MSNBC is reporting:
that’s a feature!
This has been rumored for some time. I have to believe that MsNBC has had this story for a while and has been sitting on it. The only other conclusion to reach is that they (and the rest of the media) are completely incompetent.
Who are the “intelligence sources”? Does this mean we’ll finally get information on the damage assessment?
Medicare D(isaster): Shocking Penalty Info and Activism
I don’t want to laugh at this, but I just can’t help myself.
today introduced a resolution in the senate to require that the National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance, and, I presume, the Loyalty Oath, be recited in English…co-sponsered by mr. frist…
Full text of floor speech HERE…not recommended on a full stomach.
Well I suggest they take out all the words that aren’t “American English” … and see what they have left.
I don’t even cover my heart during the anthem at games anymore… not after what these warpigs have done with it. Plus… it’s not the nicest song anyways… Bombs burting in air… fuck that.
Let me know when there’s a Peace Anthem that can be sung by ALL of us 🙂
I realized a few years ago that the Star Spangled Banner isn’t really a glorification of war. Consider the setting: Francis Scott Key is on a British ship in Baltimore harbor. All night he sees the British artillery trying to bombard Fort McHenry, and in the morning the flag flying over the fort is still there. In that light, and especially when you take a look at the fourth verse, it turns into a message: Do what you want to us, but when you’re done we’ll still be here.
At least that’s the message I get from it. Your mileage, as always, may vary. And for the record, I would rather see “America the Beautiful” as our national anthem — but the lyrics mention God, which is going to be distasteful to some.
Here’s an idea: Maybe we can get someone to introduce a measure into Congress that the national anthem will be the melody to The Star-Spangled Banner, without any lyrics at all. Then those of us who remember the lyrics can sing them in our heads, the Spanish-speakers among us can use any of about a half-dozen translations (including the current one), Congressmen can get riled up over people like Bela Fleck, Jimi Hendrix and Kenny G desecrating the melody, and we can come back with the fact that the melody started out as a song in praise of love and wine (it’s often refered to as a drinking song, but that’s not totally accurate). Whaddaya think?
Let me know when there’s a Peace Anthem that can be sung by ALL of us 🙂
As you wish:
It’s one of the last things Woody Guthrie wrote. Arlo set it to music a couple of years ago, and it really is beautiful.
Or you can always go with the old standards:
and he always had some mighty fine wine!!
(Not that you were, Dada)
This is thinly disguised racism and cultural imperialism of the “If English was good enough for Jesus it’s good enough for me” variety.
I first became aware of this sort of thing when I got interested in Esperanto some thirty years ago. In fact it was one of the reasons Dr. Zamenhof decided to develop his lingvo internacia was that he grew up in a community (Warsaw) where four different languages were spoken on a regular basis: Yiddish in the community, Hebrew in the synagogue, Russian whenever the ruling Russians were watching (e.g. in the courts and any official business) and Polish when they weren’t. The Russians, who then ruled much of present-day Poland, were trying to impose their culture on the Poles to solidify their hold on the territory. Zamenhof developed Esperanto as a culturally-neutral vehicle for people to interact to avoid the kind of clashes that, for instance, would force Indians of a later date who spoke mutually unintelligible languages to plot the eviction of the British from the Subcontinent in the language of the hated oppresors.
Unfortunately Esperanto did not reach this ideal. Language and cultural identity are inexorably tied together, for better or worse, and it seems like most Americans think their culture and their language is the one the world should adapt. Just another symptom of us being over here by ourselves where by and large we haven’t had to work and play well with others, I suppose.
I do feel that a working knowledge of English is a great ideal for people coming to the United States to live and work. But I also think of 80-year-old Mamacita who wants to be a part of the American life that her children have made for themselves, but who has been Mexican or Salvadoran or Chilean all her life and wants to hold on to that part of herself too for whatever time she has left.
I predicted that xenophobia and racism were going to be cranked up for the midterms by the rightwingnuts several months ago. I have, unfortunately, not been proven wrong.
You need to remember that I’m in Colorado, home of dr. dobson, reps tancredo, musgrave and beauprez…who, BTW, thinks he’s gonna be the next gov. With Ritter on the dem side, he just might be…<shrug>.
to live in the midst of Wingnutistan without having your head explode.
serous blue, think Berkeley in the mountains. And I’m still considered far left…:{)
American Sign Language (ASL) is recognized as a unique language, IIRC…would this bill ban sign language performances of the National Anthem and the Pledge?
What do deaf people have against Amerika?
Hmmm good question…
But those wingnuts feel that any disability or differentedness is a SIN.
My father is legally deaf due to working on the flight deck of the USS Enterprise. My moms side of the family – those whacky talibaptists (you know, the ones that think I should be shot dead for protesting Bush and poisoning my kids against G-d and Bush…) Well they would make comments it was due to his listening to “devil music”.
Now, if only we had a truly independent media and someone might actually ask Lamar of Dr. Frist that question!!
‘Bout freakin’ time.
So let us see- For how long has it been since the Plame situation first broke?
So how long was it before the claims started focusing on the relationship between J wilson – V plame?
So why doesn’t schusters’ report incllude any message of “BREWSTER JENNINGS”
A whole front company set up so that a great American Patriot coud delve into the secret workings of IRAN! Wake the hell up folks. This effing administration and its leader, one of the greatest traitors in the history of this country is still walking around free! How many folks have died while trying to protect this country because of the outing of the Patriot- Ms V Plame! WE WILL NEVER KNOW!
All I feel at this point is:- some way or some how, these sons a bitches will walk free.
Lets see if the story is even followed up tomorrow.
I usually go to bed early – but tonight I’m staying up to see what Colbert says about Sat. night’s performance. Jon Stewart gave him some pretty high praise on TDS. Said something to the effect of asking why people would be surpised when he just did the shtick he does every night on his show.