of mine is also a Flyers Fanatic so we all pretty much support the other’s person’s passion.
I don’t follow the Flyers any more — in fact up here in Hockey Wasteland it’s hard to follow anyone any more. But ’75-76 was a great year for hockey as far as I was concerned. The Flyers, headed up by Bobby Clarke, Bill Barber, Reggie Leach and Bernie Parent had remade the NHL with their highly aggressive style of play. (Read: They’d check the hell out of you and win through intimidation as much as anything.) However, they ran up against a Canadiens team that sported relative newcomer Guy Lafleur (maybe the best player in hockey up until the advent of Wayne Gretzky), Pete Mahovlich and Ken Dryden that basically out-finessed the hard-hitting Flyers. Even bringing in Kate Smith to sing “God Bless America” live at the Spectrum didn’t help (that’s the game you would have used that ticket to see), as the Habs swept the Flyers 4-0.
And that was your trip down Memory Lane, sponsored by Robo-Rater, Mozilla Firefox and the letter “H”. 🙂
Thanks. Been feeling overwhelmed. Should I work on Darfur, privacy and civil rights, peace, anti-corruption initiatives, immigrant rights,workers rights, election reform, specific candidates campaigns? All of the above?
Happy May Day! Take a minute to think about the sacrifices that were made by early participants in the workers rights movement.
can get a person into the slumps. I go up and down a bit lately. I’m so glad that hockey playoff season is around or I might be in a really depressed state of mind while doing some activism stuff.
Those purple flowers always get me rocking. They remind me of Jimi 🙂
I think the camera may be down for the count. Mr. Nature thought it was an automatic update the MS installed that f-ed with it, so he uninstalled it and it still doesn’t work. We think it might be the port inside the camera where the USB plugs in. So we’re going to try a card reader and see how that works. I’m secretly lobbying for a better camera.
puppy out of my litter this year. I only got one photo of her with her feet touching the ground. The last photo I would have swore I got snapped when she really did have a few paws on the ground….when I got in the house though and saw it on the computer I literally fell down laughing. She is a great little girl though if you can manage to keep up.
picture reminds me of a few weeks ago when my dad-in-law asked me for computer help — he got a new digital camera and took some rainbow shots when we were having the rain, then he complained that the pictures disappeared! Turns out they were still in the camera, and he hadn’t installed the software to upload them to the computer (he got the camera for Christmas, but then ended up with back surgery and fell behind with computer stuff).
Oh, he has the Kodak Easy Share camera/software, but the software sucks — was thinking about Photoshop Album or something similar for him for a Father’s Day gift; anyone have any experience with photo organization software for the PC? (iPhoto on the Mac totally rocks, IMNSHO… 🙂 )
I’ve been using Paint Shop Pro for years and think it’s a great program but probably not for someone who isn’t much of a computer user. They have a photo album program too but I’ve never looked at it.
Unlike some asshole presidents, she is funny and energetic in public all at the time but not at the expense of hurting or killing other people getting there.
Just sneaking a peek at work here, and saw that pup… wow, what a cutie! Looks like a real ball of energy and a sweetie taboot. Also looks like you may have your hands full, but hey, that’s part of puppies’ charm right?
Keep us posted on the her progress! Ok, now back to slaving away here… <sigh>
(((((MythMOther)))))I’m just so relieved you are out of that one hellhole. My husband asks about you at least once a week. LOL He was just floored by what was happening to you.
I told him you were now with your Shadow kiddy and loved ones but having to undergo the job hunt. But at least you are surrounded by friends and pooties.
You’ll find something or it will find you. I’m sure of that.
Yes, it is good to be out of that hell hole. Thinking back on it, I just don’t know how I managed to hang in there for even as long as I did. What a freak show!
I’m keeping busy trying to take my stuff out of boxes and put it somewhere. We are a little crowded since we’ve been renting a room to my son’s girlfriend, but she will be going home for the summer in just a couple of weeks.
Shadow is happy, but still a little confused, I think! She doesn’t want to believe that she went to all the bother of adjusting to a new home for nothing, poor dear!
Poor Shadow. Soon she’ll back to her old/young self again.
Me? Not much. Just hanging out. My husband came home for lunch and I’m not sure I like that LOL I couldn’t wait for him to leave so I could go back online. Just housework and waiting word from realtors. Gearing up for big doings this month with CodePink.
Why the little blue question mark? Was that to be a pic?
I felt the same way this morning, I couldn’t wait for my son to leave for school. I’ve missed having time to myself just to putter around! I forgot to put “putter around” on my list!
In the distance there are several “layers” of trees. I may go back to 35mm 50 Velvia slide film w/tripod and see if I can pick up some more detail in the distance.
I’m amazed at what a little P&S digital can do but still unhappy at times that I’m not capturing what I expect.
I think there’s great potential in that particular view. And I’m frustrated at not having more manual control over the settings. So I’m starting to think more seriously about the D70.
Jim and I sometimes take the same pictures just out of curiousity to see how the canon p&s will compare to the D70. Sometimes they are quite similar (it’s a 7 megapixel p&s) but when a picture calls for — for want of a better word — fineness, the quality of the D70’s optics really show. And, of course, the p&s doesn’t have the control over the shot that D70 does so if the shot is difficult, it’s a given that the D70 will be much, much better.
a painting similar to that. We may try an enlargement, but I’m somewhat doubtful as to the viability of that on this particular shot. Maybe the next one!
I guess paintings and painterly photographs have different parameters. When I judge a photo I always ask myself, would someone sit there in front of a canvas for months or years to paint this?
just after sunrise there were no sounds at all except for some dozen or so songbirds. And there’s not much sign of human habitation in direction either.
The scene reminds me of the plains of the Serengeti.(as I’ve seen on TV or movies)
That’s lovely NDD. You should buy the super duper camera (whatever it’s called, you know what I mean). If you do so well with the basic one, think what you could do with all those bells and whistles 🙂
once everybody has the good cameras, nobody on dial up will ever be able to get into any of the cafes — since every comment will be a picture. Sorry Andi 🙂
And I’m still thinking how to reply to your question on the sky in that sunrise one. About all I can do on that camera is twist a dial for a selection, and sometimes there’s menu within that selection. So I don’t get to “set” much of anything. I’m concerned that at this point my learning process is severely restricted by just seeing data after the fact, and not having initial control over it. So I’m definitely looking forward to an upgrade.
I should go see what olivia’s been doing at her blog. Looks like you two are having way too much fun!!!
One ignores her as much as possible and humors her where possible — and puts one’s fairly sophisticated client alone in a room with hers to make business decisions without lawyers. Anything to get the deal closed. Her client now has the money and my client now has the business and they are both happy.
And I’m happy to be finished with her. It’s been a rough couple of weeks.
Hey there DJ!
We make those at Christmas time to put in our goodie trays we give out to people… we also have tried other sorts of booze with them, and some turn out quite well. We’ve liked them with Kahlua, Amaretto and Grand Marnier (though that’s a bit pricey). Tried em once with creme de menthe… ewww, not recommended. 🙂
Technically I’m hosting today, but I reserve the right to fall asleep without notice.
hiding all morning?
Not in my bed! Why do you ask?
Ok, in my bed. But only after I cleaned the kitchen and started laundry.
Hey I brought some of the boys with me. We brought donuts and hot cocoa for everyone.
Aren’t they beautiful!?
Yes, beautiful – that’s the first word that came to my mind.
the lining up and shaking of hands. Even the coaches and equipment managers get out there and shake hands.
If they took that away… I probably wouldn’t be a hockey fan. It’s that important.
Before they kick the shit out of each other, knock out a few teeth, and smear blood all over the ice.
they do all that BEFORE the handshake. It settles all the warring and wounds that preceded it. 🙂
Some even.. hug 🙂
That many think hockey is violent. However… no one bats an eye about football where every play is about stopping a play usually by brute force. Where no one cares if an entire baseball team jumps out of the dugout and has a brawl.
You’ll never see other teams shaking hands after a long battle series. The losers go off to the shower and the victors are seen jumping on each other with champagne on them all announcing they’re going to Disneyland.
Hockey, they play hurt, sometimes skating with broken bones. Darren McCarty skated with the Flames with a broken foot – because Hockey is still about a TEAM work and you don’t let your teammates or fans down.
They get bloody, teeth are knocked out.. it’s a hard game. But it isn’t a violent game. Nor is it a selfish game. They shake hands after a series. They don’t talk about going to Disneyland.
I just never got into hockey, probably because it’s indoors and I really love baseball because it reminds me of spring and summer. And because I can never even see the puck and it just looks like a bunch of guys skating around in circles and knocking each other into the walls.
I went to an A’s game. Was hard to watch the game because everyone was just sitting around talking and drinking LOL and the game was LOOOOOOOOOOONG!
My husband usually played outdoors. Frozen ponds (which freaks me out because I’m a stephen King fan and that whole Dead Zone scene…)
DAYAMN!!! lookit those marchers. How’d they get all the coverage?? LOL
this is the year I went from being a hockey fan to a Hockey Fan…and it’s probably just one short leap (or Sharks Stanley Cup) to being a HOCKEY FAN. Probably getting to a few more games in person helped a lot — hockey is one sport that works better in person than it does on TV. (Then again, anything would work better than the current NHL TV contract — got two crucial playoff games tonight and we only get to see one of them — guess OLN has to show more gun infomercials… :x)
Maybe it’s all the steroids controversy (and for all the self-righteous “horror”, where were Selig and MLB in the post-strike years when all the chemically-enhanced homers were bringing fans back to the ballpark?), but I’m a little down on baseball this year; never been much of an NBA fan, a little more hopeful about the local NFL teams (at least the Niners made a couple decent pickups in the draft it appears). But I’ll probably be counting the weeks till the first puck drops in November… 🙂
My husband is a major sports fan. But he refuses to watch the NBA now and except for the Red Sox he has a huge heart ache about baseball.
Reason we kinda dig this area in Portland, it’s all about the minor leagues and school/uni teams. Yeah they have an NBA team here but from what I’m told… it’s a joke and probably won’t be around much longer(?) Don’t know don’t follow it.
I know there’s some great guys in major league sports. But it seems like for every ONE good guy – there’s about ten baddies.
The NHL Lockout last season sucked alot of joy out of hockey for so many and I for one thought I’d never return, because it was as if the NHL finally caved into all the greed and crap of other sports. IT was such a kick to the face. I’m hoping they learned a lesson.
I just can’t take hearing multi-millionaires bitch about money while they play a game.
Ahem 😉
I generally don’t have to ever spell it out.
I normally just ask for MAPLE BARS. 😀
Mauple Baurs?
Toronto Maple Leaf Bars
Yes he wears his TML CuJo goalie sweater to games… ACK!
I have never had a maple leaf bar before.
That’s what the ACK was for!!!
The TO Maple Laughs are Ottawa’s rival! Battle of Ontario … 🙂
A very pretty and nice woman gave her brother’s jersey to my son while I worked in a store. EVERYONE knew I was a hockey fan and several knew my son liked Toronto… she brought that in and he wore it FOREVER 🙂
He wants, of all things, a steenking Teemu Selanne Ducks sweater now. EW.. But… in his defense, again, he actually met the man and he was very very kind and sweet to him. Neither made out that each other had a speech delay 🙂 Wesley was all over his car, too and Teemu never yelled or told him to get off or nothing. They spoke of “Driven” a movie my son was into at the time and turns out was a fave or the Finnish Flash.
There’s always a reason for Wesley’s likes. 🙂
He could call them “Canadiens Bars” 🙂
I think it’s genetic his like for Toronto. His grandma (Wayne’s mom) has dual citizen ship – she was born in Toronto) And there’s a family member whose ashes can’t be spread untill the Leafs bring the Cup back home. It’s in the freakin’ will.
Wesley was in Social Studies… I think in the 5th grade and they were to make flags of countries. He chose Canada. This was during the playoffs and he was a huge Mats Sundin fan… anyways… he refused to color the flag’s maple leaf red… instead he made it BLUE 🙂
Atta baby. A true hockey fan 🙂 I did something right I guess 🙂
LOL, that’s funny. Here’s my story for today (I may have told this before): When my son was about 10 and in the fourth grade he was going on a field trip with his class. They gave everybody stickers to put on their shirts saying “Hello, my name is . . . “
I was so proud of him when he put “Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.” Need I mention that the Princess Bride had just come out?
Another true story: A few years ago we were at a Mariners game when some guy ran out to the field and, before security could stop him, threw a bunch of what looked like dirt or ash onto the field (it was a bit hard to tell from where we were sitting). We didn’t think much of it until the next day, when we read in the paper that those were his mother’s ashes.
Well, why not, I mean Steve Goodman (or his ashes, anyway) is/are buried under home plate at Wrigley Field.
I was just thinking it would be pretty hard to do something like that with your relative’s ashes at the Air Canada Center.
🙂 We love Princess Bride here. One of our favorite gifts to give. 🙂
I can’t wait to meet you one day, Mister 🙂
this would make its way to the cafe. 🙂
I managed to latch on to the audio of the Canes-Habs game yesterday afternoon. I’ve never liked the Canadiens for some reason I have yet to figure out, but the fact that they beat out my (then) home town Flyers in the ’76 Cup finals didn’t help any. (Speaking of which, here’s what you can buy me for my birthday, because there’s no way I’d spend $1200 on it myself. 🙂 )
So if the Canes can come back from down 2-0 to win it 4-2 tomorrow night I will be happy.
Hey there Omir 🙂 That’s a prety pricey ticket. I have a special place in my heart for the Flyers. I once lived out in Willow’s Grove NAS. But now that Mike Rathje is on the team… EW. 🙂 But.. another good friend of mine is also a Flyers Fanatic so we all pretty much support the other’s person’s passion.
I don’t follow the Flyers any more — in fact up here in Hockey Wasteland it’s hard to follow anyone any more. But ’75-76 was a great year for hockey as far as I was concerned. The Flyers, headed up by Bobby Clarke, Bill Barber, Reggie Leach and Bernie Parent had remade the NHL with their highly aggressive style of play. (Read: They’d check the hell out of you and win through intimidation as much as anything.) However, they ran up against a Canadiens team that sported relative newcomer Guy Lafleur (maybe the best player in hockey up until the advent of Wayne Gretzky), Pete Mahovlich and Ken Dryden that basically out-finessed the hard-hitting Flyers. Even bringing in Kate Smith to sing “God Bless America” live at the Spectrum didn’t help (that’s the game you would have used that ticket to see), as the Habs swept the Flyers 4-0.
And that was your trip down Memory Lane, sponsored by Robo-Rater, Mozilla Firefox and the letter “H”. 🙂
Hey there, Luscious. Greetings to one & all on a beautiful Catskills day: 70 degrees, bright sunlight & cool wind. Hope everyone’s doing well.
I’m afraid I’m just peekin’ in here to say hello. The wench’s plate is quite full now, what with building/relocation in the works, etc (chores) etc.
As for the poll, I’d rather have it all done & be chillin’ out on my own land, watching the flowers grow.
Happy May, y’all!
Sounds like my idea of a perfect day! Enjoy o scrumptious wench!
Thank you, o delicious hostess.
Gotta run — see you soon!
(((hugs to all)))
The purple flowers are sooo sooooothing.
Thanks. Been feeling overwhelmed. Should I work on Darfur, privacy and civil rights, peace, anti-corruption initiatives, immigrant rights,workers rights, election reform, specific candidates campaigns? All of the above?
Happy May Day! Take a minute to think about the sacrifices that were made by early participants in the workers rights movement.
can get a person into the slumps. I go up and down a bit lately. I’m so glad that hockey playoff season is around or I might be in a really depressed state of mind while doing some activism stuff.
Those purple flowers always get me rocking. They remind me of Jimi 🙂
view larger
WOW!!!!!! That is beautiful!!!
camera fixed? new camera? old picture?
I think the camera may be down for the count. Mr. Nature thought it was an automatic update the MS installed that f-ed with it, so he uninstalled it and it still doesn’t work. We think it might be the port inside the camera where the USB plugs in. So we’re going to try a card reader and see how that works. I’m secretly lobbying for a better camera.
That woke me up!
Love the orange pollen!
after I get:
red onions
and something to eat for lunch. Later.
Hey, where’s Family Man?
puppy out of my litter this year. I only got one photo of her with her feet touching the ground. The last photo I would have swore I got snapped when she really did have a few paws on the ground….when I got in the house though and saw it on the computer I literally fell down laughing. She is a great little girl though if you can manage to keep up.
All those photos just make me grin but the last photo is just wonderful. Thanks for making my day so much better.
I decided I needed to change my icons every month or so. I think I’ll rotate through a set of four or five.
Hey I feel like I should be able to click on that gorgeous photo and make it bigger, AndiF!!!
picture reminds me of a few weeks ago when my dad-in-law asked me for computer help — he got a new digital camera and took some rainbow shots when we were having the rain, then he complained that the pictures disappeared! Turns out they were still in the camera, and he hadn’t installed the software to upload them to the computer (he got the camera for Christmas, but then ended up with back surgery and fell behind with computer stuff).
Oh, he has the Kodak Easy Share camera/software, but the software sucks — was thinking about Photoshop Album or something similar for him for a Father’s Day gift; anyone have any experience with photo organization software for the PC? (iPhoto on the Mac totally rocks, IMNSHO… 🙂 )
I use Picasa and love it. Just download it for free.
I’ve been using Paint Shop Pro for years and think it’s a great program but probably not for someone who isn’t much of a computer user. They have a photo album program too but I’ve never looked at it.
Wow! Magical.
She is beautiful! I agree w/ Andi: that last one is priceless!!!
I never saw one of those before. Amazing! 🙂
She’s a riot…
Unlike some asshole presidents, she is funny and energetic in public all at the time but not at the expense of hurting or killing other people getting there.
Tracy, quit feeding your pupsters pop tarts 🙂
What a cutie patootie!!
Just sneaking a peek at work here, and saw that pup… wow, what a cutie! Looks like a real ball of energy and a sweetie taboot. Also looks like you may have your hands full, but hey, that’s part of puppies’ charm right?
Keep us posted on the her progress! Ok, now back to slaving away here… <sigh>
Trace, I shared it with my hockey pals 🙂
How can he fly like that without a cape?
Descanso Gardens
Day 17 in the Unemployment Zone
Wherein I:
And the list! Especially no. 17!
The wonders of unemployment, ay? (O, I forget to add clip coupons!)
You forgot one really important one —
18. Snuggle with animals on the couch.
With all those animals, there’s no more room on the couch. Would love to get a picture of that, though!
(((((MythMOther)))))I’m just so relieved you are out of that one hellhole. My husband asks about you at least once a week. LOL He was just floored by what was happening to you.
I told him you were now with your Shadow kiddy and loved ones but having to undergo the job hunt. But at least you are surrounded by friends and pooties.
You’ll find something or it will find you. I’m sure of that.
Thanks, {{{{{{{{DJ}}}}}}}}}….
Yes, it is good to be out of that hell hole. Thinking back on it, I just don’t know how I managed to hang in there for even as long as I did. What a freak show!
I’m keeping busy trying to take my stuff out of boxes and put it somewhere. We are a little crowded since we’ve been renting a room to my son’s girlfriend, but she will be going home for the summer in just a couple of weeks.
Shadow is happy, but still a little confused, I think! She doesn’t want to believe that she went to all the bother of adjusting to a new home for nothing, poor dear!
How is your day shaping up?
Poor Shadow. Soon she’ll back to her old/young self again.
Me? Not much. Just hanging out. My husband came home for lunch and I’m not sure I like that LOL I couldn’t wait for him to leave so I could go back online. Just housework and waiting word from realtors. Gearing up for big doings this month with CodePink.
Why the little blue question mark? Was that to be a pic?
I felt the same way this morning, I couldn’t wait for my son to leave for school. I’ve missed having time to myself just to putter around! I forgot to put “putter around” on my list!
blue question mark?? Hmm maybe the black kitty photo isn’t coming through?
I get a small black box with an x
for me that generally means I dropped off the last > in the code.
Curiouser and curiouser, cause I can see the photo…
I forgot you don’t like the cutesy kitty photos… but you might like this one cause it’s a black pootie kittie 🙂
still gettin the box with the x in it.
I’m getting the blue box with the question mark in it.
Thanks for the link! I’m # 9,592, and it was up to 9,800 before I left the site. Should be breaking 10,000 thank yous any minute now.
9913 just seconds ago.
Up to 10074 and rising…
Janet Says:
May 1st, 2006 at 3:07 pm
Thank you for sticking it to the warpig idiot.
You give us activist some hope.
All my respect and love, Janet
… to the thankyou Stephen website? It won’t load. Too many people on there or did someone take it down?
Missed the sunrise but I got
this one instead 04-28-06
does a beautiful job of setting a mood. And there are trees!
In the distance there are several “layers” of trees. I may go back to 35mm 50 Velvia slide film w/tripod and see if I can pick up some more detail in the distance.
I’m amazed at what a little P&S digital can do but still unhappy at times that I’m not capturing what I expect.
I think there’s great potential in that particular view. And I’m frustrated at not having more manual control over the settings. So I’m starting to think more seriously about the D70.
Jim and I sometimes take the same pictures just out of curiousity to see how the canon p&s will compare to the D70. Sometimes they are quite similar (it’s a 7 megapixel p&s) but when a picture calls for — for want of a better word — fineness, the quality of the D70’s optics really show. And, of course, the p&s doesn’t have the control over the shot that D70 does so if the shot is difficult, it’s a given that the D70 will be much, much better.
The Coolpix 3200 only has 3.2 megapixels, hence the one of the major limitations.
Truly painterly, NDD!!!
a painting similar to that. We may try an enlargement, but I’m somewhat doubtful as to the viability of that on this particular shot. Maybe the next one!
I guess paintings and painterly photographs have different parameters. When I judge a photo I always ask myself, would someone sit there in front of a canvas for months or years to paint this?
That is so soothing for some reason. This is the photo that would go along with the word, “Solitude” in the pictionary dictionary 😀
just after sunrise there were no sounds at all except for some dozen or so songbirds. And there’s not much sign of human habitation in direction either.
The scene reminds me of the plains of the Serengeti.(as I’ve seen on TV or movies)
That’s lovely NDD. You should buy the super duper camera (whatever it’s called, you know what I mean). If you do so well with the basic one, think what you could do with all those bells and whistles 🙂
yeah, I’m seriously thinking the D70. I just need to round up the #s, seems like so many options for dispensing of them lately.
(Great that the obnoxious atty is no longer bothering ya!)
once everybody has the good cameras, nobody on dial up will ever be able to get into any of the cafes — since every comment will be a picture. Sorry Andi 🙂
That is a neat picture. I can almost see the light changing as I look at it.
Compliments from the F’s always appreciated!!
And I’m still thinking how to reply to your question on the sky in that sunrise one. About all I can do on that camera is twist a dial for a selection, and sometimes there’s menu within that selection. So I don’t get to “set” much of anything. I’m concerned that at this point my learning process is severely restricted by just seeing data after the fact, and not having initial control over it. So I’m definitely looking forward to an upgrade.
I should go see what olivia’s been doing at her blog. Looks like you two are having way too much fun!!!
DJ, that’s so cute.
Nice to see that someone has picked up the kitty torc for SallyCat while she’s on hiatus.
for ‘torch’ or do spurious caps not count?
Take it away! Take it away!! That is just too much, I can’t stand it!
Tracy, BrotherFeldspar, me, and SuperSoling.
That Sunday, I was given a gift. A gift of family. A path. Determination…
and lots of blisters on my feet. 🙂
Me, too! You all look so….. normal! And here I thought, well… um…. er…. (nevermind). LOL!
Me, too! You all look so….. normal! And here I thought, well… um…. er…. (nevermind). LOL!
But they aren’t normal — they’re extraordinary 🙂
((((((((((Mary)))))))))))))) Ordinary people during extraordinary times.
Don’t know what happened. Bit of a stutter there.
I am Free — at last — of this annoying woman from Chicago. So I’m VERY happy. 🙂
How was everyone else’s day? Hey SN — what’s a girl have to do to get a drink around here?
you’ll have to figure where SN is — I’m guessing a nap.
So how does one get free of annoying women from Chicago? I have a couple of candidates.
One ignores her as much as possible and humors her where possible — and puts one’s fairly sophisticated client alone in a room with hers to make business decisions without lawyers. Anything to get the deal closed. Her client now has the money and my client now has the business and they are both happy.
And I’m happy to be finished with her. It’s been a rough couple of weeks.
And we’re glad too. I’ve heard it said that if MaryB ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.
but I wish the opposite was true — when I’m happy, everybody else is happy too.
Bourbon Balls
Hey there DJ!
We make those at Christmas time to put in our goodie trays we give out to people… we also have tried other sorts of booze with them, and some turn out quite well. We’ve liked them with Kahlua, Amaretto and Grand Marnier (though that’s a bit pricey). Tried em once with creme de menthe… ewww, not recommended. 🙂
MMMM kahlua sounds good!!!! I have a recipe for those actually, somewhere packed up.
Yikes! Who knew everyone was going to show up at once? I’ll open the lounge in a minute.
lounge open!