Rain Makes the Garden Grow

photo courtesy olivia
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Rain is in it usual spot, falling down.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
So gardens ought to be doing well here after 4 straight days of rain.
A remembrance of sun past.

Good morning! Did olivia take that picture with her new camera, or is it an older one? It’s amazing.
Do you think it’s time for another photo fair yet?
New camera. She said she kept finding flaws in it but I sure don’t see any.
My little Firefox weather forecast thingy is telling me partly cloudy and 61 today, partly cloudy and 66 tomorrow. Thursday it’s supposed to be up to 76.
Hey! This is Seattle! Where’s my rain?
Well send it back, the webs between my toes are starting to dry out.
how about I send you a couple of very wet dogs instead?
Here too. But today there’s sun – Hooray! I like rain, but it’s been cold and bleak for way too long here in Cheesland.
What glorious pictures! Thank you!
Now, if you could just teach my cats not to wake up and demand food with the first tiny ray of light. . .
They wait for light? Lucky you. It was pitch dark when one of my dogs started licking my nose.
Hi Froggies!!!! Just wanted to stop in and say ggod morning and share a new design. This week is a crazy week and I will not be around much as I try and get 1000 things done. LOL
Forget Dinner
I hope you get at least 999 things done (and the undone one shouldn’t be snuggling with the Diva Dogs).
No need to worry. The Diva Dogs always come first!!!! They are my babies.
I thought as much — something about those pictures of the dogs lolling on the bed. 🙂
LOL The girls rule the castle. I pay rent so they have somewhere to live. LOL
Perfect design, at $41.00 to fill my tank this weekend…have a great day, refi!
Thanks!!!! I will be doing a podcast about it tonight when I get home or later this afternoon.
Hey there RF! Sorry I missed you in greetings down below… haven’t had my full cup of coffee yet! Great design as always, and try to slow down a little bit this week (if possible!).
Take care, my friend!
Nice. I’m with CB. $50.08 to fill the tank on the monster we use for hauling things home from the city. Fortunately we don’t have to use it too often and can go with the civic most of the time. I’d love to get a Jetta or some other Euro-wagon that’ll run on bio-diesel, but the advantage of the beast and the civic is that they’ve both been paid for for years. And somehow world conditions being what they are buying a car right now seems like a bad idea.
I know what you mean. I am in car payments and if I thought I could get a hybrid and not be paying more I would switch.
Good morning.

Tulip season almost over in my area.
In the Conservatory Gardens last Sunday.
Did you go to the park after the march?
So what will be flowering next?
No, the march was on Saturday.

I have to consult curly to tell you what’s next.
The Wisterias were also busy this weekend.
Off to work.
Ask, that wisteria is beautiful!
And so is that lily picture up top. Are you getting used to the new camera?
Thanks! It’s a carnation — they’re a few days old now, so the inner bits are starting to pop out. These stamen are about 1 cm in length! Here’s a larger view of the same photo.
It’s coming together slowly but surely — I’ve figured out how to access the menus and submenus and have been using some of those settings … even used the self-timer w/ tripod last night. 🙂
and Olivia too! Can’t believe I beat O out of the lounge first last night … hehe. Aberrations do occur from time to time, I guess.
Olivia…just a thought… since you take such wonderful pics of cut flowers, have you ever done any of Alstroemeria? I bet you could get some stunning shots of those, they’re so detailed… Maybe I should buy some and give it a try… or just have some sent to Ottawa, 🙂
Didn’t get around to responding yesterday. Glad you appreciate the tea comments. The biggest benefit of not really being able to drink coffee is that my caffeine comes in so very many subtle shades.
And good morning all you other froggies out there! Just stopping by to say hello before I face another day here in the office.
Gorgeous wisteria, Ask! I take it that was in the conservatory, given that they take so long to reach that size… we planted a small one last fall, and though it’s budding out and growing now, we don’t expect any flowers out of it for several years at least. We will be training ours into a tree form, since we don’t have an ideal place for it to vine, and know it will take a while! Anyway, thanks for the great pic to make me anticipate what we will have here in some period of time. 🙂
has extended time for tulips to bloom in the Netherlands this spring.
Lisse: A self-portrait of Dutch painter Rembrandt van Rijn is depicted by tulips. The portrait measures ten by fourteen metres and consists of almost 60,000 tulips. The flowers were planted by twenty children. afp
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Besides the well known members in Western Europe, Australia and Hawaii, this early morning we had readers from Moscow, Vilnius, Cairo, Taipeh en Japan (2x).
All we need is a splash in the pond, and have them participate with their very own contribution!
WELCOME for new members
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Additional cities/countries: Abidjan (Ivory Coast), Nairobi (Kenya), Malta, Malaysia, Kawasaki (Japan) and Lima (Peru).
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
What’s up?
I had my final exam in my pulmonary therapeutics class last night…just have pediatrics to go!
It’ll be great to be finished!
That’s what I miss about school (even after all these years) and what makes me jealous of Jim — there’s always a known end.
Well, although I’m close to the end of studying for exams, I still have the clinical rotation thing to do, which will take a while. But it will be nice to feel like I’ve completed the worst of it already.
When does Jim finish school?
I was thinking more about the fact that you always know that every course comes to an end, every semester comes to an end, every school year comes to an end. It’s the definitiveness, those known boundaries that I miss.
Jim’s done May 31st.
And finally, hey there Andi! Finally getting some sun here today, and supposed to get up to around 77, so we might even be able to get out and take some pics after work tonight. The arum is shooting right out of the ground, so hope to get some good ones of that, and alas, the tulips too, who on the waning end of things, but still pretty.
Great woodland shot as always… I envy you your woods, you know. hehe… and if the dogs could see those, they would be too! Have a great day Andi, and all the rest of youse folks.
Any sign of FM returning? I left him a message on the eegee board last night, saying we missed him.
He hasn’t updated his own blog since last Thursday — I hope he’s okay…
Got a slight headache…spouse has a really bad one. 🙁 And he’s got a meeting at 1pm that he has to go to — so it better clear up in a couple of hours.
Not much else going on…
what spouse has is a major migraine (he just threw up, classic sign), so he’s going to try and reschedule his meeting. I’m not too happy with him right now…he was sitting at the computer falling asleep instead of going to bed…
My headache’s getting worse — I’d better go take something and go back to bed…
Hi Cali,
Sorry to hear about the headaches and migraines… I’ve had killer headaches lately myself, but I know they’re stress/work related at least.
I also checked FM’s blog this morning and it’s not updated. Maybe he’s been down with migraine too, I know he had a mild one on Saturday, so maybe he just needs some recovery time away from the computer.
I hope you two get to feeling better soon! Spring is too beautiful to have it all mucked up with pain! Yeah, famous last words from the likes of me, but I’m working doing more positive spin these days!
I’m slow out of the gate today, but the book is moving again and that’s what matters. Also, the school year is almost over and Dr.Mc. will soon be free of committees and directorships and after she’s slept for a week I can offload some of the household stuff in her lap.
Today’s tea of choice: Ceylon Idulgashinna Green.
Because I find it very difficuult to produce and because the Tea Source’s description: “A marvelous, untraditional organic green tea from Ceylon, Extraordinarily bright, crisp, and refreshing. Reminiscent of a fine Japanese Sencha.” sounds lovely.
Slow but steady always has a nice ring to me.
Some day you should compile you tea reviews into a diary. It would make a great reference.
Good morning back atcha. Thanks for the vote of confidence on the tea thing, but Tea Source makes it so easy to both look up and try new teas that I’m not sure I’m doing enough in the way of added value to justify a diary.
I’m currently hoping to get back to my LTE routine once Dr.Mc. is out of school so that I can really start running diaries of the political variety again. Too much on my plate right now with managing my mother’s never ending divorce, Dr.Mc’s school year that ate Detroit, and getting enough of my day job writing in to stay sane.
Hopefully two of those three will be done in the next month and I can have time for things that don’t have to get done. Of course mom will still be deep in schizophrenia land, but there’s a limited amount I can do about that. Very limited with today’s near complete lack of a mental health care system. Sigh.
Whomever organizes future boycotts and rallies needs to choose a different day than Monday, it’s throwing my week out of whack.
Ahhhh. The situation is already improving 🙂
But I want you to know that I checked olivia’s flower for spiders before I used it for the cafe. This is a spider-free zone.
the Canadian spiders I’m concerned with at the moment, it’s the ones in the South™ that represent the greater threat to our freedom.
as I got that one last night and SN hasn’t been around today.
threat remains as long as twitching and oozing are involved. [shudder]
Glad to see you’re stirring out there, Manny! Hope your day goes well and without any sinkhole incidents… btw, have they fixed that one on your way to work yet?
has morphed into a form of lethargic sludging. I think I need more caffeine.
The road was finally reopened today, the best thing about the whole fiasco was a newly-paved intersection. 🙂
Or afternoon … 🙂
I love the dorito tulip, btw. It managed to open my eyes from razor-thin slits to about halfway.
I don’t know why I’m so tired, I had a fairly lowkey weekend. Perhaps it’s the weather, we’re getting ready to hit 100 degrees (37.8C) 🙁
I’m not surprised that you’re feeling tired today — coming off of yesterday’s rush etc. And 100F (!wow) has to be lethargy-inducing. 🙂
More from Descanso Gardens.
Another lazy day on the horizon for MM. Unpacking boxes, etc.
Excuse my flower ignorance but what is that pretty flower we’re looking at?
Good Afternoon (EST) Morning (PST)… back to you!
That pretty flower would be a white Iris from the up close and personal point of view!
Thanks MM. I’d like to say I’ll recognize it the next time but my flower-identifying ineptitude is quite solid.
I’m the same way unless I take the picture myself. I’ve also noticed that our friend the Iris has a tendency towards ambiguity from close up.
Yay, my camera is working again! I’m catching up from not being able to post pics the past week.
Gerbera daisy
Gerbera daisy
African daisy
African daisy
are breathtaking. I hope they’ve been through sufficient quarantine to ensure a lack of many-legged hitchhikers.
Did you see my gargantuan bathtub spider last night, Manny?
LOL Though I was hoping for the girly scream even though spidey was only a half-inch long.
I can top the spider dropping on your head story.
Once I was loading all of my babies into the minivan parked in my driveway, and a squirrel fell onto my head and then slid down my body and onto the cement – dead. He had absolutely no fur and I went immediately to the doctor to make sure I didn’t have rabies. I can still hear the thunk and my older kids laughing hysterically.
location of the creature that triggers the phobia. It all started when I was five and was taking a shower at my abuelitos’ casa. There was a wolf spider [ahem, JimF] in one of the corners and when I smashed it with a washrag, the scores of babies crawling on her back mounted an insurgency. blech!
EWWWW – that reminds me of those More Scary Stories to Read in the Dark that my kids used to read.
I love the glow on the bottom African daisy. And the curlicues on the orange one.
Yeah, that blue looks neon – I didn’t play with the color at all. I wish I could actually grow those in my yard but I have total clay soil.
All great shots, SN! It’s like going to a flower party!
Come on over to The Happy Hour Lounge.
unrecommend this on your way out. Grassy ass!